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Arterial system Management Because evaluation of patients with acute arterial occlusion generally differs for patients who have suffered embolic versus thrombotic ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Vascular

  • Arterial system

Aneurysmal Vascular Disease
  • Defined as a permanent localized enlargement of
    an artery to more than 1.5 times its expected
  • Aneurysms can develop at any location in the
    arterial tree but are most commonly found in the
    aorta, iliac, popliteal, and femoral arteries, in
    decreasing order of frequency.
  • The primary clinical significance of centrally
    located aneurysms (intrathoracic and
    intra-abdominal) is related to the risk of
    aneurysm rupture, whereas the primary clinical
    significance of peripheral aneurysms is related
    to the risk of thrombosis or embolism.
  • Aneurysms are classified according to anatomic
    site, morphology, and etiology. The most common
    aneurysm morphology is a fusiform, symmetrical
    circumferential enlargement involving all layers
    of the artery wall. Aneurysms may also be
    saccular with aneurysmal degeneration affecting
    only part of the arterial circumference.
  • The most common etiology of aneurysms is
    atherosclerotic degeneration of the arterial
    wall. The pathogenesis is a multifactorial
    process involving genetic predisposition, aging,
    atherosclerosis, inflammation, and localized
    proteolytic enzyme activation. Most aneurysms
    occur in elderly people, and the prevalence of
    aneurysms increases with increasing age.
    Aneurysms can also occur in younger, genetically
    susceptible individuals with Ehlers- Danlos and
    Marfan syndromes. Other etiologies include
    localized infection that results in mycotic
    aneurysms and the rare tertiary stage of
    syphilis. Aortic aneurysms may also occur with
    aortic dissection. Aneurysmal enlargement can
    also result from hemodynamic causes such as
    poststenotic arterial dilation or arteriovenous
  • Pseudoaneurysms (false aneurysms) are localized
    arterial disruptions caused by blunt or
    penetrating trauma, vascular intervention, or
    anastomotic disruption.

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  • The average age of patients with abdominal aortic
    aneurysms is 75 years, about 10 years older than
    the average age of patients with clinically
    significant arterial occlusive disease. Abdominal
    aortic aneurysms are more common in men than in
  • White men have a higher prevalence than black men
    or women.
  • Smoking is the most important risk factor
    .Prevalence of aneurysms is approximately 10 in
    men with hypertension or with clinical evidence
    of peripheral, carotid, or coronary arterial
    disease. There is a definite, familial incidence .

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms(AAA)
  • The natural history of abdominal aortic aneurysms
    is to enlarge and rupture.
  • Treatment strategies are designed to prevent this
  • Higher enlargement rates have been associated
    with arterial hypertension, chronic obstructive
    lung disease, family history.
  • In less than 5 of abdominal aneurysms, the first
    clinical manifestation is embolization to the
    lower extremity. This complication is not related
    to the size of the aneurysm and constitutes an
    independent indication for repair.
  • Risk of Rupture
  • The single most important factor associated with
    rupture is maximal cross-sectional aneurysm
  • AAA more than 5 .5cm should be treated even a
    symptomatic .
  • The most powerful factors that increase the risk
    of rupture are chronic obstructive pulmonary
    disease and pain.

Clinical Presentation of AAA
  • Most abdominal aortic aneurysms are asymptomatic
    before rupture,most aneurysms are discovered on
    routine physical examination with the palpation
    of a pulsatile abdominal mass or on imaging while
    investigating an unrelated problem. Approximately
    80 of aneurysms are identified incidentally on
    abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography (CT),
    magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or plain
    abdominal radiograph.
  • Symptomatic Aneurysms can be associated with
    vague abdominal and back discomfort.
    Occasionally, spinal erosion is the cause of back
    pain, and large aneurysms may be associated with
    early satiety and occasionally vomiting.
  • Acutely expanding aneurysms produce severe, deep
    back pain or abdominal pain radiating to the
    back. This may be accompanied by tenderness to
    palpation of the aneurysm. This presentation
    often precedes rupture and urgent treatment is
  • Less than 5 of patients with abdominal aortic
    aneurysm have evidence of embolization, usually
    small, to the distal arteries of the lower
    extremities. As many as 12 of aneurysms present
    for the first time with acute aneurysm rupture.
  • About 5 of aneurysms present with nonspecific,
    idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis. These
    aneurysms are referred to as inflammatory
    aneurysms. They are often associated with pain,
    fever, and fibrosis, which may involve the
    ureters and cause ureteral obstruction.

