Title: Renal II: Renal Failure and Bladder Function
1Renal Pathophysiologyand Bladder Dysfunction
2Clinical Assessment of Renal Function
3Clinical Assessment of Renal Function
- Glomerular Filtration Rate
- Blood urea nitrogen
- Serum creatinine
- Creatinine clearance
- Renal Tubular Function and Integrity
- Urine Concentrating Ability
- Proteinuria
- Urinary Sodium Excretion
- An imaginary quantity
- Physical there is no such thing as clearance
- Normally performed as a 24-hour urine collection
- The clearance of a solute - the virtual volume
of blood that would be totally cleared of a
solute in a given time. - The rate at which the kidneys excrete solute into
urine rate at which solute disappears from
blood plasma. - Solutes come from the blood perfusing the
kidneys. - For solute X
Conc. of X in urine
Volume of urine formed in given time
Cx Ux x V
Conc. of X in systemic blood plasma
6Measurement of GFR
7Measurement of GFR
- GFR is also assessed using principles of
clearance. - As the solute, we use creatinine because all of
the creatinine that is filtered ends up in the
urine and none of it is reabsorbed - GFR - volume of fluid filtered into Bowmans
capsule per unit time. - Same equation, GFR is Cx if X has certain
required properties (i.e. Ccreatinine).
Conc. of X in urine
Volume of urine formed in given time
GFR Ux x V
Conc. of X in systemic blood plasma
Glomerular filtration rate
8Clinical Assessment of Renal FunctionMetabolism
of Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
9Clinical Assessment of Renal FunctionMetabolism
of Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
- Major nitrogenous end product of protein and
amino acid catabolism - Produced by liver and distributed throughout
intracellular and extracellular fluid - In kidneys almost all urea is filtered out of
blood by glomerular function. Some urea
reabsorbed with water (50) but most is removed
in urine
10Increased BUN
11Increased BUN
- Dehydration
- There is a lack of fluid volume to excrete waste
products - High protein diet
- GI bleed
- Equivalent to a high protein diet because there
are a lot of red blood cells - Digested blood is a source of urea
- Anabolic Steroid use
- Impaired renal function
- The kidneys are less able to clear urea from the
bloodstream - CHF - poor renal perfusion
- Shock
- MI
- Excess protein catabolism
12Decreased BUN
13Decreased BUN
- Fluid excess - especially a concern with IV
fluids - SIADH
- Excess water is retained in the bloodstream
inappropriately - Trauma, surgery, opioids,
- Liver failure
- Urea is synthesized by the liver so liver
problems lead to decreased synthesis - If the liver is not working well, ammonia is high
- Malnutrition
- Anabolic steroid use
- Pregnancy - dilutional effects of having a
higher blood volume
14BUNBottom Line
15BUNBottom Line
- Bottom line BUN is not really a good indicator
of renal function since many other things can
influence its levels. -
- Multiple variables can interfere with the
interpretation of a BUN value - GFR and creatinine clearance are more accurate
markers of kidney function. - Age, sex, and weight will alter the "normal"
range for each individual, including race. - In renal failure or chronic kidney disease (CKD),
BUN will only be elevated outside "normal" when
more than 60 of kidney cells are no longer
functioning. - More accurate measures of renal function are
generally preferred to assess the clearance for
purposes of medication dosing.
16Serum Creatinine
17Serum Creatinine
- Normal values
- Men 0.8-1.3 mg/dL
- Women 0.6-1.0 mg/dL
18Creatinine Metabolism
19Creatinine Metabolism
- Creatinine is a waste product of creatine
phosphate metabolism by skeletal muscle tissue. - The amount of muscle that a person has is
proportional to muscle mass.
20Increased Creatinine
21Increased Creatinine
- Occurs only with a loss of more than 50 of
nephrons - Impaired renal function
- Chronic nephritis
- Urinary tract obstruction
- Muscle diseases such as gigantism, acromegaly,
and myasthenia gravis because there are issues
with muscles breaking down and releasing a lot of
creatinine - Congestive heart failure
- Shock
22Decreased Creatinine
23Decreased Creatinine
- Elderly
- Persons with small stature, decreased muscle mass
- Inadequate dietary protein
- Muscle atrophy
24Serum CreatinineBottom Line
25Serum CreatinineBottom Line
- Serum creatinine measurements are a good first
approximation of renal function. It is better
than BUN but is not as good as creatinine
26Creatinine Clearance Test
27Creatinine Clearance Test
- Normal values
- 110-115 mL/min
- Creatinine clearance - the total amount of
creatinine excreted in urine in a 24 hour period - Creatinine is excreted entirely by the kidneys
and is not reabsorbed in the tubules. - Therefore, it is directly proportional to the
glomerular filtration rate (GFR). - So clinically it can be seen as a measure of
28Changes in Creatinine Clearance
29Changes in Creatinine Clearance
- With unilateral kidney disease or nephrectomy, a
decreased creatinine clearance is NOT expected if
the other kidney is normal - During renal failure, diminished glomerular
filtration occurs - Increases the retention of creatinine in the
serum. - When chronic renal failure and uremia becomes
very severe, an eventual reduction occurs in the
excretion of creatinine by both the glomeruli and
the tubules. - Bottom line Creatinine clearance is the gold
standard measurement of renal function because
it is a measure of the GFR.
