Title: Remote Sensing Education
1Remote Sensing Education Training
- Pam Lawhead
- Dan Civco
- James Campbell
Preparing Students for Careers in Remote Sensing
Thursday, August 15, 2002
2Remote Sensing Education Training
- Some History
- The Remote Sensing Model Curriculum
- Discussion
- Summary
Preparing Students for Careers in Remote Sensing
3Remote Sensing Education Training
An observation addressing education versus
Knowing all the commands of ArcInfo will make you
no more of a GIS Analyst
than will knowing all the commands of
WordPerfect make you an author
Jay Morgan Towson State University
4Remote Sensing Education Timeline
Remote Sensing Education Training
5PERS 1992
- Civco, D.L., R.W. Kiefer, and A. Maclean. 1992.
Perspectives on earth resources mapping education
in the United States. Photogrammetric Engineering
and Remote Sensing 63(8)1087-1092.
Remote Sensing Education Training
6Serie Geografica 1993
- Civco, D.L., R.W. Kiefer, and A. Maclean. 1993.
La ensenanza de la teledeteccion en las
actividade de la American Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Invited paper
in Serie Geografica, Madrid, Spain. 239-50.
Remote Sensing Education Training
7Remote Sensing Education Timeline
Remote Sensing Education Training
- Estes, J.E.and T. Foresman. 1996. Development of
a Remote Sensing Core Curriculum. Geoscience and
Remote Sensing Symposium, 1996. IGARSS '96.
'Remote Sensing for a Sustainable Future.',
Volume 1 , 1996, Pages 820 822.
Actually preceded by ASPRS-EOSAT workshop
Remote Sensing Education Training
9Remote Sensing Education Timeline
Remote Sensing Education Training
Remote Sensing Education Training
11Remote Sensing Education Timeline
Remote Sensing Education Training
12Remote Sensing Industry 10 Year Forecast
- In August 1999, ASPRS and NASA's Commercial
Remote Sensing Program (CRSP) entered into a
5-year Space Act Agreement (SAA), combining
resources and expertise to - Baseline the Remote Sensing Industry (RSI)
- Develop a 10-Year RSI market forecast
- Provide improved information for decision
makers - Develop attendant processes
Some slides from the 25 April 2002
ASPRS Presentation follow
Remote Sensing Education Training
13Students in RS/GIS Related Programs
- Based on survey results, the average number of
students involved in RS/GIS related programs at
Respondents universities/colleges is about 140 - Therefore, students involved in RS/GIS related
programs at these universities are slightly less
than 1 of the student body population (Avg.
17,000) - This small of Student Population probably has a
negative effect on funding/resource availability - A role for local industry? government?
Remote Sensing Education Training
14Level of Education by Sector
- Greater than 90 have a 4-year college degree or
better. - Over 60 have a Masters degree or better.
Based on Phase II 731 Survey Responses Doctoral
Degree 136, Master's Degree or equivalent 312,
Bachelor's Degree or equivalent 227, Associates
Degree (2 year or equivalent) 26, Some College
24, High School 6, Other 0
15Degrees by Discipline by Sector
Geography GIS Dominate
- The generalists in remote sensing are degreed
in Geography and GIS and are probably very mobile
in the Remote Sensing Industry - Other disciplines are probably more
transportable outside Remote Sensing Industry
16Formal Coursework in Remote Sensing
- Regardless of discipline, about 60 have had
course work related to remote sensing - Academic 75
- Commercial slightly less than 50
- Government nearly 60 of the respondents
- The current community of managers/users is both
well educated and generally knowledgeable about
Remote Sensing
Based on Phase II Survey Reponses
17Remote Sensing Training Other Than Formal
- Most in the workforce get some formal coursework
in Remote Sensing - 40 Certificate Programs 30 One Course 20
Several Courses - Certificates are important in workforce
development strategies
Based on Phase II 733 Survey Responses
Manager/Supervisor 188, Manager/User 402, User 143
18Employer Sponsored Training by Sector
Employer Sponsored Training is infrequent
Based on Phase II 734 Survey Responses
Academic 142, Commercial 247, Government 345
19Remote Sensing Education Timeline
Remote Sensing Education Training
20ASPRS Careers Brochure
- Disciplines
- Photogrammetry
- Remote Sensing
- Geographic Information Systems
- Education Requirements/Suggestions
- High School
- Community Colleges and Technical Institutions
- Colleges and Universities
- Internships
- Continuing Education
- Careers in the Geospatial Sciences
Remote Sensing Education Training
21Remote Sensing Education Training
- Some History
- The Remote Sensing Model Curriculum
- Discussion
- Summary
Preparing Students for Careers in Remote Sensing
22Remote Sensing Education Timeline
Remote Sensing Education Training
23Dr. Pamela Lawhead
Dr. Jay Johnson
(662) 915-3500 geospat_at_olemiss.edu http//geoworkf
orce.olemiss.edu The University of Mississippi
24The Project
25Goals of the Project
To develop a highly skilled workforce educated
and equipped to lead the development of the
geospatial information technology industry by
creating a library of online courses reflecting a
consistent curriculum in remote sensing, GIS and
other related disciplines.
