2Two thousand years ago
- the Apostle John foresaw the end of the 21st
century and prophesied saying ...
3- REV. 1613-1416 ... And he gathered them
together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue
4- The word ARMAGEDDON means HILL OF MEGIDDO or the
5The natural hill of Megiddo
is the site of an important pass through the
mountains of northern Israel which gives access
to the southern plains. Several strategic
battles in history have been fought there and
it has been said that MORE BLOOD has been shed
around that hill THAN ANY OTHER SPOT ON EARTH!
6- Anciently Megiddo's gates and walls witnessed the
armed struggles of Assyrians, Canaanites,
Egyptians, Greeks, Israelites, Persians,
Philistines, and Romans. Although Megiddo was not
a fortress in the days of World War I, note that
the critical battle enabling the British Field
Marshal Edmund Allenby to wrest control of the
Holy Land from the Turks occurred at Megiddo
where he began his offensive against them on
September 18, 1918.
7(No Transcript)
8- This makes it a fitting illustration for the
impending worldwide destruction known to us as
WORLD WAR III. - JER. 2531 ... for the LORD hath a CONTROVERSY
with the nations he will plead with all flesh
he will give them that are wicked to the SWORD
9- This study focuses on the end of our modern era.
- Also known as - the last prophetic hour.
- The apocalypse
2,000 year day
Early rain-40yrs
Latter Rain- 7 1/2 yrs
1260 yrs-dark ages
4 BC- 70ad
538 ad- 1760ad
Last Hour
Battle of Armageddon
10In this lesson...
- We will attempt to show
- 1) WHY Armageddon is going to take place
- 2) WHAT will happen as a result.
11 We will touch on three areas highlighted in the
scriptures namely
12- 1. The restoration of the nation of Israel to the
favor of God - 2. The return of Jesus with the Bride to the
earth to assist the Jewish ministry during the
1000 years and - 3. The destruction of the organized religious and
civil systems of the world.
13- The Lord had originally chosen the nation of
Israel given her His law and then dealt with
her for 1500 years but as the years passed her
heart became increasingly hardened because of
sin until when Jesus came to His people John
14JN. 111-12
- He came unto his own and HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM
15- The thoughts of their hearts were only evil
continually as Jesus showed in a parable ... -
- MT. 2133-41 ... when the husbandmen saw the
SON they said among themselves This is the
HEIR come LET US KILL HIM and ... they caught
him ... and slew him.
16- This condition remained unchanged during the time
of the Early Church for Paul said ... -
- ACTS 1346 ... It was necessary that the word
of God should FIRST have been spoken to you but
seeing ye ... judge yourselves unworthy of
everlasting life lo we turn to the GENTILES.
17- As a result of her spiritual blindness the
nation of Israel was destroyed by Rome in A.D.
70 as Jesus had prophesied she would be in ... -
- LK. 2122-24 ... JERUSALEM shall be trodden down
of the Gentiles until the TIMES OF THE GENTILES
18- These TIMES represent a prophetic length of time
of 2520 years which will be fulfilled in the
Battle of Armageddon. In the meantime - the Lord said of Israel
19HOS. 515
- I will go and RETURN TO MY PLACE TILL they
acknowledge their offence and seek my face IN
THEIR AFFLICTION they will seek me EARLY.
20- Along with this prophecy
- let us turn to ...
- ACTS 19-12 ... this same Jesus which is taken
up from you into heaven shall so come IN LIKE
MANNER as ye have seen him go into heaven.
21- These last two scriptures go together for when
Israel turns toward the Lord Jesus will return
to the Mount of Olives in Israel and save her
from total destruction. She will be in the MIDST
of her final AFFLICTION the Battle of Armageddon.
22- But first the gospel had to go from the Jews to
the Gentiles for the eventual purpose that they
would finally ... - ROM. 1111-12 ... PROVOKE (the Jews) to
JEALOUSY. ... - ... and cause them to return to the Lord.
