Title: School and Parental Responsibility for Bullying
A Guide to Help Bullying Victims Take Legal Action
2Anti-Bullying Legislation in Ontario
3Ontario was the third Canadian province to
implement anti-bullying legislation.
4Ontarios law, the Accepting Schools Act, went
into effect on September 1, 2012.
5The law expanded the definition of bullying to
include psychological, academic or social harm as
well as damage to a victims reputation.
6The law also imposed significant new
responsibilities on schools.
7A Schools Obligation
8The Minister of Education is empowered under
section 8 of the Education Act to require school
boards to implement an anti-racism and
ethno-cultural equality policy.
9School boards must promote the prevention of
10Boards must
Establish policies on student discipline
consistent with the Minister of Educations
policies and guidelines.
Develop a bullying prevention and intervention
plan after soliciting the views of members of
the school community.
11Duty to Report
12Part VIXX of the Education Act imposes a duty on
school board officials to report suspected
13The principal has a duty to investigate reports
or allegations of bullying and, when practical,
must communicate the results of the
investigation with the faculty member who
initially reported the behaviour.
14Bullying Prevention
15Students engaged in bullying behaviour should
face disciplinary action, up to and including
16Principals must provide notice to parents and
guardians of bullying behaviour unless the
student is 18 years old, or the principal
believes notification would put the student at
risk of harm from parents or guardians.
17Legal Liability
18Schools that fail to live up to their obligations
to prevent bullying may be held legally
responsible for the consequences of their breach
of duty to students
19An experienced lawyer should be consulted to
determine if an academic institution or parent
can be held legally liable for injuries or
damages that can be directly linked to the
bullying that occurred.
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