Title: Emotional Development
1Emotional Development
2Module ObjectivesChapter 9
- Why do people have emotions?
- At what ages do children begin to experience and
express different emotions? - What is attachment?
- When do children begin to understand other
peoples emotions?
3Andriea was so excited to meet her 7-month-old
nephew Colin. She rushed up to him while he was
playing on the floor with his truck and swept him
up in a big hug. After a brief, confused look,
Colin burst into angry tears, as if to say who
are you? Put me down right now!
- Think on your own
- Identify some of the emotions Colin may have
felt. Also, what emotions could Andreia have felt?
4Expressing Emotions
- When reviewing the situation with Colin and
Andreia joy, anger and surprise all appeared.
These are considered basic emotions - Emotion is the language of a person's mental
state of being, they are tied to the person's
internal (physical) and external (social) sensory
5Why do people feel emotions?
- Modern research suggests that emotions are useful
because they help people adapt to their
environment (Izard Ackerman, 2000). - For example, youre walking down a dark street
late one night. You become frightenedhow does
this affect your behavior? - The fear is adaptive because it allows you to
organize your behavior around an important goal-
avoiding danger.
6Basic Emotions
- Joy, anger, surprise, interest, disgust,
distress, sadness and fear are all classified as
basic emotions (Dragh-Lorenz, 2001). - Basic emotions are experienced by people
worldwide and each consists of three elements - A subjective feeling
- A physiological change
- An overt behavior
7For example- you wake to the sound of a
thunderstorm and then discover your roommate took
your umbrella.
Subjectively you might be angry, physiologically
your heart might be beating faster and overtly
you might be scowling
8How can we determine emotions in infants?
- Facial expressions provide important clues about
which emotion the child is experiencingbut they
are only one component of emotion
9Identify the Correct Emotion!
Fear Disgust Anger Sadness Interest Joy
10How did you do?
11(No Transcript)
12Facial Expressions
- Do facial expressions accurately reflect an
infants emotional state? - YES! Research has shown that infants (and adults)
worldwide express basic emotions in the same way. - Humans have universal emotional expression, which
suggests that we are biologically programmed to
express emotions in a specific way.
13Development of Basic Emotions
- Infants experience only two general emotions
- pleasure and distress.
- This will rapidly change and more discrete
emotions will develop, by 9 months infants are
thought to experience all basic emotions.
14Positive Emotions
- Smiles
- First month ? reflex response
- By 6 weeks ? the social smile appears
- By 7 months? smiles toward people encourages
interaction and bonding - Laughing
- By 3 to 4 months ? during activities (i.e.,
playing) - By 1 year ? response to unexpected events
- By 2 years ? response to own behavior or
attempting to make others laugh
15Reflexive Smile in a Sleeping Newborn
Social Smile in an 8-Month-Old Infant
16Negative Emotions
- Generalized distress
- Newborns ? hunger, pain, overstimulation
- Anger and/or sadness
- 2 months ? visible facial expression matches
situation - Fear and/or distress
- 6-7 months to 2 years ? stranger wariness
- 7 to 12 months ? fear of novel toys, noises,
sudden movements - 8 to 15 months ? separation anxiety
17Stranger Wariness
- The emotion of fear is fully developed by 9
months and is expressed in two ways - Stranger wariness
- Separation anxiety
- Stranger wariness is the distress that young
children experience when they are exposed to
people who are unfamiliar to them. - When a stranger approaches, a typical 6-month-old
looks away and begins to fuss. - This begins somewhere between 8-9 months of age
- reaching its peak at 12-15 months.
18Stranger Wariness
- At this time infants begin to realize that all
people are not the same, and that the
relationship they have with their primary
caregivers is special. - How wary an infant feels around strangers depends
on a number of factors. - Infants tend to be less fearful of strangers
- When the environment is familiar
- If infants are given time to warm up to the
strangers - Who are female than those who are male
19Stranger Wariness
- Stranger anxiety is adaptive because it emerges
at the same time that the child is being to
master crawling - Being wary of strangers provides a natural
restraint and makes the infant less likely to
wander away from familiar caregivers - Stranger anxiety gradually declines as infants
learn to interpret facial expressions
20Separation Anxiety
- This is the intense fear or anxiety that occurs
when a parent or caregiver leaves the child - This typically develops around the same time as
object permanence and is universal across
cultures. - Infants growing cognitive skills allow them to
ask questions with no readily apparent answers - Why is my mother leaving?
