Title: An International Academic Publisher Taylor
1An International Academic PublisherTaylor
Francis Company Overview2004Anatolian
University Libraries ConsortiumAnnual Meeting
13-14 June 2004
- Ashleigh Bell
- Journals Sales Manager
- Ashleigh.Bell_at_tandf.co.uk
- 44 1235 828876
2Company History
- 1798 - Richard Taylor printed and launched
Philosophical Magazine at 2s 6d (20 cents) - 1852 - Dr William Francis, a chemist, joined
Richard Taylor - 1936 - Established as private limited company
with scientists as directors and shareholders - 1998 - Floated on London Stock Exchange
- 1998-2003 Rapid growth through acquisitions
- May 2004 Merged with Informa Plc to become TF
Informa - TF Informa Publish over 2,500 subscription
based products (1055 academic journals),
portfolio of over 6500 e-books and backlist of
35,000 books. 2,800 events per year worldwide. - Academic Scientific (TF), Professional
Commercial Divisions
3Locations TF
- UK
- London Headquarters, Books moving to Abingdon
to form Academic Publishing campus - Abingdon UK journals
- Hove Psychology Press
- Basingstoke UK finance and customer services
- Boca Raton Production, US finance, publishing
and marketing of STM books - New York Publishing and marketing of humanities
and social science books - Philadelphia All US journals
- Scandinavia
- Norway and Sweden Scandinavian books and
journals - ROW
- India, Sydney, Singapore
4Company Growth
- Taylor and Francis have experienced rapid growth
over the last 2 decades, both organically and
through acquisition, to become a leading
international academic publisher - Acquisitions
- Routledge, Carfax, Gordon Breach, Psychology
Press, Spon Press, Martin Dunitz, Harwood
Academic, Brunner/Mazel, Garland Publishing - Recent acquisitions Taylor Graham Journals
(information science), BIOS (biology medicine)
CRC, incl CRC Press and Parthenon Publishing
(science engineering medicine), Frank Cass
(politics international relations), Marcel
Dekker (science, engineering and medicine), Swets
Zeitlinger (humanities, medicine and life
5Group Imprints
- A portfolio of over 780 online journals in 2003
- A collection of over 1050 titles in 2004
- Imprints
- Brunner-Routledge
- Carfax
- CRC Press
- Marcel Dekker Inc
- Parthenon Publishing
- Psychology Press
- Routledge
- Spon Press
- Swets and Zeitlinger Publishers
- Taylor and Francis
- Taylor and Francis Health Sciences
6Subject Split
- 552 journals in Social Science and Humanities
- 487 journals in Science, Technology Medicine
- Total 1039 online journals
- Plus 16 journals not available electronically
7Subject Areas
- 141 Health Sciences
- 17 History
- 88 Life Sciences
- 13 Mathematics
- 8 Philosophy
- 22 Physics
- 60 Politics International Relations
- 9 Sports Science, Leisure Tourism
- 59 Area Studies
- 60 Behavioural Science
- 37 Business Management
- 54 Chemistry Chemical Engineering
- 35 Cultural Media Studies
- 23 Economics
- 40 Engineering
- 90 Education
- 57 Geography, Planning Environment
- Behavioural Psychology
- Developmental and Educational Psychology
- Health and Medical Education
- Marriage, Family and Sex Therapy
- Personality, Social and Criminal Psychology
- Psychiatry and Mental Health
- Psychotherapy and Counselling
- Key journals Archives of Suicide Research, Intl
Jnl of Psychotherapy, Jnl of Forensic Psychiatry
Psychology, Jnl of Poetry Therapy, Jnl of Sex
Marital Therapy, Mental Health, Mortality,
Religion and Culture, Psychodynamic Counselling,
Psychology, Health Medicine, Sexualities,
Evolution Gender
- Anthropology, Archaeology and History
- Area Studies - Africa, Asia, Asia-Pacific,
Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Russia E.
