Armageddon - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bible prophecy and End-times events – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Armageddon

Preparation for the Final Crises -II
  • Rev.1616 And the demonic spirits gathered all
    the rulers and their armies to a place with the
    Hebrew name Armageddon.

Armageddon II
Rev.1616 And the demonic spirits gathered all
the rulers and their armies to a place with the
Hebrew name Armageddon.
Syria crisis, Bahrain unrest - Thursday 19 April
19 Apr 2012 Panetta Pentagon has plan to
establish Syria buffer zones UN secretary says
Syria has failed to comply with peace plan 23
protesters in Bahrain injured in clashes
Bahrain organizers vow to move ahead with Formula
Iran's nuclear programme legal debate stirs over
basis for US or Israeli attack 12 Apr 2012 As
US and Israeli officials weigh up prospect of
military strike on Iran, critics say any attack
would go against international law
WW3 2012 Israel to strike Iran in April, May or
June, US Defense ...
  • U.S. Republicans seek to provide Israel with 680
    million for Iron Dome anti-missile system So far,
    the United States has provided 205 million to
    support the Iron Dome effort Obama
    administration plans to request unspecified level
    of funding from Congress to help expand the

  • Is Modern-Day Israel in Bible Prophecy? Are
    Modern-day Jews of Abraham Seed?
  • Millions expect Israel to play a major role in
    Gods future plan for earth. Could they all be
    wrong? Is there a conspiracy to deceive Gods
    people? What is the Biblical evidence concerning
    modern day Israel?

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Eph.6 12For we wrestle not against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, against
powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
Today most People are in Spiritual Bondage
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The New Crusade
  • The crises in the Middle East is
    being orchestrated by the Jesuits/Illuminati
    Kabal who call themselves the Conspirators. The
    Luciferian occult leader Albert Pike wrote in his
    letter to Mazini in 1871 that there will be three
    world wars and WWIII will pit the Arabs against
    the Zionist. The Jesuits/Illuminati were
    successful in orchestrating the first two world
    wars and now they are implementing WWIII.

  • Pike said
  • "The Third World War must be fomented by taking
    advantage of the differences caused by the
    "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the
    political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic
    World. The war must be conducted in such a way
    that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and
    political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually
    destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations,
    once more divided on this issue will be
    constrained to fight to the point of complete
    physical, moral, spiritual and economical

  • We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists,
    and we shall provoke a formidable social
    cataclysm which in all its horror will show
    clearly to the nations the effect of absolute
    atheism, origin of savagery and of the most
    bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens,
    obliged to defend themselves against the world
    minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate
    those destroyers of civilization, and the
    multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose
    deistic spirits will from that moment be without
    compass or direction, 

  • anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where
    to render its adoration, will receive the true
    light through the universal manifestation of the
    pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in
    the public view. This manifestation will result
    from the general reactionary movement which will
    follow the destruction of Christianity and
    atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the
    same time."

  • As long as there are moderate Arab governments
    like Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen and ect. there will be
    some peace in the region thus making WWIII a
    difficult venture. The Conspirators
    (Jesuits-Illuminati-Zionist) must radicalize the
    moderate Arabs nations in-order to bring Pike
    predictions or the Illuminati/Zionist agenda to
  • The last thing that Israel and Zionists want is
  • The internet played a major roll in the Egyptian
    revolution, Green Party in Iran and the Tea Party
    in the US and the web is controlled by the agents
    of Rothschild/Illuminati. In fact all mass media
    is part of the Conspirators Kabbal.

Fake Israel Cry
  • JERUSALEM Israel watched Egyptian President
    Hosni Mubarak's resignation with trepidation
    Friday, concerned the ouster of its staunchest
    Arab ally might endanger a peace treaty between
    the two countries and help boost Islamists
    already on the rise in the region. However,
    former Israeli officials expressed concern that
    regime change in Egypt, as part of a wider
    transformation of the Arab world, could leave
    Israel even more isolated .

  • "Iran and Turkey will consolidate positions
    against us. Forget about the former Egypt. Now
    it's a completely new reality, and it won't be
    easy.Some in Israel feared the unrest could
    spread to neighboring Jordan, the only other Arab
    country that has a peace deal with Israel, or to
    the Palestinian territories. Only last month, an
    uprising in Tunisia ended with the ouster of a
    longtime dictator there

  • Dan Gillerman, a former Israeli envoy at the
    U.N., said that if radicals prevail in Egypt and
    elsewhere, it would be devastating for Israel and
    the region.
  • Israel military sources said they were worried
    that if a peace treaty isn't kept, the military
    would have to reassess its deployment. They were
    speaking on condition of anonymity due to the
    sensitivity of the issue.

