Renal system physical assessment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Renal system physical assessment


Face & extremities- generalized edema, peripheral edema, bladder distention, ... Sexual intercourse, urinary stasis, use of spermicides, wet bathing suits ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Renal system physical assessment

Renal system (physical assessment)
  • Inspection Skin- pallor, yellow-gray,
    excoriations, changes in turgor, bruises,
    texture(e.g. rough, dry skin)
  • Mouth stomatitis, ammonia breath.
  • Face extremities- generalized edema, peripheral
    edema, bladder distention, masses, enlarged
  • Abdomen-abdominal contour for midline mass in
    lower abdomen (may indicate urinary retention) or
    unilateral mass.
  • Weight weight gain 2nd to edema, weight loss
    muscle wasting in renal failure.

Renal system (physical assessment)
  • General state of health- fatigue, lethargy,
    diminished alertness.
  • Palpation- No costovertebral angle tenderness,
    nonpalpable kidney bladder, no palpable masses.
  • Percussion Tenderness in the flank may be
    detected by fist percussion. If CVA tenderness
    pain are present, indicate a kidney infection or
    polycystic kidney disease.
  • Auscultation The abdominal aorta renal
    arteries are auscultated for a bruit, which
    indicates impaired blood flow to the

Renal Systems (Diagnostic test)
  • Urinalysis- evaluation of the renal system for
    determining renal disease.
  • Wash perineal area use a clean container.
  • Obtain 10 to 15 mL of the 1st AM sample
  • If the client is menstruating, indicate this on
    the lab. requisition form.
  • Specific Gravity-measures the kidneys ability to
    concentrate urine. Measured by multiple-test
    dipstick (most common method), refractometer-instr
    ument used in the lab, urinometer (least accurate
    method). Cold specimens produce a false high
    reading. Factors that interfere with an accurate
    reading include radiopaque contrast agents,
    glucose proteins.

Renal Systems (Diagnostic test)
  • A decrease in SG (less conc. urine) occurs with
    increased fluid intake, diuretic administration,
    diabetes insipidus.
  • An increase SG (more conc. Urine) occurs with
    insufficient fluid intake, decreased renal
    perfusion, or the presence of ADH.
  • Urine Culture Sensitivity- identifies the
    presence of microorganisms determines the
    specific abx. that will treat the existing
    microorganisms. Note that urine from a client who
    forced fluids may be too dilute to provide a
    positive culture.

Renal Systems (Diagnostic test)
  • Creatinine clearance test- A blood timed urine
    specimen that evaluates kidney function.
  • Blood is drawn at the start of the test the AM
    of the day that the 24-hour urine specimen
    collection is complete. Maintain the urine
    specimen on ice or refrigerate. If the client is
    taking steroids, check with MD regarding the
    administration of these medications during test.
    Encourage adequate fluids before during the

Renal Systems (Diagnostic test)
  • Vanillymandelic acid (VMA)- to diagnose
    pheochromocytoma, a tumor of the adrenal gland.
    The test identifies an assay of urinary
    catecholamines in the urine. Instruct to avoid
    foods such as caffeine, cocoa, cheese, gelatin at
    least 2 days prior to beginning of the collection
    during collection. Save all urine on ice or
    refrigerate. Instruct to avoid stress to
    maintain adequate food fluids during the test.

Renal Systems (Diagnostic test)
  • Uric acid- A 24-hour collection to diagnose gout
    kidney disease.
  • Encourage fluids a regular diet during testing.
    Place the specimen on ice or refrigerate.
  • KUB (Kidney, ureters, bladder) radiograph-An
    x-ray film that views the urinary system
    adjacent structures used to detect urinary
  • Bladder ultrasonography-A noninvasive method of
    measuring the volume of urine in the bladder.

Renal Systems (Diagnostic test)
  • Computed tomography (CT) MRI- provide
    cross-sectional views of the kidney urinary
  • Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)- the injection of a
    radiopaque dye that outlines the renal system.
    Performed to identify abnormalities in the
    system. Withhold food fluids after midnight
    before the test. Inform the client abt. Possible
    throat irritation, flushing of the face, warmth
    or salty taste that may experienced during the

Renal Systems (Diagnostic test)
  • Renal angiography- the injection of a radiopaque
    dye through a catheter for examination of the
    renal arterial supply. Assess the client for
    allergies to iodine, seafood radiopaque dyes.
    Inform about possible burning feeling of heat
    along the vessel when the dye is injected.
  • NPO after MN on the night of the test. Instruct
    to void immediately before the procedure.
    Inspect the color temperature of the involved
    extremities. Inspect site for bleeding.

