Title: Train the Trainers Critical Thinking
1Train the Trainers Critical Thinking
2What is Critical Thinking?
- Critical thinking is thinking that is clear,
precise, accurate, relevant, consistent fair - Critical Thinking is how people approach
- Problems
- Questions
- Issues
- The best way to get to the truth
3Descriptors of Critical Thinking
- Critical thinking is self-directed,
self-disciplined, self-monitored
self-corrective thinking that entails effective
communication problem-solving abilities - Critical Thinking is a pervasive, purposeful
human phenomenon - Ideal critical thinkers are characterized by how
they approach life living in general
4Approaches to life of good Critical Thinkers
- Inquisitiveness about wide range of issues
- Concern to become stay well-informed
- Alertness to opportunities to use Critical
Thinking - Self confidence in their abilities to reason
- Open-mindedness about divergent world views
- Flexibility in considering alternatives opinions
5Approaches to life of good Critical Thinkers
- Understanding the opinions of other people
- Fair-mindedness in appraising reasoning
- Honesty in facing ones own biases, prejudices,
stereotypes, egocentric ethnocentric tendencies - Prudence in suspending, making, altering
judgments - Willingness to reconsider revise views
- Clarity in stating question or concern
6Critical Thinking approaches
- Orderliness in working with complexity
- Diligence in seeking relevant information
- Reasonableness in selecting applying criteria
- Care in focusing attention on the concern at hand
- Persistence through difficulties
- Precision to the degree permitted by subject
7Critical Thinking Requires
- Six Cognitive Skills
- Interpretation
- Analysis
- Evaluation
- Inference
- Explanation
- Self-regulation
- Affective Dispositions a critical spirit
- Comprehend express meaning or significance of
wide variety of experiences, situations, data,
events, judgments, conventions, beliefs, rules,
procedures, or criteria
- Identify the intended actual inferential
relationships among statements, questions,
concepts, descriptions, or other forms of
representation intended to express belief,
judgment, experiences, reasons, information, or
- Assess the credibility of statements or other
representations which are accounts or
descriptions of a persons perception,
experience, situation, judgment, belief, or
opinion to assess the logical strength of the
actual or intended inferential relationships
among statements, descriptions, questions, or
other forms of representation
- Identify secure elements needed to draw
reasonable conclusions to form conjectures and
hypotheses to consider relevant information to
educe the consequences flowing from data,
statements, principles, evidence, judgments,
beliefs, opinions, concepts, descriptions,
questions, or other forms of representation
- State the results of ones reasoning justify
that reasoning in terms of evidential,
conceptual, methodological contextual
considerations upon which ones results were
based to present ones reasoning in the form of
cogent arguments.
- Self consciously to monitor ones cognitive
activities, the elements used in those activities
the results educed, particularly by applying
skills in analysis evaluation to ones own
inferential judgments with a view toward
questions, confirming, validation, or correcting
either ones reasoning or results.
14Something else is needed
- More to Critical Thinking than just cognitive
skills - Human beings are more than just thinking machines
15The Critical Spirit(affective dispositions)
- A probing inquisitiveness
- A keenness of mind
- A zealous dedication to reason
- A hunger or eagerness for reliable information
16Why is Critical Thinking of Value?
- You can answerwhy value to you?
- Whats value of cognitive skills?
- Whats value of the critical spirit?
- Would these mean more success at what you do?
- Would it mean better grades for students?
17Critical Thinking Achievement
- In a study of 1,100 college students
- Significant correlation between Critical Thinking
scores college GPA - Critical Thinking skills can be learned
- Significant correlation between Critical Thinking
reading comprehension
18Main Purpose of College Experience
- Achievement of liberal (liberated) education.
Its about - Learning to learn
- Learning to think for ones self
- Leads away from naïve acceptance of authority
- Leads above self-defeating relativism
- Beyond ambiguous contextualism
- Culminates in principled, reflective judgment
19What else?
