Title: An Academic Career: Is It Right For You
1An Academic CareerIs It Right For You?
- Peter Sokolove, MD
- Susan Stern, MD
- Jill Baren, MD
- 2008 SAEM Annual Meeting
- Washington D.C.
- May 30, 2008
- Why academics?
- Various settings
- How to prepare
- Fellowship training
- Marketplace issues
- Resources
- Pursuit of scholarship
- Expanding knowledge
- Passing on knowledge
4Why Choose Academics?
- Career diversity
- Pursuit of knowledge / research
- Expertise development
- Love of teaching
- Advance specialty
- Colleagues
5Why Choose Academics?
- Cutting edge practice
- Teaching hospital resources
- Interesting cases
- Longevity / pace / intensity
- Schedule control
- Sabbatical
6Downside of Academics
- More total hours
- Generally less money
- Less hands on practice
- Pressure to produce
7Academic Career Building Blocks
Patient Care
8Traditional Academics
- Multiple academic tracks
- Institutional variation
- Research track -- various subgroups
- Clinical track
- Clinician educator track
9Research Roles
- Research Director
- Clinical Trials Director
- Resident Research Advisor
- Research Assistants Program Director
10Educational Roles
- Residency Director
- Associate Residency Director
- Medical Student Director
- Medical School -- IOR, Assistant Dean
- Rotating Residents Director
- Fellowship Director
- CME Director
11Specialty Roles
- Chest Pain ER Director
- Toxicology / PCC Director
- HBO Chamber Director
- Ultrasound Director
12Administrative Roles
- Chair / Chief
- Vice-Chair / Associate Chief
- EMS Director
- Clinical Operations Director
- Pediatric ED Director
- CQI / Risk Management Director
- Billing Director
13(No Transcript)
14Promotion and Tenure
- Progressive ranks
- Timelines
- Criteria track-dependent
- Publications
- Grant funding
- Regional/National recognition
- Teaching evaluations
- Clinical productivity
- Area of focus
- Tenure
15Clinical Teaching Spectrum
- EMR primary site
- EMR secondary site
- EMR rotation site
- Non-EM residency site
- Medical students
16Community Based Positions
- EMR secondary / tertiary training site
- Clinical faculty appointment
- Lifestyle and reimbursement
- Bedside teaching predominates
- Limited time
- Conferences, CME
- Research more difficult
- Grants, time, support, collaboration
- Can participate in clinical trials
17Preparing for Academics
- Mentors
- Relationships / networking
- Join SAEM
- Residency research project
- Teaching opportunities
- Chief resident year
- Fellowship
18EM Fellowships
- Administration Injury Control
- Cardiovascular Emergencies Medical and
Occupational Toxicology - Clinical Forensic Medicine Medical Education
- Clinical Pharmacology Medical Informatics
- Disaster Medicine Neurologic/Neurovascular
- Disaster and Mass Gathering Pediatric Emergency
Medicine - Medicine Research Policy
- EMS Research
- Environmental Health Sports Medicine
- Faculty Development Toxicology
- Geriatric EM Trauma/Critical Care
- Hyperbaric Medicine Ultrasound
- International EM Wilderness Medicine EMS
19Medical Toxicology
- ED clinical time
- Poison Control Centers
- Consultation services
- Inpatient services
- Teaching / research
20Pediatric EM
- Childrens hospitals
- Pediatric and adult patients
- Teaching / research
21Sports Medicine
- Sports medicine clinic
- Team physician
- High school
- College
- Professional
- Olympic
- ED clinical shifts
- Teaching / research
22Undersea Hyperbaric Medicine
- Decompression chambers
- Worldwide locations
- ED clinical shifts
- Teaching / research
23Job Search
- Where?
- AEM, Annals of EM
- SAEM, EMRA newsletters / websites
- EM meetings
- When?
- Begin fall / winter
- How?
- Networking / personal contacts
- Send CV and letter
24Job Search -- FAQ
- Does 3 vs. 4 year program matter?
