Implementing Inclusive Education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Implementing Inclusive Education


Implementing Inclusive Education Richard Rieser Maresa now at University Studying English Non verbal and quadriplegic, with a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Implementing Inclusive Education

Implementing Inclusive Education
  • Richard Rieser

Person is faulty Person is valued
Diagnosis Strengths and Needs defined by self and others
Labelling Identify Barriers and develop solutions
Impairment becomes Focus of attention Outcome based programme designed
Assessment, monitoring, programmes, of therapy imposed Resources are made available to ordinary services
Segregation and alternative services Disability Equality Training for All
Ordinary needs put on hold Encourage Social Relationships
Re-entry if normal enough OR Permanent Exclusion Diversity Welcomed Disabled Person is Included
Society remains unchanged Society Evolves
(Adapted from Micheline Mason 1994, R. Rieser
Inclusive Education -UNESCO
  •  Inclusive Education -UNESCO sees inclusive
    education as a process of addressing and
    responding to diversity of needs of all learners
    through increasing participation in learning,
    cultures and communities, and reducing exclusion
    within and from education. It involves changes
    and modifications in content, approaches,
    structures and strategies, with a common vision
    which covers all children of appropriate age
    range and a conviction that it is the
    responsibility of the regular system to educate
    all children.

What is Inclusive Education
  • Inclusive Education refers to the educational
    practice base on the philosophical belief that
    all learners, those with disabilities and those
    without, have a right to be educated together in
    age appropriate class groups, and that all will
    benefit from education in regular classrooms of
    community schools. Within these settings
    teachers, parents and others work collaboratively
    using appropriate and sufficient resources to
    interpret and enact the regular curriculum in a
    flexible manner in accordance with the individual
    abilities and needs of all learners. Prof Gary
    Bunch Ontario

Four key questions to help develop inclusive
practice in lesson preparation.
  • 1. As you are planning any lesson for pupils ask
    yourself what are the essential knowledge, skills
    or understanding you want all students to get
    from the lesson?
  • 2. How do my pupils learn best? Take account of
    learning styles. Most pupils can learn in visual,
    auditory or kinaesthetic ways, though most have a
    preference and it is good to know these.
  • 3. What modifications to the lesson plan would
    permit more pupils to learn more effectively in
    my classroom? All teachers are very used to
    modifying their lessons to enhance their pupils
  • 4. How will my pupils show what they have
    learned? Ask the pupils to respond in ways they
    can handle. Assess pupils through their strengths
    not their weaknesses.
  • Gary Bunch How to Book of Inclusion

Maslows Hierarchy of Need Good educational
reasons to have zero tolerance for bullying.
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Making Reasonable Adjustments for disabled pupils
  • Sent out 9000 schools. Received nearly 400
  • 54 LEAs nominated schools
  • Chose a mix of schools
  • Visited 41 schools for filming-3DVDs CD Rom
  • Gained many examples of reasonable adjustments
  • Now available 1 free copy per school. You have
    to send for it. Implementing the Disability
    Discrimination Act in Schools and Early Years
  • Ref 0160-2006DOC-EN Tel. 084560 222 60
  • Online
  • Small box 20 from DEE or Stationary Office

Reasonable Adjustments Key Factors
  • vision and values based on an inclusive ethos
  • a can do attitude from all staff
  • a pro-active approach to identifying barriers and
    finding practical solutions
  • strong collaborative relationships with pupils
    and parents
  • a meaningful voice for pupils
  • a positive approach to managing behaviour
  • continued

  • Key factors continued
  • strong leadership by senior management and
  • effective staff training and development
  • the use of expertise from outside the school
  • building disability into resourcing arrangements
  • a sensitive approach to meeting the impairment
    specific needs of pupils
  • regular critical review and evaluation
  • the availability of role models and positive
    images of disability

Promoting Positive Attitudes to Disabled People
  • Make sure disability is covered in a positive way
    in all parts of the curriculum. e.g. Art,
    History, Geography Science
  • Gather examples from national press and media
    use in displays
  • Relate to TV and newspapers
  • Encourage Peer Support
  • Help pupils critiques stereotypes English
  • Use a social model approach-identify barriers
  • Examine ethical issues from a human rights
  • Ensure hidden curriculum is disability friendly
  • Challenge disabilism
  • Develop strong self esteem in disabled pupils