23- As a matter of history from A.D. 70 until
December of 1917 the land of Israel suffered
under the rule of one foreign power after
another. As the 20th century began to unfold
however it was time for the words of the
prophets to be fulfilled. There are volumes of
scriptures on this point but we will just quote
one that is representative
24EZK. 3621-24
- ... For I will take you from among the HEATHEN
(or GENTILES) and gather you out of ALL
COUNTRIES and will bring you into YOUR OWN LAND.
25- On June 28 1914 the world was suddenly caught up
in a war which raged for four years. Nations were
pitted against each other on a scale never before
imagined possible. The British moved in and
captured Jerusalem from the Turks in December of
1917 General Allenby and his troops took the
city without firing a shot which was pictured in
prophecy in
It was at meggido- Gen. Allenby broke the power
of the Turks - Halleys Bible Handbook
26- ISA. 315 AS BIRDS FLYING so will the LORD of
hosts defend Jerusalem defending also he will
deliver it and passing over he will preserve it. - It took until November of 1918 to completely
clear the land of Israel. - Then
27- THINK OF THIS! within ELEVEN DAYS of that land
being cleared the war that had raged for FOUR
YEARS among so many other nations came to an
abrupt stop! - ISRAEL was in the hands of a BIBLE-BELIEVING
NATION and the door was soon opened for the Jews
to return to their own land.
28- World War I was fought for the purpose of taking
the land of Israel from UNBELIEVERS and
providing a homeland for the Jews. - It is STAGGERING to realize that in the course
of this ONE PORTION of Gods plan being
29- Did the Jews of the world flock back to Israel?
Of course not but Isaiah had prophesied ... - ISA. 435-6 ... I WILL BRING THY SEED from the
east and gather thee from the west I will say
to the north Give up and to the south Keep not
back ...
30- No sooner had the dust settled from World War I
than a worldwide depression struck. People
yearned for someone to lead them out of their
misery. A man by the name of HITLER began to
gather a following in Germany saying that the
SOURCE of all the troubles was the JEWS! Remember
this thought it will not go away!
31- In time Hitler came to power and began a program
to exterminate the HALF MILLION JEWS living in
Germany. Not content with Germany he began to
reach out to enslave all nations and in LESS
THAN A QUARTER OF A CENTURY the world was at war
Who Will Mourn for Us?Those Who Gather Here to
RememberWho Will Understand?Those Who Touch
These Stones TenderlyWho Will Erect a Monument
for Us?Those Who SurvivedAnd Who Will Speak for
Us?All Those Who Perished ITZHAK KATZNELSON
http//www.laholocaustmonument.com/ Holocaust
memorial- LosAngeles Calif..
32- History would call it World War II and would
record over FIFTEEN MILLION dead to which we
could add the SIX MILLION Jews who were
exterminated raising the total to an awesome
33- As a direct result of this war increasing
numbers of Jews from all nations especially
Europe and Asia immigrated to the land of
Israel. Shortly thereafter the nation of Israel
was recognized by the world as a nation on May
15, 1948 - 1200 midnight palestine time.
President Truman meeting on May 8, 1951 with
Prime Minister David Ben Gurion of Israel and
Abba Eban. They presented the menora as a token
of esteem for President Truman's timely
recognition of the State of Israel on May 14,
1948. http//www.trumanlibrary.org/whistlestop/stu
34SONG 213 The FIG TREE (was putting) forth her
May 14,1948 611 pm eastern time
35- Another direct result of World War II was the
development of atomic warfare. Man had finally
discovered how to eliminate himself completely
and efficiently from the face of the earth!
About one hour after the bombing of Hiroshima on
6 August 1945.Photo the U.S. Army. little boy
A bomb- killing 200,000. 3 days later- fat man
was dropped on Nagasaki-70,000 died.
36- In any move of God there must be LEADERS.
- Today Israel exists as a nation but the Jews
are NOT spiritual. - Where will their spiritual leaders come from
- and who will train them?
- We will answer this in just a moment.
37- Meanwhile let us look at what the Lord has done
among the Gentiles. James tells us in ... - ACTS 1513-16 ... Simeon hath declared how God
AT THE FIRST did visit the Gentiles to take out
of them a people for his name. ...
