Title: The Medical Patient The Renal System Hypertensive Emergencies
1The Medical PatientThe Renal System
Hypertensive Emergencies
- Condell Medical Center
- EMS System
- October 2008 CE
- Site Code 10-7200E1208
Prepared by Sharon Hopkins, RN, BSN, EMT-P
- Upon successful completion of this module, the
EMS provider should be able to - List the components and function of the urinary
system - State signs and symptoms of chronic kidney
disease - Define hemodialysis
- Identify the differences between AV fistulas and
AV shunts implications in the field - Apply the Renal SOPs given a scenario
- List the steps in performing an abdominal
3- Describe the physical assessment of the patient
with flank pain - Describe the management of the patient with flank
pain - Define the criteria for a hypertensive emergency
- List the signs and symptoms of hypertensive
emergencies - Describe the rationale for treatment using Lasix
and Nitroglycerin for hypertensive emergencies - Describe the proper technique to obtain a blood
pressure - Describe the components of a neurological
4- Successfully calculate the GCS given the findings
of the patient assessment - Return demonstrate pupillary assessment
- Return demonstrate the in-line Albuterol
set-up - Return demonstrate the preparation of an
Amiodarone IVPB set-up - Identify and appropriately state interventions
for a variety of EKG rhythms - Identify ST elevation on a 12 lead EKG
- Successfully complete the 10 question quiz with a
score of 80 or better
5Urinary System
- Contains 4 major structures
- Kidneys
- Vital organs
- Located in upper abdomen retroperitoneal area
- 1 behind the spleen 1 behind the liver
- Ureters
- Urinary bladder
- Urethra
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7Function of the Urinary System
- Major functions
- Maintains blood volume via proper balance of
water, electrolytes, and pH - Retains key compounds (ie glucose) and
eliminates wastes (ie urea) - Monitors and maintains arterial blood pressure
(in addition to other mechanisms) - Regulates erythrocyte (RBC) development
8Urinary Bladder
- Storage receptacle for the production of urine
until it is convenient or necessary to void - Fully distended can hold 500 ml of urine
- The more distended the bladder, the more
vulnerable to blunt trauma - After urination, the bladder contains about 10 ml
of fluid
9Chronic Kidney Disease
- Can be from a specific kidney disease or as a
complication from other conditions - Diabetes
- 1 reason in USA for need for kidney transplant
- Hypertension
- Kidney inflammation (glomerulonephritis)
- Inflammation of blood vessels (vasculitis)
- Polycystic kidney disease
10Chronic Kidney Disease
- Diseased or injured kidneys
- Blood flow through the renal system decreases
- Inflammatory changes occur in the glomeruli
- A group of capillaries where blood is filtered
into a nephron (structure that produces urine) - Capillary walls thicken decreasing permeability
- Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is reduced
- Volume of blood filtered per day thru glomeruli
11Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Most common symptoms
- Swelling, usually of lower extremities
- Fatigue
- Weight loss, loss of appetite
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Change in urination
- Reduction in volume or frequency
- Change in sleep patterns
- Headache
- Itching high levels of phosphorus in system
dry skin - Difficulties with memory or concentration
12Complications of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Hypertension
- May be a leading cause but can also develop in
the early stages as a complication - Anemia
- Decreased production of red blood cells
- Bone disease
- Disorders of calcium and phosphorus
- Malnutrition
- Altered functional status and well-being
- Dialysis is required when the kidneys fail and a
transplant is not performed - Peritoneal dialysis uses a catheter thru the
abdominal wall to filter the blood
- Hemodialysis is a procedure in which a machine
filters harmful waste and excess salt and fluid
from your body - Access points are created to be functional within
weeks and to last several to many years - Usual access point is the forearm
15Fistulas and Shunts
- Arteriovenous (AV) fistula
- Most common type of access
- Fistula created internally by sewing an artery to
a vein forming a small opening between the two - Pressure from the arterial flow eventually
enlarges and strengthens the vein - May take 6 weeks to heal but can last for years
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17- Arteriovenous (AV) graft
- Access is similar to a fistula
- A synthetic tube is used to surgically connect
the artery to the vein - AV graft often heals within 2-3 weeks
- With proper care, can last several years
- Higher likelihood of forming clots or becoming
infected than an AV fistula
18Renal Dialysis
- Most people treated with hemodialysis 3 times a
week - Each session lasts approximately 3-5 hours
- Some patients, at some dialysis centers, may
choose daily dialysis - Usually performed 6 days per week for 2 21/2
hours each session - Patients often report improved B/P and quality of
20Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
