Title: sample mission
1The Motive Behind the Mission
The vision for TAKING CONTROL stemmed from my own
experience in watching my father work two jobs
for as far back as I can rememberbasically
his entire life. After he finally "retired"
he had to continue to work what had been his
second job just to make ends meet. Even
when his body was at some of his weakest
pointshe continued to work.
After he finally "retired"
he had to continue to work what had been his
second job just to make ends meet.
Watching my dad go through that was extremely
painful and had a tremendous impact on how I
think about life, financial security and even my
own my own
health. I became completely committed to
changing the course of my own life and the lives
of others that share my belief that experiences
like my fathers just wasnt what real retirement
was supposed to look like after working 20, 30,
40 or even more years of working.
until I drop is not an
James William Tucker, Jr. I believe in you and
through you I believe in me!
James William Tucker, Jr. President and Founder