30Assessment of Renal Tubular Function and Integrity
31Assessment of Renal Tubular Function and Integrity
- The tubules are responsible for urine
concentration - Resorb a lot of solutes and a lot of water
- Does this to control the ECF, not to produce
urine - Urine specific gravity 1.003-1.030
32Factors that Can Influence the Concentration
33Factors that Can Influence the Concentration
- 1) Decreased sodium absorption
- Chronic polyuria (e.g. diabetes insipidus,
diabetes mellitus) - Altered sodium resorption (e.g. Addison's
disease). - 2) Lack of ADH
- ADH increases the permeability of the tubules to
water and urea - A lack of ADH decreases the permeability of the
tubules - Hypokalemia
- Hypercalcemia
- 3) Increased medullary blood flow
- Causes medullary solute washout, because the vasa
recta is critical in maintaining the medullary
interstitial gradient - Hypokalemia
- Hypercalcemia
- Thyroid hormone
34Assessment of Glomerular Function and Integrity
35Assessment of Glomerular Function and Integrity
- Proteinuria- protein in the urine
- Types
- Transient
- Orthostatic
- Persistent
36Transient Proteinuria
37Transient Proteinuria
- Transient- resolves with treatment of underlying
condition - May occur with fever, CHF, seizure, exercise
- This is of no consequence
- Single tests need to be repeated to verify
38Orthostatic Proteinuria
39Orthostatic Proteinuria
- Not associated with deteriorating renal function.
- Increased protein excretion in the upright
position and normal protein excretion in the
supine position
40Persistent Proteinuria
41Persistent Proteinuria
- Persistent- indicates significant renal disease
- Glomerular- alterations in basement membrane
filtration - Due to increased filtration of albumin and other
macromolecules across the glomerular basement
membrane - Occurs because of an alteration in the charge
selectivity and size selectivity of the
glomerular barrier - Tubular- impairment of tubular reabsorption
(amino acid nuria) -
42Types of Dysfunctions that Cause Renal Disease
43- Types of Dysfunctions that Cause Renal Disease
- First question when you have a patient with renal
problems - Pre-renal
- Intra-renal (Intrinsic)
- Post-renal
44Pre-Renal Dysfunction
45Pre-Renal Dysfunction
- Decreased blood flow to kidney (most common form)
- If the kidney does not get enough blood, it
cannot function properly - Causes
- Hemorrhage
- ? Cardiac Output (CO)
- Dehydration
- Loss of fluids
- Shock
46Intra-Renal Dysfunction
47Intra-Renal Dysfunction
- Disorders that disrupt the structures of the
kidney - Causes
- Ischemia
- Drugs
- Glomerular disease
- Intratubular obstruction
- Toxins from infection
48Post-Renal Dysfunction
49Post-Renal Dysfunction
- Disorders that impair urine outflow from the
kidneys - Ureteral obstruction
- Obstruction of the ureters or the urethra
50Pre-renal Causes of Kidney Dysfunction
51Pre-renal Causes of Kidney Dysfunction
- Kidneys receive 25 of CO to filter blood they
regulate fluids and electrolytes. - ?Renal Blood Flow (RBF) ?
- ? Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) ? ? urine
output (u/o) - ?RBF ? ?02 delivery to tubular cells ? cell death
- The glomeruls efferent arteriole leads to another
capillary bed that nourishes the tubule - ?RBF ? ? GFR, ? filtration of substances,
?substances in blood ???Cr, ?BUN
52Intrinsic Causes of Renal Dysfunction
53Intrinsic Causes of Renal Dysfunction
- Conditions that cause damage to structures within
kidney - glomeruli, interstitium, tubules
- Injury to tubules most common
- Injury to glomeruli
54Intrinsic Causes of Renal DysfunctionInjury to
55Intrinsic Causes of Renal DysfunctionInjury to
- Ischemia
- Toxic insult (drugs)
- Obstruction
56Intrinsic Causes of Renal DysfunctionInjury to
57Intrinsic Causes of Renal DysfunctionInjury to
- Diabetes
- The most common cause of glomerular disease
- Autoimmune disease
58Immune Mechanisms of Glomerular Disease
59Immune Mechanisms of Glomerular Disease
Antigens Exogenous or endogenous to the
kidney. Immune complexes set up intense
inflammation that damages the BM.