  • Physical examination is useful for the diagnosis
    of abdominal aortic aneurysms, especially in thin
    patients and patients with large aneurysms. An
    important feature on physical examination is
    detection of expansile pulsation, where the gap
    between both hands placed on either side of the
    aneurysmv widens with each systole. This finding
    separates the aneurysm from normal aortic
    pulsations, which can be normally palpated in
    thin subjects, particularly those with lordotic
    spines, and young women, and whenever a mass
    overlies the aorta and transmits them.
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysms are occasionally
    discovered on plain abdominal or on a lumbar
    spine radiograph by the characteristic eggshell
    pattern of calcification.
  • Abdominal ultrasound is the most widely used
    noninvasive test for diagnosing and following up
    abdominal aortic aneurysms. Ultrasound is
    accurate in demonstrating the presence of an
    aortic aneurysm and in measuring transverse
    diameter .Useful for screening and for
    surveillance of small aneurysms and may prove
    useful for follow-up after endovascular repair.
  • CT is the most precise test for imaging aortic
    aneurysms. CT scanning clearly demonstrates the
    size and extent of aortic aneurysms and their
    relation to renal and iliac arteries. Renal
    artery stenoses, accessory renal arteries, and
    renal and renal vein anomalies are clearly
    evident. CT has largely replaced arteriography
    for evaluation of aortic aneurysmal disease.
  • MRI and MR angiography accurately demonstrates
    aortoiliac aneurysmal disease and is useful for
    planning and for follow-up of endovascular
    repair. It is less sensitive than CT scanning in
    identifying accessory renal arteries and grading
    renal artery stenoses.
  • Arteriography ?

A, Ultrasonography demonstrates an abdominal
aortic aneurysm. Note the posterior mural
thrombus within the aneurysm sac. B,
Three-dimensional CT image illustrates the
presence of an infrarenal abdominal aortic
Treatment and Preoperative Evaluation
  • All patients with symptomatic AAA , and a
    symptomatic AAA with diameter more than 5.5 cm
    should be treated on elective base .
  • Patients with aneurysms are most often elderly
    and frequently have coexisting cardiac,
    pulmonary, or renal disease, which increases the
    risk of aneurysm repair. Complete preoperative
    evaluation and careful patient selection can
    reduce perioperative risk. Because history,
    physical examination, and electrocardiography
    (ECG) has been largely superseded by stress or
    thallium cardiac scintillation scan and the
    dobutamine echocardiogram. Other tests include
    measurement of the ejection fraction by
    echocardiogram or multigated acquisition scan and
    continuous portable ECG monitoring. Patients who
    are found to have significant coronary artery
    disease may be referred for catheter-based or
    surgical coronary revascularization before
    surgical repair of the aneurysm.
  • Pulmonary function studies can serve as a rough
    prognostic guide and should be optimized before
    surgical intervention.
  • Preoperative renal function is an important
    determinant of perioperative morbidity and
    influences the use of contrast agents in
    diagnostic tests or at the time of endovascular

Operative Technique of Open Surgical Repair
Endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair
involves aneurysm exclusion with an endoluminal
aortic stent-graft introduced remotely, usually
through the femoralartery.
  • The most dreaded complication of abdominal aortic
    aneurysms is aneurysm rupture. Aneurysms can
    rupture freely into the peritoneal cavity or into
    the retroperitoneum (leaking ). Free
    intraperitoneal rupture is usually an anterior
    rupture and is usually accompanied by immediate
    hemodynamic collapse and a very high mortality
    rate. Retroperitoneal ruptures are usually
    posterior and may be contained by the psoas
    muscle and adjacent periaortic and perivertebral
  • Both types of rupture present with acute
    excruciating back and abdominal pain, accompanied
    by pallor, diaphoresis, syncope, and other
    symptoms and signs related to blood loss and
    hypovolemic shock. Occasionally, patients may
    have chest pain induced by retroperitoneal blood
    loss or hypovolemia, misleading the physician to
    suspect primary myocardial ischemia.
  • Patients with ruptured aortic aneurysms require
    immediate surgical repair. Blood should be
    rabidly prepared.
  • Resuscitation ?
  • Stable patients with a questionable diagnosis may
    undergo CT scanning. In patients not stable
    enough to undergo CT scanning, the presence of an
    aneurysm can be confirmed by bedside ultrasound.
  • Acutely expanding aneurysms may present with
    abdominal pain and tenderness on palpation. These
    are prone to rupture and should be repaired on an
    emergent basis.

Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease
  • Adverse events are due to the effects of impaired
    circulation on critical end organs (e.g., brain,
    heart, abdominal viscera) or extremities.
  • Atherosclerosis is the most common and is a
    complex, chronic inflammatory process that
    affects the elastic and muscular arteries.
  • Other causes of arterial occlusive disease,
    although far less common than atherosclerosis ,
    must also be considered, especially in patients
    who do not fit the risk factor profile outlined.
    These include thromboangiitis obliterans
    (Buergers disease), Takayasus arteritis, giant
    cell/temporal arteritis, and other less common
  • Each of these disorders has unique clinical,
    radiographic, and anatomic features

AtherosclerosisRisk Factors and Pathology
  • Firmly Established
  • Hypercholesterolemia
    Advanced age
  • Cigarette smoking
    Male gender
  • Hypertension

  • Diabetes mellitus

  • Sedentary lifestyle

  • Family history
  • The disease is both systemic and segmental,with
    clear predilections for certain locations within
    the arterial tree and relative sparing of others.
    The earliest lesions (i.e., fatty streaks) may be
    detected in childhood in susceptible individuals.
  • The pathologic hallmark of atherosclerosis is the
    atherosclerotic plaque. There are several major
    components of plaque smooth muscle cells,
    connective tissue (matrix), lipid, and
    inflammatory cells (predominantly macrophages).
    Platelets may adhere to dysfunctional
    endothelium, exposed matrix, and

  • Reproducible ischemic muscle pain resulting from
    inadequate oxygen delivery during exercise.
    Claudication distance is an indicator for the
    severity and the site is related tom the site of
    arterial occlusion. Eg Symptoms or signs of
    occlusive disease of the bifurcation of the
    abdominal aorta (Leriche syndrome) include
    Claudication of the buttocks and thighs
    associated with impotence , absent pulse in both
    femoral arteries
  • As opposed to the patient with claudication, who
    has cramping pain with exercise, the patient with
    more advanced critical ischemia complains of pain
    at rest.
  • Rest pain occurs when blood flow is inadequate to
    meet resting metabolic requirements. In the lower
    extremity, ischemic rest pain is localized to the
    forefoot .The patient with rest pain is often
    awakened by severe discomfort in the forefoot and
    hangs the affected extremity off the bed for
    temporary relief of symptoms.
  • Patients often have trophic changes, such as
    muscle wasting, thinning of skin, thickening of
    nails, and hair loss in the distal affected limb.
  • Rest pain is an ominous symptom and usually
    requires revascularization because this form of
    advanced ischemia generally progresses to tissue
  • The patient with critical ischemia is at risk for
    tissue infection or gangrene resulting from
    arterial insufficiency.