38- This took place during the 40 years of the Early
Rain Church but James tells us there is also to
be a Latter Rain Church in ...
39- JMS. 57 ... Behold the HUSBANDMAN ... hath
LONG patience ... until he receive the EARLY AND
LATTER RAIN. - The time of the Latter Rain Church will last for
7-1/2 years. - This time is at our very doors right now!
40- The purpose of the Early and Latter Rain is to
produce 144000 perfect overcomers or the Bride
of Jesus Christ as John tells us ... - REV. 197 Let us be glad and rejoice and give
honour to him for the marriage of the LAMB is
41- So by these scriptures and many others we see
that the Lord has waited patiently for over 1900
years to produce a SPIRITUAL BRIDE.
42- As we said the Latter Rain Church will be in
order for 7-1/2 years. - During that period the Spirit of God will bring
His ministry into contact with those Jews who
will be the ministry or earthly leaders for the
next 1000 years.
43- Through the ministry of the Body of Christ they
will receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost the
SEAL of God as John tells us in ... - REV. 71-4 ... And I heard the number of them
FOUR THOUSAND of all the tribes of the children
of Israel.
44or as Paul says it in ...
- ROM. 1125-26 ... There shall come out of Sion
the Deliverer and shall TURN AWAY UNGODLINESS
FROM JACOB - The Latter Rain Church will be called a SPIRITUAL
45- We mentioned earlier that the Early Church was in
order for 40 years. However as the apostles were
martyred the church began to slip out of that
pure spiritual condition into the traditions of
46 As Paul said ...
- 2 THES. 23-4 ... there (shall) come a FALLING
AWAY first and that man of sin be revealed the
son of perdition ... - As time went on an organized religious system
called the Roman Catholic Church was set up with
the help of civil government.
47- This combined civil-religious system of man
determined to ... - REV. 135-7 ... make WAR with the saints and to
overcome them ... - This open persecution existed for 1260 years
during which MILLIONS of people were slaughtered
for their faith in Jesus Christ.
48- This terrible bloodshed has NEVER been paid for
but the Lord has NOT FORGOTTEN IT! Paul tells us
that the Lord is allowing this horrible system of
man to ... - ROM. 21-5 ... (TREASURE) UP (or STORE up) unto
(itself) WRATH against the DAY OF WRATH ...
49- Towards the end of this 1260 year period the
great Protestant movement sprang up as people
everywhere PROTESTED the injustices of the
Catholic Church but by the beginning of the 20th
century the movement had lost its momentum and
Rome was hard at work wooing the Protestant world
back home.
50- Her deceit has been SO CONVINCING that today
the so-called Protestant world is ACTIVELY
engaged in creating an EXACT LIKENESS or IMAGE
OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH! As John tells us ...
51REV. 1311-15
- ... (this system says) to them that dwell on the
earth that they should make an IMAGE TO THE
BEAST ... and cause that as many as WOULD NOT
worship the image of the beast should be KILLED.
52- This sounds like the 1260 years ALL OVER AGAIN
and it IS only WORSE! - The desire of those running mans civil-religious
system is quite simply to RULE THE WORLD and
to eliminate ANYONE who opposes this plan.
53The combined Catholic-Protestant force IS ...
54REV. 1711
- ... THE EIGHTH (HEAD) and is OF the seven and
goeth into perdition.
55- The PRINCIPAL civil support will come from the
TEN MEMBER NATIONS which are ... - REV. 1712-13 ... TEN KINGS which have received
no kingdom as yet but receive power as kings ONE
HOUR with the beast.
56- This ONE HOUR represents 15 years which in fact
is ALMOST UPON US. - Europe which is predominantly Catholic will
throw its support behind the Pope of Rome as he
makes an all-out effort to bring a FALSE PEACE to
the world.
57- At the beginning of this hour religion will
start to persecute those who RESIST her GUILE.
Then the Latter Rain Church will come into order
and shine brilliantly for 7-1/2 years.
58- During this 7-1/2-year period 144000 natural
Jews will receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
At the end of this half-hour Jesus will return
for the remainder of His Bride as Paul shows us
in ...