- CAPD is a self-care treatment where the patient
instills dialysate fluid into the peritoneal
(abdominal) cavity through a surgically implanted
catheter through the abdominal wall - The dialysate stays in the abdominal cavity a
prescribed period of time and then is drained out
21CAPD Instructions
- Do not disconnect the CAPD bags from the catheter
- If the patient is transported, transport with the
drainage bag remaining below the level of the
patients waist - Do not infuse any fluids or medications directly
into the catheter - This IS NOT an alternate IV site
- Transport the patient with the CAPD intact
22Renal ProtocolCare of Patients with Grafts or
- Do NOT take B/P on arm with active fistula or
graft - Do NOT start IV on arm with active fistula or
graft - If site is bleeding, apply direct pressure
- In case of arrest and no IV access consider IO
site - Access of fistula or graft is only with contact
to Medical Control
23Care of The Renal Patient
- Best to err on the side of conservative treatment
- Monitor and support the ABCs
- High flow O2 is appropriate to maximize
respiratory efficiency - Carefully monitor fluid administration
- Monitor cardiac rhythm for disturbances
- Caregivers can help manage the additional
equipment on the patient
24Abdominal Pain Assessment
- Chief complaint
- The sign or symptoms that prompted the patient to
call for help - Use an open ended question to determine the
reason for the call - Why did you call us today? or
- What seems to be the problem?
- During the interview the chief complaint
generally becomes more specific
- O onset of the problem
- Did problem start suddenly or gradually?
- What was patient doing at the time?
- P provocation/palliation
- What makes the symptoms worse? Better?
- Q quality
- In the patients own words how do they describe
their pain (ie crushing, tearing, sharp, dull?)
26- R region/radiation
- Where is the symptom?
- Does it move?
- If the patient uses one finger or isolates to one
spot, the pain is considered localized - If the pain is described using both hands or
indicating a larger area, the pain is diffuse - Is there referred pain (pain felt in a body area
away from the source)?
27- S severity
- Intensity of pain or discomfort
- 0 10 scale
- 0 is no pain 10 is the worse pain in your
life - Can the patient be distracted?
- Do they lie still or are they writhing about?
- T time
- When did the symptoms begin?
28- Associated symptoms
- Are other symptoms present that are commonly
linked to certain diseases that can help rule in
or out your diagnosis? - Pertinent negatives
- Are any likely associated symptoms absent?
- Absence of symptoms can be information as helpful
as presence of other symptoms
29Assessment Pitfalls in the Chronic Renal Patient
- The challenge to the medical professional is to
separate the acute complaint from the chronic
condition - What is new today that changes your status?
- Many of these patients have unstable baselines to
start with - Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
- EKG disturbances
30Physical Assessment - Abdomen
- Boundaries run from xiphoid process to symphysis
pubis - A full bladder will distort assessment and
increase discomfort for the patient - To relax the abdominal wall or to ease pain, a
pillow placed under the knees would be helpful - Start by asking the patient where it hurts
- Examine painful areas last
31- Warm your hands and stethoscope
- If hands are cold, palpate over clothing until
hands warm up - Monitor facial expressions for pain or discomfort
- Validate the facial expression
- Often the patient scrunches their face in
anticipation of pain - Assessment techniques to use
- Inspection, auscultation, percussion, lastly
32Abdominal Assessment Techniques
- Inspection
- A visual review looking for abnormalities
- Auscultation
- Move the stethoscope in a circle approximately 2
inches from the umbilicus listening for bowel
sounds - Normal bowel sounds gurgle approximately every
5-15 seconds
33- Percussion
- Not often performed in the field
- Helps determine size and location of organs
- Determines gas, solid, and fluid filled areas
- Tympany heard over most of abdomen
- Dullness percussed over spleen and liver
34- Palpation
- Palpate painful areas last
- To increase comfort to patient, have them take
slow, deep breaths thru open mouth - Flexing knees relaxes abdominal wall
- Abdominal pain on light palpation indicates
peritoneal irritation or inflammation - Voluntary guarding patient anticipates pain or
is not relaxed - Involuntary guarding peritoneal inflammation
(lining of abdominal cavity)
35SOP Abdominal Pain Stable Patient
- Routine medical care
- Watch the patient for vomiting
- Stable patient
- Patient alert
- Skin warm and dry
- Systolic B/P 100 mmHg
- Contact Medical Control for pain management
36SOP Abdominal Pain Unstable Patient
- Routine medical care
- Watch the patient for vomiting
- Unstable patient
- Altered mental status
- Systolic B/P
- Establish IV x2 if possible
- Fluid challenge in 200 ml increments
- 20 ml/kg in pediatric patient (max 3 challenges)
- Contact Medical control for pain management
37Flank Pain
- Wheres the flank?
