Title: Ohio Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System
1Ohio Statewide Automated Child Welfare
Information System
- Statewide Quarterly Briefing June 2005
3SACWIS Project Team
4SACWIS Project Mission
- To provide automated technology solutions to
Ohios state and local child welfare agencies
that support service delivery and practice for
the safety, permanency and well-being of children
and families.
5Integrated Project Team
- The development of Ohios SACWIS is supported by
an Integrated Project Development Team (IPT) - 100 staff committed to Ohios SACWIS
- Team members include
- County PCSAs, ODJFS, Dynamics Research
Corporation, Compuware - State MIS Child Welfare Staff
- County IT and Child Welfare Professionals
6County Participation
- Benefits to the County
- Ensures New business process reflects county
requirements - Create core County team with depth of knowledge
- Eases County transition to new system
- Brings system benefits to County Sooner
7SACWIS Benefits
8Key Attributes of Ohios SACWIS
- Statewide application supporting both public and
private child welfare agencies in Ohios 88
counties - Web-based technology providing increased
accessibility over the Internet - Robust tool supporting over 6,000 users at the
State and County Level - Will interface with SETS, CRIS-E and MMIS
9SACWIS Benefits
- Reduction in paperwork for caseworkers
- More timely access to accurate, reliable data
- Improved evaluation of service needs and service
provision - Improved case planning and management
- Improved tracking and control of cases
10SACWIS Benefits
- Improved eligibility tracking
- Enhanced management oversight
- Improved management reporting
- Reduction of information system development and
11Project Overview
12Project Milestones
- June 2004
- Statewide kickoff
- County participation initiated
- RRD Sessions initiated
- Conversion initiated
- Change Management initiated
- July 2004
- Design and Development initiated
13Project Milestones
- August 2004
- JAD Session Initiated
- September 2004
- Project opens secondary site
- November 2004
- Production environment planning begins
- RRD Sessions completed
- December 2004
- Partnership Forum meeting initiated
14Project Milestones
- January 2005
- Organizational Assessments initiated
- March 2005
- Pilot county selection process initiated
- April 2005
- Consolidated all reporting into one tool
- June 2005
- Will complete 20 iterations
- Production environment planning complete
15High-Level Project Schedule
16Requirements and Design
17Functional Requirements Definition
- Gathers the What and Why
- Drives development of entire system
- Critical to overall success of project
- SACWIS Requirements Definition completed in the
summer, 2004
18Functional Requirements Definition
- Ohios System Requirements Document (SRD)
established the baseline requirements for Ohio
SACWIS - SRC developed by Business Partners Committee
- Comprised of County and State staff
- Must assure compliance with mandatory Federal
SACWIS requirements
19Requirements Teams
- Five teams run concurrently
- June through August 2004
- Team Members include
- County Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
- State SMEs
- Project Staff
- Business
- Technical
- DRC and Compuware
20Requirements Definition Process
- Each of 5 teams responsible for functional areas
- Team 1 Intake and Investigation, Person
Management, Central Registry - Team 2 Case Management, Court, Adoption
- Team 3 Resource Management
- Team 4 Administration Staff Management Alerts,
Ticklers, Security, Case Assignment and Transfer,
Reports Framework - Team 5 Financial Management, Eligibility and
21Reporting Requirements
- Management and Administrative reporting workgroup
- Identified 22 reports spread across eight report
categories - Federal reporting team
- Responsible for assuring requirements for AFCARS,
NCANDS, CSFR CPOE - System-wide reporting team
- Responsible for developing report specifications
for all Reports, Forms Notices identified
22Joint Application Design Development (JAD)
- Ten month process
- JAD sessions began 8/30/2004 and scheduled to end
7/15/2005 - JAD Team structure
- Same composition of RRD team
- Led by business analysts
- Adding development to core RRD team
- Brings the requirements to life by creating the
screens to be used
23Joint Application Design Development
- The Design and Development of Ohio SACWIS uses an
iterative approach - The larger business processes are divided into
smaller, logical pieces - Each piece must be able to be created in four
weeks or less - Each piece comes to life through the Joint
Application Design and Development (JAD) process
24Joint Application Design Development
- Utilizes the system requirements to design the
systems screens and reports - JAD sessions run from August 2004 through June
2005 - JAD team structure is the same composition as RRD
teams - Allows users and design/development team to
collaborate and build the functional components - The JAD teams determine How SACWIS will meet
the requirements
25SACWIS Analysis and Design
- Design sessions are scheduled to conclude with
iteration 20 (June 2005) - Analysis and design is 83 complete
- Approximately 20 counties participating
26JAD Development Approach
27SACWIS Development
- Development to continue for eight iterations past
the end of JADs - Approximately 300 web pages have been constructed
(45 completed) - Development work has begun on all canned reports
and management reports - Approximately 350 reports in total
- Approximately 15 of reports complete
28SACWIS Development Results
30SACWIS Conversion Objectives
- Prevent negative impact to a child or caseworker
due to loss or misrepresentation of data - Accurately position legacy system data in the new
Ohio SACWIS database - Preserve existing child welfare information that
does not have a home within the Ohio SACWIS
database - Provide the ability to manually enter data
