Title: SPIE Digital Library ???????????
1SPIE Digital Library ???????????
2SPIE Digital Library-SPIE??
- SPIE ( The International Society for Optical
Engineering,????????)???????? - ???1955?
- ????17,000?????
- ????????????????????????
- ????
- ??????????350???????
- ???
- ???
- 7??? (2011?????)
- ??? (2010????????)
- ????350????
- ??
- News letter
3SPIE DL????
- ????(biomedicine)
- ?????(defense security)
- ??(computing)
- ???(astronomy)
- ????(environmental monitoring)
- ??(telecommunications)
- ????(nanotechnology)
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
4SPIE DL????
- 7???
- ????350????
- ??
- News letter
- ??210,000????????
- ???1990???
- ??????17,000???
- ??????????????????????
5????- Journals
?? ISSN eISSN ????
Proceedings of SPIE None None Volume 1200 (1990)
Optical Engineering 0091-3286 1560-2303 Volume 29 (1990)
Journal of Electronic Imaging 1017-9909 1560-229X Volume 1 (1992)
Journal of Biomedical Optics 1083-3668 1560-2281 Volume 1 (1996)
Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 1932-5150 1932-5134 Volume 1 (2002)
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (e-only) None 1931-3195 Volume 1 (2007)
Journal of Nanophotonics(e-only) None 1934-2608 Volume 1 (2007)
SPIE Letters Virtual Journal None None 2005
- SPIE???
- ??1990?????????,??1200??
- ?????17,000?????
- ?????SPIE????????,?????????,??????????SPIE
Digital Library???????????Some Proceedings
volumes are available only in print as SPIE does
not have electronic rights to this material.
Click here for a listing of those volumes.
???????SPIE Digital Library???????
10????Refine Search
????????/??/??/??/?????/PDF????? ?????????????
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