591 THES. 413-17
- ... For the Lord himself shall descend from
heaven with a shout ... (and) WE which are ALIVE
AND REMAIN shall be caught up together with them
in the clouds ...
60- After the Bride is taken up and the 144000
natural Jews have been sealed on the earth the
Lord will begin to vent His anger step-by-step
on the false religious system
61For the Lord said through David ...
- PSA. 13921-22 ... I HATE them with PERFECT
62- The number SEVEN is the number of PERFECTION. So
we see that for the remaining 7-1/2 years of the
total 15-year period the Lord releases on the
world ...
63Seven last plagues...
- SEVEN angels having the SEVEN LAST PLAGUES for
in them is FILLED UP the WRATH OF GOD. - Rev 151
7 angels- overcomers/bride members Rev 1910 Rev
229 Rev 164-7 7 even so- Peter? (Acts 118
Peter- not so lord) Rev 191 people Rev
195,10 (same person)
64- These vials of plagues will cause every nation on
earth to experience food and energy shortages
disease will spread to an unparalleled extent.
The population of the world will become
increasingly bitter and lawless.
65- Many nations will collapse economically while
others will stockpile their defense weapons. A
DESPERATE world that is choked with too many
people and starved for food and energy while at
the same time ARMED TO THE TEETH with nuclear and
atomic weapons will TURN to the Catholic Church
and DEMAND a solution!
66- Unable to satisfy the demands of an angrily
hostile world the Man of Sin will finally point
to ISRAEL and say -
- The CAUSE of the worlds misery is the JEWS who
control the Holy Land and in particular the CITY
67- This great DECEPTION will persuade the armies of
Europe to converge on Israel. At the same time
Russia will move HER armies in to enhance her
world strategy and the Arab nations will move to
AVENGE once and for all the grievances of the
68JOEL 39-16
- Proclaim ye THIS among the Gentiles PREPARE WAR
wake up the mighty men let all the men of WAR
draw near let them COME UP ...
69MIC. 411-12
- Now also many nations are gathered against thee
70- The 15-year period draws quickly to a conclusion.
- The Jews in Israel see NO WAY out of their
situation! - The armies of the world come EVER CLOSER ...
71EZK. 381-28-9
- ... Son of man set thy face against Gog the
land of Magog ... and prophesy against him ...
thou shalt come ... against the mountains of
ISRAEL ... Thou shalt ASCEND and come like a
STORM ... to cover the land ...
72- Israel is SURROUNDED as the nations of the world
tighten their stranglehold on her. - The fighting is fierce and bloody!
- City after city is overrun as the armies draw
near to Jerusalem.
- As the nations converge at Jerusalem.
- East vs. West
- The blood runs thick through the deep valley of
Kidron. (Just east of the city by Mt Olives) - Rev1420 approx. 200 miles. (furlong 1/8th mile
1600 x 1/8 200) - Joel 32,12,14 valley of decision
- valley of Jehosophat
- valley of Kidron
74- Finally by SHEER FORCE OF NUMBERS the foreign
armies pour into the city of Jerusalem itself
and as Zechariah tells us ...
75ZEC. 142
- ... the CITY shall be TAKEN and the houses
rifled and the women ravished and half of the
city shall go forth into captivity and the
RESIDUE of the people shall NOT be cut off from
the city.
76- At this precise point several events take place
ALMOST simultaneously
- When Jerusalem falls Israel finally realizes
that there is NO HOPE LEFT whatsoever so in a
last bid to DISTRACT the advancing armies and
gain more time she unleashes ALL of her NUCLEAR
and ATOMIC WEAPONS in a strike against strategic
WORLD centers and ...
- No sooner have the buttons been pushed than a
NATURAL EARTHQUAKE convulses the area around
Jerusalem. The shaking is violent and terrible
and as Israel prepares to take her LAST BREATH
she turns her eyes toward heaven and CRIES TO THE
79At that point
- the GREATEST EVENT since the resurrection of
Jesus Christ from the tomb takes place as John
tells us ... - REV. 17 ... (JESUS) COMETH WITH CLOUDS and
every eye shall see him and they also which
pierced him ...