To develop a state of the art course delivery
system and course creation process that will be
To have 50 online courses in RS in five years
26Our History
- Stennis, St. Petersburg, Washington
- Request for Proposals
- Course Fellows Selection Symposium
- Course Fellows Award Workshop
- (Pecora)
27National Advisory Panel
Ahmed Noor Old Dominion Stan Morain U New
Mexico Lynn Usery U of Georgia,
USGS Roger Hoffer Colorado State U. Tom
Lillesand U of Wisconsin Dan Civco U of
Connecticut John Jensen U of S. Carolina George
Hepner U of Utah Carolyn Merry Ohio State
U. Vincent Tao York University
Paul Hopkins SUNY Randy Wynne Virginia
Tech Chris Friel GIS Solutions, Inc. Allan
Falconer U of Miss/MSCI
28National Advisory Panel
- Meeting in St. Petersburg
- Model Curriculum Workshop
- FIG 2002/ASPRS in D.C.
- Educational Partnership, Announced in August
30Request for Proposals
- Sent out in ASPRS newletter
- Appeared on our Web Site
- Sent as email to all ASPRS members
- 60 intents to present
- 30 proposals submitted
- 29 actual presenters
31(No Transcript)
32Creation Process
- Course Fellows responsible for content only
- UM Course Creation Lab does technology
- Lesson ideas and text delivered
- On-line, Video, Regular mail, Phone
- Fellow responsible for ideas only
- UM does all technology
- Model Recreating the Expert
33Delivery Process
- Students enroll at UM
- Students enroll at home inst.
- Individual enrollment
- Tuition paid to credit granting agency
- Credit granting agency pays fee to UM
34Current Status
- National Advisory Board in place
- Course creation lab under construction
- 2 Prototype courses under construction
- Contracts to Fellows went out yesterday
- 2 Short Courses under construction
- Consultant on Pedagogy on board
- 34 students at work on animations and course
delivery process
35Current Status
- National Advisory Board to Meet in Pecora
- 2 papers accepted at SPIE
- Knowledge Engine set for Oct. 10 (Alpha
Release) - Virtual Campus release Oct. 1
- Course Fellow Concept Map Due Sept. 23.
- gt 84 animations created thus far
- Game Engine Plug-in due Aug. 31.
