Title: ??? Nanjing City
1??? Nanjing City
2???? -Hohai University
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5College of Civil Engineering in Hohai University
- Basic facts of the College (largest in our
university) - Close to 200 staffs
- 4 departments (civil engineering, survey
mapping, earth sciences engineering,
engineering mechanics) - 1 department-scale institute (geotechnic
institute) - Around 3000 undergraduate students 1000
graduate students
6Modeling of Anomalous Behaviors of Soft Matter
Wen Chen (??) Institute of Soft Matter
Mechanics Hohai University, Nanjing, China 3
September 2007
7Soft matter?
- Soft matters, also known as complex fluids,
behave unlike ideal solids and fluids. - Mesoscopic macromolecule rather than microscopic
elementary particles play a more important role.
8Typical soft matters
- Granular materials
- Colloids, liquid crystals, emulsions, foams,
- Polymers, textiles, rubber, glass
- Rock layers, sediments, oil, soil, DNA
- Multiphase fluids
- Biopolymers and biological materials
- highly deformable, porous, thermal fluctuations
play major role, highly unstable
9Lattice in ideal solids
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11Polymer macromolecules fractal mesostructures
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19Fractured microstructures
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22Soft Matter Physics
- Pierre-Gilles de Gennes proposed the term
in his Nobel acceptance speech in 1991. - widely viewed as the beginning of the soft
matter science.
_ P. G. De Gennes
23Why soft matter?
- Universal in nature, living beings, daily life,
industries. - Research is emerging and growing fast, and some
journals focusing on soft matter, and reports in
Nature Science.
24Engineering applications
- Acoustic wave propagation in soft matter,
anti-seismic damper in building,geophysics,vibrati
on and noise in express train - Biomechanics,heat and diffusion in textiles,
mechanics of colloids, emulsions, foams,
polymers, glass, etc - Energy absorption of soft matter in structural
safety involving explosion and impact - Constitutive relationships of soil, layered
rocks, etc.
- Mostly phenomenological and empirical models,
inexplicit physical mechanisms, often many
parameters without clear physical significance - Computationally very expensive
- Few cross-disciplinary research, less emphasis on
common framework and problems.
26Characteristic behaviors of soft matter
- Gradient laws cease to work, e.g., elastic
Hookean law, Fickian diffusion, Fourier heat
conduction, Newtonian viscoustiy, Ohlm law - Power law phenomena, entropy effect
- Non-Gaussian non-white noise, non-Markovian
process - In essence, history- and path-dependency,
long-range correlation.
27More features (courtesy to N. Pan)
- Very slow internal dynamics
- Highly unstable system equilibrium
- Nonlinearity and friction
- Entropy significant
- a jammed colloid system, a pile of sand,
- a polymer gel, or a folding protein.
28Major modeling approaches
- Fractal (multifractal), fractional calculus,
Hausdorff derivative, (nonlinear model?) - Levy statistics, stretched Gaussian, fractional
Brownian motion, Continuous time random walk - Nonextensive Tsallis entropy, Tsallis
29Typical anomalous (complex) behaviors
- Anomalous diffusion(heat conduction, seepage,
electron transport, diffusion, etc.) - Frequency-dependent dissipation of vibration,
acoustics, electromagnetic wave propagation.
30Mechanics of Soft Matter
- Basic postulates of mechanics.
- conservation of mass, momentum and energy
- Basic concepts of mechanics
- stress, strain, energy and entropic elasticity
- Constitutive relations and initialboundary-value
problems. -
- Part I Progresses and problems a personal view
- Part II Our works in recent five years
32What in Part I?
- Field and experimental observations
- Statistical descriptions
- Mathematical physics modelings
33Field and experimental observations
34Anomalous electronic transport
Normal dissipation
Anormalous dissipation
35The absorption of many materials and tissues
obeys a frequency-dependent power law
Courtesy of Prof. Thomas Szabo
36Statistical descriptions
37Anomalous diffusion
- ? 1, Normal (Brownian) diffusion
- ? ?1, Anomalous (? gt1 superdiffusion, ? lt1
38Random walks
Left Brownian motion Right Levy flight with
the same number (7000) of steps.
39Levy self-similar random walks
- A characteristic Levy walk
40Stretched Gaussian Distribution
41Measured probability density of changes of the
wind speed over 4 sec
42- Stretched Gaussian diffusion
Gaussian diffusion
43Levy stable distribution
44Two cases of Levy distributions
Gaussian (?2)
Cauchy distribution (?1)
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46Tsallis distribution (nonequlibrium system)
Tsallis non-extensive entropy
Max s
Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy
Tsallis distribution
47Tsallis distribution cases
48A comparison of diverse distributions
A. Komnik, J. Harting, H.J. Herrmann
49Progresses in statistical descriptions
- Continuous time random walk, fractional Brownian
motion, Levy walk, Levy flight - Levy distribution, stretched Gaussian, Tsallis
50Problems in statistical descriptions
- Relationship and difference between Levy
distribution, stretched Gaussian, and Tsallis
distribution? - Calculus corresponding to stretched Gaussian and
Tsallis distrbiution? - Infinite moment of Levy distribution?