80- Jesus will appear on the Mount of Olives with the
Bride as Zechariah prophesied ... - ZEC. 129-10 And (Jesus) will pour upon the
house of David ... the SPIRIT OF GRACE ... and
they shall look upon ME whom they have pierced
and they shall mourn for him ... - ... and ...
81ZEC. 136
- ... one shall say unto him What are these wounds
in thine hands? ... Those with which I was
wounded in the house of my FRIENDS. - Later on in Zechariahs account we see ...
82ZEC. 143-5
- Then shall the LORD go forth and FIGHT against
those nations ... and the mount of Olives shall
CLEAVE in the midst thereof ... And (the residue
of the Jews) shall flee to the valley of the
mountains ...
83- Although many in Jerusalem will have already been
killed there will still be some left alive. - When the earthquake takes place and the Mount of
Olives is split in two it will provide a WAY OF
ESCAPE for this remnant that is left.
84- The prophet Ezekiel also foresaw this great
earthquake ... - EZK. 3819-23 ... Surely in that day there shall
be a GREAT SHAKING in the land of Israel ...
(and) every mans sword shall be against his
brother. ...
85- WHY do the armies of the world turn on one
another? - Zechariah tells us in ...
- ZEC. 1413 ... that a GREAT TUMULT (or noise)
FROM THE LORD shall be among them and they shall
lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour
86- This comes about when Israel is cornered and
hurls her atomic weapons at the heavily populated
centers of the world.
87- At that point the TEN HORN nations of Europe
REALIZE that the beast system has DECEIVED them
into engaging in a NUCLEAR WAR! - Then ...
88REV. 1716-17
- the TEN HORNS which thou sawest upon the beast
these shall HATE the whore and shall make her
DESOLATE and NAKED and shall eat her flesh and
BURN her with FIRE ...
89- These nations will feel that if THEY are going
to be destroyed in an atomic war - theyll want to MAKE SURE that the beastly system
that brought it about in the first place is ALSO
90- In addition as nuclear weapons begin to fly
across the skies and WHOLE CITIES with MILLIONS
of people are instantly cremated - the armies of the nations that were previously
so-called allies will AUTOMATICALLY become
91- The combined stockpiles of nuclear and atomic
weapons for Russia and the United States ALONE
are an explosive force IN EXCESS of TEN TONS OF
T.N.T. for EVERY man woman and child!
92- Russia the United States and Europe in
particular will pull out all the stops and
other. - It is interesting to note that this is a repeat
of an actual battle fought by ancient Israel
only on a larger scale.
93- The original account is found in
- 2 CHR. 2022-25 For the children of AMMON and
MOAB (a type of civil powers) stood up against
the inhabitants of MOUNT SEIR (a type of
religious powers) UTTERLY TO SLAY and destroy
them ... (and) every one helped to destroy
another. ...
94- This worldwide destruction reduces the major
nations of the world to barren radioactive
wastelands. - To the nations NORTH of Israel such as Russia
and her satellites the Lord specifically says ...
95EZK. 396
- I will send a FIRE on MAGOG and among them that
dwell carelessly in the ISLES (or Gentile
nations) and they shall know that I am the LORD.
Gomer (Celtic)
Magog (Russia)
Madai (Medes)
Javan (Greece,Syria)
Tubal S of Blk Sea,Spain
Meshesh (Russia)
Tiras Thracians
96- With the nations of the world in the process of
destroying each other - and the armies of those nations in Israel
turning against each other to devour one another
97- the Lord allows what man has unleashed to
trigger a VIOLENT STORM OF HAIL over these
armies as John describes it ...
98REV. 1621
- And there fell upon men a GREAT HAIL out of
heaven every stone about the weight of a TALENT
(which is about 100 pounds) ...
99This rain of HAIL
- will help eliminate more than 83 of the foreign
armies in Israel for the Lord prophesied through
Ezekiel ...
100EZK. 391-6
- I am against thee O GOG ... And I will turn thee
Thou shalt fall upon the open field for I have
spoken it saith the Lord GOD.