Europe - Business and Management
- Cultural and Media Studies
- Education
- Gender Studies
- Geography and Urban Studies
- Politics and International Relations
- Race and Ethnicity
- Theology and Religious Studies
- Key journals Aging Mental Health, Disability
Society, Ethnicity Health, Europe-Asia Studies,
Studies in Higher Education, Third World
Quarterly, Regional Studies, Urban Studies
10CRC Press Parthenon Publishing
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Environmental Science and Technology
- Nephrology and Urology
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Pharmacology Toxicology
- Plant Sciences
- Psychiatry and Mental Health
- Key journals Critical Revs in Analytical
Chemistry, Biochemistry Molecular Biology, Food
Science and Nutrition, Infectious Diseases in
Obstetrics Gynecology, Human Ecological Risk
Assessment, Jnl of Drug Evaluation, Jnl of
Maternal-Fetal Neonatal Medicine
11Frank Cass
- Economics and Business
- History
- International Relations
- Politics and Foreign Policy
- Strategic Studies
- Warfare, Terrorism, Conflict and Defence
- Key journals Asia Pacific Business Review, Asian
Security, Cold War History, Defence Studies,
India Review, Intl Jnl of Human Rights, Jnl of
Development Studies, Security Studies, Terrorism
Political Violence
12Psychology Press
- Addiction Sciences
- Biological Psychiatry
- Developmental and Educational Psychology
- Experimental and Cognitive Psychology
- Physiological Psychology
- Psychiatry and Mental Health
- Social and Criminal Psychology
- Key journals Aphasiology, Cognition and Emotion,
Cognitive Neuropsychology, Cognitive
Neuropsychiatry, Intl Jnl of Psychology, Memory,
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Quarterly Jnl
of Experimental Psychology AB, Thinking
Reasoning, Visual Cognition
- Communication
- Culture Religion
- Economics and Econometrics
- Engineering Technology
- Ethnic and Migration Studies
- Law
- Literature
- Philosophy
- Planning and Urban Development
- Key journals Applied Economics, Asian Affairs,
Asian Jnl of Communication, Critical Asian
Studies, Ethnic Racial Studies, Industry
Innovation, Intl Jnl of Philosophical Studies,
Intl Jnl of the Legal Profession, Managing
Leisure, Tourism Geographies
14Spon Press
- Architecture
- Building
- Civil and Structural Engineering
- Environmental and Public Health Engineering
- Landscape
- Planning
- Key journals Jnl of Architecture, Building
Research Information, Construction Management
Economics, Intl Jnl of Water Resources
Development, Jnl of Environmental Planning
15Taylor Francis
- Agricultural and Biological Science
- Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
- Computing and Artificial Intelligence
- Engineering and Technology
- Language and Linguistics
- Life Sciences
- Mathematics
- Physics and Astronomy
- Production and Manufacturing Research
- Sports Science, Leisure Tourism
- Visual and Performing Arts
- Key titles Advances in Physics, Aerosol Science
Technology, Intl Jnl of Remote Sensing, IUBMB
Life, Jnl of Applied Sport Psychology, Jnl of
Neurovirology, Jnl of Toxicology Environmental
Health, Liquid Crystals, Molecular Membrane
Biology, Systematic Biology
16Taylor and Francis Health Sciences
- Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Cancer and Oncology
- Dentistry and Oral Surgery
- Dermatology
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Hematology
- Immunology and Infectious Diseases
- Nursing and Health Care
- Physiology and Physiotherapy
- Key journals Annals of Human Biology,
Autoimmunity, Blood Pressure, Brain Injury, Drug
Design Discovery, Experimental Lung Research,
Free Radical Research, Jnl of Investigative
Surgery, Leukemia Lymphoma, Nutritional
Neuroscience, Scandinavian Jnl of Rheumatology
17Online Access key features (1)
- Convenient access your online subscriptions
through our website at http//journalsonline.tandf
.co.uk - Control update IP and authentication details
- Enable access to your subscriptions with minimum
effort - Sophisticated searching capabilities
- Articles/issues available ahead of print
- PrEview view accepted articles as soon as they
have been typeset - Active reference linking to over 220 other
publishers through CrossRef initiative - Link to all major Abstracting Indexing Services
