Title: Fallacies and Non-Rational Persuasion
1Fallacies and Non-Rational Persuasion
2Appeal to Authority
- a misdirected appeal to authority in which
something is mentioned as a trusted source when,
in fact, it is not reliable.
3Example of Appeal to Authority
- Barry Schweid of the Associated Press, in his
efforts to criticize President Reagan's
space-based defense against Soviet missiles, came
up with a report from some Stanford University
group that claimed to find little evidence of
cheating by the Soviet Union on arms-control
treaties. - Middleton B. Freeman, Louisville, "Letters From
Readers,"The Courier-Journal, April 1, 1987.)
- The article mentions some Stanford University
group as a source of information about missiles.
The author points out that this group may not be
correctly informed, and that just because the
group is from a prestigious school does not mean
it is a viable source.
5Appeal to Common Belief
- A fallacy that appeals to a wide-held general
opinion and is inappropriate to use in most
statements used to verify facts.
6Example of Common Belief
- Alas, we have been long led away by ancient
prejudices, and made large sacrifices to
superstition. We have boasted the protection of
Great-Britain, without considering, that her
motive was interest not attachment that she did
not protect us from our enemies on our account,
but from her enemies on her own account. - Thomas Paine. Common Sense. 1776
- Thomas Paine appeals to the belief that at the
time of the American Revolution, Britain had no
personal interest in the colonies, but, rather,
cared only for what the colonies produced. He
appeals to the common opinion of that time and
does not take into consideration that perhaps
this belief is not true
8Common Practice
- Misleading appeal to common practice in which an
action is justified because everyone else is
doing it.
9Example of Common Practice
- We found a lot of agreement on the basic goals
of reform. No one is content with the status quo.
Most are open to new ideas. Everyone agrees at
least that the problems are serious and action is
urgently needed. - Radio address by President Bush to the nation. 27
January 2001
- Twice in this example, President Bush lumps all
Americans into the pronouns no one and
everyone. He says that no one is content with
the status quo and that actions are need
immediately. Although a majority of Americans
might agree with Bush, he does not consider those
who disagree with him.
11Two Wrongs
- Argument that it is acceptable to do something,
not because people are doing it, but because
others are doing things that are just as bad.
12Example of Two Wrongs
- The operation cost just under 500, and no one
was killed, or even hurt. In that same time the
Pentagon spent tens of millions of dollars and
dropped tens of thousands of pounds of explosives
on Viet Nam. Because nothing justified their
actions in our calculus, nothing could contradict
the merit of ours. - (Bill Ayers, Fugitive Days, quoted in Radical
Chic Resurgent, by Timothy Ash.)
- Although the first action mentioned was wrong,
the author argued that it could not be wrong
because another action used at the same time was
also wrong. One actions being more wrong than
the other, does not give the first action any
more merit.
14Indirect Consequences
- Distantly possible, but usually negative effects
are presented as the consequence of a course of
action or belief with the idea that the
negativity of those effects will ensure the
rejection of that course of action or belief.
15Example of Indirect Consequence
- "If today you can take a thing like evolution and
make it a crime to teach it in the public
schools, tomorrow you can make it a crime to
teach it in the private schools, and next year
you can make it a crime to teach it in the
church. At the next session you can ban books and
the newspapers. - (Clarence Darrow, cited in Stephen Jay Gould's
Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes, p. 278.)
- The author states that if teaching evolution
becomes a crime, the whole educational system
will fall apart. Because the author believes
that this will happen, he lists several negative
consequences in order to make his point seem like
the right idea.
17Wishful Thinking
- Like Indirect Consequence, this fallacy uses
remote facts. However, wishful thinking uses an
extremely positive outcome so it distracts from
the values of the case at hand.
18Example of Wishful Thinking
- I have a dream that my four children will one
day live in a nation where they will not be
judged by the color of their skin but by the
content of their character... we will be able to
speed up that day when all of God's children will
be able to join hands and sing. - Martin Luther King, Jr.I Have a Dream
- King uses only positive and idealistic outcomes
in his speech. Though these outcomes are nice to
think about, they were seemingly impossible for
the nation at that time.
20Appeal to Fear
- A non-rational persuasion used to threaten the
safety or happiness of ourselves or someone we
love the use of scare tactics in order to get
ones way.
21Example of Appeal to Fear
- There is no want of power in God to cast wicked
men into hell at any moment. Men's hands cannot
be strong when God rises up. The strongest have
no power to resist him, nor can any deliver out
of his hands. -- He is not only able to cast
wicked men into hell, but he can most easily do
it. - excerpt from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
God by Jonathan Edwards
- During the 1st Great Awakening, people thought
that God was an unmerciful and harsh being.
