Title: The haematological features of HIV infection
1The haematological features of HIV infection
- British Journal of Haematology, 1997, 99, 1-8
- Review article
- B. J. Bain
- With the continuing rise in the prevalence of HIV
world-wide, knowledge of the haematological
features of HIV infection and AIDS is becoming
increasingly important.
3The haematological features of HIV infection
- Infection by the HIV and the consequent fully
developed AIDS can have profound haematological
effects in - the primary infection period
- the phase of clinical latency, and
- patients with advanced disease
4Causes of the haematological changes
- The haematological abnormalities may be
attributable to the - Direct and indirect effect of HIV infection
- opportunistic infections
- Toxicity of the drugs
5Diagnostic confusion
- It is important for the haematologist to be aware
of the features of HIV infection and AIDS since
diagnostic confusion can otherwise occur. - HIV infection can simulate the
- MPD, and
- T-cell lymphoma
6Primary infection
- Brief febrile illness
- Pharyngitis and cervical lymphadenopathy are
common, simulate infectious mononucleosis. - Initial lymphopenia
- Followed by lymphocytosis with atypical
lymphocytes. - False positive Paul Bunnell test.
- Neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and transient
pancytopenia can also occur.
7Established infection
- Primary infection is followed by a period of
clinical latency or asymptomatic infection. - Isolated thrombocytopenia as a result of immune
destruction of platelets can occur. - There is increased platelet associated Ig.
8General haematological features of AIDS
- Peripheral blood
- During the asymptomatic period, there is
- Gradual fall in the number of CD4 lymphocytes
- Initial increase in CD8 lymphocytes
- By the time of diagnosis there is
- Lymphopenia
- Often pancytopenia
- Anaemia which is usually normochromic, normocytic
but sometimes macrocytic.
9Peripheral blood changes
- Red cell changes
- Anisocytosis,
- poikilocytosis,
- rouleaux formation
- increased background staining.
- Occasionally the blood film shows features of
microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia.
10Peripheral blood changes
- Neutrophils may show dysplastic features
- toxic granulation
- Dohle bodies
- cytoplasmic vacuolation
- left shift
- presence of detached nuclear fragments
- hypogranularity and occasional Pelger forms
11Neutrophil with a detached nuclear fragment
- a detached nuclear fragment can be seen in
AIDS patients - It can also be caused by multi-agent cytotoxic
- chemotherapy
12Peripheral blood changes
- Thrombocytopenia , usually normal size platelets.
- Except when there is immune destruction, large
size platelets may be seen.
13Bone marrow aspirate
- It is initially hypercellular, but is
hypocellular in the later stages. - Trilineage dysplasia is common.
14Bone marrow aspirate
- Changes in the erythrocytes include
- Nuclear lobulation and fragmentation
- Howell-Jolly bodies
- Bi- and multi-nuclearity
- Cytoplasmic bridging
- Cytoplasmic vacuolation
- Basophilic stippling
- Megaloblastosis.
- Occasional ring sideroblasts.
15Bone marrow aspirate
- Changes in the myeloid series include
- Dysplastic changes
- Giant metamyelocytes are common even in the
absence of megaloblastic erythropoiesis.
16Giant metamyelocyte
- A hypogranular giant metamyelocyte in the
peripheral - blood of a patient with AIDS.
17Bone marrow aspirate
- Changes in megakaryopoiesis
- Megakaryocytes are increased early in the disease
and decreased in the later stages. - They show dysplastic features
- Bizzare nuclear shapes
- Hyperchromatic nuclei
- Nuclear hypolobulation
18Bone marrow aspirate
- Reactive changes include
- Increased lymphocytes
- Increased plasma cells
- Increased macrophages
- Haemophagocytic syndrome
19Differences between HIV and MDS in the BMA
- In HIV
- Ring sideroblasts are not a prominent feature
- Myeloblasts are not increased
- Micromegas are not common
- Auer rods are not seen
- In MDS
- Giant metamyelocytes (common in AIDS) are quite
uncommon in MDS.
20Bone marrow trephine biopsy
- Initially shows hypercellularity with neutrophil
and megakaryocytic hyperplasia. - Megakaryocytes are clustered and dysplastic
- There is increased number of bare megakaryocyte
21Bone marrow trephine biopsy in AIDS showing
dysplastic megakaryocytes (H E)
- The megakaryocytes are hypolobulated and
22Bone marrow trephine biopsy
- Reticulin is often increased.
