Title: The Measles Initiative The Role of the Federation
1The Measles Initiative - The Role of the
Past and Present
7th Annual Measles Initiative Meeting A
merican Red Cross
27-28 February 2007
Jean Roy, International Federation
Photo by Brad Hersh, CDC/IFRC
2Events leading to the 2001 Measles Initiative
a one minute history lesson!
- 1995-1998 Diphtheria Outbreak in Former Soviet
- 1996-1997 Discovering the Rotary of Measles
- 1997-2000 Drs. Kreysler Sandbladh (ARC/CDC
- 1998 First Measles assignee to IFRC
(J. Roy)
- 1999 First CDC Epidemiologist to
IFRC (B. Hersh)
- WDR 2000 Focus on Public Health
- 2000 WHO/CDC 1st SIA Uganda (M.
- 2000-2001 First CDC assignee to ARC (M.
- 2001 ARC Vice President Gerry Jones
- 1st Measles Initiative
Meeting, ARC
3Measles/Polio Appeal Income, 2000-2006
Donor response in Swiss
francs 2003 incl. 1 million USDs from Federa
tion Foundation, carried over to 2004-06
2005-06 largely supported by Norwegian Swedish
4Measles campaign support in 2005
- 9 countries (Bangladesh, Botswana,
- Central Africa Republic, Côte dIvoire, DR Congo,
Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Tanzania,
- 43.1 million beneficiaries
- Est. number of deaths averted 294,868
5Measles Campaign Support in 2006
- 8 countries (Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Burundi,
- Kenya, DR Congo, Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana)
- Number of volunteers
- Beneficiaries 43 million
- Est. number of deaths averted 290,000
6Thank you for your attention
7(No Transcript)