Edwards reaffirms this fact by telling the
violent consequences of not obeying God and
appeals to the fear that each human has of
23Hasty Generalization
- stating premises, or drawing conclusions, based
on too little information, or generalizing from
too few particulars that are probably not
representative of an entire group
24Example of Hasty Generalization
- "I hardly think that 58 is the right age at which
to talk about a retirement home unless there are
some serious health concerns. My 85-year-old
mother power-walks two miles each day, drives her
car climbs stairs, does crosswords, and could
beat Slatalla at almost anything." (Nancy
Edwards, "Letters to the Editor", Time, 6/26/00.)
- The author assumes that since her mother, who is
85, is so active, that every other woman her age
is just as active. She does not take into
concern that her mother may be an exception.
26Appeal to Pity
- Persuading the reader to agree with the
preposition because of the pitiful state the
author is in.
27Example of Appeal to Pity
- How many deaths were we talking about when
abortion was illegal? In N.A.R.A.L. we generally
emphasized the drama of the individual case, but
when we spoke of the latter it was always "5,000
to 10,000 deaths a year." I confess that I knew
the figures were totally false, I suppose the
others did too if they stopped to think of it.
But in the "morality" of the revolution, it was a
useful figure, widely accepted, so why go out of
our way to correct it with honest statistics. The
overriding concern was to get the laws
eliminated, and anything within reason which had
to be done was permissible.-Bernard Nathanson,
M.D., Aborting America (New York Doubleday,
1979), 193.
- Explanation- The author describes how he was put
under the impression that the death rate would be
lower. He also used the argument of morality
to tug at the emotions of the readers and to make
evident the pitiful state of the situation.
29Appeal to Prejudice
- Tendency to judge people, good or bad, even after
the facts of a case indicate otherwise.
30Example of Appeal to Prejudice
- Authority (as Professor Aitken reminded us last
night in her splendid sermon at the Liturgy) is a
slippery idea. In which connection, I incline to
agree with Robert W. Jenson questions such as,
What is the authority of Scripture? are largely
meaningless, if by them we intend to imply that
there can possibly be discerned any one way in
which the Bible relates to or regulates Christian
- The speaker is still doubting the authority of
authority, even though the previous sermon
supported the contrary well. This shows how even
though there is evidence that authority is a good
idea, the author still thinks that it is not
32Appeal to Loyalty
Appeal to the feeling of patriotism or loyalty to
a certain group or belief, instead of appealing
to logic
33Example of Appeal to Loyalty
- As a long and violent abuse of power, is
generally the Means of calling the right of it in
question and as the King of England hath
undertaken in his OWN RIGHT, to support the
Parliament in what he calls THEIRS, and as the
good people of this country are grievously
oppressed by the combination, they have an
undoubted privilege to inquire into the
pretensions of both, and equally to reject the
usurpation of either. - -Thomas Paine, Common Sense
34- Explanation
- Thomas Paine appeals to the loyalty of the
colonial citizens by giving them the message
appealing to their feelings of rebellion. He
stresses that the king has harmed the colonists
by making his every action HIS OWN RIGHT.
Therefore, he encourages the colonists to reject
the kings rules and become loyal to the new
cause, the revolution.
35Appeal to Vanity
- creating a tendency toward agreement by
36Example of Appeal to Vanity
Idols define good and evil in ways contrary to
God's definitions. They establish a locus of
control that is earth-bound either in objects
(e.g., lust for money), other people ("I need to
please my critical father"), or myself (e.g.,
self-trusting pursuit of my personal agenda).
Such false gods create false laws, false
definitions of success and failure, of value and
stigma. Idols promise blessing and warn of curses
for those who succeed or fail against the law
"If you get a large enough IRA, you will be
secure. If I can get certain people to like and
respect me, then my life is valid." There are
numerous idolatrous values which influenced Wally
and continue to pressure him beguiling him,
frightening him, controlling him, constraining
him, enslaving him.Â
This example shows how idols appeal to vanity, by
giving the victim what they want, or telling
them what they want to hear, or appealing to them
by complementing them, thus leading them down a
path of falsehood and lies.
38Appeal to Spite
- spite is replaced with evidence when an argument
is made against a claim
39Example of Appeal to Spite
- True salvation revolves around three focal
points. These are the Word of God, the work of
Christ and the witness of the Spirit. Cain found
a substitute for all three and founded a false
religion. In Genesis 41-3 he substitutes his own
religion for the Word of God. While he did not
have the written record we have today, he had the
witness of his parents as well as direct
communication with the Lord (Genesis 49). There
can be no doubt from the Scriptures that blood
must be shed for an acceptable sacrifice (Exodus
123, I John 17, I Peter 118-19).
This example describes how in the bible, the act
of Cain killing his brother was out of pure
spite. Therefore, he tries to justify his
religious choice.
41Argument from Silence
- Instead of using evidence to support a
generalization, all the audience hears is silence.