- 2 External Contracts in place
36Current Status
- Staff of four at work, two positions await
space - Teams in place
- Animations
- Information Technology
- Course Delivery
- Public Relations
37Remote Sensing Education Timeline
Remote Sensing Education Training
38February 6, 2002 Course Creation Meeting
- Allan Falconer
- Stan Morain
- Lynn Usery
- Roger Hoffer
- Tom Lillesand
- Dan Civco
- John Jensen
- George Hepner
- Carolyn Merry
- Vincent Tao
- Paul Hopkins
- Randy Wynne
- Chris Friel
- Ahmed Noor
Remote Sensing Education Training
39Phase I 2002
- Introduction to Geospatial Information
Technology - Sensors and Platforms
- Photogrammetry
- Remote Sensing of the Environment
- Digital Image Processing - Course under
development - Advanced Digital Image Processing
- Aerial Photographic Interpretation
- Information Extraction using LIDAR Imagery
- Information Extraction using Microwave Data
- Information Extraction using Multispectral,
Hyperspectral and Ultraspectral Data - Orbital Mechanics - Course under development
- Geospatial Data Synthesis and Modeling
40Model Curriculum Outlines
41- Introduction to Geospatial Information Technology
- Level Lower Division Undergraduate
- Credits Classroom 3 creditsLaboratory 1
credit (required) - Prerequisites Pre-calculusPhysicsGeographyCom
puter Science - DescriptionThis course in designed as an
introduction to the integration of the
foundational components of geo-spatial
information science and technology into a
geographic information system (GIS). The
components are the fundamentals of geodesy, GPS,
cartographic design and presentation, image
interpretation, and spatial statistics/analysis.
The course must address the manner in which the
components are merged in a geo-spatial
information systems approach. While basics must
be presented, the course should directly address
the leading edge science and technology for the
future. - ContentGeodesy- geoid, spheroids, datums,
projections coordinate systems, simple surveying,
accuracy - GPS design, processing modes, international
systems - Cartography types of mapping (thematic,
topographic, planinmetric), field
mapping,cartographic representation of geographic
objects, visual variables, map perception/interpre
tation, visualization advancements. - Image Interpretation image geometry, elements (
location, context, tone, texture, etc.) - Spatial Statistics/Analysis introductory
statistics for spatial data, issues of scale,
accuracy and modifiable areal units spatial
autocorrelation - Image Analysis biophysical models, need and
levels of atmospheric and radiometric
calibration, fieldwork for calibration - GIS- data models, data types and sources,
scaling, data accuracy, types of analyses
(overlay, network)
42- Sensors and Platforms
- LevelUpper Division UndergraduateGraduate
- Credits Classroom 3 credits
- Prerequisites Introduction to Geospatial
Information Technology, Physics - Description Material introduces student to
basic design attributes of imaging sensor systems
and the platforms on which they operate. Course
provides an introduction to cameras, scanners,
and radiometers operating in the ultraviolet,
visible, infrared and microwave regions of the
spectrum. The approach is historical showing the
evolutionary trends in sensor technology from
1960 to the present revealing the heritage of
modern sensors. Aerial platforms including fixed
wing aircraft, helicopters, UAV and balloons in
addition to satellite platforms are also covered. - Content Sensor Systems Overview
- Resolution
- SpatialSpectralRadiometricTemporal
- Spectral Bands, NEAP, NEATImage swathPrinciples
of detection and data capture - Specific Sensors
- Metric camerasDigital camerasMultispectral
scannersHyperspectral scanners - Platforms
- AerialSatelliteOrbital characteristics and
mechanics - SwathingGimbalingReturn visitEquatorial
43- Photogrammetry
- Level Upper Division Undergraduate and Graduate
Credits Classroom 3 credits Prerequisites
Introduction to Geospatial Information Technology
Description TBD. Photogrammetric Basics - Perspective projectionRelief displacementParalla
x and stereoEpipolar lines and planes - Imaging geometry
- Coordinate reference framesInterior
orientationExterior orientationAbsolute
orientation - Photogrammetric data reduction
- ResectionIntersectionRelative / absolution
orientationBlock triangulationError analysis - Softcopy Photogrammetry
- Digital imageryImage resamplingImage
rectificationImage mosaicImage matchingFeature
extraction - Photogrammetric mapping
- DEM generationOrthoimage generation3D feature
extractionInterface to GISNon-topographic
44- Remote Sensing of the Environment
- Level Upper Division UndergraduateGraduate
- Credits Classroom 3 credits Laboratory
1credit (required) - Prerequisites Introduction to Geospatial
Information TechnologySensors and Platforms
Digital Image Processing - Description The course will review environmental
mapping, monitoring and management techniques and
relate these to remote sensing platforms,
practices, sensors and techniques. The principles
and practice of environmental mapping,
environmental surveys and the preparation of
environmental impact statements are reviewed and
the role of geospatial technology is examined.
