Chapter 3 Biological Psychology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 3 Biological Psychology


What's important for evolution is reproduction, not survival. ... The idea the evolution always means improvement. ... Genes, Evolution and Behavior ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 3 Biological Psychology

Chapter 3Biological Psychology
Biological Psychology
  • In this chapter we will examine
  • What are the components of the nervous system?
  • How does the brain create mental processes and
  • What we understand least is why brain
    activity produces experience at all. -- James
    W. Kalat

Module 3.1
  • Genes and Behavior

Genes and Behavior
  • From research we know that genetic factors have a
    substantial influence on many aspects of
    psychology. But we still dont know
  • How genes shape mental processes and behavior
  • How much influence genes actually have
  • Which aspects of the environment are most
    important in influencing psychological processes
  • How do genes and environment work together
    to shape mental processes and behavior?

  • Figure 3.2 
  • Genes are sections of chromosomes in the nuclei
    of cells. (Scale is exaggerated for illustration

Genetic Principles
  • Chromosomes
  • Most animal and plant cells contain a nucleus
    with hereditary material instructions in the
    form of strands called chromosomes.
  • Humans have 46 chromosomes 23 pairs in every
    body cell except for the sex cells. Sperm and ova
    each contain 23 unpaired chromosomes that unite
    at conception.

Genetic Principles
  • Genes
  • The genes that form the sections of the
    chromosomes control the chemical reactions that
    direct an individual organisms development.
  • Genes control protein production in order to
    produce specific characteristics a specific
    group of genes will exert a large influence over
    height, weight, or eye color.

Genetic Principles
  • Genes
  • Genes are composed of DNA, special chemicals that
    control the production of RNA. RNA in turn
    controls the production of proteins.
  • The proteins either become part of the
    individuals body, or control the rate of
    chemical reactions in the body.

  • Figure 3.4
  • The genes, composed of DNA, control the
    production of RNA, which in turn controls the
    production of proteins. Proteins form many
    structures of the body (e.g., muscles) they also
    control the rate of many chemical reactions
    (e.g., digestion).

Genetic Principles
  • Genes
  • Cells that contained paired chromosomes also
    contain paired genes.
  • If both genes of a pair are identical, the
    individual has received a homozygous pair.
  • If the genes are different, the individual is
    heterozygous for that trait.

  • Figure 3.5
  • In a pair of homozygous chromosomes, the gene for
    a given trait is identical on both chromosomes.
    In a heterozygous pair, the chromosomes contain
    different genes for a trait.

Genetic Principles
  • Genes
  • If an individual receives one gene for wavy hair
    and another for straight hair, that individuals
    hair will be straight.
  • The gene for wavy hair is a dominant gene. It is
    referred to as dominant because it will exert its
    effects even if the inheriting individual is
    heterozygous for the gene.

Genetic Principles
  • Genes
  • A recessive gene will only show its effects in
    the homozygous condition. You must receive a gene
    for blue eyes from both parents in order to
    develop blue eyes.
  • The gene for blue eye color is a recessive gene.

Genetic Principles
  • Genes
  • An individual who is homozygous for a trait will
    always pass the dominant gene on to any
  • An individual who is heterozygous for a trait may
    pass either the dominant or recessive gene on to
    the next generation.
  • It is possible for parents who are heterozygous
    for a dominant trait to each pass a recessive
    gene to their child, who will then be homozygous
    for the recessive trait.

Concept Check
  • If you are wavy-haired but your brother has
    straight hair, are you homozygous or heterozygous
    for that trait, or is it impossible to say
    without looking at your genes?

It is impossible to say without genetic
testing. You could be homozygous or heterozygous
  • What about your brother? What type of gene pair
    did he inherit?

Your brother must be homozygous recessive.
Recessive genes only exert influence in the
homozygous condition.
  • If both parents have blue eyes, what can we
    predict about their children?

Their children will have blue eyes too.
Genetic Principles
  • Sex-Linked Genes
  • The sex chromosomes determine whether an
    individual will become a male or female.
  • There are two types of sex chromosomes, called X
    and Y.
  • Females receive an X from each parent males
    receive an X from mother and a Y from father.