Renal Systems (Diagnostic test)
  • Renal Scan- An IV injection of a radiopaque for
    visual imaging of renal blood flow. Instruct that
    imaging may be repeated at various interval
    before the test is complete. Assess for signs of
    delayed allergic reactions, such as itching
  • Cystometrogram (CMG)- A graphic recording of the
    pressures exerted at varying phases of the
    bladder. Inform of the voiding requirements
    during after the procedure.

Renal Systems (Diagnostic test)
  • Cystoscopy Biopsy- the bladder mucosa is
    examined for inflammation, calculi or tumors by
    means of a cystoscope, a biopsy may be obtained.
    NPO after MN before the test. Monitor for
    postural hypotension. Note that pink-tinged or
    tea-colored urine is common. Monitor for bright,
    red or clots notify MD.
  • Renal biopsy- insertion of a needle into the
    kidney to obtain a sample of tissue for exam. NPO
    after MN. Provide pressure to the biopsy site for
    30 minutes. Check site for bleeding. Force fluids
    to 1500-2000 mL. Instruct to avoid heavy lifting
    strenuous activity for 2 weeks.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • Inflammation of the bladder from infection or
    obstruction of the urethra.
  • The most common causative organism are E. coli,
    Enterobacter, pseudomonas, serratia.
  • More common in women because they have shorter
    urethra than men, the location of the urethra
    in women is close to the rectum.
  • Sexually active pregnant women are most
    vulnerable to UTI.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • Causes Allergens or irritants, such as soaps,
    sprays, bubbles bath
  • Bladder distention, calculus, hormonal changes
    influencing alterations in vaginal flora.
  • Indwelling urethral catheter, loss of bacterial
    properties of prostatic secretions in the male
  • Sexual intercourse, urinary stasis, use of
    spermicides, wet bathing suits

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • Assessment Frequency urgency, burning on
    urination, voiding in small amount, inability to
    void, incomplete emptying of the bladder, lower
    abdominal discomfort or back discomfort, cloudy,
    dark, foul smelling urine, hematuria, bladder
    spasms, malaise, chills, fever, nausea
  • Implementation Obtain urine C/S to identify
    bacterial growth. Instruct to force fluids up to
    3000 mL a day. Provide meticulous perineal care
    with an indwelling catheter. Instruct to avoid
    alcohol. Provide heat to abdomen or sitz bath for
    complaints of discomfort

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • Nursing Diagnosis Acute pain r/t inflammation of
    mucosal tissue of UT as manifested by pain on
    urination, flank pain, bladder spasms.
  • Provide relief by administering analgesics such
    as Pyridium or combination agents (Urised). Alert
    that urine color will be orange blue or green
    with combination agents.
  • Teach the use of nonpharmacologic technique-
    heating pad, warm showers.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • Impaired urinary elimination r/t UTI as
    manifested by bothersome urgency, hematuria or
    concern over altered elimination pattern
  • Obtain midstream voided specimen for C/S.
  • Administer antimicrobial drugs.
  • Teach signs symptoms of UTI.
  • Encourage adequate fluid to help prevent
    infection and dehydration.

  • Formation of urinary stones urinary calculi
    formed in the ureters.
  • When a calculus occludes the ureter blocks the
    flow of urine, the ureter dilates, producing a
    condition known as hydroureter.
  • If the obstruction is not removed, urinary stasis
    results in infection, impairment of renal
    function on the side of the blockage, resultant
    hydronephrosis irreversible kidney damage.

  • Causes Family history of stone formation
  • Diet high in CA, vitamin D, milk, protein,
  • Obstruction urinary stasis
  • Dehydration
  • Use of diuretics, which can cause volume
  • Immobilization
  • Hypercalcemia, hyperparathyroidism
  • Elevated uric acid, such as gout

  • Nursing Assessment Nausea, vomiting, dietary
    intake of purines, phosphates, low fluid intake
  • Elimination Decreased u/o, urinary urgency,
    feeling of bladder fullness.
  • General Acute, severe colicky pain in flank,
    back, abdomen groin or genitalia burning
    sensation on urination, dysuria,anxiety.
  • Skin warm, flushed skin or pallor with cool.
  • Urinary tenderness on palpation on renal areas,
    passage of stone(s).
  • Increased BUN creatinine WBC, calcium,
    phosphorus, uric acid.
  • KUB- calculi or anatomic changes on IVP

  • Implementation Force fluids up to 3000 mL/day,
    unless contraindicated-to facilitate the passage
    of the stone prevent infection.
  • Strain all urine for the presence of stones.
  • Turn and reposition immobilized clients.
  • Administer analgesics response to pain.
  • Instruct in the diet specific to the stone