18Online Access key features (2)
- COUNTER compliant usage statistics now available
from Admin site http//admin.metapress.com - OPAC Links download urls for your selected
journals - Personalised homepage and features for individual
users - Alerting services through SARA (Scholarly
Articles Research Alerting). Receive TOC alerts
of your selected journals or keywords - Choice all TF online journals are also
available via Ingenta Select, SwetsWise,
EBSCOhost EJS and OCLC - Dedicated in-house customer service team to help
activate access and answer queries. Email
19Admin Site - Metapress
20(No Transcript)
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23Enabling Access to Subscriptions
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28Online Journals Homepage
29Personal Homepage
30SARA Keyword SARA (Table of Contents alerting
- Delivers TOC alerts by email or to personalised
login page - Contains links to online version with ppv options
for non-subscribed journals - Sends alerts by Title, Sub category or Main
category - Delivers prior to print publication
- Keyword SARA
- Remembers your keyword search string
- Automatically resubmits searches as new content
is published - Notifies of a new article published in any TF
journal which matches search criteria
31SARA (Scholarly Articles Research Alerting)
32Taylor Francis Arenas
- Dedicated websites supporting journals, books
other resources, linked within a subject area or
Arena - Services for editors, referees, readers and
library customers - Users are connected to top global research in
their field - Current news on the latest hot topics
- Search for jobs and conference listings for all
key international events - Link to major society web pages
- Search across articles in all TF online journals
- Examples of Arenas Addiction, Anthropology,
Arts, Asian Studies, Bioscience, Business
Management, Economics, Ergonomics, Gender,
Geography, History, Life Sciences, Media
Cultural Studies, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics
Chemistry, Politics, Psychology, Science,
Sociology Toxicology - For a comprehensive list visit www.tandf.co.uk/jou
33Taylor Francis Arenas
34LibSITE Online Resource for Librarians
- Find information to help manage your
subscriptions more efficiently - Bibliographic changes, incl title changes
increase in frequency - Prices, including back issues with availability
- Current holdings list
- Learn about news and developments at TF
- Sign up for our email announcement service
- Receive clear instructions on how to register and
activate online subscriptions, download urls and
retrieve usage statistics - Link to customer services for claims, sample
copies single issue orders - View special offers
- For more information please visit
35LibSite www.tandf.co.uk/LibSite
36Taylor and Francis eBooks
- Taylor and Francis eBooks are available online by
annual subscription. Students can access the
books from any computer with an internet
connection - Your choice of titles choose a minimum of 50
titles from across all of our subject areas - www.ebooksubscriptions.com has the complete list
of titles available growing by 1500 every year
37How it works
- Access authenticated using passwords, Library
card numbers or IP address your choice. MARC
records provided - No software installation is needed, and we host
your library site your IT staff dont need to
get involved - One user at a time per book.
- Individual annotating kept for each user for
the full year - Each user may print or copy and paste up to 5 of
each book additional copying and pasting for
just a few pence through www.eBookstore.tandf.co.u
k - Students may also highlight, add bookmarks, and
search across the titles in the collection - For further information and pricing on eBooks
please contact Dan Penny, eBooks Manager,
dan.penny_at_tandf.co.uk 44 207 842 2027
- Subscribe to over 1000 leading peer reviewed
journals - Receive dedicated customer service assistance
- View your e-journals via our state-of-the-art
online delivery service or other major service
provider - Produce COUNTER compliant usage statistics
- Access a wealth of resources at the TF Arenas
- For more information please visit our website at
www.tandf.co.uk/journals or contact ANKOS