The Gospel of Matthew - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Gospel of Matthew


One world government-beast out of the earth. One governmental philosophy-western democracy. one world religion-beast out of the sea-likely a form of secular ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Matthew
Knowing the Messiah
  • Matthew (previously known as Levi) was a Jewish
    tax collector for the Roman government in
    Jerusalem. His name meant, gift of God. He
    wrote his Gospel around 62 AD which was about
    eight years before the destruction of Jerusalem.
    He preached in the area of Jerusalem for at least
    fifteen years and then left and went to Ethiopia
    and Syria. He wrote primarily to Jews to prove
    that Jesus was the Messiah of Israel.

  • The nation of Israel is under the control of the
    Roman Empire but still has some self-rule because
    the Romans realized that the area would revolt
    without it.
  • Herod is the King of Judea and fears that his
    throne is n danger(Roman name for this location).
  • Caesar Augustus is the ruler of Rome.
  • A census is being carried out.
  • In Israel, there is turmoil as the common people
    desire freedom from Roman rule.
  • The Zealots (A group of Israeli nationalists who
    are committed to expelling the Romans from Israel
    by force) are plotting revolution.

  • Rome is experiencing the Pax-Romana, which was an
    era of relative peace throughout the empire.
  • One government (Rome) rules much of the known
  • far away places are connected by Roman highways,
    which facilitate trade and the movement of ideas
    across the whole empire.
  • The world has adopted Hellenism, or Greek
    philosophy and culture, which is counter to
    YHVHs Law.
  • This way of life is spreading through the Holy
    Land and the truth of YHVHs words has been
  • The religious leaders are corrupt and have made a
    code of laws (known today as the Talmud and
    Mishnah) according to their own traditions to
    supposedly clarify what YHVH meant in the Law of
    Moses. These traditions have become a heavy
    burden on the people of YHVH.
  • The people wait for the Messiah who was promised
    to deliver them from the worldly Hellenistic
    culture, the pagan government of the Romans, and
    the religious hypocrisy of the leaders of
    Judaism. It was the fullness of time

The Fullness of Time
  • (Galatians 44-5).
  • Even so we, when we were children, were in
    bondage under the elements of the world. 4But
    when the fullness of the time had come, God sent
    forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the
    law, 5to redeem those who were under the law,
    that we might receive the adoption as sons.

Fullness of Time
  • Jesus first arrival came in the fullness of
  • The final coming of Jesus will also be at the
    fullness of time.
  • Compare the points that effect the meaning of
    this phrase

Fullness of Time
  • One world government (Roman Empire)
  • Universal philosophy of government (democratic
  • One World religion (Roma-Rome is a goddess and
    Caesar is god)
  • One world culture (Hellenism/Greco-Roman culture)
  • Ease of travel-Roman roads to all parts of the
  • availability of information-high literacy and
    easier means of writing
  • relative safety-reduction in robbers and
    highwaymen because of the presence of Roman
    legions at outlying posts
  • common laws-the laws of Rome reached throughout
    the empire and influenced other cultures.
  • One world government-beast out of the earth
  • One governmental philosophy-western democracy
  • one world religion-beast out of the sea-likely a
    form of secular humanism in the guise of orthodox
  • Ease of travel-technology
  • Availability of information-internet, etc
  • Relative safety-highly developed police and
    military organizations with powerful technology
  • Common law-western democracy style laws are being
    embraced and sought after throughout the world

Consider the Audience
  • Who to Jews
  • Why To prove that Jesus is the Messiah
  • What Message Jesus did not start a new religion
    but came as the true Messiah to fulfill the Word
    of YHVH given to the Jews and redeem the world
    from the real enemy who is Satan.

Consider The Author
  • Levi (later named Matthew) He was a Jewish tax
    collector who was despised by the people and the
    religious leaders because he worked for Rome and
    cheated the people on their taxes. He had money,
    but he was socially an outcast caught between two
    cultures that did not accept him. He was
    considered a sinner and a publican. Then Jesus
    changed everything. He had been forgiven of his
    cheating. He had been accepted into the family of
    YHVH. He had been given a new culture where he
    was important and loved. He was given a job
    working not for the Romans or the Jews but for
    the God of all people

Chapter 1 - A Genealogy of Jesus (1-17)
  • Lets consider the following points about the
  • .The Messiah had to be a Jew or a descendant of
    Judah. He was to rule Israel as the King of
    Kings. Judah had the right of the royal
  • Genesis 4910 says The scepter will not
    depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from
    between his feet, until he comes to whom it
    belongs and the obedience of the nations is his.
    (Emphasis mine.)
  • The term Jew comes from Yhudah which is Hebrew
    for Judah. The Jewish people are descended from
    the southern kingdom of Judah, which consisted of
    the tribe of Judah, the Levites, and some from
    the tribe of Benjamin. The coming Messiah who
    would receive the obedience of the nations would
    have the right of rule and be related to Judah.

A Genealogy of Jesus
  • .He had to be a relative of David.
  • Isaiah 165 states In love a throne will be
    established in faithfulness a man
  • will sit on it-- one from the house of David--
    one who in judging seeks justice
  • and speeds the cause of righteousness. (Emphasis
  • This is a reference to the Messiah or coming
    anointed ruler who would be a man and a
    descendant of King David.