Porth, 2007, Essentials of Pathophysiology, 2nd
ed., Lippincott, p. 550
60Anti-Glomerular Membrane Antibodies
61Anti-Glomerular Membrane Antibodies
- Antiglomerular antibodies leave circulation,
react with antigens present in BM of glomerulus. - Autoantibodies react to structures of the
glomerulus, most commonly the basement membrane
62Circulating Antigen-Antibody Complex Deposition
63Circulating Antigen-Antibody Complex Deposition
- Antigen-antibody complexes circulating in
blood become trapped as they are filtered in
glomerulus. - Circulating immune complexes are bound to an
antigen - Because they are bound to antigen, they have the
capability of evoking an immune response - Clogged up and lodge in the kidney, leading to an
inflammatory response in the glomeruls
64End Result of the Immune Mechanisms of Glomerular
65End Result of the Immune Mechanisms of Glomerular
- The end result is the same...the only difference
is the location of the antigen - Left part of the kidney, right can be anywhere,
circulating - The commonality is that inflammation occurs,
damaging the basement of the glomerulus
66IntrinsicGlomerular Disorders
67IntrinsicGlomerular Disorders
- Glomerular disorders affect glomerular capillary
structures that filter material from the blood. - Nephritic syndromes
- Nephrotic syndromes
68Nephritic Syndromes
69Nephritic Syndromes
- Nephritic syndromes are caused by diseases that
produce proliferative inflammatory responses that
decrease the permeability of the capillary
membrane. - This is usually because the membrane thickens
70Nephrotic Syndromes
71Nephrotic Syndromes
- The nephrotic syndrome is caused by disorders
that increase the permeability of the glomerular
capillary membrane, causing massive loss of
protein in the urine. - This makes the membrane too porous
- Disorders may be nephritic and then nephrotic or
nephrotic and then nephritic
72Acute Proliferative Glomerulonephritis
73Acute Proliferative Glomerulonephritis
Hematuria Proteinuria RBC Casts shape of the
tubule because so many rbcs were in the tubule
nephrotic syndrome
Infection with streptococci
Edema Hypertension, HF Encephalopathy Renal
Immune complexes/antigens glom onto the strep,
creating circulating complexes that become
entrapped in the glomerular membrane
Oliguria,Na and H2O retention Hypervolemia
nephritic syndrome
Activation of complement Recruitment of leukocytes
Inflammation and Swelling Of capillary membrane
74Other Nephritic Syndromes
75Other Nephritic Syndromes
- Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
- IgA Nephropathy (i.e. Buerger disease)
- As nephritic syndromes worsen, they may progress
to nephrotic syndromes and vice versa.
76Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
77Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
- Caused by a number of immunologic disorders
- Systemic lupus erythematosis
- Goodpasture syndrome
- The antibody-antigen complex leads to
inflammation, which then destroys the glomerulus
78IgA Nephropathy (i.e. Buerger disease)
79IgA Nephropathy (i.e. Buerger disease)
- Deposition of IgA immune complexes in mesangium
80Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndromes
81Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndromes
- Proteinuria
- Lipiduria
- Hypoalbuminemia
- Edema
- Hyperlipidemia
- The hallmark of a nephrotic syndrome is
proteinuria - When proteins pass into the urine, their
concentration decreases in the blood, leading to
edema - This is because there is not enough osmotic
pressure pulling the fluid back into the venous
82Nephrotic Disorders
83Nephrotic Disorders
- Membranous Glomerulonephritis
- Thickening of GBM due to immune complexes
- Minimal Change Disease (Lipoid Nephrosis)
- Diffuse loss of foot processes from the
epithelial layer of the glomerular membrane. - Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
- Sclerosis of some glomeruli. (Alonzo Mourning)
84Diabetic Nephropathy
85Diabetic Nephropathy
Hyperfiltration Hyperperfusion
Increased messangial cell matrix production
GBM thickens
Glomerular sclerosis
Renal Failure
86Diabetic NephropathyDescription
87Diabetic NephropathyDescription
- Diabetes damages the basement membrane because of
the high glucose - Glucose can attach itself to proteins
- One of the first signs is microalbuminuria caused
by increased permeability of the basement
membrane - This is an increase in GFR
- Can test the urine for small amounts of albumin
- Treat this by putting them on an ACE inhibitor in
order to retard the nephropathy - Then GBM thickens, leading to renal failure
- Occurs when the kidney leaks small amounts of
albumin into the urine - In other words, when there is an abnormally high
permeability for albumin in the renal glomerulus. - An important prognostic marker for kidney disease
in diabetes mellitus
88Hypertensive Glomerular Disease
89Hypertensive Glomerular Disease
- Hypertension is a cause and effect of kidney
disease - Everyone with renal failure has hypertension
- ? glomerular structure (sclerosis) ? thick vessel
walls ? ? perfusion of the nephron ? ?BUN and
proteinuria - BUT as RBF declines, the kidney secretes renin,
activating the RAAS, thereby raising BP further.