Genetic Principles
  • Sex-Linked Genes
  • Genes that are on the X-chromosome are called
    sex-linked genes.
  • The influence of these genes is seen more often
    in men than in women.
  • An example of such a trait is the disease

  • Figure 3.8
  • Why males are more likely than females to be

Genetic Principles
  • Sex-Linked Genes
  • A man may have the gene on his X-chromosome.
    There is no gene on the Y, and so the trait
  • A woman is much more likely to receive the
    dominant gene for normal blood clotting on one of
    her X-chromosomes, and not have the disease.

Genetic Principles
  • Sex-Linked versus Sex-Limited Genes
  • Genes for the secondary sex characteristics
    (facial hair in men, breast development in women)
    are present in both sexes, but are activated by
    the presence of sex hormones.
  • These are called sex-limited genes.
  • Behavior differences between the sexes (such as
    the tendency for males to be more aggressive) are
    thought to be influenced by sex-limited genes.

Concept Check
  • A man who is colorblind marries a woman who is
    homozygous dominant for normal color vision. What
    is the likely outcome for any children they might

None of their children will be colorblind. The
daughters of the union will be carriers of the
Genetic Principles
  • Genetic screening
  • Genetic diseases have been of great concern.
    Technology now allows us to identify and localize
    genes that cause such diseases.
  • Some examples of these are
  • Alzheimers Disease
  • Huntingtons Disease
  • Tay-Sachs Disease
  • There are many others

Genetic Principles
  • Genetic screening
  • Our ability to do this has led to some
    interesting ethical questions
  • How does knowing this affect an individuals
    behavior (choice to have children, for example)?
  • Should health insurers be able to know what a
    persons genetic make-up is? Would these
    companies deny coverage based on such knowledge?

Genetic Principles
  • Heritability
  • Some traits are easily traced to a single gene.
  • An example of such a trait is Huntingtons
    Disease. There are many others.

Genetic Principles
  • Heritability
  • But even traits traced to a single gene may be
    strongly environmentally influenced.
  • An example of this kind of gene is PKU. PKU
    causes profound mental retardation, but only if
    the affected persons diet includes foods
    containing a certain enzyme.
  • If the person with the PKU gene is kept on a
    strict diet for the first two decades of life, he
    will have normal intelligence.

Genetic Principles
  • Heritability
  • Many characteristics and conditions of interest
    to psychologists cannot be traced to a single
  • Mental processes and behaviors develop through
    complex interactions of the influences of genes
    and environment.
  • In the case of traits such as addiction,
    personality characteristics, and intelligence, it
    is meaningless to ask if the trait depends solely
    on heredity or environment.

Genetic Principles
  • Heritability
  • The concept of heritability helps us to rephrase
    the question to make it more useful.
  • Does a difference in behavior or outcome depend
    more on differences in genetic make-up or
    differences in environment?
  • Heritability is an estimate of the variance in a
    population that is due solely to heredity. If we
    could somehow make the environment the same for
    all individuals, the differences we would see
    would then be attributable to genetic differences.

Genetic Principles
  • Heritability
  • Heritability is measured from 0 to 1.
  • 0 means that almost none of the variance in the
    trait in due to heredity what religion a person
    practices has no basis in heredity.
  • 1 signifies that variance in the trait is due
    entirely to heredity. If you have Huntingtons
    Disease or not will depend solely on whether you
    get the gene.

Genetic Principles
  • Heritability
  • Many researchers have worked on the problem of
  • It is difficult to know the exact degree of
    genetic influence because
  • The environment can start to impact an individual
    right from conception (a mothers lifestyle and
    nutrition affect the growing fetus.)
  • Environments are hard to standardize or make
    identical (except in the laboratory, perhaps.)

Genetic Principles
  • Heritability
  • Evidence suggests that genetic factors contribute
    to variations in almost all behaviors and
    processes of interest to psychologists.
  • But there are good reasons to suspect an
    overestimation of heritability in many
    psychological studies because of the difficulties
    involved in studying humans in their diverse
  • We need more evidence before we can confidently
    describe the role of heredity in forming human
    potential and personality.