A Genealogy of Jesus
  • He must be a descendant of Abraham
  • Gen. 2218 says and through your offspring all
    nations on earth will be blessed, because you
    have obeyed me.
  • The offspring that was to bless the nations
    (Jesus) had to be related to Abraham. This was a
    key in getting the Jews to believe in Him
    because they valued the ability of any person to
    be able to trace their heritage back to Abraham.
    To do so would make a person a Jew of Jews.

A Genealogy of Jesus
  • .He must be a descendant of Jacob.
  • Num. 2417 says "I see him, but not now I
    behold him, but not near. A star will come out of
    Jacob a scepter will rise out of Israel. He will
    crush the foreheads of Moab, the skulls of all
    the sons of Sheth. (Emphasis mine.)
  • The Messiah was to be a relative of Jacob, the
    father of the twelve tribes and again was
    connected to the Scepter or the place of

A Genealogy of Jesus
  • He must be a descendant from Jesse.
  • Is. 111-5 says A shoot will come up from the
    stump of Jesse from his roots a Branch will bear
  • The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him-- the
    Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit
    of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge
    and of the fear of the LORD--and he will delight
    in the fear of the LORD.
  • He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes,
    or decide by what he hears with his ears but
    with righteousness he will judge the needy, with
    justice he will give decisions for the poor of
    the earth.
  • He will strike the earth with the rod of his
    mouth with the breath of his lips he will slay
    the wicked.
  • Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness
    the sash around his waist.
  • The messiah was to a descendant of Jesse, the
    father of David. He would also rule and judge the
    whole earth. (Emphasis mine.)

son of
  • Son of Abraham A Hebrew Chosen A literal
    descendant of Abraham and a member of the Chosen
    people of God.
  • Son of David A King Messiah a literal, human
    descendant of King David with the right to rule
  • The term son of does not necessarily indicate
    paternal relationship but descendency and
    characteristic similarity. In other words, to be
    a son of someone you did not have to be an
    actual son but could be a relative or even just
    have character traits like that person.

What is the Point?
  • Matthews genealogy is not intended to give a
    direct father to son lineage, because Jesus had
    no earthly father. It was given to
  • show how He was related to certain important
    historical figures in the life of Israel.
  • Show that He was known to be from the House of
    David (Mary and Joseph both could be traced back
    to David).
  • refute the Jews slanderous contention that Jesus
    was an illegitimate son of Mary.
  • indicate that Joseph staked his good name on the
    truth of Jesus divine birth.

What kind of Family did Jesus have?
  • Jacob-Stole Esaus birthright through deception
  • Judah-Sold Joseph into slavery
  • Perez -result of affair between Judah and Tamar
  • Rehoboam-King at the division of Israel who
    practiced paganism and caused the people to be
    taxed extremely
  • Abijah-First king of Israel (northern
  • Asa-rebuked for relying on a physician rather
    than God for healing
  • Uzziah-Leper king whose affliction was traced to
    his attempt to offer sacrifices in the place of
    the Levites
  • Ahaz-Wicked King of Israel who practiced the
    placed an altar to a pagan God in the Temple
  • Manasseh-Unfaithful king responsible for the
    captivity of Judah
  • Amon-Idolatrous king of Judah whose pagan ways
    led to his death in the palace

  • In later days Ezekiel declared that the priests
    who were sons of Zadok were the only faithful
    ones at the time of the Exile, and that they only
    would be allowed to serve in the ideal future
  • Family name of the Zadok mentioned in Nehimiah
    who signed Nehimaiahs covenant and helped him
    rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

What About the Women?
  • Why are so many women named in the genealogy of
    Jesus? This is not usual for a Hebrew genealogy
    because relation is counted through the fathers.
    The following are some clues.

Maternal validation
  • (1) This usage gives some legitimacy to women as
    ancestors. Maternity is important in this list.
    We can see this in the use of the phrase was the
    mother of. Since Jesus ties to physical
    humanity come through Mary, Matthew is pointing
    out the maternal connection.
  • Women were typically not considered as valuable
    as men but God showed that He valued them by
    choosing Mary to carry His Son.

Roles and Values
  • (2) YHVH takes that which is humble and exalts
    it. Women of that time were considered as
    property for which a bride price was paid. They
    were no more than an item to be owned. However,
    YHVHs desire was for all people to realize that
    they had a place and were important to Him. Role
    distinctions were to remain in place but no
    person was to be considered a piece of property.
    For they are all made in the image of God. God
    created women equal but gave her a submissive
    role. Submission does not equal inequality.

