Title: How to Grow a Healthy, Happy FloridaFriendly Lawn
1How to Grow a Healthy, Happy Florida-Friendly
Lawn Laurie E. Trenholm, Ph.D.
2EDIS Publications That Support Florida Friendly
- Frequently Asked Questions about Florida Friendly
Landscaping http//edis.ifas.ufl.edu/document_wq14
4 - Frequently Asked Questions about Florida Friendly
Fertilizing http//edis.ifas.ufl.edu/document_wq14
3 - Frequently Asked Questions about Florida Friendly
Irrigation http//edis.ifas.ufl.edu/document_ - wq142
3Our Florida Lawn Grasses
4Bahiagrass(Paspalum notatum)
- Advantages
- Good drought tolerance
- Low fertility requirements
- Low maintenance
- Tolerant of sandy, infertile soils
- Establishes from seed
- Disadvantages
- Produces abundance of seedheads
- Open growth habit encourages weed competition
- Susceptible to mole crickets
- Coarse stems are difficult to mow
- Not wear tolerant
- Poor mans grass very low input
- Watch your fertilizer- too much leads to decline
- Few insect and disease problems
- Light green color
- Slow growing and prostrate
- New cultivar Hammock developed primarily for
use in south FL
7Hammock Centipedegrass
- Reported to have deeper green color
- Adapted to climates and soils of south Florida
- Goes dormant very early in Gainesville
8St. Augustinegrass(Stenotaphrum secundatum)
9St. Augustinegrass
- Best shade tolerance of warm-season grasses, but
varies by cultivar - Good salt tolerance
- Tolerates wide range of soil pH
- Establishes quickly from sod
- Deep green color
- Requires irrigaiton much of the year to stay
green and healthy - Chinch bugs becoming resistant to pesticides
10St. Augustinegrass Cultivars
- Floratam
- Bitter Blue
- Palmetto
- Delmar
- Seville
- Captiva
11New Zoysiagrass Cultivars
- Empire
- UltimateFlora
- Jamur
12Empire Zoysiagrass
13Empire Zoysiagrass
- Low-growing, dense
- Very responsive to nitrogen
- Shade tolerance similar to Floratam
- Slower growth than St. Augustinegrass faster
than old zoysias - Hunting billbug pests
- Susceptible to brown patch
- Tends to get thatchy
- Nematode tolerance?
14UltimateFlora Zoysiagrass
- UF release
- Finer leaf texture than some other zoysias
(including Empire) - Few seedheads noted
- Deep green color
- Fast grow-in
- Nematode problems reported
15Can Turf and the Environment Co-exist?
16(No Transcript)
17Non-point Source Pollution
- Pollution that comes from diverse sources that
cant be pointed at
18Do not apply fertilizer to impervious surfaces
19Two Ways That Fertilizers Can Pollute
- Leaching through soil profile this is what
nitrogen will do in sandy soils
20Two Ways That Fertilizers Can Pollute
21The Statewide Fertilizer Labeling Rule
- Effective Dec 31, 2007 through Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) - Retailers able to sell existing stock until this
July - Limits what fertilizers can be sold for lawns in
Florida by targeting labeling of fertilizers for
use on urban turf
22The Statewide Fertilizer Labeling Rule
- Limits N to 1 lb per 1,000 ft-2 for any
slow-release N fertilizer or 0.7 lb per 1,000
ft-2 for all quick-release N - Note that IFAS recommendations for quick-release
N are 0.5 lb per 1,000 ft-2 - Limits P to 0.25 lb P2O5 per 1,000 ft-2 per
application and 0.50 lb P2O5 per 1,000 ft-2
232009 Legislative Fertilizer Bill
- There are currently 5-6 different bills relating
to commercial lawn fertilization working through
legislature - Would require BMP Training and Certification for
ANYONE applying fertilizer commercially - Supports FDACS Fertilizer Rule
- Also would require fertilizer license for
commercial fertilizer application issues through
FDACS (Dept of Agriculture)
24Turfgrass Fertilizer BMPs
- Keep fertilizer off impervious surfaces
- Maintain a buffer zone around water bodies
- Apply only the correct amount
- Soil test know your pH and nutrient
concentration - Low phosphorus!
- Only fertilize during the growing season
- Irrigate fertilizer in with about ΒΌ of water
25Sweep Up Fertilizer Spills
26Is This Where We Want Fertilizer?
