1Children Chapters 12-14 Development in Middle
and Late Childhood
2Who Are Children with Disabilities?
- About 10 of U.S. children receive special
education or related services - Learning disability (includes ADHD)
- Speech and sensory disorders
- Physical disorders
- Emotional and behavioral disorders
3Diversity of Children Who Have a Disability
4Learning Disabilities
- Learning disability includes
- A significant difficulty in a school-related area
as different from IQ - Boys classified 3 times more than girls
5Prevalent Learning Disabilities in Children
- Dyslexiasevere impairment in ability to read and
spell - Dyscalculiadifficulty in math computation
6Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Children consistently show one or more of the
following characteristics - Inattention
- Hyperactivity
- Impulsivity
7- Many possible causes heredity may play role
- Undergoes extensive evaluations
- Usually treated with stimulant drugs
- Controversial
8Speech Disorders
- Articulation disorders problems pronouncing
sounds correctly - Voice disorders hoarse, harsh, too loud, too
high- or low-pitched speech - Fluency disorders commonly called stuttering
9Sensory Disorders
- Visual impairments
- Low vision visual acuity between 20/70 and
20/200 - Educationally blind unable to use ones vision
in learning
10Sensory Disorders
- Hearing Impairments
- Oral approaches lip reading, speech reading, and
any hearing the child has - Manual approaches sign language and finger
11Physical Disorders
- Orthopedic impairments restrictions in movement
abilities due to muscle, bone, or joint problems. - Cerebral palsy lack of muscular coordination,
shaking, or unclear speech (common type spastic)
12Emotional and Behavior Disorders
- Serious, persistent problems involving
- Relationships
- Aggression
- Depression
- Fears related to personal or school matters
- Other inappropriate socioemotional issues
- Problems
- Personal interactions poor
- Verbal and nonverbal communication unusual or
limited - Repetitive behaviors
- May show atypical sensory responses
- Atypical play
14Educational Issues
- Public Law 94-142 (Education for All Handicapped
Children Act) - Requires that all children with disabilities be
given free, appropriate public education - Renamed Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA) in 1990
15Educational Issues
- IDEA amendments in 1997
- Use of instructional technology
- Use of assistive technology
- Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
- Least restrictive environment (LRE)
- Mainstreaming renamed inclusion, but many still
differentiate so that mainstreaming is in the
class without assistance, inclusion is in the
class with a tutor
16Concrete Operational Thought
- Ability to classify or divide things into
different sets or subsets and to consider their
interrelationships - Ability to do reversible mental actions on real,
concrete objects - Ability to focus on more than single property of
an object
17What Is Intelligence?
- Verbal ability and problem-solving skills
- Ability to learn from and adapt to experiences of
everyday life - Can only be measured indirectly
- Focus is on individual differences
- Tests include the Stanford-Binet, the Wechsler
18Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences
- Verbal
- Mathematical
- Spatial
- Bodily-Kinesthetic
- Musical Skills
- Interpersonal
- Intrapersonal
- Naturalist
19Sternbergs Triarchic Theory
- Three main types of intelligence
- Analytical
- Creative
- Practical
20Emotional Intelligence
- Ability to perceive and express emotions
accurately and adaptively - Understand emotion and emotional knowledge
- Use feelings to facilitate thought
- Manage emotions in oneself and others
- Above-average intelligence and superior talent
for something - Precocity
- March to their own drummer
- Passion to master
22Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
- Extrinsic motivation
- External incentives such as rewards and
punishments - Intrinsic motivation
- Internal factors such as self-determination,
curiosity, challenge, and effort
- Belief that one can master situation and produce
favorable outcomes - Critical factor in achievement
- Linked to intrinsic motivation
Whole-language approach
Instruction should parallel childrens natural
language learning reading materials should be
whole and meaningful
Basic-skills- and-phonetics approach
Stresses phonetics and basic rules for
translating symbols into sounds early reading
instruction should involve simplified materials
- Ability to speak two languages
- Learning 2nd language easier for children
- Childs ability to pronounce 2nd language with
correct accent decreases with age - Bilingualism has positive effect on childrens
cognitive development
26Development of Self-Understanding
- Shifts toward
- Defining self in terms of internal
characteristics - Including social aspects in self-descriptions
- Social comparison comparing self with others
27Increasing Childrens Self-Esteem
- Identify causes of low self-esteem
- Provide emotional support and social approval
- Help children to achieve
- Encourage coping skills
28Industry Versus Inferiority
- Eriksons fourth developmental stage
- Encouragement increases childs sense of
industry criticism results in inferiority - Children attempt to master many skills
- Develop sense of competence or incompetence
29Kohlbergs Level 1 Preconventional Reasoning
- Lowest level
- No internalization of moral values
- Moral reasoning controlled by external rewards
and punishment
30Kohlbergs Level 2 Conventional Reasoning
- Second level
- Internalization is intermediate
- One abides by certain standards of others
- Want social approval
31Kohlbergs Level 3 Postconventional Reasoning
- Highest level
- Morality completely internalized
- Based on social contract and universal ethical
32Masculinity, Femininity, and Androgyny
- Androgyny
- Presence of masculine and feminine
characteristics in same individual
33Societal Changes in Families
- Divorces and remarriages increasing
- Stepfamilies types and adjustment issues
- Self-care/latchkey children issues
- Gay and lesbian parents
- Differences and adjustment issues
- Verbal or physical behavior intended to disturb
someone less powerful - Bullies may enjoy high peer status despite
increased conduct problems