Title: Universal Fumigation Services
1Universal Fumigation Services
- A company dedicated to the protection of grain
from the ravages of insects and pests, while
saving both time and money.
2Universal Fumigation Services
- Over 25 years industry experience
- Western Canadas fumigation industry pioneers
- Industry leaders in the design of innovative and
revolutionary new fumigation techniques
3Universal Fumigation Services
- Universal offers a variety of services to the
fumigation industry, including - IN-TRANSIT FUMIGATION
4In-Transit FumigationInternational Regulations
- International Recommendations
- IMO, safe use of pesticides on ship
- Section to
- Canadian Regulations
- Shipping act SOR/89-106
5In-Transit FumigationProcedures
- The agreement
- The vessel inspection preparation
- The pre-fumigation conference
- The training of ships personnel
- The application of the fumigant
- Post-Application the Canadian approach
- The 24 hours monitoring
- Gas concentration report
- Instructions and transfer of responsibility
6In-Transit Fumigation Benefits
- Cost efficient and 100 effective fumigation
- Our fumigations are accepted by the Mexican
Agricultural Authorities and included on the
Phytosanitary Certificate - Precious grain cargo arrives successfully
fumigated and gas-free
7In-Transit Fumigation Benefits
- No delays to shipment or vessel due to fumigation
requirements - Off-loading of grain can commence immediately
upon arrival - Significantly lower demurrage and anchorage costs
8In-Transit Fumigation Benefits
- Tens of Thousands of Dollars
- Saved per Shipment
9Universal Fumigation Services
We hope you enjoyed this brief presentation
and thank you for your interest in our company.
Please contact us if you would like the complete
presentation package. Have a great day !!