90Hypertension and the Kidneys
91Hypertension and the Kidneys
- Hypertension causes renal failure
- High pressure on the glomerulus causes it to
thicken, which decreases perfusion of the nephron
and increases the BUN - Because the glomerulus is damaged, there will be
proteinuria - Kidney senses damage and secretes renin
- Creates angiotensin II, which raises the blood
pressure - May restore renal blood flow for a while but then
destroys the kidney further as well - The RAAS will become more active and lead to
higher blood pressure
92Intratubular Obstruction
93Intratubular Obstruction
- Myoglobin
- Hemoglobin
- Large amounts of uric acid or protein
- Myoglobin stores oxygen for the skeletal muscle
to use - Rhabdomyolosis leads to liberation of the
myoglobin, which will clog up the tubules - Skeletal muscle breakdown from trauma, exertion,
hyperthermia, prolonged seizures, statins and
fibrin derivatives.
- Hemolysis, including blood transfusion reactions,
liberates the hemoglobin and causes tubular
98Large Amounts of Uric Acid or Protein
99Large Amounts of Uric Acid or Protein
- Widespread cancer, such as leukemia and multiple
myeloma - Massive tumor destruction with chemotherapy
liberates all of the contents of the blood cells
into the blood - Radiation (tumor lysis syndrome)
100Postrenal Causes of Renal Failure
101Postrenal Causes of Renal Failure
- Obstruction of urine outflow from kidneys
- Ureters
- Calculi, strictures
- Bladder
- Tumors, neurogenic bladder
- Urethra
- Prostatic hypertrophy may lead to urine backing
up into the kidneys - Strictures
Porth, 2007, Essentials of Pathophysiology, 2nd
ed., Lippincott, p. 540
102Mechanisms of Renal Damage Due to Obstruction
103Mechanisms of Renal Damage Due to Obstruction
- For the post-renal causes and pre-renal causes,
if you reverse the cause pretty quickly, the
kidney can get back to normal fairly quickly - Kidney damage depends on
- Degree of obstruction
- Partial vs. complete unilateral vs. bilateral
- Duration of the obstruction
104Most Damaging Effects of Obstruction
105Most Damaging Effects of Obstruction
- Stasis of urine, bacteria ascend urethra?
infection, stone formation - Development of back pressure ?Decreased renal
blood flow, destroys kidney tissue
107Hydronephrosis is distention (dilation) of the
kidney with urine, caused by backward pressure on
the kidney when the flow of urine is obstructed.
- Marked/complete obstruction ? ? back pressure due
to continued glomerular filtration, impedance to
urine flow - Hydroureter
- Obstruction in distal ureter ? ? pressure above
it ? dilation of ureter - Hydronephrosis
- Urine-filled dilatation of renal pelvis
Merck Manual
The panels show the right and left kidneys of a
patient. Note the dilated pelvis and calyces on
the right compared to the left. A tumor caused
an outflow obstruction on the right, resulting in
108Manifestations of Obstruction
109Manifestations of Obstruction
- Pain
- Usually the reason for seeking medical care
- Result of distention of bladder, collecting
system, renal capsule. - Signs of urinary tract infection
- The fancy name for kidney stones
- Crystalline structures made up of materials the
kidney normally excretes in urine - The etiology of stone formation is complex and
not well understood - Usually people who get one stone usually get
multiple ones - ? Why usually unilateral?
- ? Urine is saturated with stone components?
- Calcium salts, Magnesium-ammonium phosphate,
cystine, uric acid - ? Organic materials produced by epithelial cells?
- ? Lack of proteins that inhibit crystallization?
- Calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate
- Associated with hypercalcemia
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Vitamin D intoxication
- Diffuse bone disease
- Immobility
- Renal tubular acidosis will favor stone formation
114A 58-year-old man presented with a 1 year history
of dysuria
115A 58-year-old man presented with a 1 year history
of dysuria
Rajaian S and Kekre N. N Engl J Med 20093611486
Rajaian S and Kekre N. N Engl J Med 20093611486
116Manifestations of Stones
117Manifestations of Stones
- Renal Colic
- Noncolicky Renal Pain
118Renal Colic
119Renal Colic
- Stretching of the collecting system/ureter.
- Stones (1-5mm) move into ureter, obstruct flow.
- Acute, intermittent, excruciating pain in flank
on affected side.
120Noncolicky Renal Pain
121Noncolicky Renal Pain
- Not as much pain
- Stones that produce distention of the renal
calyces/pelvis. - Dull ache in flank, mild to severe
- Worsens with fluid intake.
122Treatment of Small Stones
123Treatment of Small Stones
- Treatment depends on the type and cause of the
stone. Most stones can be treated without
surgery. Stones less than 5 mm in size usually
will pass spontaneously. - Drinking lots of water (two and a half to three
liters per day) and staying physically active are
often enough to move a stone out of the body. - However, if there is infection, blockage, or a
risk of kidney damage, a stone should always be
removed. Any infection is treated with
antibiotics first. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs or opioids are used for pain control, along
with a stool softener.
124Treatment of Larger Renal Stones
125Treatment of Larger Renal Stones
- Stones greater than 6 mm will require some form
of intervention, especially if the stone is
stuck, causing obstruction and infection of the
urinary tract. - Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)
- Ureteroscopic Stone Removal
- Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)
126Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)
127Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)
- This is the most common method
- Does not involve a surgical operation.
- Ultrasound waves are used to break the stones
into crystals small enough to be passed in the
urine. - The shock waves do not hurt
- Some people feel some discomfort at the time of
the procedure and shortly afterwards.
128Ureteroscopic Stone Removal
129Ureteroscopic Stone Removal
- If a stone is lodged in the ureter, a flexible
narrow instrument called a cystoscope can be
passed up through the urethra and bladder. - The stone is "caught" and removed, or shattered
into tiny pieces with a shock wave. - This procedure is usually done under a general
130Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)
131Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)
- If ESWL does not work or a stone is particularly
large, it may be surgically removed under general
anesthetic. - The surgeon makes a small cut in the back and
uses a telescopic instrument called a nephroscope
to pull the stone out or break it up with shock
132Renal Failure
133Renal Failure
- Condition in which the kidneys fail to remove
metabolic end products from the blood and
regulate the fluid, electrolyte, and pH balance
of the extracellular fluids. - Underlying cause may be renal disease or systemic
disease. - Can occur as acute or chronic
134Types of Renal Failure
135Types of Renal Failure
- Acute
- Abrupt in onset
- Usually reversible with early treatment
- Chronic
- End result of irreparable damage to the kidneys
- Develops over the course of years
136Acute Renal Failure (ARF)
137Acute Renal Failure (ARF)
- Azotemia
- Accumulation of nitrogenous waste products (urea)
in blood. - Urea, nitrogen, creatinine
- Both the BUN and the creatinine would go up
- ?GFR ? ? urine excretion of wastes? ? Blood
urea nitrogen (BUN), ? Blood Creatinine (Cr). - Many causes
- Acute tubular necrosis is one
McCance (2002) Figure 34-6 pg. 1175
138Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN)
139Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN)
- Very common in hospitalized patient
- Characterized by destruction of tubular
epithelial cells ? ? tubular functions - Most common cause of intrinsic renal failure
- Risk
- Elderly, diabetics, poor renal perfusion
- Tubular injury is usually reversible
140Causes of Acute Tubular Necrosis
141Causes of Acute Tubular Necrosis
- Ischemia, such as from shock
- Nephrotoxic drugs
- Tubular obstruction
- Ex. myoglobin and hemoglobin
- Toxins from infectious agents
142Three Phases of ATN
143Three Phases of ATN
- Onset/initiating
- Maintenance Phase
- Recovery Phase
144Onset/Initiating Phase
145Onset/Initiating Phase
- Hours/days from onset of insult
- Gradual
- Urine output will decrease slowly
146Maintenance Phase
147Maintenance Phase
- ? GFR
- Retention of metabolites (urea, K, sulfate, Cr),
? U/O - Generalized edema
- Pulmonary edema
- Metabolic acidosis
- Because the kidney is not working to rid the body
of acid - Everything is clogged up and a lot of times the
person will not produce any urine at all
148Recovery Phase
149Recovery Phase
- Repair of renal tissues
- Gradual improvement in U/O, BUN, and creatinine
150Chronic Renal Failure
151Chronic Renal Failure
- Progressive, irreversible destruction of nephrons
over many years. - Requires dialysis, kidney transplants.