- Where is she going?
- Will she come back?
21Development of Complex Emotions
- In addition to the basic emotions, people feel
complex emotions such as embarrassment, pride,
guilt and shame. - These are known as self-conscious emotions that
involve feelings of success whens standards are
met and feelings of failure when they are not.
22Research suggests that these complex emotions
depend on the child having self-awareness and
consciousness of adult reactions (Lewis, 2000).
- These complex emotions usually develop between 18
months and 3 years
- A foundation for emotional development is the
realization that we are distinct individuals-
separate from other people. - The emerging sense of me and mine fosters
self-conscious emotions.
24- The onset of self-awareness is evident when
infants of various ages are compared. - Very young infants have no sense of self. It is
theorized that for the first 4 months, infants
see themselves as part of their mothers (Mahler
et al., 1975)
25Later developments
- As children grow they continue to experience
basic and complex emotions but are elicited by
different situations and events. - The cognitive growth elementary school children
have means they experience shame and guilt in
situations they would not have as preschool
children (Reimer, 1996). - Example unlike preschool children, many
school-age children would be ashamed if they
neglected to defend a classmate who was
wrongfully accused of theft.
26Identifying Emotions in Others
- By 4 to 7 months infants begin to distinguish
facial expressions associated with different
emotions. - Infants can distinguish a happy, smiling face
from a sad, frowning face- but they may not
understand the emotional significance (Ludemann,
27How can we tell whether infants understand the
emotions expressed in a face?
- The best evidence of this is that infants often
match their own emotions to other peoples
emotions (Walker-Andrews, 2001). - When happy mothers smile and talk in a pleasant
voice ? infants express happiness themselves - When mothers are angry or sad ? infants become
28- Twenty-three-month-old Stephanie watches as her
older brother Erik and his friend Leo argue
loudly with each other and begin to wrestle.
Uncertain of what is happening, Stephanie glances
at her mother. Her mother, though, wears a
smile, knowing that Erik and Leo are just
playing. On seeing her mothers reaction,
Stephanie smiles too, mimicking her mothers
facial expression.
29Social Referencing
- By the end of the first year, infants in an
unfamiliar or ambiguous environment often look at
their mother/father as if searching for cues to
help them interpret the situation. - At this age, infants generally use parents
emotional signals to guide their interpretations
of, and reactions to, potentially upsetting or
dangerous events and objects.
30Parents influence how the child perceives a new
- If the parent looks afraid when shown a novel
object, 12-month-olds are less likely to play
with the toy than if a parent looks happy
(Repacholi, 1998). - Also, social referencing shows that infants are
remarkable skilled at using their parents
emotions to direct their own behavior.
31- As their cognitive skills continue to grow,
children begin to understand why people feel as
they do. - Example a kindergarten child knows that
unpleasant events often make a person sad or
angry (Levine, 1995) - Children at this age also know that they more
often feel sad when they think about the
undesirable event itself - They can understand that remembering a past sad
event can make a person unhappy (Lagattuta, 1997).
32Display Rules
- A social groups informal norms about when,
where, and how much one should show emotions and
when and where displays of emotions should be
suppressed or masked by displays of other
emotions - Prosocial motive
- Using verbal or facial display rules to protect
someone elses feelings - Self-protective motive
- Using verbal or facial display rules to protect
their own feelings
33Example of display rule Children in the US
learn that they are supposed to express happiness
or gratitude when they receive a gift from
grandma, and by all means, to suppress any
disappointment they may feel should the gift turn
out to be pink fuzzy footed pajamas.
34Display Rules Continued
- Same for boys and girls NO
- In elementary school in the US
- Girls believe that it is more acceptable to
express emotions like pain whereas boys do not - Girls are more attuned than boys to the need to
inhibit emotional displays that may hurt someone
elses feelings - Children seem to be attuned to display rules if
they are valued in their culture or if an
awareness of them serves an important function in
the family
35Think on Your Own
- Recall a recent situation in which you engaged in
social referencing. - Why did you look to the reactions of others to
determine your own reaction to the situation? - Did you use display rules? Why?