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Diagnostic Modalities in Peripheral Arterial
Occlusive Disease
  • A key principle in the treatment of peripheral
    atherosclerosis is the hemodynamic assessment of
    circulatory impairment, which assumes paramount
    importance in comparison to the anatomic presence
    or distribution of lesions.
  • Segmental pressure measurements in the limb can
    be used to localize and grade hemodynamically
    significant lesions, as well as the overall
    degree of circulatory impairment. The single most
    useful index is the ankle pressure, which can be
    obtained simply at the bedside with a handheld
    Doppler probe and pressure cuff.
  • Because the ankle pressure varies with central
    aortic pressure, it is commonly indexed to the
    brachial artery pressure as a ratio
    (ankle-brachial index ABI). In normal resting
    subjects, the ABI is slightly greater than unity
    (1.0 to 1.2).
  • There is a correlation between the severity of
    signs and symptoms of arterial insufficiency and
    the ABI, such that claudicants usually fall in
    the 0.5 to 0.7 range, whereas critical ischemia
    (rest pain or tissue necrosis) most commonly is
    associated with an ABI less than 0.4. In addition
    to preoperative assessment, the ABI can be used
    to follow up patients after arterial
    reconstruction as a measure of technical success
    or subsequent graft failure.
  • Exercise (treadmill) testing may be used in
    patients with claudication. It is particularly
    useful in the evaluation of patients with
    atypical symptoms, normal resting pulse .A normal
    exercise test rules out arterial insufficiency
    explicitly. In addition, exercise testing has
    been used to quantify the degree of impairment in
    arterial claudication self reporting of walking
    distance is notoriously unreliable.
  • Doppler and Duplex Ultrasonography
  • Arteriography( preoperative )
  • Computed tomography (CT) with intravenous
    contrast medium administration can also delineate
    vascular anatomy.
  • Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)

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Color Duplex ultrasound images with Doppler
velocity profiles
Complications of Contrast Arteriography
  • Puncture Site or Catheter Related
  • Hemorrhage/hematoma
  • Pseudoaneurysm
  • Arteriovenous fistula
  • Atheroembolization
  • Local thrombosis
  • Contrast Agent Related
  • Major (anaphylactoid) sensitivity reaction
  • Minor sensitivity reactions
  • Vasodilation/hypotension
  • Nephrotoxicity
  • Hypervolemia (osmotic load)

Therapeutic Interventions in Arterial Occlusive
  • Medical Management Targeted to reduce
    progression, induce regression, and prevent
    morbid endpoints of lesion formation.
  • For all patients and the only treatment for
    milled claudication
  • Risk factor management is the primary approach.
  • Lipid-lowering therapy uses both dietary
    treatment and an increasing pharmacopeia with
    specific effects on different lipid subclasses.
    These drugs include niacin, bile acid-binding
    resins, clofibrate, and gemfibrozil.
  • Smoking cessation is clearly of paramount
  • Others Hypertension , Diabetes mellitus,
    anemia, respiratory disease
  • Antiplatelet therapy Aspirin remains the
    cornerstone of platelet therapy. Newer
    antiplatelet agents have been developed with
    everincreasing potency and more specific
    antiaggregative effects. For the present,
    low-dose aspirin is the most widely accepted
    antiplatelet prophylaxis for patients with
    cardiovascular disease.

  • Indication
  • 1- critically eschimic limp( what )

  • Surgical Bypass Grafting
  • Natural vs. synthetic

In situ method of infrainguinal reconstruction.
Surgical Endarterectomy
Endovascular Surgery.Percutaneous Angioplasty,
A hemostatic arterial sheath showing the inner
dilator and hemostatic valve
A variety of selective catheters
that are used for
peripheral interventions.
Intravascular stents
An inflated angioplasty balloon catheter
  • Unlike the brain, which suffers infarction after
    only 4 to 8 minutes of ischemia, or the
    myocardium, which infarcts after 17 to 20
    minutes, the lower extremity may be salvaged
    after up to 5 to 6 hours of profound ischemia.
  • Etiology
  • I)Embolism
  • Cardiogenic 80(Rheumatic valvular heart disease,
    Prosthetic heart valves, Atrial fibrillation ,
    Myocardial infarction , Bacterial or fungal
  • Noncardiac 10(Aneurysmal disease, Proximal
    artery , Paradoxical emboli)
  • Idiopathic 10

aortic bifurcation known as a saddle embolus.
right popliteal artery.
occlusive left femoral embolu
II) Thrombosis
  • Acute thrombosis generally occurs in vessels
    affected by preexistent atherosclerosis. As such,
    there is generally some degree of collateral
    vessel development and the resultant ischemia is
    often less severe than with acute embolic
    disease. A particularly severe form of ischemia
    results from distal vascular thrombosis of the
    extremities, which may occur in the setting of
    sepsis or with hypercoagulable states. The most
    common hypercoagulable states associated with
    acute arterial thrombosis are antithrombin III
    deficiency, lupus anticoagulant (antiphospholipid
    antibody), and protein C deficiency. Although
    usually associated with venous thrombosis,
    activated protein C resistance caused by the
    spontaneous mutations of factor V Leiden may also
    cause arterial thrombosis.
  • Acute thrombosis of a previous arterial bypass
    graft may also lead to recurrent ischemia. The
    degree of ischemia depends on the location of the
    graft and the original indication for surgery.
    Early graft occlusions (within 2 months of
    surgery) are usually caused by technical or
    judgmental errors.