- Late in the course of the disease the trephine
biopsy will show hypocellular BM with gelatinous
degeneration - Patches of necrosis
- Patients with specific infections may show BM
granulomas. - Lymphomatous infiltration
23A random focal lymphoid infiltrate (H E)
- A random focal lymphoid infiltrate arrow in
a patient with AIDS.
24Specific infections in AIDS
- Opportunistic infections are very common in AIDS,
among these are - Mycobacterial and other bacterial infections
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Atypical mycobacterial infection
- Mycobacterium avium intracellulare
25- The bone marrow in patients with mycobacterial
infection may show well-formed, or less formed
granulomas. - Caseation may occur in tuberculous granulomas.
- Sometimes there is marked proliferation of foamy
macrophages - Culture for mycobacteria is obligatory whenever a
BM examination is performed to investigate fever
of unknown origin in an HIV patient.
26Trephine biopsy in atypical mycobacterial
- Trephine biopsy stained with a Giemsa stain,
showing faintly - staining organisms within the foamy
27Trephine biopsy in atypical mycobacterial
infection (H E)
- Poorly formed granuloma composed of epithelioid
- macrophages, many of which have
- vacuolated cytoplasm.
- This infection is only
- likely to be detected on bone marrow examination
of severely immunosuppressed individuals.
28Other opportunistic infections
- Viral infections
- CMV infection is common in AIDS
- BM features are non specific, with atypical
lymphocytes and haemophagocytosis - Parvovirus B19
- This might lead to chronic red cell aplasia
- There is disproportionate anaemia with
reticulocyte count close to zero - BMA TB show red cell aplasia and giant
proerythroblast. - Confirmed by detection of viral DNA in the serum.
29Other opportunistic infections
- Fungal infections
- Sometimes detected in BMA either within the
macrophages or free - But more readily detected in the trephine biopsy
specimen. - A cryptococcal antigen test on the PB is a very
good screening test for cryptococcosis, and PB
cultures are often positive in HIV pt with
fungal infections these tests may make marrow
exam unnecessary.
30Bone marrow aspirate in AIDS showing
Cryptococcus neoformans
- Bone marrow aspirate in AIDS showing a
budding form of Cryptococcus neoformans.
31Bone marrow aspirate in AIDS showing
Histoplasma capsulatum
- - Bone marrow aspirate in a patient with AIDS
with histoplasmosis - showing histoplasma within a macrophage.
- - Histoplasma are small yeast forms.
32Other opportunistic infections
- Parasitic infections
- Leishmaniasis is usually readily detected in BMA
TB - Toxoplasmosis
- American trypanosomiasis
- Rarely Pneumocystis carinii has been detected in
the BM of pt with AIDS.
33Leishmania donovani in a monocyte
- Blood film in a patient with AIDS
- showing Leishmania donovani in a monocyte.
- Leishmania in circulating monocytes or
neutrophils is rarely seen except in patients
with AIDS.
34Lymphoproliferative disorders in AIDS
- The incidence of NHL is increased 60-200 fold in
pt with AIDS. - The incidence of HD may be increased to 8-fold
35NHL in AIDS patients
- The great majority are of B-lineage.
- The strongest association is with
- Burkitt lymphoma
- Burkitt like lymphoma
- Large cell lymphoma of B-lineage
- Persistant generalized lymphadenopathy often
precedes the development of lymphoma and is
indicative of increased risk of development of
36HD in AIDS patients
- It usually presents in patients in advanced
stage. - Often with B symptoms.
- Bone marrow infiltration
- The TB may be the initial or the only diagnostic
material. - Histopathology often shows poor prognostic types
( MC, or LD).
- HIV infection is associated with a great variety
of haematological abnormalities. - HIV pt may have abnormalities due to drug therapy
or opportunistic infections. - Diagnostic confusions specially with MDS can
occur. - BMA TB have a role in the diagnosis of
opportunistic infections and of lymphoma.
- Certain features are common although not
pathognomonic of HIV infection, but sufficient to
suggest this diagnosis - numerous bare megakaryocyte nuclei
- polymorphic lymphoid aggregates
- gelatinous degeneration
- detached nuclear fragments in granulocytes
- giant metamyelocytes in the absence of
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