- Need post-residency clinical experience?
- Will residency geography limit me?
- What if Im not yet sure what I want?
25Marketplace Forces
26Marketplace Forces
- 2004-2005 EM Faculty Salary Survey
- Mean salary 190K
- Mean 1st year 154K
- Geographic variation
- Midwest 192K
- Northeast 193K
- South 183K
- West 196K
- Kristal SL, et al., Acad Emerg Med 2006.
27Evaluating Academic Positions
- Know whats expected of you
- Clinical commitment
- Administrative duties
- Resources
- research
- administrative
- Mentorship availability
- Chair
28Final Thoughts
- Ocean of opportunities
- Do what you love
- Mentorship key to success
- Doors arent closed
- Teach and lead
29Wide Spectrum of Opportunities in Academic
Emergency Medicine
30Why Choose Academic EM?
- Opportunity to advance and shape the future of
our specialty - Chance to effect and improve the care of many
more patients - Research leads to development of new diagnostic
techniques, treatments, and policies - Education of medical students and residents
- Opportunity to become expert in a given area
31Why Choose Academic EM?
- Opportunity to help develop and mentor others
- Opportunity to meet and work with a variety of
people - Variety, intellectual stimulation
- Greater control of your own time
- May open other doors for you
- Career longevity
- Research and academics is FUN!!!!!
32General Considerations When Deciding on An
Academic Career Path
- What are your long-term career goals?
- What is your vision of the ideal emergency
medicine faculty position? - Obviously very personal considerations and
Talk to a wide range of faculty about their
career decisions and pathway!!!!!!
Educate yourself!!!!!!!!
33Specific Considerations When Deciding on An
Academic Career Path
- What EXCITES you? What is your PASSION? Besides
patient care, what do you absolutely LOVE to do?
- Is there one topic that you LOVE to read, think,
and talk about most? - What things do you NOT like to do (research,
writing, administrative tasks, managing people)?
34Specific Considerations When Deciding on An
Academic Career Path
- How do you want to spend your work week?
- What percentage of your time do you want to
devote to the various aspects of your job (direct
patient care, medical student or resident
education, administrative tasks, research,
writing, committee work)? - How do you see yourself 10 years from now as an
educator, a researcher, an administrator, a
department chair, a Dean, or even on Capitol Hill?
35Research or Discovery in Academic Emergency
- There are an infinite number of relevant areas of
study.. - clinical research
- basic science research
- education research
- policy or social science research/work
- clinical operations
There is opportunity and room for you, whatever
your passion may be!!!!!!
36Research or Discovery in Academic Emergency
Some degree of research (or other form of
scholarly activity) will be required in almost
any academic position.
37Research or Discovery in Academic Emergency
- There are an infinite number of relevant areas of
study.. - clinical research
- basic science research
- education research
- policy or social science research/work
- clinical operations
There is opportunity and room for you, whatever
your passion may be!!!!!!
38Post-Graduate Training????
- Do you need post-graduate training?
- Why would you want to subject yourself to yet
more training? - What are the benefits of such training?
- And what are the opportunities for such training?
39Post-Graduate Training Opportunities
- ACGME Accredited
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine
- Critical Care Medicine
- Toxicology
- Sports Medicine
- Hyperbaric Medicine
- Palliative Care
Non ACGME Accredited Research (clinical or
basic science) Robert Woods Johnson Clinical
Scholars Program Administrative EMS Ultrasound
International Emergency Medicine Medical
Education M.Ed. MESP OJOC Programs MBA,
40What are the Advantages of Post-Graduate
- Medical school and residency DO NOT adequately
prepare you for an academic career - Post-graduate training facilitates becoming an
expert in your chosen academic discipline - Post-graduate training enhances career
satisfaction and your chances of academic success
41What are the Advantages of Post-Graduate
- Post-graduate training facilitates the
establishment of mentoring and other important
collaborative relationships. - Fellowship training is the only mechanism by
which you will be granted adequate protected time
to develop the academic skills required in the
discipline of your choosing!