- Critical Thinking is fundamental, if not
essential for, a rational democratic society - Electorate
- Judiciary
- International commerce
- Business civic leaders maybe more interested in
Critical Thinking than even educators - Necessary condition for the success of democratic
institutions free market society
20A Critical Thinking Problem Solving Model
21Problem Solving Content Issues
- Description of Problem
- Factors Constructive vs Limiting
- Ownership
- Scope of Problem
- Consequence of Problem
- Alternative Solutions
- Rank Ordered Solutions
22Process Issues in Problem Solving
- Self-awareness of the problem solver
- Motivation of the problem solver
- Decision making involved in selecting solution by
solver - Execution of the solution decided upon
23Problem Solving Model
24Components of Problem
25Visceral Components of the Problem
- Size of Problem - costs, risks, losses
- Sensory Input
- Hows it look?
- Hows it sound?
- Hows it taste?
- Hows its smell?
- Hows it feel?
26Personal Components of the Problem
- If on Team other members as problem solvers
their perspective
- Inside perspective of problem solver of the
27What is Needed to Improve Problem Solving Process
- Unconditional acceptance non-judgmental
attitude of fellow problem solvers - Respect for each participants input
- Freedom to openly express emotional response to
the problem solutions - Defined limits boundaries on problem solving
28Encouraging Creativity in Problem Solving
- Create the desire to be creative-a person must
want it - Expand Knowledge Skills of language by reading
more to be creative thinker - It takes effort to create-genius is 1
inspiration 99 perspiration-Edison - Ferment creativity - give it time
- Evaluate validate creative ideas
- Set a time frame to be completed
- Be clear what problem you are trying to solve
- All ideas should be heard
- No idea is too wild to be expressed
- Quantity is wanted each idea coming to mind
should be expressed - Combining ideas for improvement is highly
desirable - Criticism or negative discussion regarding ideas
is absolutely forbidden
- Focuses on a topic radiates outward with
questions - Here anything goes
- Any questions are legitimate
- More the questions the better
- Begin by asking What are the Questions?
31Problem Solving through Intimate Engagement
- Engagers have a history of success with similar
problems - Dismissers had history of failure with similar
problems-captive of the past - Rather than dismiss, engage the problem
intimately by getting into it - Be willing to take the time to deal with the
32Problem Solving through Intimate Engagement
- Engagement takes
- Effort to deal with it
- Time to mull it over
- Looking at not averting or looking away
33Rules of Engagement with Problems
- Become sensitive to your own confusion with a
problem - Do not permit yourself to be confused-do not
tolerate confusion - Use visual imagery to remember facts
- Relate the information to people, animals or
situations - Make your visualization vivid, dynamic,
interactive, unusual
34Reality Testing of Possible Solutions to Problem
- Critical Path Analysis
- Decision Trees
- Force Field Analysis
- PMI Plus Minus Interesting
- SWOT Analysis Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Threats
35Critical Path Analysis
- Calculate length of time to complete project
- List all activities in plan by start date,
duration, if parallel or sequential - If dependent on what do they depend
- Graph it out, Plot tasks on graph
- Schedule Activities
- Critical path-longest sequence of dependent
activities that lead to completion of plan
36Decision Trees
- Start with the decision which needs to be made
draw a box - Draw to right possible solutions on lines
- At End of each line if result is uncertain draw
circle if other decision draw box - From the other decisions draw lines for options
which can be taken - Calculate decision which has greatest worth to
you and give it a value - Estimate probability of each uncertainty
37Force Field Analysis
- List all forces for change in one column
- List all forces against change in other
- Assign a score to each force 1(weak)-5(strong)
- Draw diagram showing forces for against and
size of forces - Helps weigh importance of factors as to if pursue
or not the plan
38PMI- Plus/Minus/Interesting
- Plus Column all positive points of taking the
action - Negative Column all negative effects
- Interesting Column extended implications of
taking action, whether positive or negative - Assign positive or negative scores
39SWOT Analysis
- Strengths advantages, what you do well
- Weaknesses could be improved, done badly, should
be avoided - Opportunities good chances, interesting trends
- Threats obstacles, competition, are required
specifications changing
40Critical Thinking Concepts
41What is Thinking?