- There is no place for this fertilizer to go but
down the storm drain - Does not matter if nitrogen is in quick or slow
release form if it is left on impervious surfaces
27200 linear feet X 5 feet wide mower 1,000
ft2 2,000 grams clippings (dry weight) 3.5
nitrogen in the clippings 70 grams nitrogen
0.15 lbs nitrogen
28Elements Required for Turfgrass Growth
- Macronutrients
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Sulfur
From Environment Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen
Micronutrients Iron Manganese Boron Copper Molybd
enum Zinc Nickel
29Why Fertilize?
- Lawns need nutrients to grow in a healthy
condition - Grasses grow and turn green in response to
fertilizer - A properly fertilized lawn is your best defense
against weeds - A properly fertilized lawn is your best
protection against storm water runoff - This does not mean overfertilization!
30When to Fertilize?
- 2-6 times a year
- Spring when growth begins
- Summer apply iron or low amounts of nitrogen
fertilizer fertilizer important during times of
growth - Fall potassium beneficial
- Winter- Less N needed due to reduced growth but
is needed to keep grass green - South Florida may fertilize year-round
31Nitrogen Source
- Many feel that slow release N sources will leach
less than quick release N sources - And they will!...
- In soil columns with no vegetation
32What Fertilizer to Use?
- Quick release nitrogen sources
- Often used by professional lawn care services and
on athletic turf - Very effective fertilizer
- Provides quick green-up and growth surge
- Effects generally not seen for more than 30 days
or so - Can leach if over-applied or followed by excess
irrigation or rainfall
33What Fertilizer to Use?
- Slow release nitrogen sources
- Release some nitrogen right away and some slowly
over time - Release rate tied to technology
- Response may range from 60-90 days
- Less growth surge and green-up after application
- Sometimes homeowners get discouraged and re-apply
when they dont see response - If too light weight to water in, may be subject
to surface runoff
34What About Other Nutrients?
- Soil test can tell you what is needed
- Turf need for calcium magnesium low
- In high pH soils, iron manganese may be
limiting- these should be applied in a chelate or
soluble form (not oxide form)
35How Do We Apply the Correct Amount of Fertilizer?
36Fertilizer Calculations
- Assume 15-0-15 with 50 slow-release N
- How much N do we want to apply per 1,000 square
feet with this product? - 1 lb of slow-release N
37Fertilizer Calculations
- How much 15 N fertilizer will supply the correct
amount to this size yard? - Divide 100 by the percent N in the fertilizer
- 100/15 6.66 this is how many lbs of
fertilizer to cover 1,000 square feet at 1 lb N
1,000 ft-2
38Fertilizer Calculations - 27 N
- 27 N (30 Slow-release)
- 1 lb 1,000 ft-2
- 100/27 3.7 lbs of this fertilizer to cover
1,000 ft-2
39So, What is a Good Fertilizer?
- Many options!
- Look for something with some of the N in slow
release form - Ratio of N to P must be at lest 41
- Eg. 16-4-x
- 6-2-0 does not comply with DACS Labeling Rule
- Equal or close to equal K to N
- Low Ca and Mg (these compete with K for uptake)
- Micros in small amounts if soil test indicates
- In high pH, Fe and Mn should be available
40Current UF/IFAS Fertility Recommendations(lbs. N
1000 ft-2 yr-1)
- St. Augustinegrass
- North FL 2-4
- Central FL 2-5
- South FL 4-6
41Current UF/IFAS Fertility Recommendations(lbs. N
1000 ft-2 yr-1)
- Bahiagrass
- North FL 2-3
- Central FL 2-4
- South FL 2-4
42Current UF/IFAS Fertility Recommendations(lbs. N
1000 ft-2 yr-1)
- Zoysiagrass (Empire)
- North FL 2-3
- Central FL 2-4
- South FL 2-4
43Current UF/IFAS Fertility Recommendations(lbs. N
1000 ft-2 yr-1)
- Centipedegrass
- North FL 1-2
- Central FL 2-3
- South FL 2-3
44DEP Research Nutrient Leaching
- Part of a FDEP 3.5 million grant to study
nutrient leaching in lawn grasses - Statewide project
- Apply nitrogen and phosphorus to lawngrasses
under a wide variety of circumstances - Measure visual quality, physiological responses,
and nitrate and phosphate concentration in
45UF West Florida Research and Education Center, Jay
UF Plant Science Research and Education Unit,
Ft. Lauderdale Research and Education Center
46Lysimeters buried in center of each plot
47As nitrate percolates downward through the
column, it collects in reservoir filled with
gravel. At bottom of lysimeter is a portal for
tubing that runs to collection device
aboveground. To collect leachate, a vacuum pump
is attached the the tubing and water evacuated
from base. A sub-sample is collected for analysis.
