Title: Histopathologic Features
1 Human Papillomavirus in the HIV-infected Patient
Elizabeth A. Stier, MDAssistant
ProfessorDepartment of Obstetrics and
GynecologyBoston Medical Center
2Cancer rates in the US
- Incidence per 100,000
- total population HIV
infected - Cervical cancer 8.9 9-20
- Vulvar cancer 1.2 7.9
- Anal cancer
- Women 1.2 3.9
- Men 0.9 18 -144
Cancer in N America 1994-1998 Frisch, JNCI
Double-stranded DNA virus
- 30-40 anogenital
- 15-20 oncogenic (high risk) types, include
- 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 58
- Non-oncogenic (low risk) types include
- 6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 54
4Cancers attributable to oncogenic HPV types, US
2002 US cancer stats, CDC/NCI 2005 DM Parkin
2006 Int J Cancer
5HPV and cancer
Daling, Cancer, 2004 Bosch, JNCIM, 2003
6Natural History of HPV Infection
01 Year
05 Years
120 Years
Invasive Cervical Cancer
InitialHPV Infection
CIN 2/3
Cleared HPV Infection
Pinto AP, Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2000
7Prevalence HPV DNA cervix
Palefsky, JNCI, 1999 Jamieson, AmJ ObGyn 2002
8HPV DNA in HSIL cervix
Clifford GM, AIDS 2006
9IgG seroprevalence HPV women
Viscidi RP Canc Epi Bio Prev 2005
10Cervical and anal HPV -- women
Pre-HAART data
Palefsky, J Inf Dis, 2001
11Anal cancer and cervical cancer are very similar
- Similar histology
- Arise in the transformation zone
- Strongly associated with HPV
- Frequently associated with dysplasia
- May be preceded by squamous intraepithelial
changes which are also associated with HPV
12Anal dysplasia in men, based on cytology
- Abnormal cytology 44-81
- HSIL 6-25
Palefsky, 2005 Piketty 2003 Wilkin 2004 Mathews
2004 Kreuter 2005
13Effect of HAART
- Decrease increase no change
14Anal HPV infection and AIN in the HAART era
(MSM, n357)
- AIN 2-3 52
- HPV 95
- gt6 HPV types 40
Palefsky, AIDS, 2005
Palefsky JID 1998
16IgG seroprevalence HPV MSM
Hopfl R BMC ID 2003 Hagensee ME JID 1997
17HPV prophylactic vaccines
- Recombinant L1 capsid proteins that form virus
like particles (VLP) - Non-infectious and non-oncogenic
- Produce high levels of neutralizing antibody
18HPV prophylactic vaccines
- Quadrivalent HPV 6,11,16,18 vaccine approved by
the FDA in June 2006 - Bivalent HPV 16, 18 vaccine completing Phase III
trials - Both prevent persistent infections and CIN 2,3
with HPV types in vaccines
19HPV16 Antibody response
cRIA competitive radioimmunoassay.
Mao C Ob Gyn 2006
20Phase III quadrivalent vaccine
- HPV 16/18 associated CIN2,3 or AIS
- Vaccine Placebo
- Events Events Efficacy
- 0 41 100
- Genital Warts
- Vaccine Placebo
- Events Events Efficacy
- 1 91 99
Vaccine n7732 Placebo n7710
21Quadrivalent vaccine studies in HIV patients
should open soon
- Goal to evaluate safety, tolerability and
immunogenicity in the HIV-infected patient - Efficacy studies to follow pending results
22Quadrivalent vaccine studies in HIV patients
- Women
- Joint ACTG/AMC study (PI J Aberg)
- -- stratified by HIV immune status
- Men
- Joint AMC/ACTG study (PI T Wilkin)
- -- stratified by anal HPV DNA status