42(No Transcript)
43Preparedness of Graduating Residents for an
Academic Career
- Survey of EM residency directors
- only 29 of EM program directors felt that
their EM graduates were prepared for an academic
career that required original research.
Stern, et al. Acad Emerg. 6 262-270, 1999.
44Preparedness of Graduating Residents for an
Academic Career Sanders AB, et al. Ann Emerg Med
1994 23 81-87.
- Survey of practicing emergency physicians
- Obstacles to research productivity
- Insufficent research training
- Finding knowledgeable collaborators
45Effects of Post-Graduate Training on Career
Satisfaction and SuccessTaylor JS, et al.
Academic Medicine 2001 76 366-372.
- Examined the relationship between fellowship
training and career outcomes - Surveyed 821 full-time primary care faculty at 24
representative U.S. medical schools - Results Fellowship trained primary care
physicians were more likely to have achieved
senior academic rank than were their
non-fellowship trained peers.
46Effects of Post-Graduate Training on Career
Satisfaction and Success
- Anderson KD, et al. Am J Surg 1995 169 329-333.
- Surveyed 392 surgeons
- Fellowship training in research correlated
positively with professional confidence and
career satisfaction. - Those without fellowship training were more
likely to express career dissatisfaction,
frustration, and professional uncertainty. - Levey GS, et al. Ann Int Med 1988 109 414-418.
- Surveyed full-time IM faculty in 123 U.S. medical
schools - Post-graduate research training significantly
enhanced the likelihood of success in an academic
47Why would fellowship or post-graduate training
result in greater career satisfaction?
- Fellowship training better prepares one for the
challenges of an academic career - Increased job skill mastery -? less stress
- Greater sense of certainty with regard to career
choice - Clear vision of career goals and future
- Devoting more time to your specific career
interest results in greater likelihood of you
being able to achieve your career goals.
48Post-graduate training guarantees you protected
time to develop the academic skills required in
the discipline of your choosing! Broaddus VC, et
al. Chest 1994 105 1858-1863.
- Survey of junior academic pulmonary faculty
- Greatest obstacle to academic success
- Employment agreements not honored
- 22 stated terms violated
- most common complaints were unexpected ? in
clinical duties and ? promised support -
49Advantages of Post-Graduate Training
Establishment of mentoring and other
collaborative relationships
- Correlation between establishment of a mentoring
relationship and - 1) academic success
- 2) career satisfaction
- Palepu A et al. Academic Medicine 1998 73
318-323. - Survey of 3013 full-time faculty at 24 U.S.
medical schools - Faculty with mentors (versus those without)
- rated their research preparation and skills
higher - rated adequacy of professional support from their
institutions for teaching, research, and
administrative activities higher - higher career-satisfaction scores
- greater likelihood of being awarded research
50- Mentorship in the first years is critical for
launching a productive career. Learning the
informal network that supports productivitythe
inner workings of professional associations and
who the productive people areis critical.
Blackburn RT. Cur Iss Higher Education 1981 52
369-377. -
51What Specifically Will a Mentor Do for You?
- Assist in setting and achieving your goals
- Provide feedback regarding performance
- Help build your confidence/ moral support
- Read and critique your manuscripts, grants,
proposals, and other academic projects - Get you involved in committee work
- Introduce you to leaders in your field of
interest - Keep you on track
- Protect you
Your mentor is your ADVOCATE!!!!!
52Considerations When Choosing a Mentor
- Appropriate Expertise - Track record in your
chosen area of academic focus - Available time / Must invest in YOU!
- Good personality fit
- No conflict of interest
- You need more than one mentor
- Look outside of EM
One of the most important career decisions is the
selection of your mentor!!!!
53Advantages Disadvantages of Post-Graduate
54Academic Career Pearls Pitfalls
- Goodness of fit
- Mentorship
- Career focus
- Long term planning
- Balance
55(No Transcript)
56Goodness of Fit
- 4 components of academic medicine
- Research
- Teaching
- Service
- Clinical care
- What are your priorities?