Concept Check
  • If I raise 100 rats in identical laboratory
    environments and then test their maze-solving
    abilities, can I assume a high or low degree of
    genetic influence is responsible for differences
    in their abilities?

High Heritability is the index of genetic
influence when environment is held constant.
Genetic Influences
  • Some behaviors that have been shown to have a
    moderate degree of heritability
  • Time spent watching TV
  • Religious devoutness
  • Dietary preferences
  • These differences can be traced to biological
    factors that genes influence (activity levels,
    digestive chemistry.)

Heredity and the Environment
  • People believe that if a trait is found to be
    primarily genetically influenced (heritability
    1) nothing can be done to counteract its effects.
  • But the example of PKU, described earlier, shows
    that a trait can be entirely under the influence
    of heredity, and yet also be easily influenced
    and altered by human intervention.

Evolution and Behavior
  • Our knowledge of genetics strongly supports the
    theory of evolution.
  • An individual inherits genes that strongly
    influence its characteristics (offspring resemble
  • Mutations, random changes in the structure of
    genes, occasionally cause offspring to differ
    from parents.
  • Some genes may give certain individuals advantage
    in survival and reproduction. These individuals
    and their genes will increase in frequency in the

  • Figure 3.12Whats important for evolution is
    reproduction, not survival. Here the population
    starts with three people carrying trait A and one
    with trait B. The person with B and his or her
    descendants produce more children, on the
    average, than people with A do. Consequently, the
    genes controlling trait B will increase in
    prevalence from one generation to the next.

Evolution and Behavior
  • Natural Selection
  • The changes in the frequencies of certain genes
    due to the above-described process are part of
    the process of evolution.
  • Animal and plant breeders have been using these
    principles for centuries to create new strains
    through selective breeding or artificial
  • Darwins theory of natural selection proposes
    that the same results occur in nature.

Evolution and Behavior
  • Natural Selection
  • If individuals with certain genetically
    controlled characteristics reproduce more
    successfully than others do, then future
    generations will come to resemble those
    individuals more and more.
  • This is the principle of natural selection.

Evolution and Behavior
  • Natural Selection
  • Many people misunderstand the phrase survival of
    the fittest to signify some type of physical
    strength, but fitness in Darwinian terms means
    successful reproduction a large number of
    offspring, in order to spread ones genes to
    future generations.

Concept Check
  • Infertile worker ants are sisters of the queen,
    the individual that lays all the eggs. In
    comparison to species where siblings are all
    fertile, would you expect ants to be more or less
    likely to sacrifice their lives to protect the

More likely they are protecting their own
genetic investment.
  • Who is more fit in terms of natural selection
    a 30--year-old man who can run the mile in 4
    minutes, or a 32-year-old woman who has had 6

The woman -fitness means lots of offspring.
Evolution and Behavior
  • Understanding Evolution
  • Other common misunderstandings include
  • The idea that parts of an organism change as a
    result of use (or lack of it.) Evolution
    changes organisms only to the degree that
    certain characteristics are selected at a higher
    rate then others.
  • The idea the evolution always means improvement.
  • The selection of genes depends on the environment
    if the environment changes dramatically, a
    well-adapted species might suddenly find itself
    at a distinct disadvantage.

Evolution and Behavior
  • Sociobiology
  • Sociobiology is a field that tries to explain the
    social behaviors of a species in terms of its
    biology and evolutionary history.
  • An animal interacts with others in its species in
    certain ways that increase the probability of
    survival and reproduction.

Evolution and Behavior
  • Sociobiology
  • For example, a sociobiological explanation of
    human sexual behavior suggests that men maximize
    their reproductive potential by mating with as
    many women as possible, while women jeopardize
    their possibility of having help in raising
    offspring if they mate with more than one man.

Evolution and Behavior
  • Sociobiology
  • The result is that we have evolved sex-limited
    genes that influence men to pursue multiple
    partners and women not to do so.
  • However, these differences in general do not
    confirm the existence of such genes. Cultural
    norms dictate these behaviors and it is hard to
    say to what degree these difference are learned.
  • We will return to this issue later in the course.