51Partial differential equation modeling
52Anomalous diffusion equation in fractional
53Physics behind normal diffusion
- Darcys law (granular flow)
- Fourier heat conduction law
- Ficks law
- Ohlm law
54 55Nonlinear Modelings
Multirelaxation models, nonlinear models
varied models for different media with quite a
few parameters having no explicit physical
significance. For instance, nonlinear power law
56Anomalous diffusion equation in Fractional
- Master equation (phenomenological)
57Fractional time derivative in Fourier domain
58Physical significances
- Histroy dependency (memory, non-Markovian)
corresponding to fractional Brownian motion. - Singular Volterra integral equation.
- Numerical truncation is risky!
59Operation case
Equation case
60Weierstrass function (differentiability order
61Constitutive relationships
- Hookian law in ideal solids
- Ideal Newtonian fluids
- Newtonian 2nd law for rigid solids
- One model of soft matter
62Numerical fractional time derivative
- Volterra integral equation
- Finite difference formulationGrunwald-Letnikov
definition - Short memory approach (truncation and
stability) - Something new?
- I. Podlubny, Fractional Differential equation,
Academic Press, 1999
63Numerical fractional space derivative
- Full numerical discretization matrix
- Boundary condition treatments
- Fast algorithm (e.g., fast multipole method).
64Progresses in PDE modeling
- Fractional time derivative, fractional Laplacian
- Hausdorff derivative
- Growing PDE models in various areas.
65Problems in PDE modelings
- Relationship and difference between fractional
calculus and Hausdorff derivative? - Fractional time and space modelings?
- Computing cost
- Nonlinear vs. fractional modeling
- Physical foundation of phenomenological modelings
66Fractional vs. Nonlinear systems
- History dependency
- Global interaction
- Fewer physical parameters (simple beautiful)
- Competition or complementary
67Part II Our works
- New definition of fractional Laplacian
- Introduction of positive fractional time
derivative, and modified Szabo dissipative wave
equations - Mathematical physics explanation of 0,2
frequency power dependency via Levy statistics - Fractal time-space transforms underlying
anomalous physical behaviors, and two
hypotheses concerning the effect of fractal
time-space fabric on physical behaviors, - Introduction of Hausdorff fractal derivative
- Fractional derivative modeling of turbulence.
69Positive fractional time derivative
70Definitions based on Fourier transform
Fractional derivative
- Positive fractional derivative
Positivity requirments in modeling of dissipation
71- Definitions in time domain
72New definition of fractional Laplacian
73Definitions via Fourier transform
74Traditional definition in space
0lt? lt1
Samko et al. 1993. Fractional Integrals and
Derivives Theory and Applications
75Our definition
0lt? lt1
- Merits
- Weak vs. strong singularity ,
- Accurate vs. approximate,
- Finite domain with boundary conditions vs.
infinite domain
Journal of Acoustic Society of America, 115(4),
1424-1430, 2004
76Fractional derivative modelings of
frequency-dependent dissipative medical
ultrasonic wave propagation
77Imaging Comparisons
Courtesy of Prof. Thomas Szabo
78Medical ultrasound
- Imaging (sonography) and ablating the objects
inside human body for medical diagnosis and
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80- Conventional nonlinear and multirelaxation
models - Material-dependent models
- Quite a few artifical (non-physical) parameters,
in essence, empirical and semi-empirical models.
- Our fractional calculus models
- Few phyiscally explicit parameters,
- Parameters available from experimental data
81Time-space wave equations of integer-order
partial derivative only exist for y0, 2
- Thermoviscous wave equation (y2)
Damped wave equation (y0)
82- Linear positive time fractional derivative wave
83- Linear fractional Laplacian wave equation for
arbitrary frequency dependency
85- Dr. Richters New clinical approach
- stabilize each deformable breast between two
plates, - detect breast cancer via speed change
86Courtesy of Prof. Thomas Szabo
873D configuration
88Levy Statistical explanation of frequency
dependent power
89- Anomalous diffusion equation for frequency
dependent dissipation
Phenomenological master equation
90Fourier transform of probability density function
of Lévy ?-stable distribution is the
characteristic function of solution of
anomalous diffusion equation
91- To satisfy the positive probability density
function, the Lévy stable index ? must obey
- 1) In terms of Lévy statistics, the media having
? gt2 power law attenuation are not statistically
stable in nature - 2) ?0 is simply an ideal approximation.
92Fractal time-space transforms, Hausdorff
derivative, fractional quantum and phonon
93Perplexing issues in anomalous diffusion
- Levy stable process and fractional Brownian
motion - The mean square displacement dependence on time
94Fractional (fractal) time-space transforms
Special relativity transforms
95Two hypotheses for anomalous physical processes
- The hypothesis of fractal invariance the laws of
physics are invariant regardless of the fractal
metric spacetime. - The hypothesis of fractal equivalence the
influence of anomalous environmental fluctuations
on physical behaviors equals that of the fractal
time-space transforms.
