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Ten Commandments Exodus 20:2-14 a ANI YHWH ) ) Eloheicha, which ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  Ten Commandments   Exodus 202-14
a ???? ???? ????? ???? ??????? ???? ????? ????
?????? ANI YHWH ????) ) Eloheicha, which have
brought thee out of the eretz  Mitzrayim, out of
the bayit avadim (bondage).

?? ??????? ????? ????? ??????? Thou shalt have no
other elohim (gods) before Me. Thou shalt not
make unto thee any pesel (graven image), or any
temunah (likeness) of any thing that is in
Shamayim above, or that is in the earth
beneath, or that is in the mayim under ha
eretz Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them,
nor serve them for I YHWH ???? Eloheicha am a
kanna (jealous) EL, visiting the iniquity of the
avot upon the children unto the third and fourth
generation of them that hate Me And shewing
mercy unto thousands of them that love Me, and
shomer My mitzvot.

?? ???? ??????????? ????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ????
?? ????????? ??????? ?????? Thou shalt not take
the Name YHWH ????)) Eloheicha la shav (in
vain) for YHWH ????) ) will not hold him
guiltless that taketh His Name la shav ????).)
???? ?????? ????? ??????? Zakar et Yom haShabat,
le kadosh. Six days shalt thou labour, and do
all thy work But the yom hashevi'i (7th day)
is ha Shabbat YHWH ???? Eloheicha in it
thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son,
nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy
maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger
that is within thy gates For in six days
YHWH ???? made Shamayim and earth, the sea, and
all that in them is, and rested the yom
hashevi'i (7th day) wherefore YHWH ???? barak
(blessed) ha Yom Shabbat, and set apart it.
??? ??????? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ?????
????????? ????? ??? ??? Honour thy father and thy
mother that thy days may be long upon the eretz
which YHWH ???? Eloheicha giveth thee.

?? ????? Lo tir tzakh Thou shalt not murder.
?? ????? Lo naaph Thou shalt not commit adultery.
?? ????? Lo tignov Thou shalt not steal.
??????? ???? ?? ????? lo-ta ane ve reakha ed
shaker Thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neighbour.
?? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ?????
?????? ????? ??? ???? ????? lo ta khmod beit
reekhas lo-ta khmod eshet reekha ve evedo ve
amato ve shoro ve khamoro ve khol asher le
reekha Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's
beit, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife,
nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his
ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy
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