required by Ohio SACWIS that does not exist in
legacy systems
31Conversion Will
- Copy data from existing legacy systems, that is
supported by Ohio SACWIS, to establish the
baseline Ohio SACWIS database - Perform required data transformations to ensure
validity of converted data - Ensure all data required by Ohio SACWIS
application is converted or generated - Generate conversion reports to aid in
certification process - Generate error reports to support post conversion
32Conversion Wont
- Correct erroneous data
- Eliminate duplicate records (person, provider,
case, ) - Bring all existing functionality forward to Ohio
SACWIS - Retain existing reference identification numbers
33Data Cleanup
- Distributing monthly report for SIS counties
- Potential duplicate persons
- By name
- By SSN
- Potential duplicate families
- Will be issuing reports monthly and requesting
34System Testing User Acceptance Testing
- Requirements driven testing utilizing
- Test scenarios
- Test cases
- Test Steps
- Incorporates use of regression testing
- Includes preliminary performance and system
capability testing - Creates base for future testing activity
36Testing Schedule
- Development Test on-going
- System Test Fall 2005
- User Acceptance Test Winter 2005
37User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
- Validates the system
- Attains acceptance from users based on
- System adherence to business practices and
workflows - Overall usability
- System conformance with business requirements
38Change Management
39Partnership Forum
- Purpose
- Engage both County and State stakeholders
- Assists in the identification of risks and
challenges - Promotes
- Broad-based influence, input and support
- The awareness and benefit of SACWIS
- Convenes
- Has met 4 times since December 2004
- Meets every 6 weeks throughout SACWIS
40Partnership Forum
- Partnership Forum Members
- Butler Jann Heffner
- Clark Robert Suver
- Cuyahoga James McCafferty
- Franklin John Saros
- Greene Rhonda Reagh
- Guernsey Kelly Lynch
- Hamilton Suzanne Burke
- Hocking Julie Mogavero
- Lorain Gary Crow
- Lucas Dean Sparks
- Marion Eric Bush
- Montgomery Helen Jones-Kelley
- Muskingum David Boyer
- Summit Connie Humble
- Van Wert James Beard
- Wayne Thomas Roelant
- Additional Members
- PCSAO Crystal Ward-Allen
- Rick Smith
- Fran Rembert
- Nancy DeRoberts-Moore
- Kathy Bartlett
- Angelo Serra
- Tom Heilman
- Steve Mayo
- Denise Wipert
41Organizational Assessment
- Purpose
- Assess the Agencys state of readiness for change
and the potential impact of SACWIS on processes
and culture - Provides formal recommendations and strategies on
how to improve the Agencys readiness for SACWIS - Process
- Half-day on-site meeting with each Agency
Director and key SACWIS related staff - Outcome
- The SACWIS IPT will prepare an OA report
- The OA Report will include a task list containing
IPT and Agency tasks required to implement SACWIS
42Organizational Assessments
Organizational Assessments June 6, 2005
Organizational Assessments Reports
Assessments Completed Assessments
43Pilot Implementation
44Pilot Implementation
- Pilot operations are intended to measure all
facets of SACWIS in a live county environment
including - Performance, Implementation, Involvement
- Readiness, Risk Containment
- Pilot County Selection Criteria
- Large, non-metro county
- Diverse case loads, manageable number of workers,
no significant data issues - Available super users
- Active champion
- Begins Q1, 2006 and continues for 3 months
45Pilot Implementation
- Candidates have responded
- Organizational Assessments completed
- Final reports in progress
- Selection criteria rating
- Recommendation by June 15th
46Statewide Implementation
47Statewide Implementation
- Rollout Approach
- One release containing all system functionality
- Implementation waves twice monthly 8 months
- 1 metro county or 8 12 non-metro counties per
50Training Products and Approach
- Regional classroom training just prior to rollout
- Web-based training available before and during
rollout - Practice database following training
- Online, context-sensitive help and User Guide at
your desktop
Just-In-Time, Just Enough
You Got It! (Consistently HighPerformance)
53Quarterly Statewide Briefing
- Briefings are being initiated to increase
communications regarding the development of
Ohios SACWIS - Each session will be approximately a half day
length and include a project status update and a
system demonstration - The briefings will be held on a quarterly basis
at locations throughout the state - The briefings are open to all PCSA staff
- 1st briefing to be held on June 7th 8th in
Columbus - Next briefing Fall 2005 at Montgomery PCSA
54SACIWS Storyboard
- Why a storyboard?
- Communication conduit from the project to the
county - Tool for county management and staff to transfer
information and facilitate transition to SACWIS - Dual Role
- A high-level overview of what the SACWIS project
is all about - A forward facing story to keep users aware of
activities, events and issues
55Future Storyboard Contents
- Focus on county specific involvement
- User Acceptance Test
- Pilot
- Training
- Rollout
- More emphasis on SACWIS as development ends and
the story unfolds
56SACWIS Storyboard
57SACWIS is Coming You Are Only a Click Away
- SACWIS mini-bites will give you a taste of what
the new case management system for Ohio child
welfare workers will be like - It will show some of the many features and
benefits of how SACWIS will help you organize and
manage your work and assist in delivering
services to the families and children of Ohio
58SACWIS is Coming You Are Only a Click Away
click or press ENTER for Slide information
59SACWIS is Coming You Are Only a Click Away
Stay Tuned for more SACWIS Mini-bites
Do you have some ideas, questions or just a need
to know? Send a note to SACWIS_at_odjfs.state.oh.us
60Questions and Answers
- Contact us at
- http//jfs.ohio.gov/sacwis
- sacwis_at_odjfs.state.oh.us