- Causes
- Diabetes, hypertension, glomerulonephritis
- Signs and symptoms are not evident until disease
is advanced.
Porth, 2007, Essentials of Pathophysiology, 2nd
ed., Lippincott, p.564
152Chronic Renal FailureStages of Progression
153Chronic Renal FailureStages of Progression
- Diminished Renal Reserve
- Renal Insufficiency
- Renal Failure
- End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
154Diminished Renal Reserve
155Diminished Renal Reserve
- GFR 50 of normal and BUN/Cr are normal
- No signs/symptoms
156Renal Insufficiency
157Renal Insufficiency
- GFR 20-50 of normal
- Azotemia
- Anemia
- Hypertension
158Renal Failure
159Renal Failure
- GFR lt 20
- ? fluid/electrolyte regulation
- Metabolic acidosis
- Other systems fail
160End-stage Renal Disease
161End-stage Renal Disease
- GFR lt 5 normal
- Atrophy/fibrosis of kidneys
- Dialysis or transplant required
162Signs and Symptoms of Renal Failure
163Signs and Symptoms of Renal Failure
- Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
- Increase in blood levels of metabolic acids and
other small, diffusible particles (e.g. urea) - Anemia - erythropoietin is missing
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Vitamin D and calcium in the kidney are not
working so the parathyroid gland secretes more - Cardiovascular effects
- Activation of renin-angiotensin mechanism,
leading to increased vascular volume - Fluid retention and hypoalbuminemia
- Excess extracellular fluid volume, left
ventricular hypertrophy and anemia - Body fluids
- Hematologic
164Signs/Symptoms of Renal FailureFluid and
Electrolyte Imbalance
165Signs/Symptoms of Renal FailureFluid and
Electrolyte Imbalance
- Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
- Increases in blood levels of metabolic acids and
other small, diffusible particles (urea) - Signs of uremic encephalopathy
- Lethargy
- Decreased alertness
- Loss of recent memory
- Delirium
- Coma
- Seizures
- Asterixis
- Muscle twitching
- Tremulousness
- Signs of neuropathy
- Restless leg syndrome
- Paresthesias
- Muscle weakness and atrophy
166Signs/Symptoms of Renal FailureAnemia,
Hyperparathyroidism, High Concentrations
167Signs/Symptoms of Renal FailureAnemia,
Hyperparathyroidism, High Concentrations
- Anemia
- Because erythropoietin is missing
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Vitamin D and calcium in the kidney are not
working so the parathyroid gland secretes more - High concentration of metabolic end products in
body fluids - Pale, sallow complexion
- Pruitus
- Uremic frost and odor of ammonia on skin and
168Consequences of Renal FailureCardiovascular
169Consequences of Renal FailureCardiovascular
- Activation of the RAAS and increased vascular
volume - Hypertension that must be treated
- Everybody with kidney failure has hypertension
because the RAAS is working over time - Fluid retention and hypoalbuminemia
- Leads to edema
- Dialysis is required
- Excess extracellular fluid volume
- Left ventricular hypertrophy and anemia
- Pulmonary edema
- Dialysis is required
170Consequences of Renal FailureBody Fluids
171Consequences of Renal FailureBody Fluids
- Decreased ability to synthesize ammonia and
conserve bicarbonate - Metabolic acidosis
- Dialysis is required
- Inability to excrete potassium
- Hyperkalemia and dialysis
- Inability to regulate sodium excretion
- Salt wasting or sodium retention and dialysis
- Impaired ability to excrete phosphate
- Hyperphosphatemia and dialysis
- Osteoporosis
- Impaired phosphate excretion and inability to
activate vitamin D - Hypocalcemia and increased levels of PTH
172Consequences of Renal FailureHematologic
173Consequences of Renal FailureHematologic
- Impaired synthesis of erythropoietin and effects
of uremia - Anemia
- Impaired platelet function
- Bleeding tendencies
176Renal Failure and the Elimination of Drugs
177Renal Failure and the Elimination of Drugs
- Kidneys are responsible for elimination of drugs
and their metabolites - Renal failure and its treatment interfere with
elimination of drugs - Decreased elimination allows some drugs to
accumulate in blood dosages may need to be
adjusted - A type 2 diabetes drug that is eliminated
