Emotional intelligence for kids - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Emotional intelligence for kids


Emotional intelligence( )is a wide range of skills that children of all ages can develop and improve. This section of the youth deployment activity guide is designed to give you additional age appropriate resources that are helpful in teaching. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:1280
Slides: 10
Provided by: emotionalintel


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Title: Emotional intelligence for kids

  • TO

Emotional intelligence training online, Emotional
intelligence activities for adults Emotional
intelligence in management 
  • The emotional intelligence training knowledge as
    generously as possible through this website. It
    is important to maintain the highest level of
    credibility in our program and staff. If you want
    any information please visit on our website.
  • We teach emotional intelligence activities for
    adults to understand their minds better,
    especially emotionally. We will continue our
    research for developing of the human minds our
    discoveries through the institute. For further
    more any information please click on our website.
  • Emotional intelligence in management is the
    ability to accurately perceive your own and
    others emotions and to manage your own and other
    emotions. Our overall goal is to bring out the
    best emotionally in all of our students. So any
    enquiry please visit on our website.

Teaching emotional intelligence to adults 
Intelligence test online
  • We are committed to teaching important lessons
    and valuable knowledge from the broad spectrum of
    healthy mind development criteria. We are
    teaching emotional intelligence to children and
    young adults. For any information please you
    click on this site.
  • We realize that those who need important
    information the most are too often those who
    cant afford it. These tests are the easiest and
    most authentic source of checking IQ level. IQ
    tests measure your general intelligence.

Emotional intelligence online course, Online
emotional intelligence test  Emotional
intelligence test free 
  • Emotional intelligence online course for top
    institutions like university of case Western
    Reserve University. This course is offered as a
    massive open online course to enable as many
    people as possible to cultivate traits. About any
    information please your check our website.
  • How well you can do in life is determined by both
    IQ and EQ. EQ can be developed. And thats key
    point to motivate our professionals to study
    thoroughly and present you our online Emotional
    Intelligence test. We believe after getting our
    EQ test result.
  • Free online emotional intelligence test your
    intelligence to score high in a quiz but level
    all personal feeling and emotional questions out
    of the equation. Our institute provides training
    for emotional intelligence if you want any more
    information please visit on our university or

Emotional intelligence test for students,
Emotional intelligence class Ways to improve
your emotional intelligence
  • We look at why emotional intelligence is
    important for students and how can they improve
    their emotional quotients. Pre-tests scores
    online give VSA a good sense of baseline
    emotional intelligence level.
  • Emotional intelligence can help you navigate the
    social complexities of the workplace and excel in
    your carrier. The first step is improving
    emotional intelligence to learn how to relieve
    stress. For further more any information click on
    our website.
  • One of the best ways to improve social skill is
    becoming an effective communicator and be clear
    as well as accurate in providing information.
    Short emotional intelligence refers to the
    ability to perceive and evaluate emotions.

Ways to improve emotional intelligence in the
workplace 5 ways to improve emotional
  • Showing sign of emotional intelligence in the
    workplace can improve your professional carrier
    by leaps and bounds. Emotional intelligence is
    the ability to tap into your emotions and use
    them to make your life better.
  • One study showed that 90 of top performers are
    high in emotional intelligence. Top business
    schools are beginning to look at emotional
    intelligence levels as admittance criteria along
    with high school grades. Here are some areas to
    look at.

Emotional intelligence lessons, Ways to improve
emotional intelligence, How to improve emotional
intelligence Emotional wellness
  • A whole field of study and training has sprung up
    around the concept of emotional intelligence
    since it started becoming popular 20 years ago.
    However with recently renewed vigor, as to
    whether EI is a management enabler or disabler.
    Any more information please visit on our website.
  • Emotional intelligence is fundamental to our life
    experience and can influence how successful we
    are in our relationship and careers. Whatever
    stage of life you are at you can use the seven
    simple steps below to improve your emotional
    intelligence. For further more any information
    click on our website.
  • Here are more tips for improving self-awareness,
    which is the best step toward greater emotional
    intelligence! Be an observer of yourself. Pay
    attention to what you feel and how those feeling
    contribute, enhance, or challenge you.
  • Being emotionally well is more than just handling
    stress. It also involves being attentive to your
    thoughts and behaviors, weather positive or
    negative. Emotional wellness implies the ability
    to be aware of and accept our feeling and enjoy
    life despite its occasional disappointments and

Emotional intelligence for kids, How to improve
self-awareness How to manage emotions
  • Emotional intelligence is a wide range of skills
    that children of all ages can develop and
    improve. This section of the youth deployment
    activity guide is designed to give you additional
    age appropriate resources that are helpful in
  • This guide provides over a dozen self-awareness
    activities and exercise to increase emotional
    intelligence. When we are unconscious, we lack
    self-awareness. To get more information please
    visit on our website.
  • We all suffer from emotional overreactions. In
    the heat of the moment we say something to a
    person we love without stopping to consider the
    shockwaves. Our emotion spill over and by the
    time they recede the damage is done. If you want
    any information please you can visit on our


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