Title: William F' Hoyt, MD
1Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library
(NOVEL) Project Nancy T. Lombardo, Systems
Librarian and Valeri Craigle, Project
Coordinator, Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences
Library, University of Utah, Dr. Kathleen Digre,
Professor of Neurology and Ophthalmology,
University of Utah and Dr. Larry Frohman,
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and
Neurosciences, New Jersey Medical School
- Health Sciences Library / Professional Society
Collaboration - Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library,
University of Utah - North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
(NANOS) - This project is a model for development of
digital collections through academic library and - professional society partnerships using
electronic publishing technologies, resulting in
a shared repository of digital neuro-ophthalmology
materials. - Funding
- NLM Information Systems Grant 1 G08 LM 07919-01
- Awarded August 2003
- 150,000.00 per year / 3 years
- Project Goals
- Produce an extensive, accessible collection of
high quality digital materials to cover all of
Neuro- Ophthalmology for use by educators and
students world wide, free. - Digitize slides, video and animations
- Create a database driven collection with Web
access - Utilize the Health Education Assets Library
(HEAL), an NSF funded national database, for
widest access, - Promote collection
- NANOS members
- Contribute collections and case materials
- Provide metadata
- Create subject outlines for material
- Peer review all submissions
- Metadata
- ContentDM digital asset
- management database
- 15 general fields
- (author, title, subject, date)
- 5 medical extensions
- Anatomy
- Pathology
- Disease/Diagnosis
- Clinical signs (symptoms)
- Imaging
- References to literature, historical information
- The Production Team
- Nancy Lombardo
- Valeri Craigle
- Ray Balhorn
William F. Hoyt, MD UC, San Francisco
Disorders of the optic disc slide collection
More than 800 slides digitized and
indexed http//medlib.med.utah.edu/NOVEL/Hoyt/
Shirley H. Wray, MD, PhD Harvard/MGH
Neurovisual disorders video collection 300
videos (80 digitized and indexed)
Kathleen B. Digre, MD University of Utah Eye
movement disorder videosOptic disc
slidesNeuro-ophthalmic exam video