Title: BULLYING PREVENTION at Paul Norton School
1BULLYING PREVENTION at Paul Norton School
- Bullying is not allowed at Paul Norton we will
not have bullying when EVERYONE becomes a helpful
friend and when there are no BYSTANDERS!
Bullying Prevention Unit for the Bettendorf
Elementary Counseling Program created by Shelley
Klaas, Counselor, Neil Armstrong
2Bullies, Targets, Bystanders
- A bully is someone who is picking on or harassing
someone else. He or she does not do this just
once, but many times. Harassment is a pattern of
this behavior over a period of time. - TARGET
- A target is someone who is being picked on or
harassed. A target is someone who has been hurt
by a bully. - BYSTANDER
- A bystander is someone who watches the bullying,
but does nothing about it. -
3Bully-Proofing Our School
- Nortons Mission
- To make our school safe for our entire
community. We will do this by - Stop the behavior there are no-bullying rules
at our school. Every teacher and staff member
will enforce these rules. - The Norton counseling program will teach students
about bullies, targets, and bystanders, helping
every student to acquire the skills to handle
bullying as well as to stop bullying behavior by
refusing to be a bystander! - What the students will do speak out! Students
will help each other. They will not be afraid to
do the right thing (stick up for the target and
tell bullies, no more) or to get an adult to
help. - How students will treat each other the students
will use extra effort to INCLUDE EVERYONE and to
- Bullying happens when one person is more powerful
than the other because s/he is bigger, more
popular or has more friends, and/or because he
or she can make the other person feel less
important. - Bullying is not usually a one time problem it
is a repeated series of negative or hurtful
behavior over time. - Bullying can be done by one person or a group.
- Bullying is sometimes done to gain attention,
popularity, or power and control. - Bullying can be done to get ones way or to gain
material things. - Bullying usually happens between children who are
not friends and who dont usually play together.
Sometimes, however, a friend can turn on
another friend with bullying behavior.
- Bullying is funny.
- Bullying is just a normal part of life.
- Its not bullying behavior if the person says,
just kidding! - Talking about someone behind his or her back
(when that person is not around) isnt bullying. - If someone bullies, its okay to get revenge.
- If you just ignore bullying, it will go away.
- Bullying isnt funny.
- Bullying isnt just a part of growing up no one
should have to put up with bullying or being
bullied! - If someone says, just kidding but they continue
the behavior when they know you dont like it or
it is hurtful, that person is a bully! - Rumor spreading and gossiping are bullying
behaviors! - Getting revenge usually makes the problem bigger
and worse. - Ignoring bullying wont make it go away!
6So what is the difference between bullying and
- Bullying usually happens in secrecy or out of the
way places...Conflict often happens where others
can see it. - Bullying usually involves one person being
targetedConflict may involve a number of people
and there are no targets. - When bullying happens, threats are often used and
bullies hurt people with words and/or actions.
When conflict happens, it may involve fighting
but both people fight (and it usually stops
quickly!) - Bullies are not usually friends with their
targets. In a conflict, friends or classmates
usually work out their problems.
7How Do Kids Bully?1. By physical
aggressiontripping, pushing, shoving, hitting,
destroying someone elses things, etc.2. By
socially alienating through gossiping, spreading
rumors, excluding from a group, humiliating in
front of everyone, threatening to keep out of the
group, etc.3. By verbal aggression such as
mocking, name calling, teasing, intimidating
phone calls or email, or verbal threats.4. By
intimidating through playing a dirty trick,
taking possessions, trying to get someone to do
something that is wrong, threatening to harm
someone the person cares about, etc.
8Why-oh-why?Why Do People Bully?To get
power.To gain popularity.To get attention or
material things.To act out problems they are
having at home or at school or..just because
they feel like it!
9Who is likely to be a bully???
- A child who does not have EMPATHY. (Remember,
empathy means trying to understand how the other
person feels.) - A child who does not feel guilty when s/he hurts
another. - A child who likes being aggressive.
- A child who believes the target deserves what
happened. - A child who likes to be in charge and get his or
her own way a child who likes to have POWER. - A child whose parents or older siblings are
bullying him or her. - A child who thinks someone else is treating him
or her badly. - ANY CHILD CAN BE A BULLY! (But dont let it be
10Who is likely to be a target???
- A child who is isolated or alone during much of
the school day. - A child who feels a little more anxious, nervous,
or insecure. - A child who is smaller or weaker and unable to
defend him or herself. - A child who cries easily, gives up when bullied,
or cant stick up for him or herself. - A child who has some kind of disability.
- A child who has been hurt at home.
- A child who teases or bothers other children.
- A child who tries not to give in to the bully,
but gets very upset when she or he does lose. - A child by whom the bully may be threatened
(because the bully sees him or her as more
popular, better at a sport or activity, etc.) - ANY CHILD CAN BECOME THE TARGET OF A BULLY!
- How to show I CARE if someone is bullied
- Creative problem-solving (with someone you trust)
- Adult help dont be afraid to get it!
- Respond to bullying (do not be a bystander stand
up!) - Empathy (try to understand how others feel and
use that understanding to treat people right and
do the right thing!)
- We will not bully other students no gossip, no
rumor spreading, no excluding, no threatening or
harassing, no tricks, etc. - We will help others who are being bullied by
speaking out and getting adult help. - We will use extra effort to include all students
in activities at our school. - We will treat others the way we would like to be
13How to Help Ourselves
- Lets Try the Ha, Ha, So Strategies!
- Help - know when and how to ask for it!
- Assert yourself (not passive/not aggressive.)
- Humor try to use it to de-escalate a situation.
- Avoid try the avoid strategy when you know you
might encounter a bullying situation or a bully. - Self-talk use clear mind thinking to keep your
self-esteem up and to help you think of
solutions. - Options/others use the best option you can
think of for the situation (and use others to
help you!) - Remember if you are being bullied, it is not
your fault. Ask for help! If you see bullying,
do not be a bystander! Stick up for the target
and get help if you need it. Most importantly
if we ALL refuse to allow bullying at Paul
Norton, it will not happen, so lets do this
TOGETHER as a Caring Community!
14If youre tempted to bully.
- Try these conflict resolution skills
- If youre angry, cool down take a few deep
breaths, count to ten, get a drink, take a break
from the situation, etc. - When youre ready to talk, try to state your view
of the problem. Use I statements and try to
avoid those starting with you or blaming - I think we have a problem because
- Im angry because
- I want to talk to you about
- Try to use active listening when the other person
is talking. - Brainstorm win-win solutions.
- Pick a solution and talk about how you will try
it. - Remember to ask yourself
- Is it safe?
- How will the other person feel?
- Is it fair?
- Will it work?
- REMEMBER All of our feelings are okay, its
what we do with them that counts. Anger is the
most difficult feeling to handle, so dont be
afraid to ask for help. Your counselor can help
you learn to manage your feelings.
- Only YOU can do it!
- Take an honest look at teasing and bullying
- Do I tease, exclude, or bully in any way?
- Have I laughed when someone else was being
hurt? - Have I stood up or stood by?
- Can I make a change starting today?
16A film to watch and discuss