Remote sensing and geographic information systems
(GIS) used together to analyze data are
demonstrated as powerful tools in environmental
research. Mapping, monitoring and modeling
environmental systems using remote sensing and
GIS technologies to provide the essential
geographic component of these activities forms
the major focus of the laboratory activity. - Content
- Environmental studies Components
- Topography Geology Climate Hydrology
Geomorphology Soils Vegetation Land Cover
Land Use Economic Infrastructure
45- Remote Sensing of the Environment
contd.Systems to map and characterize
environments Ecoregions - Classification Characterization Use Scale Sub
units - Sensors and systems to provide information for
environmental studies Resolution - Spatial Spectral Temporal Feature definition
Phenology Diagnostics of species Dynamics of
ecoregionsDynamics of land cover types - Data preparation and processingMap accuracy
metadata - Atmospheric correction effects on classification
Registration and impact on feature definition
Temporal registration Seasonal and cyclical
events Data sampling and resampling Data fusion - Data management systems for environmental
analysis Environmental Units - Definition Classification accuracy assessment
Ancillary data use Mapping Accuracy Modeling
environmental regions Complex interactions and
the contributions of remote sensing - Environmental Studies
- Classification and mapping of Environments
Analytical classification and definition of
sensitive areas or core areasPredictive modeling
Data presentation and product design EIA and
EIS products using geospatial technologies
46- Advanced Digital Image Processing
- Level Upper Division UndergraduateGraduate
- Credits Classroom 3 creditsLaboratory 1
credit (required) - Prerequisites Introduction to Geospatial
Information TechnologySensors and
PlatformsDigital Image Processing - DescriptionCourse will address leading edge
science and technology developments in aerial and
satellite image processing and pattern
recognition. Principals and applications will
address real-world situations and problems. Data
to be examined will be principally from the
optical wavelengths of the electromagnetic
spectrum. High spatial and hyperspectral
resolution data will be addressed as will more
traditional medium resolution multispectral data. - ContentAdvanced Classification
- Neural networksExpert systemsFuzzy
logicDecision treesHybrid classifiersCanonical
discriminant analysisSub-pixel
classificationFuzzy accuracy assessment - Object-oriented image analysis
- SegmentationHierarchicalClassification
- SpectralSpatialContextuaL
47- Advanced Digital Image Processing contd
- Orthorectification (terrain)
- AerialFilmDigital
- SatelliteMedium resolutionHigh resolution
- Hyperspectral Data Processing
- DisplayInformation Extraction
- Advanced Methods and Models for Atmospheric
CorrectionChange Detection - Advanced methodsAccuracy assessment
- Advanced Spatial Filtering
- Spatial domainFrequency domain (e.g., Fourier,
wavelets) - Wavelet Applications
- Image data fusionImage data compression
- Empirical Modeling of Biophysical
Parameters(e.g., spatial and non-spatial
48- Aerial Photographic Interpretation
- Level Lower Division Undergraduate
- Credits Classroom 3 credits
- Prerequisites Introduction to Geospatial
Information Technology - DescriptionIntroduction to the principles and
techniques utilized to interpret aerial
photography. Emphasis is on interpreting analog
photographs visually in a range of application
areas also includes an introduction to acquiring
and analyzing aerial photographic data digitally. - ContentElements of Photographic Systems
- FilmsFiltersAnalog CamerasDigital
CamerasVideo RecordingDigitizing Analog
Photographs - Fundamentals of Visual Image Interpretation
- Basic Image Characteristics (Shape, Size,
Pattern, Tone, Texture, Shadows, Site,
Association)Other Factors in the Image
Interpretation Process (Scale, Resolution,
Timing, Image Quality)Photointerpretation
EquipmentStereo ViewingInterpretation KeysRole
of Reference DataApproaching the
Photointerpretation Process (Classification
Systems, Minimum Mapping Unit, Effective Areas)
49- Aerial Photographic Interpretation contd...
