Title: Digital
1Digital Cameras
- District Choices
- SLR vs. Fixed Lens
- Photo editing with Gimp
2Nikon Digital SLR D50 D40
Canon PowerShot A460
Cameras of Choice for the District
Kodak EasyShare C330
3SLR means "Single Lens Reflex"
This means that when you look through the
viewfinder of the camera, you are looking through
the same lens through which light will pass to
the sensor.With an SLR, if the lens cap is on
everything is dark. If your hand is covering half
of the lens you see it. The biggest advantage of
SLRs besides seeing exactly the same image that
will expose the sensor is that SLRs have
interchangeable lenses. You can remove lenses and
replace them with wide-angle lenses for landscape
shots and telephoto for sports or wildlife. They
are great for action shots.
Click on the camera for a great review of both
kinds of cameras
Fixed Lens Point and Click"
With a fixed lens, there's a separate lens you're
looking through, so you might actually have then
lens cap on, or a finger over the lens and not
realize it until you see the picture. These
cameras are great for stills but not as good for
action shots.
4The cameras our district has chosen use SD
(Secure Digital) Memory Cards for storage. These
are the same cards that go into many Palm
products or Treo phones. They come in various
sizes and prices.
Better Cameras mean Larger Files You want to take
high resolution pictures but for web pages,
e-mails, desktop publishing, and multimedia
presentations you will need to resize your photos.
5Resizing Photos with PowerPoint
Insert a large sized photo from the Insert Menu
6Change the compression to 96 dpi
Change the size and save to the computer.
7Insert the smaller photo from the Insert Menu
The original was 1,378 KB Recompressing reduced
the photo to 1,097 KB Resizing and saving to the
computer lowered the size to 163 KB
You will use far less memory in your project.
8Here are a few free online photo editors
9Shutterfly Studio lets you do some basic fixes
such as color, brightness, cropping, straightening
10You can do a few effects like graphic poster
in a variety of colors
11Using the Sepia Tone effect you can colorize
your photos with many different colors
12Picassa2 from Google also offers some special
that will add variety to your work
13You can make picture piles, contact sheets,
picture grids and multiple exposures
14Snipshot is a very basic photo editor but it is
online and you do not need to download anything
15You may bring in your pictures directly from
your computer and make some basic edits
16Cropping the photo is a common
action relating to photographs
17Snipshot also lets you resize your photos
which is important for many creative projects
18Gimp is an open source download that is about as
powerful as Photoshop Elements but its
FREE!! Gimp is part of our districts computer
Gimp Download Page
19Here is just a screenshot of some of the many
powerful (and free!) tools you will find in Gimp
20Have a great time with your camera!