Title: Building Inclusive Schools
1Building Inclusive Schools
- Jacqueline Skytt
- Coordinator Professional Development, ATA
2Session Objectives
- Discuss the need to develop inclusive schools and
peace education - Provide an overview of the UNESCO ASPnet project
and accreditation process - Feature activities of two UNESCO ASPnet schools
- Provide information on resources and supports for
ASPnet schools.
- Why Inclusive Schools and Peace Education?
2. What is UNESCO ASPnet?
3. What are the benefits?
4. How can you get involved?
4ATA Diversity, Equity and Human Rights Committee
- Studies, advises and makes recommendations on
issues of diversity, equity and human rights
(DEHR) - Facilitates action by Local related to DEHR
- Produces Just in Time electronic newsletter
- Provides print and web-based information and
resources - Supports the work of its sub-committees
Aboriginal Education
Gender Equity
Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity
UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network
6Why inclusive schools and peace education?
7The Alberta Teachers Association believes that
every child has the right to be taught in an
inclusive environment that is safe and caring,
respects diversity and the rights of all
persons, and provides equitable opportunities for
8Inclusive Learning Communities
- Respect diversity, equity and human rights
- Support the intellectual, social, physical,
emotional and spiritual development of each child - Respect for the values of cooperation, trust,
caring, sharing, rights and responsibilities - Commitment to racial harmony and gender equality
9Inclusive Learning Communities
- Support for First Nations, Métis and Inuit
education - Support for initiatives that address the effects
of poverty on children - Commit to peace, global education and violence
prevention and, - Promote sustainable school, family and community
10Peace Educationteaching individuals the
information, attitudes, values and behavioural
competencies needed to resolve conflict without
violence and to build
mutually beneficial, harmonious relationships
11Major reasons for peace education
- To give students the competencies and values they
need to build and maintain peace in their - Families
- Peer group
- Community
- Workplace
- Country
- World
- And within themselves.
12Major reasons for peace education
- To constructively deal with the aftermath of war
and the presence of violence in our daily lives - Increased violence and aggression
- To ensure that previously warring groups live
together in harmony - Immigrant children from war-torn countries who
have experienced are socialized into a peaceful,
democratic society.
13Major reasons for peace education
- The social and environmental problems in the
world now and in the future require all people to
collaboratively work together to achieve the
necessary solutions - HIV and AIDs
- Global warming
- Pollution
14Peace Education
157 Worlds of Moral Education
- Character Education
- Cultural Education
- Caring Community
- Peace Education
- Social Action
- Just Community
- Ethical Inquiry
16Moral Education
- The most popular form of moral education is
character education - Character education is however, the most limited
vision of moral education - The other six moral worlds hold more humane,
imaginative, and profound visions of moral
P Joseph S Efron, 2005
17What is UNESCO ASPnet?
18UNESCO ASPnetUnited Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural OrganizationAssociated
Schools ProjectNetwork
- Established by UNESCO in 1953
- More than 7000 schools in 172 countries
- Canada joined UNESCO ASPnet in 2001
- The ATA is the coordinating body for ASPnet in
Alberta - The ATA has partnered with the Society for Safe
and Caring Schools and Communities to implement
- ASPnet school projects are designed to prepare
students to address the challenges of an
increasingly diverse, complex and interdependent
21UNESCO Four Pillars of Learning
- Learning to know
- Aware of world issues and their solutions
- Learning to do
- Active involvement in solution building
- Learning to be
- Development of attitudes and commitment to global
citizenship - Learning to live together
- Demonstrating respect for self and others
- ASPnet students and teachers work together to
develop innovative educational projects at the
school, community, provincial and global levels.
23APSnet Integrated Themes
- Human Rights, Democracy and Acceptance
- Intercultural Learning
- Environmental Concerns
- World Concerns and the Role of the United Nations
24Human Rights, Democracy and Acceptance
- Human Rights Day
- Diversity Day
- Photo Exhibit Celebrating Diversity
- Anti-racism Education
25Intercultural Learning
- International Student Club
- First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education
- New Student Welcome Buddies
- International School Partnerships
26Environmental Concerns
- Earth Day
- Community Clean-up
- Recycling Partners
- Wetlands Project
- Tree Planting
27World Concerns and the Role of the United Nations
- Terry Fox Run
- Community Hampers
- Students for Change Conference
- World Poverty Education
- Disaster Relief Projects
28What are the benefits?
29Why become an ASPnet school?
- Support student inquiry and social studies
curriculum - Practical application of provincial Character and
Citizenship Education - Active learning about world concerns
30Why become an ASPnet school?
- Making a difference locally and globally
- Development global citizens for the future
- Contributing to the development of a peaceful
- Schools in ASPnet can work towards provincial,
national and global accreditation levels
32Accreditation Process
Provincial Candidate
33Provincial Candidate Schools
- Build support and commitment among school
community members - Integrate UNESCO themes into school curricular
and extra-curriculuar projects - Build a school culture that reflects UNESCO
ideals - Build community partnerships
- Report annual to provincial coordinator
34National Accreditation
- Provide documentation of commitment from school
community members - 2 years of documented efforts to integrate UNESCO
ideals - 2 years of documented efforts to build school
culture - 2 years of documented community collaboration
- Minimum of 2 years as candidate school
- Submit 2 years of annual reports via provincial
coordinators to national level
35International Accreditation
- Provide documentation of commitment from school
community members - 2 years of documented efforts to integrate UNESCO
ideals - 2 years of documented efforts to build school
culture - 2 years of documented community collaboration
- Minimum of 2 years at National level
- Submitted minimum of 2 annual reports via
provincial and national coordinators to UNESCO
36Resources to Support ASPnet
37Alberta Education
- Character and Citizenship Education
- K-12 Social Students Program
- First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education
38John Humphrey Centre
- Youth Guide to Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms (bilingual) - Rights Under the Sun student summer camp
- Building World Peace The Role of Religions and
Human Rights International Conference, Edmonton,
October 20-22, 06
39Canadian Commission for UNESCO
- Associated Schools website
- Directory of International ASPnet schools
- Global connections
40Society for Safe and Caring Schools and
- K-12 curriculum resources
- Diversity publications for teachers
- Becoming the Change We Want to See Conference for
student leaders, teachers and community members,
Edmonton, June 01-02, 06
- DEHR website and ASPnet webpage
- Inclusive Learning Communities Grants up to 2000
- Education is Our Buffalo A First Nations, Métis
and Inuit Resource for Teachers - Professional development workshops for teachers
42How can your school become involved?
- List all the relevant school activities
- Develop a committee of interested teachers and
students - Complete the UNESCO ASPnet application form
- Obtain the necessary support from school
community members - Send application form to J Skytt, Provincial
ASPnet Coordinator, ATA
- Call Jacqueline Skytt at 1-800-232-7208 or
Edmonton area at 447-9400