Title: Implementing Reflective Access Control in SQL
1Implementing Reflective Access Control in SQL
- Lars E. Olson1, Carl A. Gunter1, William
R. Cook2, and Marianne Winslett1 - 1University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 2University of Texas
- Motivation for RDBAC
- Transaction Datalog (TD) as a Logical Basis and
Policy Language - Implementation Architecture and Description
- Evaluation
4ACM-Based Access Control
Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees
Name SSN Salary Dept Position
Alice 123456789 80000 HR CPA
Bob 234567890 70000 Sales Sales Rep
Carol 345678901 90000 Sales Manager
David 456789012 90000 HR Manager
ACM Entries
5ACM-Based Access Control
Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees
Name SSN Salary Dept Position
Alice 123456789 80000 HR CPA
Bob 234567890 70000 Sales Sales Rep
Carol 345678901 90000 Sales Manager
David 456789012 90000 HR Manager
6ACM-Based Access Control
ACM Entries
Sales Rep
7ACM Weaknesses
- Complicated policies can be awkward to define
- Every employee can access their own records
- Every employee can view the name and position of
every other employee in their department
- ACMs describe extent, rather than intent
- Decision support data is often already in the
database - Redundancy
- Possibility of update anomalies
9Reflective Database Access Control
- Solution access policies should contain queries
- Not limited to read-only operations
- Policies not assumed to be omniscient
- Is this a secure solution? (CCS 08)
- Is this a practical solution? (DBSec 09)
10System Architecture
Individual User-defined Policies
TD Policy
Policy Compiler
Schema metadata
SQL1999 Recursive View Definitions
User queries normally
11Transaction Datalog
- Datalog extended with assertion and retraction
semantics - Inference process extended to track modifications
- Concurrency and atomicity
- Implicit rollback on failure
12TD as a Policy Language
- Running example restrict and audit sensitive
accesses - view.emp(User, Name, SSN, Salary, Dept, Pos) -
- view.emp('alice', User, _, _, 'hr', _),
- view.emp('alice', Name, SSN, Salary, Dept, Pos),
- view.ins.auditLog('alice', User, Name, cur_time).
13Compilation to SQL Views
- Off-the-shelf SQL databases benefit from years of
query optimization research - Datalog, SQL roughly equivalent
- User ID provided by CURRENT_USER system variable
- Recursion requires SQL1999
- Assertions and retractions
- SQL syntax does not permit insert or delete
within select statement - Execution ordering is significant
14Side-Effects Within Queries
- Ideally, part of the language
- Transaction control
- Variable bindings
- In practice, executed as UDF
- Execution ordering depends on query plan
- Executing UDF(s) last
- Forbids policies with mid-execution side-effects
- Requires separate connection setup in DBs that do
not support side-effects
15Compilation Process (1st Pass)
view.emp(User, Name, SSN, Salary, Dept, Pos)
- view.emp('alice', User, _, _, 'hr',
_), view.emp('alice', Name, SSN, Salary, Dept,
Pos), view.ins.auditLog('alice', User, Name,
with view_emp as ( ... union all select e1.Name
as User, e2.Name as Name, ..., e2.Pos as
Pos, 1 as Assert_flag, e1.Name as
Assert_param1, e2.Name as Assert_param2 from
view_emp e1, view_emp e2 where e1.Dept 'hr'
and e1.Name 'alice' and e2.Name
'alice' union all ...) select distinct User,
Name, ..., Pos from view_emp where Assert_flag
1 and assert_auditLog(Assert_param1, Assert_param
2) ! 0
function assert_auditLog (_at_User varchar, _at_Name
varchar) ...
Schema User, Name, SSN, Salary, Dept,
Pos, Assert_flag, Assert_param1, Assert_param2
16Compilation Process (2nd Pass)
view.emp(User, Name, SSN, Salary, Dept, Pos)
- view.emp('alice', User, _, _, 'hr',
_), view.emp('alice', Name, SSN, Salary, Dept,
Pos), view.ins.auditLog('alice', User, Name,
function assert_auditLog (_at_User varchar, _at_Name
varchar) ...
with view_emp as ( ... union all select e1.Name
as User, e2.Name as Name, ..., e2.Pos as
Pos, 1 as Assert_flag, e1.Name as
Assert_param1, e2.Name as Assert_param2 from
view_emp e1, view_emp e2 where e1.Dept 'hr'
and e1.Name 'alice' and e2.Name
'alice' union all ...) select distinct User,
Name, ..., Pos from view_emp where Assert_flag
1 and assert_auditLog(Assert_param1, Assert_param
2) ! 0
Schema User, Name, SSN, Salary, Dept,
Pos, Assert_flag, Assert_param1, Assert_param2
17Compilation Process (cont.)
create view view_emp_public as select Name, ...,
Pos from view_emp where User
CURRENT_USER grant select on view_emp_public to
- Recursive views are expensive!
- Use predicate unfolding
- view.emp('alice', Name, SSN, Salary, Dept, Pos)
- - emp(Name, SSN, Salary, Dept, Pos).
- allows us to rewrite
- view.emp('alice', User, _, _, 'hr', _)
- to
- emp(User, _, _, 'hr', _)
19Optimizations (cont.)
- union all is expensive (although not as bad as
recursion) - Build query dynamically
- Pre-compute portions of rule
- If rule doesnt apply, we can eliminate a union
- Simulated with stored procedure
- Baseline
- Custom-defined views
- ACM-based enforcement
- Two baselines for side-effect queries
- No side-effect
- Side-effect UDF called within view
- Compiled views
- Unoptimized, with recursion
- Optimized with predicate unfolding
- Simulated optimization with predicate unfolding
and union all elimination
21Timing Results (fixed DB size)
22Timing Results (fixed query)
23Future Research Possibilities
- Further DB integration
- Automatic checks for safety
- Implementation of pre-computing optimization
- Improvements to TD
- Aggregation
- Negation
- Atomic update policies
24Work on RDBAC
- Olson, Gunter, Madhusudan, A Framework for
Reflective Database Access Control Policies, CCS
2008 - Under review case study for medical database,
formal policy analysis - Research lab web page http//seclab.uiuc.edu/
25Related Work
- Bonner, Transaction Datalog A Compositional
Language for Transaction Programming, LNCS 1998 - Oracle Corporation, Oracle Virtual Private
Database, Technical report, 2005 - Draxler, Accessing Relational and Higher
Databases Through Database Set Predicates in
Logic Programming Languages, PhD thesis, Zürich
University, 1991 - Bossi, Cocco, Dulli, A Method for Specializing
Logic Programs, TOPLAS 1990
- RDBAC allows more robust access control.
- Compilation of TD rules to SQL views implements
RDBAC with current database technology. - Performance cost of compiled views is low and can
yet be improved.
27Timing Results (fixed DB size and query)
28Timing Results Franchise Scenario (fixed DB size)