42Example of Argument from Silence
- No one has ever seen God, but if we love one
another, God lives in us and his love is made
complete in us. - 1 John 412
- No one knows God or if he loves us, but the Bible
states that we should believe in him even though
there is a lack of evidence. This example asks
the reader to believe in something without
knowing the facts or background information.
44- Ad Hominem
- The argument is not directed at the conclusion
one wishes to deny, but at the person who
supports or doesnt support the conclusion. - There are two forms of Ad Hominem
- Abusive-attacking the character the one assessing
the argument - Circumstantial the irrelevant connection between
the beliefs held and the circumstances of those
holding the beliefs
45- Example of Ad Hominem
- Kenneth Robinson, when he was Great Britains
minister of health, told Parliament that
Scientology was potentially harmful and a
potential menace. Elliott, the local minister of
the Church of Scientology, was asked to comment
on those criticisms. Of the remarks made before
Parliament, he said I am afraid Mr.. Robinson
has since suffered two demotions and was just in
the last few weeks quietly released from the
Wilson Administration altogether. - Honolulu Advisor, November 22, 1969 p.6
46- Explanation
- This is an abusive example of ad hominem. Elliott
attacks Kenneth Robinsons character with
information of his job situation. Robinson
attacks the Church of Scientology with phrases
such as potentially harmful because the only
reason Robinson holds these beliefs is because he
thinks the Church of Scientology to be morally
wrong based on his own personal religious
beliefs. Robinson holds little or no basis for
his accusations against the Church of Scientology
except for the fact that they go in direct
opposition to his own beliefs. -
47Post Hoc
- The use of the proposition as an example of a
fallacy arguing from a sentence to a cause and
effect relationship
48Example of Post Hoc
- When Rodger Babson, whose prediction of the
great stock market crash brought him renown,
became ill with tuberculosis, he returned to his
home in Massachusetts rather than follow his
doctors advice to remain in the West. During the
freezing winter he wore a coat with a heating pad
in the back, and had his secretary wear mittens
and hit the typewriter keys with rubber hammers.
Babson got well he attributed the cure to fresh
air. Air from pine woods, according to Babson,
has chemical or electrical qualities (or both) of
great medicinal value. - -Martin Gardner, Fads and Fallacies in the Name
of Science -
- Gardner employs a post hoc fallacy through his
dissection of Babsons illness and how Babson
acted throughout his illness as well as Babsons
final outcome from his illness and Babsons
explanation for becoming well. Gardner shows the
cause and effect relationship, linking Babsons
prediction of the stock market crash to his
illness and Babsons illness to his form of
recovery, even though each of the events did not
actually directly deal with one another.
50- Sweeping Generalization
- When the conclusion drawn exceeds what the
evidence given supports
51- Example of Sweeping Generalization
- Example"Does a gun in the home make you safer?
No. Despite claims by the National Rifle
Association (NRA) that you need a gun in your
home to protect you and your family from possible
home invasion, public health research
demonstrates that the most person likely to shoot
you or a family member with a gun already has the
keys to your house. Simply put Guns kept in the
home for self-protection are more oftentimessic
used to kill somebody you know than to kill in
self-defense 22 times more likely, according to
a 1998 study by the New England Journal of
Medicine. -Sarah Brady, A Good Fight
52- Explanation
- The statistics used in Sarah Bradys reasoning
make this argument a sweeping generalization.
Also, how Brady makes this statement apply not to
the general readership as a whole, but instead to
the individual who may or may not be pro-gun.
Brady makes this statement through the usage of
statistics. Brady makes the reader feel as though
each individual possesses a gun and will
eventually be harmed as a result of owning that
53- Part for the Whole
- The fallacy of composition the whole is more of
less than the sum of its parts-the fallacious
reasoning is from attributes to the individual
elements or members of a collection to
attributes of the collection or totality of those
54- Example of Part for the Whole
- Seeing that eye and hand and foot and every one
of our members has some obvious function, must we
not believe that in like manner a human being has
a function over and above these particular
functions? -Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
55- Explanation
- Aristotle demonstrates the part for the whole
fallacy through his explanation of different body
parts and how they related to the body and the
functions of the body as a whole. Aristotle
explains functions of body parts and speaks of
how these body parts relate to the body as a
whole, and how the parts all work together to
make up the body as a whole.
56- Whole for the Parts
- The fallacy of division arguing fallaciously
that what is true of a whole must also be true of
its parts or when one argues from the attributes
of a collection of elements to the attributes of
the elements themselves.