Presentation and Evaluation
  • The classic presentation of patients with acute
    ischemia of the extremities may be recalled by
    the five Ps pain, pallor, pulselessness,
    paresthesias, and paralysis.
  • Pain is the most common complaint in alert
    patients. The sudden onset of severe ischemic
    pain in a previously asymptomatic patient is most
    suggestive of an embolic occlusion. Patients with
    spontaneous thrombosis often have had chronic
    symptoms of claudication or various degrees of
    pain before the acute event.
  • Pallor is a common cool, waxy-appearing white
    extremity with no signs of cutaneous blood flow.
    Conversely, a partial occlusion may result in
    only delayed capillary refill with pallor on
    elevation of the extremity and rubor on
  • The absence of arterial pulses on examination
    will alert the surgeon to both the location of
    the arterial occlusion and the degree of
    ischemia. Patients with acute arterial embolism
    generally have normal palpable pulses above the
    occlusion with a complete absence below. The
    pulse immediately above the occlusion may be
    particularly prominent with a water-hammer
    quality that results from limited arterial
  • A handheld continuous-wave Doppler examination
    plays an important role in the initial evaluation
    of patients with acute vessel occlusion. The
    presence of even monophasic Doppler signals over
    the pedal vessels affirms distal vascular patency
    and at least short-term viability of the distal
    tissues. Conversely , a complete absence of
    arterial flow is most suggestive of profound
    ischemia and calls for immediate

  • The peripheral nerve is the tissue that is most
    sensitive to ischemia. As such, the degree of
    neurologic dysfunction is a sensitive barometer
    of the degree of ischemia. With mild ischemia,
    the findings may be subjective and subtle. Early
    paresthesias may be characterized as a numbness
    of the toes or a slight decrease of sensation of
    the foot compared with the contralateral
    extremity to light touch or pinprick.
  • With severe ischemia, however, profound sensory
    loss may lead to complete anesthesia of the foot,
    indicative of impending tissue loss without early
  • Weakness of the extremity is another important
    sign of neurologic ischemia of the extremity.
    Patients with an aortic saddle embolus may have
    bilateral paralysis and anesthesia from the waist
  • In patients with severe ischemia characterized by
    anesthesia and paralysis, it is important to
    distinguish reversible from irreversible ischemic
    changes. Patients with prolonged ischemia have
    palpable firmness to the extremity muscle and
    stiffness to the extremity indicative of muscle
    rigor. Reperfusion of such an extremity does not
    restore function and can result in severe
    systemic injury. Primary amputation is the safest
    form of management in such cases.

  • Because evaluation of patients with acute
    arterial occlusion generally differs for patients
    who have suffered embolic versus thrombotic
    occlusion, it is important to make the
    appropriate clinical distinction. Patients with
    emboli tend to have risk factors (e.g., atrial
    fibrillation, recent myocardial infarction,
    prosthetic heart valve), a more sudden onset of
    symptoms (no prior claudication), and unilateral
    findings (normal contralateral extremity).
  • Patients with acute arterial occlusion should be
    anticoagulated with an intravenous heparin bolus
    (5000 to 10,000 units) and begun on a continuous
    infusion at 1000 units/hr.
  • When the history and physical examination
    implicates an embolus as the source of occlusion,
    the subsequent evaluation should be simple and
    direct. Routine preoperative blood work and a
    chest radiograph are obtained, and a 12-lead
    electrocardiogram is performed. Because arterial
    emboli are removed by direct arterial cut down
    and removal of the embolus( Embolictomy ), there
    is generally no need for preoperative
    arteriography. When the diagnosis of embolus is
    questionable or the site for simple arterial
    cutdown and arteriotomy unclear, a preoperative
    arteriogram may be useful to define the anatomy
    and guide the revascularization procedure.