- The area of the back below the ribs and above the
hip bones - What organs lie in the flank areas?
- The kidneys
- What is a common reason for flank pain?
- Renal calculi (aka kidney stones)
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39Causes of flank pain
40Kidney Stones
- The formation of crystals in the kidneys
collection system - Hospitalization common for pain control and fluid
hydration - Additional inpatient treatment may be necessary
- Lithotripsy sound waves used to break apart
larger stones into smaller ones that can be
passed during urination
41Kidney Stones
- More common in males
- Suggestion of hereditary patterns
- Risk factors include immobility and certain
medications (anesthetics, opiates, psychotropic
drugs) - Stones can form in metabolic disorders (ie gout)
- Production of excessive uric acid and calcium
42Stones From Calcium Salts
- The most common type of stone
- 75 85 of all stones
- Calcium stones 2 3 times more common in men
- Average age of onset 20 30 years
- Familial indication
- History of one stone and patient likely to form
another one within 2 3 years
43Struvite Stones
- Represent 10 15 of all stones
- Formation associated with chronic urinary tract
infection or frequent bladder catheterization - Patients with spinal cord injuries
- Patients with spina bifida
- More common in women (due to their higher
incidence of UTIs)
44Uric Acid Stones
- The least common of all stones
- Form more often in men
- Tend to occur with family histories so most
likely a hereditary component - Half of patients with uric acid stones have gout
45Patient Assessment
- Chief complaint almost always severe pain
- Kidney stones considered to be the most painful
medical condition - Pain started vague, dull, poorly localized
(visceral pain) in one flank - Within 30 60 minutes pain is extremely sharp,
remains in the flank and radiates downward and
anteriorly to the groin
46Physical Exam
- Agitated, restless, uncomfortable patient
- B/P and heart rate elevated with the pain
- Skin typically pale, cool, clammy
- Patient may not be able to lie still for
abdominal examination - Observed urine sample may have gross hematuria or
will be evident in lab analysis
- Position of comfort
- Be prepared for vomiting (due to pain)
- IV fluids for volume replacement and as a drug
route, and to promote urine formation and
movement through the system to flush through the
stone - Analgesia for pain limited amounts used in the
field often have minimal effect, if at all
48SOP Flank Pain
- SOP treatment same as abdominal pain
- Call Medical Control to obtain pain medication
orders - Be patients advocate for pain control
- Kidney stones are considered the most painful
human condition (just ask someone who has had
49Hypertensive Emergency
- A life-threatening crisis with an acute elevation
of the blood pressure - Systolic B/P 230 mmHg
- Diastolic B/P 120 mmHg
- Usually seen in patients with untreated or poorly
controlled hypertension
50Hypertensive Emergency
- Signs and symptoms
- Epistaxis nosebleed
- The nasal tissue is very thin and prone to bleed
- Headache
- The worst headache in my life often indicates a
subarachnoid bleed - Visual disturbances (ie blurred, blindness)
51- Restlessness
- Confusion
- Nausea and vomiting
- Neurologicial changes
- Altered mental status to seizures to coma
- Complications
- Hypertensive encephalopathy
- Severe headache, vomiting, visual changes,
paralysis, seizures, stupor, coma - Ischemic (clot) or hemorrhagic (bleed) stroke
52Field Assessment
- Chief complaint received is often headache
- Additional accompanying complaints
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Blurred vision
- Shortness of breath
- Epistaxis (nosebleed)
- Vertigo (dizziness)
- Level of consciousness may be normal, altered, or
patient may be unconscious
53Field Assessment
- Findings
- Skin may be pale, flushed, or normal
- Skin may be warm or cool moist or dry
- If hypertensive encephalopathy is present, it may
cause left ventricular failure - Patient will be in pulmonary edema
- Lung sounds clear unless in pulmonary edema
- Pulse often strong and bounding
54SOP - Hypertensive Emergency
- Routine Medical Care
- Obtain and record the B/P in both arms
- Monitor record vital signs and neuro status
every 5 minutes - Lasix 40 mg IVP
- 80mg if already on Lasix at home
- Contact Medical control for further orders
- Possible Nitroglycerin order
55Treating Hypertensive Emergencies
- Initial goal
- To achieve a progressive, controlled reduction in
the blood pressure to minimize risks of
hypoperfusion in the vascular beds in cerebral,
coronary, and renal blood flow - Goal is not to reduce the blood pressure to
normal levels as fast as possible
56Why Give Lasix?
