Title: A Bullying Prevention Program
1A Bullying Prevention Program
- Baldwin-Whitehall School District
- Donna K. Milanovich, Ed.D.
- Randal A. Lutz
2Advice from Kids
- When kids tease, I imagine Im a big tree. I
imagine their words are the wind blowing through
the branches, but they cant hurt the tree. -
- Melissa, 7
3Advice from Kids
- A boy in my class kept calling me a dork. My
dad told me to think about the time I made a goal
in soccer and everybody cheered when I did. - Matt, 10
4Advice from Kids
- Some girls were cutting be out and making mean
remarks about my clothes. I told myself,
theyll get tired of this if you dont react.
You can handle it. You have other friends. - Tessa, 13
- McCoy, Elin, What To DoWhen Kids Are Mean To
Your Child, Kid Tactics 1 Stay Calm Ignore
It, page 55.
5Session Goals
- Participant will be able to
- Define bullying/victimization
- Review current literature on bullying/victimizatio
n - Identify components of an effective bullying
prevention program - Review awareness activities and resources
appropriate for professional development and
classroom use
6Guiding Questions
- 1. Define the term bullying/victimization and
discuss at least four scenarios of
bullying/victimization that include two direct
and two indirect forms.
7Guiding Questions
- 2. Describe the scope of the bullying/victimizat
ion problem facing schools. Include facts or
statistical examples to support the description.
8Guiding Questions
- 3. Summarize the elements of Olweuss
research-based bullying prevention program.
Include program goals, target population,
prerequisites, and components in the answer.
9Why implement a district bullying prevention
10Bullying Statistics
- 15 or one in seven school children are involved
in bully-victim problems. Of those children,
about 9 are victims and 7 are bullies. - One in ten students is regularly harassed or
attacked by bullies. - In a mid-sized school, bullying happens once
every 7 minutes.
11Bullying Statistics
- One long-term study showed that 60 of the boys
who were named as bullies in middle school had at
least one criminal conviction by age 24. - By the age of 7 or 8, bullies are already in the
habit of misinterpreting innocent behavior as an
attack. - 7 of American 8th graders miss school monthly in
order to avoid bullies.
12Bullying Statistics
- 87 of the 15,000 4th grade students surveyed by
the Weekly Reader reported being bullied. - The percentage of students who report being
victims of bullying decreases with age (grades
2-9). While 16 to 17 of 2nd grade students
reported being bullied, only 3 of girls and 6.5
of boys reported bullying incidents by grade 9.
13Myth or fact?
- Determine whether each of the listed statements
is a myth or a fact. - Discuss your response with a partner.
- Check your response against the answers in the
14Baldwin-Whitehall Bullying Prevention Program
- Based upon the research of Professor Dan Olweus
15Bullying or Victimization
- A student is being bullied or victimized when he
or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to
negative actions on the part of one or more other
students. - Olweus, 1986 and 1991
16Types of Bullying
- Direct Bullying
- Verbal attacks
- Physical attacks
- Indirect Bullying
- Social exclusion
- Slandering
- Spreading rumors
17Share a personal experience
18Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- Program Goals
- Reduce existing bully/victim problems
- Prevent development of new bully/victim problems
- Achieve better peer relations
19Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- Targeted Population
- Primary Target
- All students
- Secondary Target
- At-risk students
- Bullies
- Victims
20Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- General Prerequisites
- Awareness of the problems
- Involvement of all adults in the school
21Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- Program Components
- School level
- Classroom level
- Individual level
22Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- School Level
- Bullying Prevention Committee
- Survey
- School Conference Day (In-service)
- Staff Supervision
- Parent Meetings
23Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- Classroom Level
- Rules Against Bullying
- Positive and Negative Consequences
- Student Meetings
- Parent Meetings
24Student Meetings
- Introduced to students as a tool for behavior
intervention - Allow both the teacher and students to resolve
problems before they become major issues - Involve students in solving their own problems
- Provide students opportunity to improve their
social and problem-solving skills - Jones Jones, (2001)
25Student Meetings
- Guidelines for Implementation
- Teacher and students seated in a circle
- All problems relating to class as a group can be
discussed - Agenda created for each meeting
- Discussion focused on solutions that are not
punishments - Student permission for individual issues
- Student responsibilities during the meetings
- Role of facilitator
26Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- Individual Level
- Conference with the Bully/Bullies
- Conference with the Victim(s)
- Parent Meetings
27Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- Rules for Bully-Proofing Our School
- We will not bully other students
- We will help others who are being bullied by
speaking out and by getting adult help - We will use extra effort to include all students
in activities at our school
28Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- Playground Behavior
- Rough and Tumble Play
- Fighting
- Bullying
29Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- Effective Verbal Rebukes
- Intervene early in the course of events
- Approach the student(s) who are to be rebuked
- Look the student(s) in the eyes
- Be brief, clear, and behavior-specific
- Be firm and determined, but not overly emotional
- Do not make empty threats
- Olweus, (1999)
30Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- Talking with the Bully
- Indicate that the facts are known (documentation)
- Give a stop bullying message seriously and
firmly - Share that the situation will be watched closely
- State that additional and more serious
consequences will follow if the bullying continues
31Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- Practice Bullying Intervention Skills
32Baldwin-Whitehall School DistrictBullying
Prevention Program
- Getting started in your district