  • Arteriograms of intraarterial emboli often
    demonstrate an abrupt cutoff of the artery with a
    rounded meniscus at the site of the embolus
    .Conversely, the embolus may appear as an
    intraluminal defect with partial flow around it.
  • Postoperatively, when the embolus has been
    removed and the limb revascularized, and the
    patient is stable, the evaluation should be
    completed by documentation of the source of the
    embolus. In most cases, this involves
    transesophageal echocardiography.
  • Thrombotic arterial occlusion undergo an initial
    arteriogram to delineate the arterial anatomy and
    define the best mode of revascularization. In
    most cases, the site of thrombotic occlusion is
    well delineated. In patients with a satisfactory
    inflow and outflow vessel with a long segment of
    occluded vessel, the best option is generally to
    proceed to surgery and perform a surgical bypass

Thrombolytic Therapy
  • Fibrinolytic drugs enhance conversion of
    plasminogen to plasmin, which is then capable of
    degrading fibrin clot. These agents have been
    used in both systemic and local fashion to
    achieve lysis of both arterial and venous
    thrombi. It is used as an important adjunct to
    PTA or surgical interventions that directly
    address the underlying atherosclerotic lesions,
    restoring perfusion to the downstream bed. The
    two major drugs in current use are urokinase and
    tissue plasminogen activator (tPA).
  • Contraindications to Thrombolytic Therapy
  • Absolute 1-Recent major bleeding
    2-Recent stroke
  • 3-Recent major surgery or
    trauma 4-Irreversible ischemia of end organ
    5-Intracranial pathology
    6- Recent ophthalmologic procedure
  • Relative 1-History of gastrointestinal bleeding
    or active peptic ulcer disease
  • 2-Underlying coagulation abnormalities 3-
    Uncontrolled hypertension
  • 4-Pregnancy 5-Hemorrhagic retinopathy
  • An important consideration in evaluating patients
    for thrombolytic therapy is the severity of
    ischemia and the time interval for restoring
    perfusion before irreversible tissue injury has
    occurred. Patients with signs of irreversibility
    such as major neurologic impairment should not
    undergo attempted thrombolysis.

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Vascular Trauma
  • Penetrating trauma typically results in varying
    degrees of laceration or transection of the
    vessel. The severed ends of a completely
    transected artery often retract and undergo spasm
    with subsequent thrombosis. Therefore, a
    lacerated or incompletely transected vessel
    typicall bleeds more profusely than a completely
    transected one.
  • Blunt trauma results in disruption of the
    arterial wall, ranging in severity from small
    intimal flaps to extensive transmural damage with
    either extravasation or thrombosis. Deceleration
    injury causes deformation of the arterial wall.
    Tight plaster ,fracture .
  • Bleeding from a lacerated vessel can be free or
    contained, the latter leading to pseudoaneurysm
  • An arteriovenous fistula is the result of a
    traumatic communication between an injured artery
    and vein.
  • Limb loss is more likely to result from blunt
    trauma and high-velocity gunshot injuries, mainly
    because of the significantly greater damage to
    bone and soft tissue of the injured extremity.
    Low-velocity gunshot injuries and stab wounds
    rarely lead to limb loss.
  • Iatrogenic injury may occur either at the target
    site of the intervention (e.g., a coronary
    artery) or at the access site (e.g., the common
    femoral artery). The latter is more common and
    sometimes requires surgical repair .Every cardiac
    catheterization or arterial line insertion is, in
    fact, a form of vascular injury, where the
    physician relies on the patients hemostatic
    mechanism to plug the hole and repair the damage..

Temporary intravascular shunt
Buergers disease
  • Buergers disease is exclusively associated with
    cigarette smoking. The disease is more prevalent
    in the Middle East and Asia. Occlusive lesions
    are predominantly seen in the muscular arteries,
    with a predilection for the tibial vessels. Rest
    pain, gangrene, and ulceration are the typical
  • Recurrent superficial thrombophlebitis
    (phlebitis migrans) is a characteristic
  • The diagnosis is suspected in younger patients
    who are heavy smokers and do not have other
    atherosclerotic risk factors.
  • Angiography often reveals diffuse occlusion of
    the distal extremity vessels. The arterial
    involvement appears to progress in a distal to
    proximal fashion.
  • Revascularization options are therefore usually
    limited. The disease virtually always shows
    clinical remission if smoking cessation can be
    achieved. Sympathectomy has a limited role in
    patients with ulcerations.

