Title: Managing Public Access Computers
1Managing Public Access Computers
- Best Practices
- Lori Bowen Ayre
- LBAyre_at_galecia.com
- 2006
- Role of Public Access Computing in the library
- Configuration and Management
- Computer Life Cycle purchasing and retiring
your computers - Staffing and Budgeting
3Getting to Know You
- Name
- Library
- of Public Access Computers
- of IT staff
- Your role with the PACs
4Role of Public Access Computing in the Library
5Who are using the Public Access Computers in the
library and what are they doing?
6Top Ten Uses of Library Computers
- Email family and friends
- Write/print report
- Learn about a medical problem
- Learn about local events
- Write or print resume
- Find a job
- Do homework
- Review alternative new sources
- Find transportation info
- Get info about voting issues
Source The Impact of Public Access Computing on
Rural and Small Town Libraries (January 2003) and
People from Low-Income Families
Disproportionately Use Library Computers (October
2002) available from http//pacp.evans.washington.
7What is the librarys role in computer and
information literacy?
8What Does It Take to Have An Ideal Public Access
Computing Environment?
- Library open enough hours and adequate number of
PCs available - PCs configured and managed for public access
- Staff trained and available
9Library and PCs Available
- Library open enough hours
- PACs always available during open hours
- Enough computers to serve your population
- Provide wireless Internet access for people with
laptops - inexpensive way to increase Internet and OPAC
10PCs Configured and Managed for Public Access
- Minimally restrict workstations but protect
patron and library - Make PCs as much like a regular PC as possible
- Make system easily recoverable
- Keep systems standardized and current
11Staff Trained and Available
- Have trained technical support staff available at
all times - Reinforce need for core computer competencies
among all staff who work with the public - Provide technology training programs for public
12Best Practice
- Library computers should serve as tools for
accessing digital information and for increasing
the users computer literacy
13Exercise 1
- Evaluating Public Access Computing at Your
14Configuration and Management
15Library Users Should be Able to
- Use the Internet
- download documents or forms
- use Web-based email
- Access electronic library resources
- Use productivity applications
- Access right-click menus
- View and access files from a CD
- Save to or access files from a USB storage device
- Change
- screen resolution and contrast
- sensitivity of mouse and size of cursor
16Users Should NOT Be Able To Access
- Files on the librarys network
- Files on the local computer other than the files
in My Documents - A file from an external device without the file
being virus scanned - Any information from a previous user
17Configuration Styles
- Fort Knox.
- no right clicking
- certain menu items hidden
- cannot save files or use external drives
- Loosey Goosey
- items inconsistently disabled
- may or may not be secure
- privacy issues
- Ideal for All!
- no features disabled
- reboot sets everything back to square one
18Fort Knox
- Often the work of skilled technicians who dont
get useful feedback from staff working with the
users - Computers stay functional 99.99, but patrons
cannot do anything considered risky - Patrons cant do things they expect to be able to
do, so their computer experience not real world
- Usually locked down to avoid problems for tech
staff but doesnt necessarily protect users
19Loosey Goosey
- Happens when technicians are not skilled enough
or not given enough time to do a good job - Items are inconsistently locked down so it is
annoying to patrons - e.g., one can right-click in one program but not
another - Privacy usually not adequately protected
20Ideal For All!
- Virus scanning software protects computer and
network - Drive protection software protects the hard drive
configuration - configuration is restored upon reboot
- user can change things during their session, but
changes are erased upon reboot - Time and session management software avoids
fist-fights with other users
21Ideal Configuration Steps
- Install the OS and patches
- Identify and remove unwanted features
- Install all necessary hardware and software and
resolve conflicts this creates - Tweak the OS and apps to optimize user experience
- Test with staff and adjust based on feedback
- Save it to an image so system can be easily
duplicated and recovered - Roll-out images to other systems
- Train staff in system recovery and basic
troubleshooting (three hours)
22Cloning (and Profiles)
- What is Cloning?
