Title: Eating Healthy When Eating Out
1Eating Healthy When Eating Out
- Drexel University Nutrition Center
2Project Sponsors
- USDA project funded through the Food Stamp
- School District of Philadelphia
- Nutrition Center, Department of Biology, Drexel
3Eat.Right.Now Nutrition Education Program
- Mission to provide nutrition education to food
stamp eligible adults and children in the
Philadelphia community - Official Nutrition Education Program of the
School District of Philadelphia - Nutrition activities provided by trained
nutrition educators
4What We Do
- Nutrition education in the classroom
- Nutrition lessons for teachers
- Health fairs, Science fairs
- Assembly programs
- Girls and Boys Clubs
- Cooking Clubs
- Fruit Markets
- Training for School Personnel
- Home and School meetings
- Parent workshops
- School Health Council
- Sports Nutrition
- Career Fairs
5Prevalence of Overweight in Youth
6Overweight Youth Obese Adults
National Institute for Health Care Management,
Nov 2003
7Benefits of Healthy Eating
- Better School Performance
- Developmental growth
- Prevention of overweight
- Prevention of chronic disease
8Prevent Chronic Disease
Healthy artery normal blood flow
Plaque deposits less blood flow
Choose healthy foods to prevent
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Heart disease
9Energy Imbalance
- More foods available everywhere
- More meals out (bigger portions)
- More sugar-sweetened beverages
- Successful food advertising
- More TV
- More car travel
- Fewer Physical Education classes
- Fewer safe walking/biking routes
- Lower perception of safety
Increased Energy (Calorie) Intake
Decreased Energy Expenditure
10100 extra calories per day
10 pound weight gain per year
11My Pyramid
- 2005 Dietary Guidelines
- Make 1/2 your grains whole grains.
- 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables.
- 2-3 servings of calcium- rich foods.
- Go lean with protein.
- Know your fats.
12Key Messages
- Make smart choices within and among the food
groups through moderation - Choose a variety of foods
- Get the most nutrients from your calories through
proportionality - Keep a balance between food intake and physical
13How portions have changed
20 Years Ago
590 calories
333 calories
Calorie Difference 257 calories
Adapted from http//hin.nhlbi.nih.gov/portion/keep
20 Years Ago
140 calories 3-inch diameter
350 calories 6-inch diameter
Calorie Difference 210 calories
Adapted from http//hin.nhlbi.nih.gov/portion/keep
16French Fries
20 Years Ago
610 Calories 6.9 ounces
210 Calories 2.4 ounces
Calorie Difference 400 Calories
Adapted from http//hin.nhlbi.nih.gov/portion/keep
20 Years Ago
500 calories
850 calories
Calorie Difference 350 calories
Adapted from http//hin.nhlbi.nih.gov/portion/keep
20 Years Ago
435 calories 2 cups
865 calories 4 ½ cups
Calorie Difference 430 calories
Adapted from http//hin.nhlbi.nih.gov/portion/keep
20 Years Ago
85 Calories 6.5 ounces
250 Calories 20 ounces
Calorie Difference 165 Calories
Adapted from http//hin.nhlbi.nih.gov/portion/keep
20Reading Labels
- Check serving size and servings per container
- Check calories
- Percent Daily value ()
- 5 is Low
- 20 is High
- Aim for low for fat, saturated fat,
cholesterol, and sodium - Aim for high for fiber, calcium, iron, vitamin
A, and vitamin C
21(No Transcript)
22How Much Sugar is in your beverage?
27grams x 2.5 servings
67.5 grams
1 teaspoon of sugar 4 grams
16.9 teaspoons of sugar
67.5 / 4
23Fast Food ???
What is the healthiest choice when it comes to
fast food ?
24Pop Quiz Which meal has the least amount of fat?
1 Quarter pound burger with cheese, large fries
and diet soda
54 grams
2 Crispy chicken salad with 2 ounces of creamy
Caesar dressing and regular soda
34 grams
3 Taco salad and bottled water
48 grams
25Fast Food Meal Before
- What you might choose
- Quarter pound burger w/cheese
- Large fries
- Large milkshake
Grams of Fat
Grams of Fat
26Fast Food Make-Over
Grilled Chicken Sandwich,
Small Fries and Water
Grams of Fat
Grams of Fat
27Good choices when eating out
- Burger Joint - single burger or grilled chicken
and a small order of fries or baked potato.
- Convenience Store - turkey and cheese hoagie and
a piece of fruit.
- Pizza Place - 2 slices of thin pizza with a
veggie topping or a side salad with breadsticks.
- Mexican Place - bean burrito and low fat chips
and salsa.
28Healthful Hints
Fast Food
- Choose vegetable topped pizza - skip fatty
meat toppings - Choose grilled chicken - skip fried foods
- Choose smaller portions - skip super size
- Other good choices
- baked potato
- side salads
- bean burritos
- frozen yogurt
- fruit
29More Healthful Hints
- Take half home for another meal or share with
a friend - Use salsa and mustard instead of mayonnaise
or oil - Order water or diet beverages
- Skip fried foods with breading or remove
breading - Ask for salad dressing on the side
- Lower intake of sugar
- Limit soda, fruit drinks, sweetened iced tea
- Empty calories
- Weight gain
- Tooth decay
- Choose water, milk, diet drinks more often
31Setting Healthy Goals
- Be specific
- Put it in writing
- Set realistic goals
- Develop an action plan
- Believe in yourself
- Be flexible
- Reward yourself
32Any Questions??