completely by the kidney is metformin - People with renal failure cannot take metformin
178The maintenance phase of acute tubular necrosis
(ATN) is characterized by
179The maintenance phase of acute tubular necrosis
(ATN) is characterized by
- Hypokalemia
- Diuresis
- Edema
- Discolored urine
180Control of Urine Elimination and Disordersof
the Bladder
181Control of Urine Elimination
182Control of Urine Elimination
- Urine formation is a by-product of the normal
functioning of the kidneys, whose main function
is to maintain the acid-base balance and ion
concentrations in the blood. - The urine is whatever is left over from the
processes of the kidney - The bladder stores urine and controls its
elimination from the body
183Alterations in Urine Elimination
184Alterations in Urine Elimination
- Neurogenic bladder an inability to urinate
- The bladder does not contract properly
- Incontinence urinate too much, in the wrong
place, or at the wrong time
185Four Layers of Bladder
186Four Layers of Bladder
- Outer serosal layer
- Detrusor muscle
- Network of smooth muscle fibers
- Submucosal layer of loose connective tissue
- Inner mucosal lining of transitional epithelial
cells - Acts as a barrier to prevent the passage of water
between the bladder contents and blood
Porth, 2007, Essentials of Pathophysiology, 2nd
ed., Lippincott, p. 576
187Description of the Bladder
188Description of the Bladder
- The bladder has a lot of layers that expand as it
fills with urine - The urine is propelled down the ureters by
peristalsis - When it gets to the bladder, the bladder squeezes
the ureters - The bladder is made of smooth muscle lined by
epithelium (transitional epithelium) - The area at the bladder neck is called the
trigone - There is an internal sphincter (smooth muscle)
and an external sphincter (skeletal muscle,
voluntary control)
189Motor Control of Bladder Function
190Motor Control of Bladder Function
- Detrusor muscle
- Muscle of micturition (smooth muscle)
- Contracts?urine is expelled from bladder under
ANS control - Abdominal muscles
- Contraction ? ? intra-abdominal pressure ? ?
bladder pressure - Internal sphincter
- Circular smooth muscles in bladder neck
continuation of detrusor. Bladder relaxed, these
fibers are closed and act as sphincter. When
detrusor contracts, sphincter is pulled open by ?
in bladder shape under ANS control - External sphincter
- Circular skeletal muscle that surrounds urethra,
acts as a reserve mechanism to stop micturition
maintains continence despite ? bladder pressure
skeletal muscle is under voluntary control
191Neural Control of Bladder FunctionNervous System
192Neural Control of Bladder FunctionNervous System
- ANS and Voluntary control
- Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS)
- Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS)
193Parasympathetic Nervous System
194Parasympathetic Nervous System
- Excitatory input to the bladder ?bladder emptying
- Relaxes internal sphincter
- The PNS is the mechanism for emptying the bladder
195Sympathetic Nervous System
196Sympathetic Nervous System
- Relaxes bladder smooth muscle
- Contracts internal sphincter
- The SNS is the mechanism for not emptying the
197Levels of Neurogenic Control of Bladder Function
198Levels of Neurogenic Control of Bladder Function
- Three main levels of neurologic control for
bladder function - Spinal cord reflex centers (involuntary/parasympat
hetic) - Micturition center in the pons
- Cortical and subcortical centers
(Voluntary Control)
199Spinal Cord Centers
200Spinal Cord Centers
- The centers for reflex control of micturition are
located in S2-S4 (PSNS) and T11-L1 (SNS) - Afferent (sensory) input from bladder and urethra
is carried to CNS by fibers that travel with PSNS
(pelvic), somatic (pudendal), and SNS
(hypogastric) nerve.
Porth, (2005) Pathophysiology Concepts of
Altered Health States, Lippincott, p. 853.
201Pelvic Nerves and Muscles
202Pelvic Nerves and Muscles
- Pelvic nerve carries sensory fibers from stretch
receptors in bladder wall - Pudendal nerve carries sensory fibers from the
external sphincter - Pelvic muscles and the hypogastric nerve carry
sensory fibers from the trigone area.