Maths and the Braille System
Get pupils to work out how many different
permutations you can get on the six pattern of a
Gradients-What is the right angle for as
Too steep-dangerous
Too gentle-tiring
Answer -Between 1 in 20 and 1 in 12
The Royal Impairment Haemophilia Science and
Queen Victoria carried the gene for Haemophilia
on her X Chromosome. Her Eighth Child Leopold was
Haemophiliac and two of her daughters carriers of
the condition into the Russian, German and
Spanish Royal Families.
Ellis Island- United Stated Immigration Filtering
out those with an Impairment
12 million immigrants passed through from 1890 to
1930s 100,000 were turned back.
Who would not have existed if we eliminate
genetically and other carried impairments?
  • Julius Caesar
  • Pope
  • Milton
  • Beethoven
  • Goya
  • Monet
  • Van Gogh
  • Evelyn Glennie
  • Stevie Wonder
  • Che Guevara
  • Cerrie Burnell
  • Ray Charles
  • Winston Churchill
  • David Blunkett
  • Gordon Brown
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Toulouse Lautrec
  • Einstein
  • Shrek or The Hulk
  • Mr Magoo
  • Howard Hughes
  • Iris Murdoch

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Teachers choices for an inclusive classroom
  • For those committed to Transformability. Based on
    an analysis of the practice of 9 teachers
    committed to learning without limits.
  • Learning Without Limits 2004, Open
    University/McGraw Hill
  • Susan Heart, Annabelle Dixon, Mary Jane Drummond,
    Donald McIntyre et al.

Acting on the principle of co-agency
  • Do
  • Actively encourage and enable young people to
    share responsibility for achieving a productive,
    purposeful and harmonious working atmosphere.
  • Respond to individuals by trying to understand
    classroom experience through their eyes, by using
    that understanding to ensure meaningful diversity
    and openness in learning opportunities.
  • Draw on all info available to understand what is
    blocking learning
  • Construct classroom interactions on the basis of
    a meeting of minds valuing as much what the young
    people bring as teachers.
  • Donts
  • Manage classroom activities through imposition of
  • Respond to individuals on the basis of categories
    of perceived ability.
  • Write off anybody
  • Work on the basis of passing knowledge from
    teacher to learner

Acting on the principle of everybody
  • Dont
  • Overtly differentiate between young people in
    tasks and activities.
  • Routinely use ability-based grouping or grouping
    by similar attainment.
  • Keep peer interaction to a minimum to avoid
    interference with learning
  • Do
  • Construct learning activities as a common
    endeavour in which everybody can take part on an
    equal footing.
  • Encourage diverse grouping and negotiate patterns
    of grouping and seating with young people.
  • Work to develop the peer group as a community of
    learners who support and increase one anothers
    learning capacity

Acting on the principle of trust
  • Do
  • Construct a range of attractive opportunities
    accessible to everybody, with space for learner
    input to shape experiences and outcomes.
  • Constantly seek for better kinds of opportunities
    through which initially unresponsive learners
    might be encouraged to engage effectively with
    classroom activities.
  • Choose content and devise tasks that encourage
    young people to draw on diverse experiences and
    make connections with what is worthwhile and
    important to them.
  • Dont
  • Match tasks to perceived attainment/ability.
  • Attribute the problem to the learners when they
    are unresponsive to the task and experiences
    provided to them.
  • Take for granted the value, relevance and
    worthwhileness of curriculum content

1. Pre-planning information.
  • Have you been given information on the nature and
    degree of impairment and the access needs of the
    disabled pupils in the class?
  • Have you been shown or do you know how these
    disabled pupils access needs and personal care
    needs will be met in the class?
  • If you dont know how the disabled pupils needs
    will/can be met seek advice from SENCO, Head or
    Deputy or from other agencies such as Educational
    Psychologists, Advisors or Health Professionals.