Luciferian Raptue Preacher John Hagee said
  • Israel will be surrounded by hostile nations
    screaming for their blood!  America's economy is
    determined by the price of oil and Egypt will
    have the power to block the Suez Canal and Iran
    will have the power to block the Straight of
  • Result?  America's economic future will be
    determined by nations that hate us and call us
    the Great Satan. 
  • What are you seeing happen in the Middle East
    prophetically?  You are seeing the King of the
    South come together with lightning speed.

Huckabee Israel not Pleased w/Obama on Egypt
Huckabee recently warned that backing the
protesters could lead to an Islamist government
in Egypt that would threaten Israel and the rest
of the region. 

Hagee continue
  • Can you imagine what Israel faces with Iran,
    Egypt, Syria, Turkey and Russia coming after
    them?  The prophet Ezekiel clearly predicted this
    battle thousands of years ago and you are
    watching the players get into position with
    lightning speed.
  • Planet earth is about to become the playground
    for the Anti-Christ and his New World Order.  The
    church will be raptured before the Anti-Christ
    appears and I believe he could be introduced in
    Europe at any time.

The existence of Israel today is the results of
the anti-reformation, Anti-protestant and the
Anti-Christ doctrine know as the rapture.
Reformers such as Luther, Calvin, Huss,
Zwingli, Melanchthon, Bullinger and others had
identified the Catholic Church as the Harlot, and
Mystery Babylon in Revelation and the Popes as
the Anti-Christ.  The Jesuits' ultimate goal is
to rule the world with a Pope of their own making
from a rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem
John Hagee
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John Hagee and Israel
  • The rapture doctrine is the blue-print for the
    establishment of the pseudo state of Israel.

New Khazaria was reborn on May 14, 1948.
Old Khazaria existed from about 500 A.D.
to about 1000 A.D. Old Khazaria adopted the
religion of Talmudic Judaismabout 740 A.D.
The headquarters of the Temple Mount Foundation
is in Jerusalem all Christian and Jewish
donations are channeled there. "The object of our
foundation," said Stanley Goldfoot (a member of
the Stern Gang terrorist underground) . . .
standing in front of the Dome of the Rock, "is to
put forward, then bring closer, the redemption of
the State of Israel and the people of Israel. We
believe that in order to do so, the Third Temple
must be built, and built here on the site right
behind me." The role of the Christians is to be
suckers. "The Christians wish to help, to help
the Jews rebuild Israel, rebuild Jerusalem and
especially, one day, rebuild the Temple. They do
not want to do it but they want to help us to do
Third Temple
Third Jewish Temple
LK1335"Behold, your house is left to you
desolate and I say to you, you will not see Me
until the time comes when you say, 'BLESSED IS HE
The Temple of God is the Body of Christ which is
His Bride. God does not dwell in temples made
with hands which were shadows and types of the
Substance to come. That is Christ and His Bride.
Those who will build the Third Temple are the
enemy of God and Israel. Beware the end-time
Judas (II Timothy 35-17).
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Preparing for WWIII
USS Liberty
Behold He cometh with the clouds, and every eye
shall see Him, and also (those) which pierced
Him (Jesus) and all the kindreds of the earth
shall wail because of Him. Even so, amen,I
am Alpha and Omega, (God) the beginning and the
end, saith the Lord, which is, which was and
which is to come, the almighty"... "Fear not I
am the first and the last (God) I am He that
liveth, and was dead (Jesus), and behold I am
alive forever more".
  • Christ Second Coming is mention over 1800 times
    in the Bible
  • Christ Coming is visible
  • No Secret Rapture
  • No Rapture Hoax
  • Harpazo GK caught-up
  • Rapio Latin steal, plunder, ravage, seize by
    force, Rape
  • Rapture Doctrine is the biggest hoax of our time
    and is miss-leading more than 35 million
    Christian here in America

Rapture Hoax Preachers
What is the beginning of Armageddon? What is
the End of Armageddon? What is another name for
Armageddon? Who will be the contenders in this
great battle?
Rev.207When 1,000 years are over, Satan will be
freed from his prison. 8He will go out to deceive
Gog and Magog, the nations in the four corners of
the earth, and gather them for war. They will be
as numerous as the grains of sand on the
seashore.9I saw that they spread over the broad
expanse of the earth and surrounded the camp of
God's holy people and the beloved city. Fire came
from heaven and burned them up
Rev.212 And I John saw the holy city, new
Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 
End of Armageddon
Rev.2010And the devil that deceived them was
cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where
the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be
tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Revelation 2015 .....'And whosoever was not
found written in the book of life was cast into
the lake of fire.'
. Rev.21 3And I heard a great voice out of
heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of
God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and
they shall be his people, and God himself shall
be with them, and be their God.4And God shall
wipe away all tears from their eyes and there
shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any more pain for
the former things are passed away.
I make all things new
Maranatha Jesus is Coming
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Ride On King Jesus
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