Title: Psychology 125: Environment
1Psychology 125 Environment BehaviorMarc
B. Goldstein, Ph.D.
2Today ? Course overview ? My
background ? My expectations
3But first, an exercise in wayfinding . . .
How do we find our way around?
4Course Overview
- Environment Behavior is a course
- on environmental psychology
- Environmental Psychology is the
- study of the transactions between
- people and their physical settings
5How is environmental psychology different from
other types of psychology?
B f(P x E) Behavior is a function of the
interaction of the Person and the Environment
6Psychology has largely focused on the person side
of the equation
7This course will be looking more at the
environmental side
8What kinds of things do environmental
psychologists study?
9They study some of the basic processes of how
people interact with their environment.For
example . . .
10 11Crowding
12 Privacy
Private Property
Trespassers will be eaten! H. Lector
14Environmental psychologists alsoexamine the
specific settings where people live, learn, work
and play . . .
15Residential Settings
16Community Settings
Neighborhoods, urbanization and day-to-day life
17Educational settings
18Settings where we work . . .
19And Settings where we play . . .
20Goals of the course
- Increase your understanding of person-environment
interactions - Increase your appreciation of the impact of
settings on behavior - Give you some experience with computer technology
21Some Nuts Bolts about the course . . .
22A stroll through the syllabus
23Course Process
Individual/group activities discussions
Group presentation
24Course Prerequisites
- Very, Very, Very, Very, Very
- Very,Very, Very Very
- Important!
- You must have taken Psychology 112, Introductory
- No textbook is required
- All required readings will be put online or on
reserve at the library - Online readings are password protected Password
(get from instructor) - Recommended text is Robert Bechtel, Environment
Behavior An Introduction - A limited number of these books are available at
the campus book store (Barnes Noble) or The
Other Bookstore, 1535 Stanley Street
26What do you need to do to pass this course?
What are the course requirements?
27Show up!!
70 of life is just showing up
--Woody Allen, in Annie Hall
You will lose 3 points for each unexcused absence.
28 Take 3 essay exams (each worth 15 of your
grade) Essay questions will be based on class
material, required readings and student
PowerPoint presentations
A list of essay questions will be distributed
before each exam. Some will be the actual exam
questions. You can bring in any notes you wish
written on the back of the question list.
29Activity Sheets (45 of grade)
- Approximately one for each topic
- Will involve web site work, in- or out-of-class
observation and/or personal reflection on topic - 3. Submitted multiple times during the semester
30Group Project (10 of final grade)
A PowerPoint Presentation on a research article
related to the course.
31Legal Boilerplate Stuff
Dont Do It!!!
32The Web Site
33About Me
Education B.A. (69) Syracuse
University (Psychology) M.A., Ph.D. (78)
University of Michigan
Psychology) (Been at CCSU since 1978)
Research Interests Program Evaluation
Prevention of Substance Abuse Environmental
Assessment Community Organization and
34My family Carol Michael Mark Adam
35Personal Interests hiking, bicycling
amateur radio (K8LSB) most kinds of music
36My expectations of students
- Be proactive (participate in class discussions)
- Be on time for class
- Ask questions when you dont understand
- Turn in assignments/take exams on schedule
- Shut off beepers/pagers
37(No Transcript)
38For Next Class
- 1. Read assigned reading
- 2. Review syllabus identify any questions or
concerns you have - 3. Send me an e-mail telling me ? Your name
- ? Class time (11 am or 2 pm)
- ? Whether or not you have Microsoft
Powerpoint - and if you do, what version
- ? of hits on the Psy 125 course page