Raynauds phenomenon
  • Raynauds phenomenon is characterized by
    recurrent, episodic vasospasm of the digits
    brought on by cold exposure or emotional stress.
    Exposure to cold initially produces pallor of the
    digits, followed by cyanosis, and is accompanied
    by pain and paresthesias. Rewarming leads to
    marked rubor caused by a hyperemic response. The
    clinical spectrum of severity is broad and may
    include ulceration or loss of digits in patients
    with protracted periods of ischemia. Progression
    to tissue loss implies persistent vascular
    occlusions beyond the vasospastic component.
  • Primary (Raynauds disease) and secondary causes
    are recognized. Secondary Raynauds phenomenon
    has been associated with a variety of
    rheumatologic, hematologic, and traumatic
    disorders, as well as a number of drugs and
    toxins. Treatment is centered around minimizing
    exposure to the triggering stimulus and
    pharmacologic (calcium channel blockers,
    sympatholytics) therapy. Sympathectomy may play a
    role in patients with severe digital ischemia and

  • Takayasus arteritis (pulseless disease)
    commonly afflicts younger female patients and has
    a higher prevalence in those of Eastern European
    or Asian descent. The arterial pathology is
    focused on the aorta and its major branches.
    Surgical treatment is often indicated for
    ischemic manifestations and should only be
    undertaken when active inflammation is under
    control (i.e.,normalized erythrocyte
    sedimentation rate).
  • Temporal arteritis (sometimes referred to as
    giant cell arteritis) predominantly afflicts
    patients older than 50 years of age, with a
    slight (21) female preponderance. The
    superficial temporal, vertebral, and major aortic
    arch branches may be involved. As in Takayasus
    disease, there are often signs of systemic
    inflammation. Ischemic symptoms are common,
    including claudication of facial or extremity
    muscles and retinal ischemia. Headache is a
    common symptom. Blindness, usually irreversible,
    is a dreaded complication. Once the clinical
    diagnosis is suspected, treatment must be prompt
    and consists of high-dose corticosteroid therapy.
    Surgery is rarely indicated except in cases of
    major aortic branch involvement with ischemic

Aortic dissection
  • Acute aortic dissection is the most common
    catastrophic event involving the aorta. A tear in
    the intima allows blood to escape from the true
    lumen of the aorta, dissects the aortic layers,
    and reroutes some of the blood through a newly
    formed false channel. The weakened aortic wall is
    highly susceptible to acute rupture and
    chronically prone to progressive dilation.
    Arterial hypertension and connective tissue
    disorders (particularly Marfan syndrome) may
    predispose patients to dissection. The cause of
    the initial tear remains unknown, but the
    histology of the aortic wall typically exhibits
    medial degeneration.

Classification Left, Stanford type A, DeBakey
types I and II. Right, Stanford type B, DeBakey
type III.
  • Conventionally, aortic dissection is termed acute
    when a clinical diagnosis is made within 14 days
    following the onset of symptoms and chronic after
    14 days.
  • When a dissection involves the ascending aorta,
    it is commonly referred to as a Stanford type A.
  • Dissection without involvement of the ascending
    aortamost often with the intimal tear in the
    descending thoracic aortais referred to as a
    Stanford type B or DeBakey type III.
  • DeBakey classification further distinguishes
    ascending aortic dissection with involvement of
    the descending thoracic aorta (DeBakey type I)
    from ascending aortic dissection without
    involvement of the descending thoracic aorta
    (DeBakey type II).
  • Approximately 20 of aortic aneurysms and
    dissections are related to hereditary connective
    tissue disorders.Marfan syndrome is the most
    common of these disorders. Skeletal, ocular, and
    cardiovascular complications characterize Marfan
    syndrome, with aortic aneurysm and dissection as
    the major cause of morbidity and mortality.

