Title: Henri TARDIEU
1Irrigation and Water Management in South Western
The case CACG Concession dEtat
Henri TARDIEU Directeur Général CACG
2Irrigated Areas in France - 2000
3Irrigation Management ModelsThree main models
- Water User Associations
- Sharing of annual expenses, with sometimes
current subsidies
- Full Cost Pricing from the dam to the plot,
initial investment partially subsidised
- Individual irrigators
- The farmer covers its own costs, not the cost of
common resource
4 1 CACG, irrigation service a brief history
of institutional arrangements for managing
irrigation services
5CACG as a State concessionnaire Contracts State
- CACG - Irrigators
Since 1960
Water service contract
-Agricultural policy -Water policy
Assets owner for 75 years
Concession Contract
6CACG as a State concessionnaireCost recovery
1972, a major change in CACG policy !
- The government wants to cut all operation
subsidies within ten years and to reduce CACGs
- CACG changes its management policy
- creates a Users Committee (Commission Permanente
des Irrigants)
- cuts the operational costs
- increases the irrigation water price
- CACG switches to demand-driven investment policy
- small/medium scale through WUA
- large investment State concession
Policy Change
7CACG as a State concessionnaire Enhance
farmers participation !
After 1972
Agreement before any irrigation project study
Water service contract
User Committee (CPI)
-Agriculture policy -Water policy
Asset owner (75 years)
Concession Contract
8CACG as a service provider WUAs How to ensure
long term maintenance?
Agreement before any irrigation project study
Cost sharing
Service provision
Assistance to WUA set up Design-Build-Transfer
Maintenance contract with WUA
Asset owner
9 2 CACG, the resource service institutiona
l arrangements for managing water resource
integrated service
10CACG as a water resource manager resource and
demand management Contracts CACG -Users
Irrigators, Associations and other users
Contrat dEau
Stakeholders Committee (Commission Neste)
Owner (75 y.)
State or local authority
Contrat de délégation du service public
11CACG The Neste System, How to manage a common
resource for agriculture, drinking water and
- Water users
- fish wildlife and tourism need 250 Mm3 to
strengthen low flows
- 200 000 inhabitants consume 13 Mm3
- 51 000 irrigated hectares, 3 000 irrigators
consume 95 Mm3
- a 10 000 hectares waiting list without irrigation
- Water resources (a State concession to CACG)
- the Neste Canal which diverts 250 Mm3 of the
river Neste
- the stored resources 100 Mm3
12 3 CACG, pricing and quota the management
and econmic tools for resource/demand management
13Management and Economic Tools The objectives
- Strategic Objectives
- Balance the accounts of the I/D service provider
- Guarantee sound investments for I/D development
- Tactical Objectives
- Solve or avoid conflicts in water uses
- Water allocation and quota
- Incentive to water savings
14Management and Economic Tools To control Water
Use with Pricing?
- Water Quota
- Equity between farmers, security for rivers
- How to stop irrigation when the quota is used?
- Pricing
- Economic efficiency
- The deterring price -the marginal value- is too
15CACG Water regulation with pricing
How to combine Quota and pricing?
- CACG set up a simple pricing in the Neste System
- -the quota priced at 50/ha ( lump sum equivalent
1.5 c/m3)
- -the price for the m3 beyond the quota at
- Results shown through two performance
- River flow (number of days below the minimum)
failures reduced from 10-20 days to less than 1
- Irrigators waiting list (number of irrigators
unable to pump) steadily reduced and equitably
managed between farmers
16 4 Conclusions Lessons learnt for Internati
17Lessons learnt for International
- Enhance Farmers participation
- does not mean WUAs everywhere
- ID service management needs professional third
party as external support or as service provider
(technology, accountability)
- New missions of the State include economics to
balance farmers income, sustainability cost
recovery, long term maintenance
18 Merci à tous Have a good field visit on
19Irrigation Management ModelsThree main modes of
- Water User Associations
- Individual irrigators
20Irrigation Management Models The Sociétés
dAménagement Régional
- The SARs (Sociétés dAménagement Régional)
- BRL, CACG, SCP irrigation and resource managers
under Concession contracts with State and Public
Bodies 190000 ha
- A success story
- Equity and fair water allocation
- Quality of service (Clients oriented)
- Full cost recovery including long term
maintenance and renewal
- Sustainability through pricing including economic
- Transparency and stakeholders participation in
decision making
21Irrigation Management Models Water User
Associations ASA
- ASA successful for a long time (1865)
- To-day 1860 ASA pour 578 000 ha
- Average 75farmers (land owners) et 270 ha
- Advantages, a public body controlled by State,
with three principles
- Obligation to balance the budget full cost
- A public accounting officer separated of the ASA
- A priori control by local State officer
- But two main weaknesses
- Annual strategy long term maintenance costs not
- Lack of flexibility landowners association,
public body
22Irrigation Management Models The individual
- The largest irrigation development through
individual initiatives (farm reservoirs,
groundwater or river withdrawals)
- The common resource is not often collectively
- Conflicts with other users
- No metering and resource monitoring
- Resource opportunity costs are not recovered
- A necessity, the Resource service provider
- developing the awareness of collective management
- implementing resource and demand management
- negotiating contracts with users including water
pricing and/or quota systems