203Bladder Emptying and Urine StorageDiagram
204Porth, 2007, Essentials of Pathophysiology, 2nd
ed., Lippincott, p. 578
205Developmental Micturition
206Developmental Micturition
- In infants/children micturition is involuntary,
triggered by spinal cord reflex. - Bladder fills, detrusor contracts, and internal
sphincter relaxes. - As bladder ? in capacity ? ? tone of internal
sphincter. - At 2-3 yrs, child becomes conscious of the need
to urinate and can learn to contract pelvic
muscles to maintain closure of external sphincter
and delay urination. - As nervous system continues to mature, inhibition
of involuntary detrusor muscle activity takes
place. - After child achieves continence, micturition
becomes voluntary. - There is a cortical input to the sympathetic
207Disorders in Bladder Function
208Disorders in Bladder Function
- Urinary tract infection (UTI)
- Urinary obstruction and stasis
- Urinary incontinence
- Neurogenic bladder disorders
209Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
210Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
- Normally, urine is sterile. An infection occurs
when bacteria from the stool cling to the opening
of the urethra and begin to multiply. - Women, especially young women, have more UTIs
than men because their urethra is shorter - Bacteria travel up the urethra and multiply. An
infection of the urethra is urethritis. A
bladder infection is called cystitis. If the
infection is not treated promptly, bacteria may
then travel further up the ureters to cause a
kidney infection, called pyelonephritis
211Structure of the Urinary System and Infection
212Structure of the Urinary System and Infection
- The urinary system is structured in a way that
helps ward off infection. The ureters and bladder
prevent urine from backing up toward the kidneys
because it is tunneling, and the flow of urine
from the bladder helps wash bacteria out (as long
as you void completely).
Porth, 2007, Essentials of Pathophysiology, 2nd
ed., Lippincott, p. 576
213UTI Symptoms
214UTI Symptoms
- A frequent urge to urinate with a painful,
burning in the bladder or urethra during
urination. - The urine itself may look milky or cloudy, even
reddish if blood is present (because the bladder
is so irritated by the infection).
215UTI Diagnosis
216UTI Diagnosis
- Made by urinalysis (U/A)
- The urine is examined for white and red blood
cells and bacteria. - A culture may be done to identify the organism.
- E. coli is the most frequent infecting organism
217UTI Treatment
218UTI Treatment
- UTIs are treated with antibacterial drugs.
- Drug choice and length of treatment depend on the
patient history and U/A results. - The drug most often used to treat routine,
uncomplicated UTIs is trimethoprim/
sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra, Cotrim) - Often, a UTI can be cured with 1 or 3 days of
treatment if not complicated by an obstruction or
other disorder
219Acquired Urethral Obstruction
220Acquired Urethral Obstruction
- External compression of urethra caused by benign
or malignant enlargement of prostate gland - The prostate becomes larges and can squeeze the
urethra - Gonorrhea, STDs ? infection produces urethral
strictures - Bladder tumors surround bladder, urethra
- Constipation, fecal impaction
Porth, 2007, Essentials of Pathophysiology, 2nd
ed., Lippincott, p. 580
221Signs of Outflow Obstruction and Urine Retention
222Signs of Outflow Obstruction and Urine Retention
- Bladder distention
- Hesitancy
- Straining when initiating urination
- Small and weak stream
- Frequency
- Feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
- Overflow incontinence
223Urinary Incontinence
224Urinary Incontinence
- An involuntary loss of urine
- ? Frequency in elderly
- A shorter urethra in women means that there is
less resistance to flow and incontinence is more
likely - Stress incontinence
- Urge incontinence, overactive bladder
- Overflow incontinence
- Mixed (stress and urge)
225Stress Incontinence
226Stress Incontinence
- Involuntary loss of urine associated with
activities, such as coughing - Associated with activities that increase
intra-abdominal pressure
227Overactive Bladder(Urge Incontinence)
228Overactive Bladder(Urge Incontinence)
- Urgency and frequency associated with activation
of the detrusor muscle in response to low levels
of PNS stimulation - May or may not involve involuntary loss of urine
- Involuntary loss of urine when bladder pressure
is greater than urethral presence in the absence
of detrusor activity
231Neurogenic Bladder Disorders
232Neurogenic Bladder Disorders
- Neural control of bladder function can be
interrupted at any level (sensory, CNS, or motor) - Neurogenic disorders
- 1. Failure to store urine spastic bladder
dysfunction (automatic bladder) - 2. Failure to empty flaccid bladder dysfunction
233Neurogenic BladderFailure to Store Urine
234Neurogenic BladderFailure to Store Urine
- Results from neurogenic lesions above the level
of the sacral cord (spinal cord injuries or
stroke) that allow neurons in the micturition
center in the SC to function reflexively without
control from higher CNS centers
235Neurogenic BladderFailure to Empty Bladder
236Neurogenic BladderFailure to Empty Bladder
- Results from neurologic disorders affecting motor
neurons in SC or peripheral nerves that control
detrusor muscle contraction or bladder emptying - Peripheral neuropathies
237The micturation center in the brain stem
coordinates the action of the detrusor muscle
238The micturation center in the brain stem
coordinates the action of the detrusor muscle
- External sphincter
- Conscious control
- Bladder pressure
- Neuromediators