- If you didnt -should you have?
36Identifying Emotions
- By age 3, children have the ability to label a
few emotional expressions - Best at labeling happiness
- The ability to label anger, fear, and sadness
gradually appears between the ages of 4-6 - The ability to label pride, shame, and guilt
gradually appears between the ages of 8-9
37Between the ages of 4-8, children have the
ability to label others emotions by their body
- -Four-year-olds good at sad movements
- -Five-year-olds good at sad, fear, and happy
movements - -Eight-year-olds good at sad, fear, happy, and
anger movements
38Measure of Childrens Ability to Label Others
- Children are asked to view pictures like these
and identify the emotions of the characters. - With age, children can better identify
appropriate emotions.
39The school age child
- Elementary school children begin to comprehend
that people can have mixed feelings. - By about 8 yrs. children can realize how people
can feel good and bad at the same time, which
coincides with concrete operational thinking. - A child recognizes that a situation can produce
two opposing feelings - For example- A child can be happy and scared
about staying home alone.
40What was Your first social-emotional relationship?
41The first special relationship we experience
develops between parent and child
- It is believed that this relationship will
influence the development of our future
42What is Attachment?
- Attachment is an enduring emotional connection
- A close emotional bond that is person-specific
and is enduring across time and space. - Infants show their attachment through
proximity-seeking behaviors, meaning infants (and
adults) like to be near those we are attached. - Actions such as approaching, following, and
climbing into the lap demonstrate the need to be
physically close. As well as contact-maintaining
behaviors such as clinging, resisting being put
down all are evidence of attachment.
43Think on Your Own
- Who are you attached to?
- List 5 people and reflect on why that
relationship involves attachment
44Harry Harlow (1959) The Monkey Love
- Harlow evaluated whether feeding or contact
comfort was more important to infant attachment. - The young animals were raised by two kinds of
surrogate monkey mother machines. - One mother was made of soft terry cloth, the
other made of wire mesh
45Monkey Love Experiments
- Harlow's monkey studies demonstrated that the
need for affection created a stronger bond
between mother and infant than did physical needs
46Monkey Love Experiments
- Harlows work suggested that the development of a
childs love for their caregiver was emotional
rather than physiological - Attachment was closely associated with critical
periods in early life, after which it was
difficult or impossible to compensate for the
loss of initial emotional security.
47What happened to these monkeys?
- Monkeys raised without their mothers or other
monkeys were socially maladjusted the rest of
their lives. - When confronted with fear, they displayed
autistic and institutionalized behaviors-throwing
themselves on the floor, clutched themselves,
rocked back and forth, and screamed in terror. - They were incapable of having sexual relations
and they were also unable to parent their
offspring, either abusing or neglecting them.
48What does this mean for humans?
- Harlow showed that the development of attachment
was closely associated with critical periods in
early life, after which it was difficult or
impossible to compensate for the loss of initial
emotional security - Further experiments in which abusive conditions
were created showed that no matter how abusive
the mothers were, the baby monkeys always came
back and displayed affection towards them. - Even in the face of abuse, the need for love was
49Do we all need attachment and physical contact?
- Yes, according the theories of John Bowlby (1969,
1991), that children who form an attachment to an
adult are more likely to survive. - Attachment not only deepens the parent-child
relationship, but may have contributed to human
50Bowlbys Attachment Theory
- According to Bowlby, the development of
attachment takes place in four phases - Preattachment
- Attachment-in-the-Making
- Clear-cut (or True) Attachment
- Reciprocal Relationships
51PreattachmentBirth to 6 weeks
- The infant produces innate signals (crying,
clinging, smiling, or sucking) that bring others
to his/her side and the infant is comforted by
these interactions. - The infants behaviors and the response they
evoke from adults create an interactive system
that is the first step in the formation of
52Attachment-in-the-Making6 weeks to 6-8 months
- Infants begin to respond preferentially to
familiar people - Infants are forming expectations about how their
caregivers will respond to their needs, and as a
result, develop (or not) a sense of trust in them
53Clear-cut Attachment6-8 months to 1.5-2 years
- By 7-8 months, infants have singles out the
attachment figure, usually the mother, as a
special person. - The mother now serves as a secure base
- Infants actively seek contact with their
caregivers - They happily greet their mother when she appears
- They may exhibit separation anxiety when she
leaves - This behavior reflects cognitive growth as well.