- Lasix is a venodilator and a diuretic
- By dilating blood vessels, blood pressure can be
decreased - Venodilator effect noticed before evidence of
diuretic effects are seen - Decreasing fluid volume is another method to
reduce the blood pressure by reducing the volume
to be pumped
57Why Give Nitroglycerin
- Primarily a venodilator
- Will dilate the diameter of blood vessels
- Decreases blood pressure
- Especially useful in the patient with coronary
ischemia - Still need to screen for use of Viagra or Viagra
type drugs in the past 24-36 hours
58Obtaining A Blood Pressure
59Blood Pressure Measurement
- Poor technique can result in inaccurate values
- Patients arm should be at the same vertical
height as the heart - The cuff bladder should fit snugly around the arm
- The lower edge of the cuff should be placed 1
inch above the brachial artery - The bladder should be centered over the brachial
60- The bell end of the stethoscope will produce
better sounds - The diaphragm is easier to place and hold with
one hand - The cuff and tubing should not be touching
clothes which can give false sounds - After the cuff is pumped up, the air should be
released slowly - Air released too fast may cause an inaccurate
measurement to be read - Cracked tubing causes air to leak too fast
61Obese Site B/P Cuff
- Wrap the blood pressure cuff around the forearm
- Center the bladder over the radial artery
- Place the stethoscope over the radial artery
- Obtain and document the blood pressure in the
usual manner (ie 120/80)
62Blood Pressure by Palpation
- Rough estimation of the systolic value
- Palpate for the loss of the radial or brachial
pulse and continue to inflate the cuff an
additional 30 points - Slowly release the air and when the pulse is
first felt, this is the recorded systolic B/P - Document the reading as 100/palpation
63Rough Estimate of Blood Pressure By Palpation
- A rough guideline accuracy is debatable
- If the radial pulse is palpated, the B/P is said
to be roughly 80 mmHg - If the femoral pulse is palpated, the B/P is said
to be roughly 70 mmHg - If only the carotid (central) pulse is felt, the
B/P is said to be roughly 60 mmHg
64A Neuro Assessment
- Level of consciousness
- A alert (means awake but not necessarily
oriented spontaneous eye opening responds to
voice but can be confused and has motor function
) - V responds to verbal command no matter how
slight and type of response - P responds to pain or tactile stimuli only
- U unresponsive with no eye, voice, or motor
response at all to voice or pain
65- Ask 2 questions to determine level of
consciousness - What month is this?
- How old are you?