AORTIC DISSECTIONClinical Presentation
  • Abrupt excruciating pain epitomizes the onset of
    acute aortic dissection. Chest pain is present in
    about two thirds of patients and back pain
    invariably accompanies dissections that begin
    distal to the aortic arch. Pain may migrate as
    the dissection progresses distally. Patients with
    ascending aortic dissections may have associated
    aortic valve insufficiency with dyspnea and a
    diagnostic loud pansystolic murmur.
  • Other acute symptoms and signs related to aortic
    branch occlusion can cause cerebral infarction,
    myocardial infarction, abdominal malperfusion,
    limb ischemia, and paraplegia.
  • Serious life-threatening complications typically
    occur during the acute phase, and surgery on the
    acutely dissected aorta is high risk, associated
    with considerable bleeding due to the friability
    of the aortic wall.

  • Acute type A dissection most often requires
    emergency surgical repair because of the
    associated high risk of death due to rupture,
    tamponade, and/or aortic valve insufficiency .The
    patient who is unstable with suspected type A
    acute aortic dissection is immediately
    transferred to the operating room and evaluated
    by TEE. If dissection is confirmed then repair is
    undertaken at once . Surgery in the case of the
    hemodynamically stable patient is less urgent,
    and the patient is first transferred to an acute
    care setting until confirmation of the diagnosis
    is made.
  • For acute type B aortic dissection the treatment
    of choice is generally medical therapy aimed at
    pain control and the correction of hypertension .
    Patients are admitted to an intensive care unit
    and observed closely. Surgical repair is most
    often reserved for dissection complicated by
    aortic rupture, abdominal malperfusion, limb
    ischemia, intractable pain, or uncontrollable
    hypertension. Approximately 20 of patients .
    with acute type B aortic dissection require
    surgical therapy

(No Transcript)
Arteriovenous Fistula
  • Abnormal connection between artery and vein,
    congenital or acquired, located anywhere in body
  • Congenital systemic effect is minimal usually
    noted in infancy or childhood
  • Acquired enlarges rapidly, can cause heart
    failure continuous bruit be heard palpable
    thrill and increased skin temperature proximal
    vein dilatation, diminished distal pulse, distal
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is study of
    choice for peripheral arteriovenous malformation
    angiography precisely delineates arteriovenous
  • Treatment
  • Monitor small peripheral fistulas
  • If treatment is needed, most are managed with
    radiographic embolization head and neck, pelvis
  • Operative management ligate all feeding vessels

Carotid Body Tumor
  • Carotid body normally 36 mm nest of
    chemoreceptor cells of neuroectodermal origin
    responds to decrease in PO2, increase in PCO2,
    decrease in pH, or increase in blood temperature
  • Tumors of carotid body cervical chemodectomas,
    10 metastatic
  • Symptoms and signs include slow enlargement of
    asymptomatic cervical mass rarely, hypertension
    secondary to release of catecholamines rarely,
    cranial nerve dysfunction from tumor extension
    mass mobile in horizontal plane but not vertical
  • Duplex ultrasound is often diagnostic
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Metastatic nodes from squamous cell cancer
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Carotid aneurysm
  • Treatment
  • Preferred treatment is complete excision and
    arterial reconstruction if possible
  • Complications gt50 incidence of cranial nerve
    dysfunction after resection

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Variety of disorders caused by arterial,
    venous, or nerve compression at base of neck
  • Symptoms and signs are predominantly
    neurologic pain, paresthesias, numbness in
    brachial plexus trunks (ulnar most common) hand
    numbness often wakes patients from sleep motor
    deficits indicate long duration
  • Adson test weakened radial pulse with arm
    abduction and head rotated to opposite side
  • Tinel sign light percussion in supraclavicular
    fossa produces peripheral sensations
  • Subclavian artery compression bruit, distal
    emboli, or arterial occlusion
  • Subclavian vein compression thrombosis of vein
    leading to extremity pain and swelling (effort
    thrombosis called Paget-von Schrötter syndrome)
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Cervical disk disease
  • Treatment
  • Postural correction and physical therapy
  • If surgical repair warranted, thoracic outlet
  • Surgery is indicated for arterial disease,
    venous compression, neurologic symptoms not
    attributable to other disease, failure of
    conservative therapy after 36 months
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