- Sample Applications of Aerial Photographic
Interpretation - Land Use/Land Cover MappingGeologic and Soil
MappingAgricultural ApplicationsForestry
ApplicationsWater Resource ApplicationsUrban
and Regional Planning ApplicationsWildlife
Ecology ApplicationsArchaeological
ApplicationsLandform Identification and
EvaluationHazards and Emergency Response - Digital Photointerpretation
- Data SourcesImage EnhancementImage
ClassificationIntegrating Digital Data into a
50- Information Extraction using LIDAR DataLevel
Upper Division UndergraduateGraduate - Credits Classroom 3 creditsLaboratory 1
credit (required) - Prerequisites Introduction to Geospatial
InformationTechnology, Sensors and
PlatformsDigital Image ProcessingAdvanced
Digital Image Processing - Description TBD
- ContentFull waveform vs. small footprint LIDAR
vs. small footprint with intensityVegetation
removalLIDAR instrumentationBasic LIDAR
conceptsBare Earth DEMApplications - Wireless communicationsTopographic
mappingForestry - Fusion with multispectral and hyperspectral
dataUsing multiple returnsMultiband
LIDARNeighborhood / machine approachesHistoryMi
ssion planningSensor selectionLIDAR vs.
PhotogrammetrySignificance of data
voidsIntensity informationLIDAR image
geometryGPS/INS integration3D feature
extraction3D urban modeling
51- Information Extraction using Microwave
DataLevel Upper Division Undergraduate
Graduate Credits Classroom 3 credits
Laboratory 1 credit (required) Prerequisites
Introduction to Geospatial Information
Technology Sensors and Platforms Digital Image
ProcessingAdvanced Digital Image
ProcessingTreatment of the principles of
acquiring and processing imagery recorded in the
microwave portion of the electro-magnetic
spectrum.Course to include an introduction to
primary applications for use of microwave data. - ContentUnique aspects of microwave
radiationPassive microwave Fundamental
principles of microwave (active) Synthetic
Aperture Radar Backscatter principles and models
Interferometry Phase relationships
Processing radar data Environmental influences
on radar returns Applications
52- Information Extraction using Multispectral,
Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Data - Level Upper Division UndergraduateGraduate
- Prerequisites CalculusIntroductory
physicsIntroduction to Geospatial Information
TechnologySensors and PlatformsDigital Image
Processing - DescriptionCharacteristics of airborne and
satellite multispectral, hyperspectral, and
ultraspectral sensor systems are described.
Primary methodologies, such as supervised
classification, unsupervised classification
(clustering), imaging spectroscopy and inversion
theory must be discussed. Field techniques
necessary for proper radiometric calibration of
sensor data are documented. Atmospheric
correction techniques essential for image
interpretation and analysis are described.
Geometric correction of sensor data is also
included. Multispectral analysis techniques to
include principal components, minimum distance
classifier, parallelpiped classification,
Euclidean distance classification, maximum
likelihood techniques, Bayesian classifier,
textural transformations, contextual classifiers,
multitemporal techniques, and band ratioing (to
include NDVI indices) are described. Advanced
classification techniques to include
spectroscopic characterization, continuum
removal, subpixel unmixing (end member analysis,
linear and nonlinear spectral mixing), tuned
match filtering, image cube analysis, spectrum
matching and spectral data library development
are described. Neural networks and expert systems
are other advanced classification techniques that
can be used for feature extraction. While basics
must be presented, the course should directly
address the leading edge science and technology
for the future.
53- Geospatial Data Synthesis and Modeling
- Level Upper Division UndergraduateGraduate
- Credits Classroom 3 creditsLaboratory 1
credit (required) - PrerequisitesIntroduction to Geospatial
Information TechnologySensors and
PlatformsDigital Image ProcessingGISStatistics
Bioscience - Description TBD
- Content Ground control
- GPSSpectrophotometer
- Remote sensing vs. GIS data models Fields vs.
54- Geospatial Data Synthesis and Modeling contd.