- duplicating a desktop configuration from one
computer to another - network profiles accomplish the same goal
- requires identical hardware platform
- Benefits
- saves time for setup
- eliminates the need to troubleshoot
- Products that can be used for cloning
- Ghost and PartitionMagic
- Most libraries have several images to support
23Comparison of Setup Time Pay Now
24Comparison of Maintenance Time Pay Later
25Benefits of Doing it Right
- Fewer problems because adequate testing has been
done up front - configuration satisfies users needs
- programs play nicely together
- Easy and fast to get a computer back on line
- Low-level tech or staff person can restore image
without needing to call in high-priced engineer
to troubleshoot - Better service for customers
- more computers available more of the time
- staff can focus on library--not computer--service
- More cost-effective
26Best Practice
- Use some kind of cloning process for duplicating
and restoring desktop images
27Gates Staying Connected Survey
Do you have the ability to "clone" the software
on your library desktops?
- Yes, we clone all of our desktops using Ghost,
standard user profiles, or some other process
75 - We clone all of our staff desktops but not the
public access computers 3 - We clone all of our public access computers but
not the staff computers 18 - No, we configure each new PC individually 42
- I don't understand this question 12
- Other, please explain 52
28Exercise Two
- Your Current Public Computer Configuration
29Software Tools That Help
- Anti-virus
- Anti-spy/anti-ad
- Privacy protection
- Session management
- Disk security
- Print management
- Remote control software
30Anti- Virus/Spyware/Ad/Popup
- All these anti software products must be kept
current - require a subscription
- computer must be configured to get updates
automatically and frequently (weekly if not
daily) - Example products
- anti-Virus Norton Antivirus, McAfee Viruscan,
ZoneAlarm - anti-ad and anti-popup ZoneAlarm, StopZilla,
Ad-Aware, InfoWorks Popup Free - anti-spyware Spyware Doctor, ZoneAlarm,
StopZilla, InfoWorks SpyStopper
31Privacy Protection
- Users create files each time they use computer
- cookies
- browser history
- recently used documents
- temporary files
- Privacy protection software clears out these
files when - browser is closed, or
- shutdown or startup, or
- timed intervals
- Example Products
- Webroot Window Washer, InfoWorks History Sweeper
- See Session Management products
32Session Management Software
- Wide variety of capabilities, may include
- authenticating user
- protecting privacy of users
- ending sessions without requiring staff
intervention - reservation-making module
- overall control of all public PCs
- timer for each individual PC
- Examples
- Envisionware PC Reservation
- Fortres Time Limit Manager
- CMS Diginet PC Cop
- Cybraryn Session and Time Limit module
- Pharos Systems SignUp
33Disk Security
- Users are unrestricted while using the computer
- System restored upon reboot to original
configuration - Any changes user made are undone
- Any files users left behind are erased
- Examples
- Centurion Technologies Drive Shield
- Centurion Technologies Centurion Guard (hardware)
- Faronics Deep Freeze
- Fortres Clean Slate
34Print Management
- Reduces number of printers needed
- Allows for better control of print jobs
- Gives users more print options
- color vs. BW
- laser vs. deskjet
- Can include or integrate with cost recovery
systems - Example products
- Envisionware LPTOne
- Pharos UniPrint
35Remote Control Software
- IT staff can remotely
- perform routine maintenance
- troubleshoot
- help users
- Examples
- WebEx
- Symantec PCAnywhere
- CybraryN Library Computer Remote Control module
36Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit
- Free for licensed XP owners
- Provides many of the modules available in other
commercial public access computer systems - Grown-up version of PAC Installer used on
original Gates machines - More info http//www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/
37Exercise 3
- Exploring Configuration Solutions
38Computer Life Cycle
39Why Not Keep Them Going As Long As Possible?
- Increased costs for maintenance and support
- Must keep bigger inventory of replacement parts
- More models for support staff to master
- More versions of software to support
- The older the machine, the harder to keep it in
service - Source Consortium for School Networking
40Scheduled Replacement Cycle
- Four-year replacement cycle is reasonable
- Computers can be replaced in batches instead of
all at once - Build computer purchases into operating budget
41Best Practice
- All computers should be on a scheduled
replacement cycle
42Gates Staying Connected Survey
Are your computers part of an ongoing replacement
cycle? (208 reporting)
- All library computers are on a scheduled
replacement cycle 88 - Only staff computers are on a scheduled
replacement cycle 10 - Only public access computers are on a scheduled
replacement cycle 1 - None of our computers are on a scheduled
replacement cycle 47 - Other, please explain 62
- Reducing variation saves time and money
- Same hardware platform allows for
- same software versions
- ability to clone
- Same operating system means
- less expertise needed by staff
- fewer patches to keep track of
- Same applications on each PC mean
- fewer variations of software conflicts to resolve
- fewer software products to learn
44Best Practice
- Standardize on hardware platform and software
45Upgrades Worth Doing In a Pinch
- Hard Drive
- Video Card (rarely)
46Purchasing New Computers
- What do your users need?