  • Surgical therapy
  • Nephrolithomy- incision into the kidney to remove
    the stone.
  • Pyelolithotomy- incision into the renal pelvis to
    remove the stone.
  • Ureterolithotomy-removal of stone in the ureter.
  • Cystotomy- indicated for bladder calculi.
  • Lithotripsy- procedure used to eliminate calculi
    in the kidney. Hematuria is common after the
    procedure. A stent is often placed after the
    procedure to promote passage and to prevent
    obstruction, then removed 1 to 2 weeks after

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • Teaching teach good perineal care to wipe from
    front to back.
  • Instruct to void every 2 to 3 hours.
  • Instruct to void drink a glass of water after
  • Encourage menopausal women to use estrogen
    vaginal creams to restore pH.
  • Instruct the female to use water- soluble
    lubricants for coitus, especially after menopause.

Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • A cystic formation and hypertrophy of the kidney,
    which lead to cystic rupture, infection,
    formation of scar tissue and damaged nephrons.
  • The ultimate results of this disease is renal
  • Types Infantile inherited autosomal recessive
    trait that results in the death of the infants
    within few month after birth.
  • Adult dominant trait results in end-stage renal

Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Assessment Flank lumbar pain or abdominal pain,
    fever, chills, UTIs, hematuria, proteinuria,
    pyuria HTN, palpable abdominal masses enlarged
  • Implementation
  • Monitor for gross hematuria which indicates cyst
  • Increase sodium water loss intake because
    sodium loss rather than retentions.
  • Provide bed rest if cyst ruptured bleeding

Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Implementation Prepare for percutaneous cyst
    puncture for relief of obstruction or draining an
  • Prepare client for dialysis and encourage genetic

Renal Tumors
  • May be benign or malignant Common sites of
    metastasis include bone, lungs, liver, spleen or
    other kidney.
  • Assessment Dull flank pain, palpable renal mass,
    painless hematuria. Unknown cause.
  • Treatment Radical nephrectomy Removal of the
    entire kidney, adjacent adrenal gland renal
    artery vein.
  • Radiation therapy chemotherapy.

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Renal Tumors
  • Implementation Monitor abdomen for distention
    caused by bleeding
  • Observe bed linens under the client for bleeding
  • Monitor for hypotension, decreases in urinary
    output alterations in LOC, indicating
  • Monitor urinary ouput
  • Do not irrigate or manipulate the nephrostomy
    tube if in place.

Nephrotic Syndrome
  • Arising from protein wasting 2nd to diffuse
    glomerular damage.
  • Assessment Proteinuria, edema, anemia,, malaise,
    irritability, HTN, waxy pallor of the skin,
    amenorrhea or abnormal menses.
  • Implementation Monitor I/O. Bedrest if edema
    present, monitor daily weights.
  • Administer plasma expanders, to raise the osmotic

  • Sclerosis of the small arteries arterioles of
    the kidney. There is decreased blood flow, which
    results in patchy necrosis of the renal
  • Benign occurs in adults 30 to 50 yrs. of age. It
    is caused by vascular changes resulting from
    hypertension and from atherosclerosis process.
  • Malignant-complication of HTN,characterized by
    sharp increase in BP with a diastolic pressure
    greater than 130 mm Hg.
  • Treatment- aggressive antihypertensive therapy.
    The prognosis is poor.

Phases of ARF
  • Oliguric phase GFR decrease,hyperkalemia, fluid
    overload, elevated BUN creatinine.
  • Diuretic phase GFR Begins to increase,
    hypokalemia, hypovolemia, gradual decline in BUN,
  • Recovery phase BUN is stable normal, complete
    recovery may take 1 to 2 years.

Stages of Chronic RF
  • Stage 1 Diminished renal reserve-renal function
    is reduced, no accumulation of metabolic wastes,
    nocturia polyuria occurs as a result of
    decreased ability to concentrate urine.
  • Stage 11 Renal Insufficiency metabolic waste
    begin to accumulate, oliguria edema occur as a
    result of decreased responsiveness to diuretics.
  • Stage 111 excessive accumulation of metabolic
    waste. Kidney are unable to maintain homeostasis.
    Dialysis is required.

Kidney Transplant
  • Implantation of a human kidney from a compatible
    donor into a recipient.
  • Performed for irreversible kidney failure.
  • Immunosuppressive medications must be taken for
  • Complications Graft rejection- fever, malaise,
    elevated WBC, graft tenderness, signs of
    deteriorating renal function, acute HTN, anemia.
    Occurs immediately after surgery to 48
    hours-removal of rejected kidney.

Kidney Transplant
  • Avoid prolonged period of setting
  • Recognize the signs symptoms of infection
  • Avoid contact sports
  • Use medications maintained immunosuppressive
    therapy for life.

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