Title: Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Rule
1- Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification
2Commercial Fertilizer and Manure Applicator
CertificationBegins in January 1, 2011Must be
certified by January 1, 2012
- Persons who apply or transport commercial
fertilizer material for hire. - Persons who apply or transport manure, from the
following - Indiana regulated confined feeding operations.
- Operations outside Indiana that would be confined
feeding operations if they were located in
4Applicable to
- Any person applying fertilizer material (both
commercial fertilizer and manure) FOR HIRE must
have a commercial fertilizer applicator license
AND be working for a licensed commercial
fertilizer business.
5Applicable to
- Any person applying manure from a confined
feeding operation (CFO) on any property, must be
certified. - Includes manure from CFO size facilities out of
state. - An exception is made for people that use amounts
under 10 cubic yards or 4,000 gallons of manure
per year.
- People that apply less than 10 cubic yards or
4,000 gallons of manure per year - Farmers that apply commercial fertilizers to
their own property - Are NOT covered by this regulation
7CFO Confined Feeding Operation is any animal
feeding operation engaged in the confined feeding
of at least 300 cattle, or 600 swine or sheep, or
30,000 fowl, such as chickens, turkeys or other
poultry. The Indiana Department of Environmental
Management (IDEM) regulates these confined
feeding operations.
8Applicable to
- Distribution of fertilizer material (including
manure) must be through a licensed fertilizer
DEALER. - Registration only, no testing required.
9How Growers Become Certified As A Manure
- Pass the Category 14 multiple choice exam.
- Manual can be ordered from The Education Store ?
888-398-4636. - Test can be taken
- free at regional sites in the winter
- free at monthly test-only days at Purdue
- fee-based training in the summer/fall by PPP
- Submit application for individual certification.
10How Growers Become Certified As A Manure
- No fee if the examinee currently holds an OISC
private applicator credential. Category 14 will
be added to your private applicator card. - 20 fee if this is your first OISC credential.
- Private applicator card valid for five years.
11To Become Certified Commercial Fertilizer
- Pass the Category 14 fertilizer exam
- Submit application for the individuals license
and the business license. - No fee if the examinee currently holds an OISC
credential. Category 14 will be added to list of
categories on your card. - No fee if business currently holds a pesticide
business license. - A first time applicator license and business
license for Category 14 each is 45 (annually).
12Recertification Process
- Private applicators may re-examine or attend 3
PARP, private applicator recertification
programs, to recertify for another five years. - PARP Programs can now include both fertilizer and
pesticide topics, or only fertilizer or pesticide
topics. Each PARP now approved will count
toward updating fertilizer and pesticide
components of private applicator card. - Approved PARP programs are posted on-line
http//btny.agriculture.purdue.edu/parpevents/ -
- And listed on the PhoneLine 800-319-3090
13Recertification Process
- Commercial applicators can re-examine or obtain 3
CCHs (continuing certification hour) over a
five-year period. - Approved CCH programs are listed on the Office of
Indiana State Chemist website - https//www.isco.purdue.edu/exec/index.php?navpes
- A certified supervisor can supervise up to 10
trained employees. - A certified applicator is responsible for
uncertified trained employees.
- A certified applicator is responsible for
uncertified trained employees and must - Insure that the noncertified employee has
received training - Keep record of the training
- Provide the supervised noncertified trained
employee with the means and instructions to - Establish direct voice communication during the
use or distribution of fertilizer material and - Immediately contact the Indiana Department of
Environmental Management to report any fertilizer
material spill that may threaten waters of the
state - Make work assignments for the supervised
noncertified trained employee - Know the status of the work assignments made to
supervised trained employee
- Leo Reed
- Certification and Licensing Manager
- reedla_at_purdue.edu
- Matt Pearson
- Engineering Specialist
- pearsonm_at_purdue.edu
- Office of Indiana State Chemist 765 494 1492