- Lets look at the
- Biological
- Psychological
- Communications
- Cognitive
- Descriptions of Thinking What do you Think?
42Biology of Thinking
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49Stages of Development of the Thinking Process
50Stages of Cognitive Development - Jean Piaget
- 1. Sensorimotor Stage Birth to 2 years old - no
thinking structures - 2. Preoperational Stage 2-7 years old - develop
language skills cognitive structures prelogical
51Stages of Cognitive Development - Jean Piaget
- 3. Concrete Operational Stage 7 years to
Adolescence - Begins to question life. Solves
problems but haphazardly - 4. Formal Operations Stage Adolescence and
onward - capable of sophisticated logical
thought. Can think both abstract hypothetically
and solve problems using the logic of
52Later Theorists have added Fifth Stage
- Dialectical Reasoning - stage beyond logic where
critical thinking lies. Ability to perceive the
frequent paradoxes in life and question and
analyze the assumptions that underlie logic. - Being able to look at two sides of an argument or
problem to get a broader, deeper, more
reasonable perspective on the issues being
53What is Critical Thinking?
- Becoming aware that assumptions exist
- Making assumptions explicit
- Assessing their accuracy of assumptions
- Do these assumptions make sense?
- Do these assumptions fit reality as we understand
and live it? - Under what conditions do these assumptions seem
to hold true? Under what conditions do they seem
54Misconceptions about critical thinking
- rather positive process to put things in more
realistic perspective - rather commitments are informed ones
- rather Some beliefs stay the same-simply more
informed - rather highly emotive liberating to be free of
past assumptions anxiety of self-scrutiny
- Negative process- tears down ideas puts nothing
in their place - Leads to relativistic freeze-inability to make
commitments - Involves traumatic change-one is expected to
abandon old assumptions continually - It is dispassionate cold
55Why is critical thinking important?
- All actions, decisions judgments spring from
assumptions - if unchecked make poor decisions
wrong judgments - In personal relationships learn to keep lines of
communications open avoid uncritically
reproducing patterns of modeled interactions
learned from parental interaction - In workplace avoid stagnation atrophy - willing
to challenge current paradigms uncritically
accepted from time thinking no longer relevant
to current reality
56Personal barriers to critical thinking
- Enculturation
- Self-concept
- Ego defenses
- Self-serving biases
- Expectation
- Emotional influences
- Cognitive consistency
- Stress
57What does not thinking critically look like?
- Blindly reproducing damaging old learned
reactions - Blindly accepting face value of all
justifications of organizations political
leaders - Blindly believe TV commercials
- Blindly trust political commercials
- Blindly accept say that if the textbook says
it it must be so - Blindly accept say that if the organization
does it it must be right
58What does Critical Thinking Look Like?
- Contextual sensitivity - being sensitive to
stereotypes about people of particular group
accept others at face value unconditionally - Perspective thinking - trying to get into other
person's head, or walk in others shoes to see
the world way that person sees it - Tolerance for ambiguity - ability to accept
multiple interpretations of same situation - Alert to premature ultimatums not invoke
powerful concept inspires no further debate is
forestalled. e.g. a politician invokes "democracy"
59What are the Major Concepts in Critical Thinking?
- Perception
- Assumptions
- Emotion
- Language
- Argument
- Fallacy
- Logic
- Problem Solving
60 Perception
- The way we receive translate our experience
- Also a significant filtering system
- How we perceive defines how we think
61 Assumptions
- Central to Critical Thinking
- Implied, not conscious of them
- Not always bad
- Rest on notion some ideas are obvious
- Make us comfortable with present beliefs shut
out alternatives - Jack Beanstalk what makes a hero?