- Obtain the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) on all EMS
patients - Best eye opening (4 points)
- Best verbal response (5 points)
- Best motor response (6 points)
- Evaluate pupillary response
66Performing a Pupillary Check
- Ask patient to focus on an object (ie tip of
your nose) - Bring the light in from the side and out the same
way - Without shining in the eyes move the penlight
into position for the opposite side and repeat
67- Vital signs
- Signs of increasing intracranial pressure include
increasing B/P and dropping heart rate - Check muscle tone and strength
- Evaluate facial symmetry (smile)
- Evaluate clarity of speech
- The above 3 are the Cincinnati Stroke Scale
- Arm drift, facial symmetry, speech
- Additionally
- Coordination or gait and sensory
- Movement and sensation
68Repeat Assessment
- If you want to see where the patient is going,
youve got to know where theyre coming from - GET A BASELINE EVALUATION
- You can anticipate something happening if you are
- Prevents surprises
69- Need to constantly monitor the situation
- Watch for trends
- Anticipate surprises
70Pain Management SOP
- Routine trauma or medical care
- Continuous patient monitoring
- Respiratory status
- SaO2
- Blood pressure
- Morphine
- 2 mg slow IVP over 2 minutes
- May repeat every 2 minutes
- Maximum total 10 mg
71Respiratory Depression Related to Morphine Use
- Supportive oxygenation
- If SaO2 is falling and ventilation rates are
declining, consider supportive bagging - Ventilation rates for supportive bagging (AHA)
- Adult 1 breath every 5 6 seconds
- Pediatric patients 8 and less 1 breath every 3
5 seconds - Narcan (narcotic antagonist)
- 2 mg IVP if respiratory depression
72Glasgow Coma Scale Exercise
- Review the following 3 patients assessment
findings - Evaluate for their GCS
- Determine the best response and score the
patients - Best eye opening 1 - 4 points
- Best verbal response 1 5 points
- Best motor response 1 - 6 points
- Note GCS to be obtained on all patients!
73GCS Exercise 1
- You are assessing a 56 year-old patient
- The patient is unresponsive. Nothing happens when
you call the patients name. when you pinch the
patient, their eyes open, then close. - When pinched, the patient says dont, stop and
then is silent. - When pinched, the patient pushes you away
74GCS Exercise 2
- Your patient is a 16 year-old male.
- Upon approaching, the patients eyes are open and
they are looking around with an anxious look. - They do not answer questions they groan if
pinched. - They do not follow commands. When touched, the
patient grabs your arm and doesnt let go.
75GCS Exercise 3
- Your patient is an 8 month-old.
- Their eyes are closed. There is no response to
pinching. - When pinched, the patient groans weakly.
- When pinched, the patient tries to pull away or
turn away from the evaluator.
76GCS Exercise Answers
- GCS 1 total 11
- Eye opening 2
- Verbal response 4
- Motor response 5
- GCS 2 total 11
- Eye opening 4
- Verbal response 2
- Motor response - 5
- GCS 3 total 7
- Eye opening 1
- Verbal response 2
- (groans to pain incomprehensible words)
- Motor response 4
- (withdraws to pain)
77Skill In-line Albuterol
- For Albuterol to have its bronchodilating
effects, it must be delivered down into the lungs - If the patient cant inhale it in, we have to
push it in
78Normal use with corrugated tubing connected to
the T-piece
Kit connected to oxygen and run at 6 l/minute
(enough to create a mist). Nebulizer kept upright
at all times.
79In-line Albuterol
- Intubate the patient
- While waiting to intubate, can bag the
Albuterol into the lungs via in-line set-up thru
ambu mask - Confirm placement in the usual manner
- visualization
- chest rise fall
- 5 point auscultation
- ETCO2 detector
- Evaluated after 6 breaths are delivered
80To adapt nebulizer to in-line use
- Remove mouthpiece from T-piece and replace with
- Connect nebulizer to oxygen source
81- Corrugated tubing left in place on
T-piece - Clear adaptor placed on distal end of corrugated
tubing - Once intubated, clear adaptor connected to ETT
82- Albuterol will be effective if it gets into
the bronchial system, not just into the back of
the throat. - The BVM helps push the Albuterol where it will
do the most good.
83EKG Review Treatment
There is NO pulse!!!
6 second strip
The patient has no pulse!