2. What preparation have you made with the
class/ group for
  • one to one peer support
  • collaborative teaming
  • group work
  • valuing difference of race, gender, ethnicity,
    disability, age or religion
  • How do you ensure that mutual respect is
    encouraged within your classroom? Are you clear
    about how to deal with bullying and harassment in
    the class? Doers the school have a consistent

3. Lesson planning how will you support the
needs of all learners?
  • Consider
  • - timing,
  • - variation of activities,
  • - types of activities concrete/abstract,
  • - reinforcement of key ideas,
  • - extension work
  • - recall of previous work,
  • - links to future work,
  • - clear instructions.
  • Will the content of the lesson engage all pupils
    from the beginning? Will there be sufficient
    variation in activities and pace to engage all?
  • Are you able to access specially adapted
    equipment for some pupils to enable them to
    participate fully?
  • If not, can an alternative way be found?
  • Will the diversified and differentiated work
    allow all pupils to experience success at their
    optimum level?

4. What different teaching styles are you going
to use?
  • Visual e.g. use photos, mind maps, maps and
    diagrams, pictures, film clips, digital cameras,
    wall displays?
  • Auditory e.g. use story telling, talking,
    effective questions, problem solving, clear
    sequencing, music, singing?
  • Kinaesthetic e.g. use movement, role play,
    artefacts, use the environment

5. Preparing materials
  • Are written materials accessible to all formats
    readability length content?
  • Scaffolding practical materials e.g. writing
    frames, pictograms, sounds, pictures, objects,
    artefacts, word lists, number lines, etc, are
    they accessible to all?
  • Appropriate use of augmented communication and ICT

6. Self presentation (hidden curriculum)
  • Have you thought about how you will react to
    situations of stress, humour, seriousness,
    embarrassing questions offer encouragement to
    all challenge the behaviour not the pupil?
  • Are all the pupils aware that you might approach
    the behaviour of some students in a different
    manner to the rest of the class?
  • How will you use your voice in the lesson, e.g
    volume, tone, and make sure all children are
    understanding you?
  • Where will you position yourself in the classroom
    and when?
  • Who will you question and when?

7. Use of support staff
  • Have you met with or at least communicated with
    support staff before the lesson?
  • How are you going to use other support in the
  • Does their use allow all pupils to be equally
    included in the class activities?
  • If you are using support staff for withdrawal,
    how do you know the pupils are gaining from this?
  • If you are using withdrawal, how are the groups
  • When do you take small groups and support take

8. Classroom organisation
  • Is seating carefully planned and/or the activity
    accessible for students with
  • - mobility impairments e.g. circulation space,
    table height
  • - hearing impairments e.g. sight line for lip
    reading/ interpreter/ no glare
  • - visually impaired e.g. maximise residual sight,
    if touch can reach
  • - challenging behaviour e.g. in adult gaze at
    front for eye contact
  • - short attention span/easily distracted, eg
    sit on own
  • - learning difficulties who need a lot of
    support, eg next to peer supporter
  • - short attention span, e.g. distraction free
  • What seating plans are you using and why?
  • Will seating plans make use of peer support and

9. How will you organise and group pupils in
  • Friendship groupings?
  • Mixed gender/same gender groupings?
  • Mixed ability/same ability groupings?
  • Specific pairs of pupils working together,
  • e.g. stronger reader/weaker reader?
  • Disabled and disabled non-disabled students
  • How do you decide which grouping to use for what?

10. How will you deal with unexpected incidents?
  • Are you aware of the systems for dealing with
    unexpected incidents, e.g.
  • evacuation,
  • fainting or fits,
  • psychotic incidents,
  • arguments,
  • incontinence,
  • medical emergencies?

11. How will you ensure that all pupils feel
equally valued through their experiences of
  • the allocation of teacher and support staff time
  • being listened to/ paid attention to
  • being respected
  • achieving
  • interacting with their peers
  • being free of harassment.

12. How will you assess the outcomes?
  • Do you have a scheme for assessing the
    achievements of all?
  • Have you looked at alternative forms of
    assessment? e.g. video recording progress, peer
    evaluation, self evaluation?
  • How will you involve pupils in assessing their
    progress and their peers progress?

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Maresa now at University Studying English Non
verbal and quadriplegic, with a mental age of 2
was the diagnosis. I was in a special school
until I was eleven and then in a unit for 2
years. Nobody learnt to communicate with me.
When I went to a comprehensive it was just
ordinary teachers who decided to have a go. So
I got my GCSEs . At college they believed in me.
The University said I could submit essays for
admission instead of exams which are exhausting.
Now I am in the last year of my English Degree
and want to be a writer.
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