Title: The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome
1The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome
- Rome enters the Greek East
2Alexanders Legacy The Hellenistic World
- Antigonid Macedonia
- Seleucid Syria
- Ptolemaic Egypt
- Lesser Kingdoms and Independent States Pergamum,
Rhodes, Bithynia, Bactria
- Wild Cards in Greece Achaean and Aetolian
3Romes First Step into the Greek World The First
Illyrian War (229-228 BCE)
- Illyrian Aggression against Italian maritime
trade (Agron and Teuta)
- The Roman commission of the Coruncanii
- The Campaign of Spring 229 (20,000 infantry and
2,000 cavalry)
- Treaty with Queen Teuta (Polybius 2.12)
- Indemnity (unspecified)
- Evacuate large portions of Illyria
- Forbidden to sail beyond Lissus with more than
two galleys
4The Adriatic and the Straits of Otranto
5Polybius Assessment (Histories 2.12)
- When the treaty with Queen Teuta had been
concluded, Postumius sent envoys to the Aetolian
and Achaean Leagues. On their arrival these
officers first explained the reasons which had
led to the war and caused the Romans to cross the
Adriatic, next they gave a report of what had
been accomplished in the campaign, and lastly
they read out the treaty which they had made with
the Illyrians. The envoys were received with
courtesy by both the leagues, after which they
returned by sea to Corcyra. The conclusion of
this treaty had delivered the Greeks from a fear
which had hung over them all, for the Illyrians
were not merely the opponents of this people or
that, but the common enemies of all alike.
6Rome and Macedonia
- Philip V and Hannibal, the pact of 215 BCE
- The First Macedonian War (214-205 BCE), minimal
Roman effort (Peace of Phoenice)
- Treaty with Aetolians (212/211 BCE)
- The Second Macedonian War (200-196 BCE)
- Rhodes and Pergamum complain of Philips
aggression in eastern Mediterranean (alliance
with Seleucid Syria against weakened Ptolemies,
203-202) - Cynoscephalae (197) demonstrates superiority of
manipular formation over phalanx
- Flamininus Isthmian Proclamation, 196 BCE (Greek
7Carthaginian-Macedonian Alliance 215 BCE
- And you will render assistance to us in the war
in which we are engaged with the Romans until the
gods vouchsafe the victory to us and to you, and
you will give us such help as we have need of or
as we agree upon. - Polybius, Histories, 7.9
8Macedonia and Greece
9The Antiochene War192-189 BCE
- Antiochus III the Great, King of Seleucid Syria
- Spear-Won Empire
- The Eastern Campaign
- Disgruntled Aetolians and the Treaty of
Laevinus (212/211 BCE)
- The Battle at Magnesia
- Scipios command Roman forces
10The Laevinus Treaty, 212/211 BCE
- If any cities of those enemy nations are
seized by force by the Romans, as far as the
Roman people are concerned the Aetolian people
may take possession of those cities and those
territories whatever movable property the
Romans capture the Romans shall possess. If any
of those cities are captured by the Romans and
the Aetolians jointly, as far as the Roman people
are concerned the Aetolians may take possession
of those cities and their territories whatever
they jointly capture besides the city, they
shall share it equally. If any of those cities
capitulates or surrenders without resistance to
the Romans or the Aetolians, as far as the Roman
people are concerned those men and cities and
their territories may be admitted by the
Aetolians into their league. - Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, XIII, no. 382
11The Third Macedonian War172-167 BCE
- King Perseus of Macedonia, son of Philip V
- Addresses socio-economic problems in Greece,
including debt relief
- Eumenes II of Pergamum stirs up Roman suspicions
against Perseus
- Roman propaganda represents Perseus as a social
- The Battle at Pydna, 168 BCE
- The 1,000 hostages (Polybius)
- The Four Independent Macedonian Republics
- Flamininus Isthmian Proclamation (196 BCE)Catch
- Classic Misunderstandings Rome and Aetolia (The
Macedonian-Aetolian Peace Treaty of 206 Glabrio,
Phaneas, deditio, and chains)
- Rhodes and Pergamum as Arbiters
- Rhodes and the free port at Delos
- Romans foster internal discord at Pergamum
- Antiochus IV Epiphanes and The Day of Eleusis
in 168 (Polyb. 29.27.1-9)
- Andriscus and the Macedonian Revolt, 149 BCE
- Achaean War, Roman sacking of Corinth, 146 BCE
- The Third Punic War, Sack of Carthage in 146 BCE
13Flamininus Isthmian Proclamation196 BCE
- The Roman Senate and Titus Quinctius their
general, having conquered King Philip and the
Macedonians, decree that the Corinthians, the
Phocians, all the Locrians, the island of Euboea,
the Magnesians, the Thessalians, the
Perrhaebians, and the Acheans of Phthiotis shall
be free, exempt from all tribute, and subject to
their own laws. This list comprised all the
states which had been subject to Philip.When
the herald had finished his proclamation the
feeling of joy was too great for men to take it
all in.Then they realized that the joyful news
was true, and from the storm of applause and
repeated cheers that arose it was perfectly
evident that none of lifes blessings is dearer
to the masses than liberty. Livy,
14C. Popillius Laenas, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, and
The Day of Eleusis, 168 BCE
- At the time when Antiochus approached Ptolemy
and meant to occupy Pelusium, Caius Popillius
Laenas, the Roman commander, on Antiochus
greeting him from a distance and then holding out
his hand, handed to the kingthe copy of the
senatorial decree, and told him to read it
firstBut when the kingsaid he would like to
communicate with his friendsPopillius acted in a
manner which was thought to be offensive and
exceedingly arrogant. He was carrying a stick cut
from a vine, and with this he drew a circle round
Antiochus and told him he must remain inside this
circle until he gave his decisionThe king was
astonished at this authoritative proceeding, but,
after a few minutes hesitation, said he would do
all that the Romans demanded. - Polybius, 29.27.1-6
15An Enlarged Roman World