84EKG Interpretation 1
- PEA with a rate over 60
- Secure airway
- Search for causes (6 Hs 5 Ts)
- Establish IV/IO access
- Epinephrine 110,000 1 mg IVP/IO every 3-5
minutes - No Atropine rate over 60
856 Hs
- Hypovolemia fluid challenge
- Hypoxia supplemented oxygen flow
- Hydrogen ion acidosis ventilate (breathe) for
the patient - Hyper/Hypokalemia electrolyte imbalance
- Hypothermia warm them up
- Hypoglycemia screen all unconscious/altered
level of consciousness patients for glucose level
865 Ts
- Toxins think little kids getting into the wrong
places (ie purses, cabinets) - Tamponade, cardiac
- Tension pneumothorax needle decompression
- Thrombosis, coronary
- Thrombosis, pulmonary (embolism)
- Trauma
87EKG Review Treatment
88EKG Interpretation 2
- Strip A complete heart block
- Strip B paced rhythm
- Unstable Type II and 3rd degree heart blocks
- Patient often unstable due to slow heart rate
- Begin TCP
- Rate 80/minute
- Sensitivity auto/demand
- Output lowest mA until capture
89Comfort Measures For TCP
- Valium 2 mg IVP slowly over 2 minutes
- May repeat 2 mg IVP every 2 minutes
- Maximum of 10 mg
- Can touch the patient and not receive shocks
- Its the patient that feels the electrical
90EKG Review Treatment
91EKG Interpretation 3
- VT wide complex, until proven otherwise, is VT
- 2 questions to ask for all tachycardias
- Question 1 is patient stable or unstable
- Evaluate LOC and B/P
- If you are not perfusing, you cannot maintain an
adequate level of consciousness or blood pressure - If unstable, prepare for immediate cardioversion
- If stable, ask question 2
922nd Question To Ask if Stable Tachycardia
- Question 2 is complex (QRS) narrow or wide?
- Narrow think SVT
- Adenosine is drug of choice
- Wide think VT
- EMS choice between Amiodarone or Lidocaine
- Mixing the antidysrhythmics makes the heart more
irritable - Let the ED know which drug therapy was started
93- If stable VT
- Antidysrhythmic treatment
- Amiodarone 150 mg diluted in 100 ml D5W IVPB
- Draw up Amiodarone dose, add to 100 ml D5W IV bag
and gently agitate to mix label the bag (drug,
amount, time added) - Run thru mini-drip tubing piggyback into the
primary IV line - Run over 10 minutes (rapid drip rate just below
wide open) - OR Lidocaine 0.75 mg/kg IVP x1
- Contact Medical Control for further orders
94EKG Review Treatment
95EKG Interpretation 4
- Sinus bradycardia
- If symptomatic/unstable (poor cardiac output with
altered mental status and B/P - Atropine 0.5 mg rapid IVP
- When theyre alive give them 0.5
- May repeat every 3-5 minutes to a max of 3 mg
- If ineffective begin TCP
- If TCP ineffective, treat per Cardiogenic Shock
- IV fluid challenge in 200 ml increments, Dopamine
96Wheres ST elevation?
9712 Lead Interpretation 1
- ST elevation in exercise 1
- V1 V3
- 12 lead obtained in field
- EMS to evaluate the 12 lead looking for patterns
of ST elevation - I, aVL, V5, V6
- II, III, aVF
- Any contiguous V leads
- EMS to call in what they see fax the 12 lead
98Wheres the ST elevation?
9912 Lead Interpretation 2
- ST elevation in exercise 2
- V2 V4
- 12 lead obtained in field
- EMS to evaluate the 12 lead looking for patterns
of ST elevation - I, aVL, V5, V6
- II, III, aVF
- Any contiguous V leads
- EMS to call in what they see fax the 12 lead
100Wheres the ST elevation?
10112 Lead Interpretation 3
- ST elevation in exercise 3
- II, III, aVF
- 12 lead obtained in field
- EMS to evaluate the 12 lead looking for patterns
of ST elevation - I, aVL, V5, V6
- II, III, aVF
- Any contiguous V leads
- EMS to call in what they see fax the 12 lead
- Bledsoe, Porter, Cherry. Paramedic Care
Principles Practices. 3rd Edition. Brady. 2009. - Burrows-Hudson, S. Chronic Kidney Disease. AJN.
Feb 2005. Vol 105, No2. - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_pressure
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AVPU
- www.hospital-equipment.co.uk/images/taking-bl
- www.mayoclinic.com/health/hemodialysis/DA00078
- www.neuroexam.com/
- www.strokestrategyseo.ca/pdf_docs/neurological20a
ssessment - www.vascularweb.org/patients/NorthPoint/Dialysis_A