- Integration issues
- Data types and sealing Spatial anticorrelation
Modifiable units of resolution Processing
differences Artifacts from processing Multiple
layers, temporal, metadata - Modeling tools Integrated raster /
vector environment Geostatistics / spatial
statistics Simulation, visualization and
animation - Monte Carlo Other locations
- Applications
- Land cover change models Watershed models, AGNPS
Weather forecasting
55Remote Sensing Education Timeline
Remote Sensing Education Training
56June 3-5, 2002 Course Creation Fellows Selection
- Introduction to Geospatial Information Technology
- Sensors and Platforms
- Photogrammetry
- Remote Sensing and the Environment
- Advanced Digital Image Processing
Remote Sensing Education Training
57June 3-5, 2002 Course Creation Fellows Selection
- Aerial Photographic Interpretation
- Information Extraction using LIDAR Imagery
- Information Extraction using Microwave Data
- Information Extraction using Hyper/Multi/Ultraspec
tral Data - Geospatial Data Synthesis and Modeling
Remote Sensing Education Training
58Remote Sensing Education Timeline
Remote Sensing Education Training
59August 2002 Course Content Fellows Conference
- Introduction to Geospatial Information Technology
- Arthur Lembo, Cornell University
- Sensors and Platforms
- Russ Congalton, University of New Hampshire
- Photogrammetry
- Gouguing Zhou, Old Dominion University
- Remote Sensing of the Environment
- Karen Seto and Erica Fleishman, Stanford
University - Advanced Digital Image Processing
- Lori Bruce, Mississippi State University
- Aerial Photographic Interpretation
- James Campbell, Virginia Tech
- Information Extraction using Microwave Data
- Richard Forster, University of Utah
- Information Extraction using Multi/Hyper/Ultraspec
tral Data Hyperspectral and Ultraspectral Data, - Conrad Bielski, JPL and Khaled Hasan and Greg
Easson, UM - Geospatial Data Synthesis and Modeling
- Lynn Usery, University of Georgia
- Digital Image Processing
- John Jensen, University of South Carolina
- Orbital Mechanics
- John Graham, University of Mississippi
- Information Extraction using LIDAR Imagery
- No fellow selected at this time
Remote Sensing Education Training
60Remote Sensing Education Timeline
Remote Sensing Education Training
6115th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing
Symposium, November 8 to 15, 2002, Denver
- Phase II - 2003
- Advanced Sensor Systems and Data Collection
- Advanced Photogrammetry
- Information Extraction using Thermal Infrared
Data - Land Use and Land Cover Applications
- Smart Growth and Urban Regional Planning
Applications - Ecosystems Modeling Applications (GAP,
biodiversity, fish/wildlife) - Water Resources Applications
- Forestry Applications
- Mapping (Topographic)
- Business Geographics (industrial site location,
banking, real estate, simulation and video games
and individual)
Remote Sensing Education Training
63On-Line Course Development in Remote Sensing at
Virginia Tech
- Preparing Students for Careers in Remote Sensing
- 15-17 August 2002
- J.B. Campbell,
- R.H. Wynne, L. Erskine
64On-Line Remote Sensing Instruction at Virginia
- Jim Campbell,
- Geography
- Randy Wynne, Forestry
- Lewis Erskine, BSI
- Supported by Virginia Techs Center for
Innovation in Learning
65On-Line Remote Sensing Instruction at Virginia
- Joint Geography Forestry
- Focus on learning activities
- On-line delivery
- Dual use both contact and distance learning
66Joint Geography Forestry
- Geography 4354 Introduction to Remote Sensing
An upper level undergraduate and lower-level
graduate students. Students with interests in
remote sensing, and in application areas. - Forestry 5000 Advanced Image Analysis
- A graduate level class for students
specializing in remote sensing
67Joint Geography Forestry
- Develop consistency and continuity in the way
that some topics are presented - Consistent tools, approach, vocabulary
- Allow students to advance in understanding within
a common learning environment
68Incentives for On-line Format
- Broadens population of students, geographically
both demographically - Permits accommodation of varied student learning
styles - Efficient use of instructional staff and computer
laboratories - Compliments other teaching approaches.