- What would help your support staff?
- What standards must you comply with?
- What features are needed for functioning in
library environment? - What features will make management and
supportmore manageable?
47PC Purchasing Suggestions
- Buy computers designed for businesses. not home
- Buy new or refurbished for the warranty (3 years)
- Consider premier support so your staff has quick
access to help - Consider having image pre-installed by
manufacturer - Get quiet machines
48Best Practice
- Buy business class computers with three-year
warranty and good support
49Exercise 4
- Planning for Replacements and Upgrades
50Acquisition Steps
- Define needs
- Create specs document
- Get bids
- Compare alternatives and negotiate with vendors
51Bids, Quotes, and Negotiation
- You can always get a better price (or better
system) than the first offer - Include everything in the bid process
- hardware
- software
- services
- Allocate enough time for the entire process
52Best Practice
- Even if you dont do a formal RFP process, define
specs and get quotes
53Alternatives to Standard PCs
- Turnkey solutions
- all software provided by and maintained by vendor
- example Smart Access Manager (SAM), CybraryN
- Thin client
- software centralized on a server
- users have keyboard and monitor only
- example Veicon Technology
- Userful
- software centralized on a server
- can be completely maintained by vendor
- users have keyboard, monitor, USB drive,
dedicated video card
54What products are you using and how are they
55Exercise 5
- Preparing Your Elevator Talks
56Staffing and Budgeting
57Staff Training
- All staff should meet CLAs Technology Core
Competencies - Staff supporting users should be trained to
- train the public
- use the software and hardware in library
- IT staff need generic IT training
- networking
- desktop configuration
- troubleshooting
58Do you have enough IT Staff?
- More IT staff needed when
- outlets are spread apart geographically
- lots of applications and operating systems are
supports - systems are not stable
- users demand sophisticated help
- computers are old and breaking down
- Fewer IT staff needed when
- remote control tech support is possible
- systems are well-configured and stable
- users are not as demanding
- computers are not more than 3-4 years old and are
59IT Staff Calculator
- Tool to help determine how many full-time IT
staff your library needs based on number of - staff, patrons, branches, minutes between
branches, - networks, servers, self-check units ,
catalog-only PCs, multipurpose PCs, staff PCs,
printers, - operating systems supported, ILS modules,
subscription databases, other databases (e.g.
Active Directory and ILS) - desktop images maintained
- Available from
- http//galecia.com/libraries_resources.php
- Disclaimer The Library IT Staff Calculator was
created by Lori Ayre, not Infopeople and not the
Gates Foundation (although it is now available on
60Tech Support Guidelines
- Make sure lower-cost tech staff provide bulk of
support - Provide clear support request process
- one beeper number everyone knows to call, or
- one person at branch who handles support requests
- Reduce need for support
- deploy new, standardized hardware
- use centralized, mature processes for software
deployment - re-image computers each year to remove anomalies
introduced each year
Source Consortium for School Networking Taking
TCO to the Classroom
61Gates Staying Connected Survey Q1
- Have you integrated the support of public
access computers into your basic library
operations and budget? - Support is integrated with library operations and
is part of the general budget 99 - Support and budgeting for public access computers
is covered with a combination of special funds
and regular funding 23 - Support and budgeting for public access computers
is covered with special funds as it becomes
available 4 - Support is handled by the county or city 24
- We have a contract with an outside vendor who
supports all of our computers 5
62Best Practice
- Integrate support of computers into library
operations and budget
63Gap Analysis
- What do you think about your public access
computing program today? - What can you improve relatively easily (low
hanging fruit)? - What are the big hurdles?
- What would you like to see next year vis-à-vis
public access computing at your library?
64Exercise 6