57- Example of Whole for the Parts
- Thomas Carlyle said of Walt Whitman that he
thinks he is a big poet because he comes from a
big country..-Alfred Kazin, The Haunted
Chamber, The New Republic, June 23, 1986, p.39
58- Explanation
- The author does not commit the fallacy, but he
claims that Whitman did commit the fallacy in
thinking about himself. The claim is that Walt
Whitman is a large poet therefore, he must be
from a large country because if one part of
something is large then the whole must be large
59- Straw Man
- Creating a false image of someone elses ideas,
feelings, or beliefs
60- Example of Straw Man
- We all want our families, our soldiers, our
unions, our sport teams to be united toward
clear, common goals. But is it not dangerous for
a democratic populace weighing if and how to wage
war to value unit above all else? It's all too
easy to mandate patriotism, as the New York Board
of Education did last week, bringing back the
pledge of allegiance to classrooms as if that
will stop the Osama bin Ladens of the world.
-Robert Sheer (10-23-01 LA Times)
61- Explanation
- This creates the fallacy of the straw man through
Sheers portrayal of the New York Board of
Education.Sheer takes their act of mandating the
Pledge of Allegiance in every classroom not as an
act of instilling patriotism in the young
citizens of America, but instead he states his
opinion that this will not result in increased
patriotism and will not help prevent against
terrorism. This, does not attack the beliefs of
the New York Board towards the country as a
whole, but rather just towards a particular
62Burden of Proof
- In an argument one asserts that the opposition
must prove his or her side of the case in order
to find your argument invalid. - Common example You are innocent until proven
63Burden of Proof Example
- On the Senate Floor in 1950 Joe McCarthy
announces that he had penetrated Trumans iron
curtain of secrecy. He had 81 cases histories
of persons whom he considered to be communist in
the state department. Of Case 40, he said, I
do not have much information on this except that
general statement of the agency that here is
nothing in the files to disprove his communist
connections - -Richard H. Rovere, Senator Joe McCarthy
- By proving that there is no evidence against his
case, McCarthy uses the empty files as support
for his side of the case.
65Circular Reasoning
- Deductive reasoning is used to prove or assert a
fact when actually it is based on an assumption
or a single premise. Usually used with parts
that are irrelevant to one another.
66Example of Circular Reasoning
- If the man who turnips cries
- Cry not when his father dies,
- Tis a proof that he had rather
- Have a turnip than his father.
- -Mrs. Piozzi Anedotes of Samual Johnson
- The author draws together two irrelevant facts to
attempt to achieve an absurd realization.
He tries to place turnips and the mans fathers
death on the same level.
- The author draws together two irrelevant facts to
attempt to achieve an absurd realization.
He tries to place turnips and the mans fathers
death on the same level.
68Loaded Question
- A question that involves many terms that would
seem to be disagreeing and contradictory if
answered. Usually people tend to want to give
a simple yes or no answer, yet people end up
saying things that they usually would not assert.
69Example of Loaded Question
- Why should merely cracking down on terrorism help
to stop it, when that method hasn't worked in any
other country? Why are we so hated in the Muslim
world? What did our government do there to bring
this horror home to all those innocent Americans?
And why don't we learn anything, from
our free press, about the gross ineptitude of our
state agencies? about what's really happening in
Afghanistan? about the pertinence of Central
Asia's huge reserves of oil and natural gas?
About the links between the Bush and the bin
Laden families?" - (Mark Crispin Miller, "Brain Drain")
- The is no real simple answer that the reader is
willing to give to this question.
- The is no real simple answer that the reader is
willing to give to this question.
71False Dilemma
- Presenting two options as if they were
contradictions or contraries, when in fact they
are not. It creates a dilemma due to the fact
that two hard choices are presented and false
because there are actually more that the two
presented choices.
72Example of False Dilemma
- "'Which is better -- to be a pack of painted
Indians like you are, or to be sensible like
Ralph is....Which is better -- to have laws and
agree, or to hunt and kill?'" - Lord of The Flies, William Golding
- Provides no real simple answer to the question.
74False Compromise
- This occurs when the audience usually doesnt
care enough or is uninterested in the topic
enough to make an accurate decision. Therefore
usually the audience simply splits the difference
and make a decision rather than educate
75Example of False Compromise
- There shall be a firm and universal peace between
His Britannic Majesty and the United States, and
between their respective countries, territories,
cities, towns, and people, of every degree,
without exception of places or persons. All
hostilities, both by sea and land, shall cease as
soon as this treaty shall have been ratified by
both parties, as hereinafter mentioned. - The Treaty of Ghent 1814
- Both sides of the argument evenly split the
difference and returned pre-war status.
77False Equity
- Sometimes the several different meanings of a
word or phrase can come confused, either
intentionally or accidentally, in such case the
word becomes used equivocally.
78Example of False Equity
- Who did you pass on the road? the king went
on, holding his hand out to the messenger for
some hay. - Nobody said the messenger.
- Quite right, said the king this young lady say
him too. So of course Nobody walks slower than
you. - Through The Looking Glass Lewis Carol
- The first use of the nobody, meaning no person,
is replaced by its second uses as a name,