101- There is not one part of mans system in the
world that is left untouched by the mighty wrath
of God. - The Apostle John describes it in detail.
102- The World Council of Churches (the beast)
together with the kings of the earth (civil
powers) and the false prophet (symbol of the
Roman Catholic Church) will be UTTERLY CONSUMED
in a lake of fire.
103- This LAKE OF FIRE is another term for the BATTLE
OF ARMAGEDDON as we read in ...
104REV. 1919-21
- And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth
and their armies ... and with (them) the false
prophet ... (and) these ... were cast alive - into a LAKE OF FIRE ...
105- Those nations which are not instantly burned up
will NOT escape the vengeance of God. - Zechariah tells us that the major nations of the
106ZEC. 1412-15
- And THIS shall be the PLAGUE wherewith the LORD
will smite all the people that have fought
against Jerusalem Their FLESH shall CONSUME AWAY
while they stand upon their feet and their EYES
shall CONSUME AWAY in their holes ...
107- ... and these populations will suffer the
torturous and lingering death of RADIATION
POISONING. Jeremiah tells us that ...
108JER. 2533
- ... the SLAIN OF THE LORD shall be ... from one
end of the earth even unto the other end of the
earth they shall NOT be lamented neither
109- Zechariah gives us a picture of the utter
devastation brought about by Armageddon. - Even though this FIRST applies directly to
Israel it may also be used to glimpse the
awesome vengeance of the Lord on a worldwide
scale for Zechariah prophesies in ...
110ZEC. 138-9
- ... it shall come to pass that in all the land
111- The population of the world will swell to
approximately SIX BILLION at the outbreak of
World War III
112at its conclusion
- there will only be around TWO BILLION left
alive. - The other FOUR BILLION will either be INSTANTLY
CREMATED - or die afterwards from the horrible effects of
radiation sickness.
113- As the radioactive dust of the battle settles to
the ground and most of the world lies in ashes a
FEARSOME SILENCE grips the world! - The words of the Apostle Jude will have been
fulfilled to the letter ...
114JUDE 14-15
- ... Behold the LORD COMETH with ten thousands of
his saints To execute JUDGMENT upon all and to
convince all that are ungodly among them ... of
all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners
have spoken against him.
115- The Bride of Jesus Christ will REJOICE with great
joy for they will be AVENGED and will be made
... - REV. 59-10 Kings and priests and we shall REIGN
116- ... for as the TABERNACLE of God they will come
with Jesus Christ to set up righteousness in the
world ... - REV. 212-3 ... Behold the TABERNACLE OF GOD is
WITH men and he will DWELL with them and they
shall be his people ...
117- The WHOLE WORLD will stand still as the survivors
gaze out at the remains with terror-filled eyes.
NOTHING will move except in Israel.
118- The Jewish ministry working in perfect harmony
with the Bride of Christ will open the word of
God to the survivors in Israel ... - ROM. 1126 And so ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED ...
119- Next the task of cleaning up the land will be
undertaken. Now all the weapons must be burned
and the bodies buried ...
120EZK. 398-14
- ... And they that dwell in the cities of Israel
shall go forth ... and BURN THE WEAPONS ... with
fire SEVEN YEARS ... And SEVEN MONTHS shall the
house of Israel be burying (the dead) that they
121- As the people of the land go about their tasks
they pause to stare in open-mouthed WONDER at the
results of the TERRIBLE EARTHQUAKE! - Not only was the Mount of Olives split in two
but the earthquake has also caused a NATURAL
RIVER to spring up from Jerusalem and flow to
the east and the south.
122- Looking further south
- they see that the earthquake caused the DEAD SEA
area to be HEAVED UP and an opening to appear at
its southern limit. - This sea which has been a SCAR on the land since
the judgment of Sodom is now charged with LIVING
123- This new body of water begins a redemptive active
to bring LIFE to the barren wasteland of southern
Israel. The land itself is healed even as the
soul of Israel is healed!! The prophet Ezekiel
explained it in this manner ...