- Individual vs. institutional values
- Harmonious or at odds?
57What characterizes the institution?
- Little fish in a big pond?
- Up and out system
- Whats rewarded?
- What would happen if I leave?
- Everyone is replaceable
- Are there real opportunities for advancement?
58Ask not what I can do for the institution, but
what the institution can do for me!
59Career focus A tale of two Suzys
- Two recent EM residency graduates pursue a career
in academic emergency medicine.
60Profile - Suzy B
- Developed a clinical interest in stroke as a
resident - Resident member of department QI committee to
improve stroke care - Helped neurology investigator enroll stroke
patients in clinical trials while on elective
stroke rotation - Goal faculty position where she can do clinical
research on stroke patients
61Profile - Suzy Q
- Excelled as a resident in ultrasound rotation
- Loves to teach
- Spent a year as an ultrasound fellow
- Goal faculty position where she can do
ultrasound research and education
621 year out Suzy B
- Serves as departmental liaison to institutional
stroke care committee - Develops grand rounds talk on stroke
- Drafts departmental policy on triage of stroke
patients - Asked to serve as co-investigator on neurology
investigators grant - Develops mentoring relationship
- Writes chapter on stroke for EM study guide
631 year out Suzy Q
- Sets up ultrasound rotation for EM residents
doing individual teaching 2-3 days a week - Gives two core lectures DKA and Epistaxis
- Publishes case report of unusual presentation of
Lyme disease - Appointed to patient safety committee
643 years out Suzy B
- Submits grant proposal to develop novel stroke
curriculum for ED providers - Continues to work on neurology grant
- Performs secondary analysis of stroke database
and publishes first-authored manuscript - Invited to give stroke talk at national meeting
653 years out- Suzy Q
- Continues to teach US rotation for EM residents
(25 hours/week) - Continues as patient safety committee member
- Develops US study protocol
- Abandons project due to barriers from radiology
and IRB
666 years out Suzy B
- Receives funding for second grant proposal on ED
management of stroke - Publishes first-authored paper on novel stroke
curriculum - Appears as fourth author on premier stroke paper
from neurology grant - Serves on national task force for prehospital
stroke care - Told by chair, youre on the right track for
676 years out Suzy Q
- Teaching US rotation but asks for additional
support to lessen hours - Presents abstract on US teaching experience
- Struggles with writing manuscript
- Chair concerned about lack of publications/scholar
ly writing - Feels overwhelmed and unsure of continuing in
academic EM
68Lessons learned
- Suzy B
- Pursued interest
- Passionate about topic
- Found mentor
- Focused
- Built experience stepwise
- Wrote/spoke about her work
- Suzy Q
- Pursued interest
- Passionate about topic
- Responsible for development of program at early
stage - No mentor
- No documentation of her work
69Merging academic activities
- Dovetail administrative, teaching, and research
activities - All or most should be related
- Especially during the first few years
- Consider apprentice positions
- Become known for something
- Develop expertise
70Need for a Mentor
- Important predictor of success
- Availability during critical period (fellowship
first years as faculty) - Especially true when there is little formal
research training - Quality of mentor and mentor-trainee relationship
is especially critical when applying for training
grant support
71Where do I find a mentor?
- In your own backyard
- Department or Division
- Within your institution
- Related discipline/research
- Other local institutions
- Long distance mentors
- National organizations/meetings
- Committee work
72Role Model
- Identify
- Whos doing what youd like to do?
- Who has values that you admire?
- Who has a lifestyle that you admire?
- Pick their brains
- Suggestions for success
- Things they would have done differently
- Hang out with them
- Let them introduce you to people
73Long term goals
74Importance of Long Term Goals
- 1, 3 and 5 year plans
- Career plan
- Similar to short term goals but with goals for
each year - Each years goals should be a step toward
achieving the long term goal - Take time to revise along the way
- Use as guide for annual chair evaluations
75The myth of work-life balance
76The reality
77The Balance Wheel