Why Gentiles?
  • (3) Most of these women were also Gentile (not
    Hebrew). This is an early indicator that YHVH was
    not just God of the Hebrews but of all who
    believed by faith.
  • Tamar
  • Rahab
  • Ruth
  • Bathsheba

  • The wife of Er, the oldest son of Judah (Gen 386
    ff). Upon her husbands death under the
    displeasure of Yahweh, his brother Onan ought to
    have performed the husbands part, but he evaded
    his duty in this respect, and likewise perished.
    Shelah, the next brother, was promised to her,
    but not given. This led Tamar to the
    extraordinary course narrated in Gen 3813
  • By her father-in-law she became the mother of
    Perez and Zerah. Judah, who at first condemned
    her to be burned (Gen 3824), was compelled to
    vindicate her (Gen 3825, 26). Through Perez she
    became an ancestress of Jesus

  • The two spies sent by Joshua from Shittim came
    into her house and lodged there (Josh 21).
  • She refused to betray them to the king of
    Jericho, and when he demanded them, she hid them
    on the roof of her house with stalks of flax that
    she had laid in order to dry. She pretended that
    they had escaped before the shutting of the gate,
    and threw their pursuers off their track. She
    then told the spies of the fear that the coming
    of the Israelites had caused in the minds of the
    CanaanitesOur hearts did melt for Yahweh your
    God, he is God in heaven above, and on earth
    beneathand asked that the men promise to spare
    her father, mother, brothers and sisters, and all
    that they had.
  • They promised her to spare them provided they
    would remain in her house and provided she would
    keep their business secret. Thereupon she let
    them down by a cord through the window, her house
    being built upon the town wall, and gave them
    directions to make good their escape (Josh
  • True to their promise, the Israelites under
    Joshua spared Rahab and her family

  • Moabite woman who left her own culture and people
    to serve Naomi, a Jewess. She is a picture of
    leaving the world for God. Salvation is pictured
    in her story in the person of Boaz, the kinsman
    redeemer a foreshadowing of the work of Jesus.

  • Hittite woman whose husband Uriah was killed in
    battle as the Result of King Davids desire fore
    her upon seeing her bathe. Her first child by
    David died, her second son from David was king

Anointed One
  • The term Anointed One is the literal meaning of
    the word Messiah. In Israel, only three
    offices or kinds of people were anointed. Jesus
    is the Anointed One and fulfills all three
    offices. The three offices are as follows
  • Prophet
  • Priest
  • King

  • Prophet Forth-teller of YHVHs direct Word.
    Jesus came as a prophet first. He grew into
    manhood and began to prophesy or speak Gods
    words regarding the coming Kingdom.

  • Priest - Mediator between YHVH and man. Jesus is
    now our High Priest and the only mediator between
    YHVH and man.
  • Hebrews 414
  • 14Seeing then that we have a great High Priest
    who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son
    of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15For we
    do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize
    with our weaknesses, but was in all points
    tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16Let us
    therefore come boldly to the throne of grace,
    that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help
    in time of need.

  • King - Ruler of a kingdom. A King has complete
    authority and demands a pledge of loyalty. When
    Jesus returns, He will come as King of Kings and
    Lord of Lords, thus fulfilling the last anointed
  • Psalm 1101-2
  • The Lord said to my Lord,
  • Sit at My right hand,
  • Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.
  • 2 The Lord shall send the rod of Your strength
    out of Zion.
  • Rule in the midst of Your enemies!
  • Hebrews 1011-15
  • And every priest stands ministering daily and
    offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which
    can never take away sins. 12But this Man, after
    He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever,
    sat down at the right hand of God, 13from that
    time waiting till His enemies are made His
    footstool. 14For by one offering He has perfected
    forever those who are being sanctified.

  • Revelation 1911-16
  • 11Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white
    horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful
    and True, and in righteousness He judges and
    makes war. 12His eyes were like a flame of fire,
    and on His head were many crowns. He had a name
    written that no one knew except Himself. 13He was
    clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name
    is called The Word of God. 14And the armies in
    heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean,
    followed Him on white horses. 15Now out of His
    mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should
    strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them
    with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the
    winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty
    God. 16And He has on His robe and on His thigh a
    name written

Olive oil
  • Anointing is accomplished by pouring olive oil on
    the head of the person. This seems strange. What
    possible meaning could this have? First, it must
    be understood that olive oil provides health
    advantages to the body and was used medicinally.
    Secondly, and more important, olive oil in the
    Bible is a picture of the Holy Spirit. An
    anointed person is one on whom the Holy Spirit
    rests and gives authority from YHVH.

Three Sets of Generations (Fourteen in length)
  • There are three sets of genealogies in Matthew
    chapter one. Each is broken into groups of
    fourteen. Considering the importance of numbers
    in the Jewish mind, lets consider this grouping
    system to see if it might have some specific

  • 14 2 (witness) x 7 (perfection). Two is the
    number of witness. Two witnesses are required to
    establish any matter. II Corinthians 131 says,
    This will be my third visit to you. Every matter
    must be established by the testimony of two or
    three witnesses." (Emphasis mine.) Seven is the
    number of perfection or completeness.

  • Taken together, the indication is that Matthews
    genealogy represents a perfect witness to the
    person-hood and Messiah-ship of Jesus. This
    pattern is repeated three times. Three is the
    number for Godly unity and strength. The
    indication is that this is a Godly, united, and
    strong witness on the matter. It also pre-figures
    the idea that fullness of YHVHs time plan would
    be accomplished in three stages.

Next lesson
  • Read Matthew 118-223 which concerns the birth
    of Jesus.
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