48Nitrate Leaching from New vs. Established Grass
in 2005
Established Sod
Newly Planted Sod
49Total N Leaching inEstablished Floratam St.
Augustinegrass 2006
Total Nitrate, mg m-2
50Percent N Leached from Established Floratam in
Percent Applied N Leached as NO3-
51Its raining out- should we leave the sprinklers
- An efficient watering program must include
- How frequently to water
- how much to water
- time of day to water
52How Frequently to Water
- Varies due to
- Season
- Soil type
- Shade
- Rooting depth
- Insect or other pests
- Other stresses
53Seasonal Frequency of Irrigation
- Zazueta, Miller, and Zhang
- Winter 4.5-11.6
- Spring 2.7-6.9
- Summer 2.7-2.9
- Fall 4.8-11.6
- For St. Augustinegrass with a 6 root system
under low irrigation regime in the Tampa Bay area
54Irrigation Frequency
- Watch grass for signs of stress
- Follow watering restrictions!
- You may water hot spots with hose if needed
unless in the City of Tampa
55How Much to Water
Do not water past point of runoff this only
wastes water
56How Much to Water
- Apply 1/2 to 3/4 when turf shows symptoms of
wilt - This should not vary- only frequency varies!
57Short, frequent irrigations
Longer, less frequent irrigations
58Time of Day To Water
- Best time to water is just before or at sunrise
- Less loss due to drift and evaporation
- Better for turf health
- Watering in the evening leads to wet leaves
overnight, which can increase disease problems
59Irrigation System Efficiency
- Calibrate systems to ensure uniform coverage
- Check for broken heads, etc
- Check for landscape plants that may block
sprinkler from reaching grass
60Irrigation System Efficiency
61 Measure how much water you are putting
out using the can method
62Time Line for Irrigation for New Sod Plantings
63Irrigation System Efficiency
- One of the most important things to do during a
drought is to check the efficiency of your
irrigation system
64Which Grass Has Better Drought Tolerance?
- All of our grasses need water to stay green
(about the same amount!) - Survival often depends more on soil organic
matter, shade, rooting depth than species
65Severe Watering Restrictions
- Do soil amendments help?
- Research on these is often not clearly stated
- Often, no significant differences seen
- Incorporation of organic matter prior to planting
sod/seed is best bet - Not practical to try to topdress after turf
establishment to add organic matter
66I guess if your lawn looks like this, it doesnt
67But If You Do Want to Mow Correctly
- Mow at the correct height for the species
- Mowing too low stresses the grass and forces it
to use up all saved reserves for shoot growth - Mowing high increased root depth
68Mowing Heights
- St. Augustinegrass Standard Height Cultivars
- Floratam, Bitter Blue, Classic, etc.
- 3.5 4
- St. Augustinegrass Dwarf Cultivars
- Captiva, Delmar Seville
- 2-2.5
- Bahiagrass 3-4
- Zoysiagrass 2
- Only remove 1/3 of the leaf blade at any one time
- Grass at 6 should have no more than 2 removed
- Make sure mower blades are sharp
- Do not mow wet grass
- Wash mowers off between properties
70Scalping is a Major Stress
71(No Transcript)
72How Do I Manage Turf in the Shade?
- Remove shade sources (trimming trees)
- Reduce traffic in shaded areas
- Increase mowing height if possible more shoot
tissue for photosynthesis will help turf perform
better - Reduce irrigation in shaded areas
- Reduce fertilization trying to promote shoot
growth with high fertility will further stress
the grass
73Shade Tolerant Turf
- St. Augustinegrass zoysiagrass
- Centipedegrass
- Bahiagrass
- Bermudagrass Seashore paspalum
74St. Augustinegrass Shade Tolerance
- Seville, Delmar, Captiva
- Bitterblue
- Palmetto
- Floratam