96Fractional quantum in complex fluids
- Fractional quantum relationships between energy
and frequency, momentum and wavenumber(fractional
Schrodinger equation)
97Fractional phonon and vibrational absorption
energy spectrum?
98Hausdorff derivative under fractal
Generalized velocity
Hausdorff derivative diffusion equation
99Statistical and Reynolds equation modelings of
turbulence via fractional derivative
100Kolmogorov -5/3 scaling of turbulence
- Validation in sufficiently high Reynolds number
tubulence - Narrow spectrum of -5/3 scaling in finite
Reynolds number turbulence, i.e., intermittency
(non-Gaussian distribution)
101Energy spectrum (obtained from Kim,Moins DNS
102Turbulence distributionGauss vs. Levy
Levy distribution
Nature, 409, 10171019, 2001
103Plasma turbulence Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Power law decay of Levy distribution
104Richardson superdiffusion
Richardson diffusion consistent with Kolmogorov
Fractional Laplace statistical equation
105Fractional derivative Reynolds equation
Navier-Stokes equation
Reynolds decomposition
Reynolds equation
106Fractional Reynolds equation
Three order of magnitude turbulence vs. molecule
107Relevant Publications
- W. Chen, S. Holm, Modified Szabos wave equation
models for lossy media obeying frequency power
law, J. Acoustic Society of America, 2570-2574,
114(5), 2003. - W. Chen, S. Holm, Fractional Laplacian time-space
models for linear and nonlinear lossy media
exhibiting arbitrary frequency dependency, J.
Acoustic Society of America, 115(4), 1424-1430,
2004. - W. Chen, Lévy stable distribution and 0,2 power
law dependence of acoustic absorption on
frequency in various lossy media, Chinese Physics
Letters,22(10),2601-03, 2005. - W. Chen, Time-space fabric underlying anomalous
diffusion, Soliton, Fractal, Chaos, 28(4),
923-929, 2006. . - W. Chen,. A speculative study of 2/3-order
fractional Laplacian modeling of turbulence Some
thoughts and conjectures, Chaos, (in press),
- Geophysics, bioinformatics, soft matter, porous
media - frequency dependency, power law
- Fractal, microstructures, self-similarity,
- Fractional calculus (Abel integral equation
Volterra integral equation) - Entropy irreversibility
109Thinking future?
- Phenomenological models physics mechanisms of
soft matter - Time-space mesostructures and statistical models
- Numerical solution of fractional calculus
equations - Verification and validation of models and
engineering applications.
110A Journal Proposal
- Title Journal of Power Laws and Fractional
Dynamics - Publisher Springer
- Proposers W. Chen, J. A. T. Machado, Y. Chen
111Research issues covered in this journal
- Empirical and theoretical models of a variety of
anomalous behaviors characteristic in power law
such as history-dependent process,
frequency-dependent dissipation etc. - Novel physical concepts, mathematical modeling
approaches and their applications such as
fractional calculus, Levy statistics, fractional
Brownian motion, 1/f noise, non-extensive Tsallis
entropy, continuous time random walk, dissipative
particle dynamics, etc. - Numerical algorithms to solve the relevant
modeling equations, which often involve non-local
time-space integro-differential operators - Real-world applications in all engineering and
scientific branches such as mechanics,
electricity, chemistry, biology, economics,
control, robotic, image and signal processing.
112Something else
- Non-stationary data processing
- Large-scale multivariate scattered data
processing (radial basis functions) - Meshfree computing and software (e.g., high
wavenumber acoustics and vibration)
113Scattered 3D geologicial data reconstruction
471,031 scattered data made by U.S. Geological
114Difficulties in simulation of high-dimensional,
high wavenumber and frequency
- Ultrasonics(1-100MHz),microwaves
0.1GHz-100GHz,seismics - High wavenumber for 2D problems Ngt100,3D problems
Ngt20 - FEM requires at least 12 points in each wavenumber
1152D Helmholtz (k80,N160) problem
116Multiple-edged outdoor noise barrier design
117200 millions DOFs matrix for 2D FEM engineering
precision 30000 full matrix 13.5Gb storage for
the standard BEM
2D case
S Langdon, Lecture notes on Finite element
methods for acoustic scattering, July 11,
2005 S. Chandler-Wilde S. Langdon, Lecture
notes on Boundary element methods for
acoustics, July 19, 2005
- 1/100 storage,1/1000 computing cost of the BEM
- High accuracy, simple program, non numerical
integration, meshfree, suitable for inverse
problems - Irregularly-shaped boundary, high-dimensional
problems, symmetric matrix.
- For extremely high-wavenumber(high frequency
and/or large domain), full and ill-conditioned
matrix fast algorithm is desirable, e.g., fast
multipole method. - Exterior problems.
- Nonlinear? Software package for real-world
problems (killer applications)
120- There is nothing so practical as a sound
scientific theory.
121- For details
- http//em.hhu.edu.cn/wenchen/english.html
- For contact
- chenwen_at_hhu.edu.cn