- Leave emotion out of it! is Impossible
- Part of everything we do think
- Personal barriers are a given
- Critical thinkers dont ignore or deny emotions -
they accept manage them
- Thinking cant be separated from language
- Three primary purposes of language
- Inform
- Persuade
- Explain
- Language denotes connotes
- Metaphors
- Persuasion is manner by which we attempt to
convince others to "our way of thinking" about a
subject therefore - logic
- fallacious reasoning
- problem solving all involve persuasion
65Language Forms
- Emotionally charged language-cognitive vs
emotional meanings - Manipulative language cons, doublespeak, jargon
bureaucrats - Emotional appeal-Advertising
- Rhetorical devices
- Slanting
- weasel words
- fine print disclaimers
- Obfuscation
- Claim, used to persuade that something is (or
not) true or should (or not) be done - Contains three basic elements
- Issue
- One or more reasons (premises)
- One or more conclusions
- Can be valid or invalid based on structure
- Only premises conclusions true or false
- Goal of Critical Thinking is sound Arguments
- Valid (proper structure)
- With true premises
- Sound argument has both so the conclusion must
be true - Therein the beauty and usefulness of logic
68Breaking down arguments to figure out if valid or
69Syllogisms used in Arguments
70Structure of Two Parts of Syllogism Arguments
- PART 1 If__________ then __________ Statement
- General Facts Statement with explicit or implicit
If Then clause. - The if Clause is the Antecedent
- The then Clause is the Consequent
71Structure of Two Parts of Syllogism Arguments
- Part 2 _________ therefore ________Statement
- Argument Statement with explicit or implicit
therefore statement - What appears before the therefore is the lead
statement of the argument - What follows the therefore is what is being
argued - If the antecedent is the lead it must be affirmed
for argument to be valid - If consequent is the lead it must be denied for
argument to be valid
72Rules for Arguments
- If the argument leads with the Antecedent, it
must be affirmed for the argument to be valid - If the argument leads with the Consequent, it
must be denied for the argument to be valid - If the argument leads with the Antecedent which
is denied the argument is invalid - If the argument leads with the Consequent which
is affirmed the argument is invalid
73Goal in restating Arguments
- Try to avoid absolute statements e.g. All,
Always, Must, Should, Best, Highest - Restate arguments with relative words and
statements e.g. Most, Usually, could, might,
very good, very high
- Two methods of reasoning
- Deductive
- Facts, certainty, syllogisms, validity, truth of
premises?sound arguments conclusions - Inductive
- Diverse facts, probability, generalizations,
hypotheses, analogies?inductive strength - Logic problems
75Deduction vs Induction LogicScientific Method
- Draw a conclusion that follows know facts stated
in premises - Relies on certainty based on connection of
premises conclusion - Valid Argument vs Sound Argument
- Derives probable conclusion from observation of
diverse facts - Learning from experience
- Argument by analogy
- Hypothetical Reasoning
76Problem Solving
- Logic problems like any problem
- Techniques
- Understand the problem. Read heed
- ID unknowns knowns
- Relationships between these (visual aids)
- Generate strategy from step above
- Apply and solve. Repeat if necessary
77Logic Problems
- The Premise establishes the setting of the
problem, subjects, how subjects are related,
number of subjects (4-10) - The Conditions- rules which impose specific
restrictions upon relationship among subjects
(2-10 conditions) - The Question-questions about relationship-require
deductive analysis
- Reasoning that doesnt meet criteria for sound
argument is fallacious - Valid
- True premises
- Complete (all relevant information)
- Fallacy is incorrect pattern of reasoning
- Does not always mean conclusion is false
- Ads editorials
795 Most Common Fallacies
- Non Sequitur-irrelevant reason-premise no
relationship to conclusion - Ad hominum-persons character attacked to
discredit arguer rather than argument - Post hoc ergo propter hoc-generalization-one
event which follows was caused by 1st - Slippery slope-black white-no gray or middle
ground-argues against 1st step since eventually
follow through to the last one - Appeal to Emotion-emotional appeals rather than
logical reasons to persuade