Title: Sentence Tanglers
1Sentence Tanglers
2A double negative in a sentence is a sentence
contains two negative words
- He doesn't even know no one.
- My sister used to play.. um basketball.. but she
doesn't no more. - They dont have nothin.
- But no-one didnt answered.
3Repeated information is another common sentence
- For example, "We're going to the park so since
we're going to the park I'll bring my bike," is a
sentence that contains repeated information.
- In speaking, many people use the word "ain't."
In formal writing, however, this is considered an
inappropriate verb form.
- For example, in the sentence, "I ain't going to
clean my room," we can replace "ain't" with "am
6Subject Verb Agreement
- When the subject is singular the verb must be
plural - When the subject is plural and the verb is
7Subject Verb Agreement
- For example, in the sentence, "John eat
vegetables," John, the subject, is singular.
Eat, the verb, is plural. We can replace "eat"
with "eats."
8Irregular Verbs
- Irregular verbs can be tricky. These verbs
change form when in the past, or future tense.
Many have to be joined with helping verbs. For
a complete list of irregular verbs, click - HERE.
9Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
- We been having hamburgers for dinner.
- We be having hamburgers for dinner.
- We are having hamburgers for dinner.
10Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
- We been having hamburgers for dinner.
- We be having hamburgers for dinner.
- We are having hamburgers for dinner.
11Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
- I ain't got any money.
- I haven't got any money.
- I doesn't have any money.
12Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
- I ain't got any money.
- I haven't got no money.
- I don't have any money.
13Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
- We don't have any homework tonight.
- We don't got any homework tonight.
- We ain't got any homework tonight.
14Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
- We don't have any homework tonight.
- We don't got any homework tonight.
- We ain't got any homework tonight.
15Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
- I don't got practice today
- I do not has practice today.
- I do not have practice today.
16Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
- I don't got practice today
- I do not has practice today.
- I do not have practice today.
17Want to learn more? Try these!
- http//www.ecu.edu.au/ses/research/CALLR/AENG/what
/rules/negative.htm - Irregular Verbs
- English Grammar Quizzes