The infant now has a mental representation of
mother and an understanding that she will be
there to meet the infants needs.
54Reciprocal Relationships1.5-2 years and beyond
- As the cognitive and language abilities of
toddlers increase, they being to understand
their parents feelings, goals and motives - They are better able to act as partners in the
attachment relationship - They often take initiative in interactions and
negotiate with parents - They cope with separation more effectively
because they can now anticipate the return.
55The Quality of Attachment
- Based on how the infant reacts to separation from
the caregiver and the reunion by using a
procedure known as the Strange Situation. - Ainsworth (1993) and others have identified 4
basic types of attachment relationships
56(No Transcript)
57Strange Situation
58Ainsworths Three Attachment Categories
- Secure Attachment
- Insecure/Resistant
- Insecure/Avoidant
59Classifications of Infant Attachment
60Types of Attachment
- Secure attachment is a relationship of trust and
confidence. - The baby may or may not cry when the mother
leaves, but when she returns, the baby wants to
be with her and if the baby is crying, the baby
stops. - During infancy this relationship provides a
secure base for exploration of the environment. - This group seems to say I missed you terribly,
but now that youre back, Im okay. - 60-65 of American children have secure
attachment relationships (Kail, 2007).
61A secure attachment relationship is likely to
develop when parents respond to their infants
needs reliably and sensitively
623 Types of Insecure Attachment
- A relationship that is unstable or unpredictable,
characterized by the infants fear, anxiety,
anger or indifference toward the caregiver - Insecure-Avoidant attachment
- A pattern of insecure attachment in which infants
or young children seem somewhat indifferent
toward their caregivers and may even avoid their
caregivers - The baby is not upset when the mother leaves,
and, when she returns, may ignore her by looking
or turning away
63If they do get upset when left alone, they are as
easily comforted by a stranger as by a parent.As
if to say, you left me again, I always have to
take care of myself!
- 20 of American infant have avoidant- attachment
64Resistant/ambivalent Attachment
- A pattern of insecure attachment in which infants
or young children are clingy and stay close to
their caregivers rather than exploring their
environment. - The baby is upset when the mother leaves and
remains upset or even angry when she returns, and
is difficult to console - Because the child cant depend on the parent for
attunement and connection, he develops a sense of
anxiety and feelings of insecurity
65Insecure Attachments (p.221)
- Disorganized attachment is a pattern of insecure
attachment in which infants or young children
have no consistent way to coping with the stress
of the Strange Situation - The baby seems confused when the mother leaves
and, when she returns, seems as if the baby
doesnt really understand whats
happeningwhats going on here? - They want to approach their mother, but they also
seem to regard her as a source of fear from which
they want to withdraw
66Disorganized Attachment
- Disorganized attachment leads to difficulties in
the regulation of emotions, social communication,
academic reasoning as well as to more severe
emotional problems. - This type of attachment occurs when the childs
need for emotional closeness remains unseen or
ignored. - Less than 5 of middle-class Americans fall into
this category. - This rate is considerably higher in samples in
which parents are having difficulties with their
own working models of attachment.
67Identify the Attachment Relationship
- A baby in this group might say I missed you
terribly, but now that youre back, Im okay. - A baby in this group might say You left me
again. I always have to take care of myself. - A baby in this group might say Why do you do
this? I get so angry when youre like this.
68How Did You Do?
- A baby in this group might say I missed you
terribly, but now that youre back, Im okay. - A baby in this group might say You left me
again. I always have to take care of myself. - A baby in this group might say Why do you do
this? I get so angry when youre like this.
69Infants develop an Internal working model, which
are a set of expectations about parents
availability and responsiveness
70Adult Attachment
- Adult attachment models are based on adults
perceptions of their own childhood relationships
with their parents and of the continuing
influence of those relationships - Autonomous or Secure
- Dismissing
- Preoccupied
71The attachment of parents is a significant
factor in the attachment styles of their children
72Securely attached infants appear to grow up to be
better adjusted and more socially skilled than
insecurely attached children.