124EZK. 3625-28
- Then will I sprinkle CLEAN WATER upon you ... A
NEW HEART also will I give you ... I will take
away the stony heart ... and I will give you an
heart of FLESH ... and I will be your God.
125- Jerusalem will be established as the CENTER of
the Lords work for the next 1000 years and a
little season as Jeremiah lets us know in ...
126JER. 317-18
- At that time they shall call Jerusalem the THRONE
OF THE LORD and all the nations shall be
gathered unto it ...
127- ... for the Lord will be there to oversee the
rule of God upon the earth for ...
1282 SAM. 233-4
- ... He that ruleth over men must be JUST
ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be AS THE
129- Who is more qualified than our Lord?
- As Moses said long ago ...
130DT. 324
- He is the Rock his work is perfect for all his
ways are JUDGMENT a God of truth and without
iniquity JUST and right IS HE.
131- With Jesus and His Bride working through the
Jewish ministry the words of Isaiah quickly
reach fulfillment. - Isaiah said in ...
132ISA. 3026
- Moreover the LIGHT of the MOON shall be AS the
LIGHT of the SUN and the LIGHT of the SUN shall
133- The LIGHT OF THE MOON represents the
understanding of the Old Testament - the LIGHT OF THE SUN represents that of the New
134- During the 1000-year Day of the Lord
- there will be a PERFECT or SEVENFOLD
understanding available to Gods people.
135- This perfect understanding will produce perfect
overcomers or NEW HEAVENS and a NEW EARTH - as Isaiah tells us in ...
136ISA. 6517-25
- For behold I create NEW HEAVENS and a NEW
EARTH and the former shall not be remembered
nor come into mind.
137- As the survivors of Armageddon from the nations
of the EAST begin to travel in search of food and
purpose - they come in contact with the Jewish ministry
who - in turn invite them to COME UP to Jerusalem.
138- Only the nations to the EAST of Israel have
survived to any great degree. - as prophesied by John in ...
- REV. 1612 ... that the way of the KINGS OF THE
EAST might be prepared.
139- This is quite a statement
- when you consider that the population of CHINA
140- As the wandering few of the nations come up to
Jerusalem and behold the BEAUTY of the land the
ORDER and JOY of the people and the UNMATCHED
WISDOM of the Jewish ministry - they return to their lands and say ...
141ISA. 21-5
- ... COME ye and let us GO UP to the MOUNTAIN
OF THE LORD ... and HE will teach us of HIS ways
142- As time goes on and the nations hear more and
more about the DIVINE GOVERNMENT in the land of
Israel. - the Lord through His ministry will REQUIRE ...
143ZEC. 1416-21
- ... that EVERY ONE that is left of all the
nations which came against Jerusalem shall even
GO UP from year to year to WORSHIP the King - the LORD of hosts ...
144- Those nations which rebel against the authority
of Jerusalem will have NO NATURAL OR SPIRITUAL
RAIN fall on their land.
145- The resulting contrast can be imagined when you
visualize ONE nation of people BLESSED of God
both naturally and spiritually and RIGHT NEXT
DOOR a rebellious nation on the verge of
Zechariah says in ... - ZEC. 820-23 ... In THOSE days it shall come to
pass that ten men shall take hold out of all
languages of the nations even shall take hold of
the skirt of him that is a JEW saying We will
147- ... and the REPROACH which has been upon the
natural Jews for centuries will be lifted for
the Lord said through Zephaniah ... - ZEPH. 319-20 ... I will get them PRAISE and
FAME in EVERY LAND where they have been put to
shame. ...
148- The word of the Lord in righteousness and
holiness is what brings all of this to pass
during the 1000 years. - The Apostle John as he viewed this period
through the eyes of prophecy said ...
149REV. 79-17
- ... I beheld ... a GREAT MULTITUDE which no man
could number ... And one of the elders ... (said)
unto me What are these ... and whence came they?
And I said unto him Sir thou knowest. And he
said to me These are they which came out of
and made them WHITE in the blood of the Lamb. ...
150for ...
- REV. 1115 The kingdoms of this world are become
the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ AND