Title: After the Wildfire
1After the Wildfire
- Jerome V. De Graff
- Geologist
- USDA Forest Service
2First of an often dual natural disaster
2003 Old-Grand Prix Fires
3Waterman Canyon, CA 2003
When seasonal rainfall comes, debris flows may
Santaquin, UT 2001
4The Southern California Fire-Flood Sequence
- Relationship between wildfire and flooding in
southern California recognized by 1930
- By 1950s, field studies showed that some flood
events were actually debris flows
- Now known this takes place in many parts of the
western United States
5Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER)
BAER teams rapidly assess emergency situations
based on the effect of vegetation loss in burned
watersheds and values-at-risk
San Bernardino, Calif.
6Burned Area Emergency Response Objectives
- Minimize threats to human life and property,
onsite and off-site
- Minimize loss of soil and onsite productivity
- Minimize loss of water control and deterioration
of water quality
7Urban growth places many more people, homes, and
other property next to National Forests. This is
the Wildland-Urban Interface.
From Chourre, M. Wright, S., 2006
8Past Fire Suppression Policies Increased Fuel
9Hayman Fire, 2002
Mollie Fire, 2001
Biscuit Complex Fire (OR), 2002
Waterfall Fire, 2004
Old Grand Prix Fires, 2003
Cerro Grande Fire, 2000
Rodeo-Chedeski, 2002
Cedar Fire,2003
10(No Transcript)