69Development Process
- Understand instructional context
- Develop learning goals
- Select instructional strategies
- Develop prototypes
- Formative evaluation
- Assess each learning goal
- Summative evaluation
70Stakeholder Needs
- Course learning objectives should be matched to
needs of stakeholders - Difficult for instructors and institutions to
develop this information - Should be developed by professional societies,
umbrella organizations, - Results should be stratified geographically, by
size, etc, to enhance use
71Overall Learning Model
- Present basic concepts, knowledge principals
- Guide student through an initial case study,
structured to focus student learning on a few key
facets of the process - Present additional case studies, reducing
structure offered to students - Students then are prepared to conduct further
- Without strong guidance.
72Focus on Learning Activities
- Students learn basic principles and techniques
in classroom lectures, text, or other on-line
modules. - Develop on-line activities that apply classroom
knowledge lab, homework, case studies, or
73Dual Use
- Contact use In traditional classroom, or short
courses-- reduce demands on computer classroom
space, and instructional staff - Distance learning serve students at remote
74Course Architecture
- Course designed to be used with a commercially
available image processing system running on
student computers - Course software runs parallel to image processing
system designed to be as generic as possible - Although the course guides students in execution
of specific steps, it does not attempt to teach
use of that system.
75Evaluation Feedback
- Provide feedback to students, so they can focus
on problem - Provide feedback to instructors, so they can
- tailor instruction to problem topics
- For image classification case studies, our module
includes reference data, so students see error
matrices for their classifications.
76Its the Students, Stupid!
- Define learning goals to match student and
stakeholder needs - Match contents and techniques to learning goals
- Avoid use of technology that does not clearly
advance a learning goal - Use technology to address weaknesses in
conventional instruction
77Instructional Design Staff
- Brings knowledge of past experience avoids
mistakes that others have made - Brings objective perspective if its not clear to
the instructional designer, its not clear for
students - Brings knowledge of other projects with similar
78Provide ability to navigate within tutorial
within course
79Remote Sensing Education Training
- Some History
- The Remote Sensing Model Curriculum
- Discussion
- Summary
Preparing Students for Careers in Remote Sensing
80Remote Sensing Education Timeline
Remote Sensing Education Training
81Remote Sensing Education Training
- Some History
- The Remote Sensing Model Curriculum
- Discussion
- Summary
Preparing Students for Careers in Remote Sensing
82Remote Sensing Education Training
- Pam Lawhead
- Dan Civco
- James Campbell
Thank You !
Preparing Students for Careers in Remote Sensing
Thursday, August 15, 2002
83Job Skills Needed versus Degrees Granted
- Disconnect?
- Will Certification Help Solve?
- Local Business partnering
- with Colleges/Universities?
84Course Fellow Awards
- Introduction to Geospatial Information Technology
- Fellow Arthur Lembo, Cornell University
- Sensors and Platforms
- Fellow Rus Congalton, University of New
Hampshire - Photogrammetry
- Fellow Gouguing Zhou, Old Dominion University
- Remote Sensing of the Environment
- Fellows Karen Seto and Erica Fleishman,
Stanford University - Advanced Digital Image Processing
- Fellow Lori Bruce, Mississippi State University
- Aerial Photographic Interpretation
- Fellow James Campbell, Virginia Tech
- Information Extraction using Microwave Data
- Fellow Richard Forster, University of Utah
- Information Extraction using Multi/Hyper/Ultraspec
tral Data Hyperspectral and Ultraspectral Data, - Fellows Conrad Bielski, JPL and Khaled Hasan
and Greg Easson, UM - Geospatial Data Synthesis and Modeling
- Fellow Lynn Usery, University of Georgia
- Digital Image Processing
85 Phase II 2003
- Advanced Sensor Systems and Data Collection
- Advanced Photogrammetry
- Information Extraction using Thermal Infrared
Data - Land Use and Land Cover Applications
- Smart Growth and Urban Regional Planning
Applications - Ecosystems Modeling Applications (GAP,
biodiversity, fish/wildlife) - Water Resources Applications
- Forestry Applications
- Mapping (Topographic)
- Business Geographics (industrial site location,
banking, real estate, simulation and video games
and individual)
86 An Example