Genes, Evolution and Behavior
  • Genes and environment interact in complex ways to
    bring about processes and behaviors of interest
    to psychologists.
  • There is little basis on which to support the
    notion of genetic determinism, to believe that
    genes create immutable characteristics.
  • Understanding exactly how genes exert effects
    gives researchers the best clues about how to
    modify the environment to maximized human

Module 3.2
  • Neurons and Behavior

  • Reductionism?
  • Scientists in many fields use a strategy called
    reductionism they attempt to explain complex
    phenomena by reducing them to combinations of
    simpler components.
  • Chemists use atoms and molecules physicists
    reduce the subatomic world to the interactions of
    a few fundamental forces.

  • Reductionism?
  • Does reductionism work in the science of
  • Lets find out as we try to explain behavior in
    terms of the activity of the cells that comprise
    the nervous system.

Nervous System Cells
  • Neurons
  • You experience yourself as a unitary entity.
  • Neuroscientists have demonstrated that that
    experience is the product of a nervous system
    made up of an enormous number of discrete cells.
  • The cells that make up your nervous system are
    called neurons.

  • Figure 3.14
  • Distribution of the estimated 8386 billion
    neurons in the adult human central nervous
    system. (Based on data of R. W. Williams
    Herrup, 1988)

Nervous System Cells
  • The best current estimate is that the human
    nervous system has nearly 100 billion neurons.
  • And they arent the only type of cell in the

Nervous System Cells
  • Glia
  • Glia support the neurons in many ways.
  • They provide insulation, and remove waste
    products and foreign bodies.
  • They are 1/10th the size of the neurons, but
    about 10 times as numerous.

Nervous System Cells
  • Neurons and communication
  • Neurons are a unique type of cell that can
    receive and transmit information
  • Sensory neurons carry information from sense
    organs to the central nervous system.
  • Neurons in the central nervous system process
    that information, interpret it, and then send
    commands to muscles, glands and organs.

Nervous System Cells
  • Anatomy of a neuron
  • Neurons have a variety of shapes, but they all
    have 3 basic parts.
  • A cell body that contains the nucleus and most of
    the organelles.
  • The dendrites, widely branching structures that
    receive transmissions from other neurons.
  • The axon, which is a single, long, thin fiber
    with branches near its tip.

  • Figure 3.16 
  • The generalized structure of a motor neuron shows
    the dendrites, the branching structures that
    receive transmissions from other neurons, and the
    axon, a single, long, thin, straight fiber with
    branches near its tip. Axons range in length from
    1 millimeter to more than 1 meter and carry
    information to other cells. Inset A
    photomicrograph of a neuron.

Nervous System Cells
  • Axons
  • The function of the axon is to send the
    electrochemical message on to the next cell.
  • Most axons transmit information to the dendrites
    or cell bodies of neighboring neurons.
  • Many axons in vertebrates (backboned animals)
    have a coating of myelin, which speeds up

Nervous System Cells
  • Nerve Impulses
  • The electrochemical messages carried by neurons
    either increase or decrease the likelihood that
    the next cell will continue to transmit.
  • Excitatory messages increase the probability that
    the next cell will fire - continue to carry the
  • Inhibitory messages decrease the likelihood that
    transmission will continue to travel as in the
    case of the brain sending a message to inhibit
    pain in an injured extremity.

Nervous System Cells
  • Nerve cell growth
  • Neurons do not have a fixed anatomy.
  • Researchers have discovered that neurons are
    constantly growing and losing branches to
    dendrites and axons.
  • This growth seems to be related to new
    experiences and learning.

Nervous System Cells
  • Nerve cell generation
  • Neurons can be generated later in life (to a
    limited extent.)
  • It was once thought that all neurons developed
    well before birth.
  • Researchers have discovered stem cells -
    undifferentiated cells growing in some brain
    areas that are capable of developing into neurons
    in older organisms.

Nervous System Cells
  • Nerve cell generation
  • Neuronal generation is generally very limited in
  • The action of stem cells seems to be stimulated
    after some types of brain damage, so their
    purpose may be in part compensatory.
  • The growth of new neurons is much more limited
    than that which occurs in skin and hair cells.

Nervous System Cells
  • Action Potentials
  • Axons convey information by a combination of
    electrical and chemical processes.
  • This combination is called an action potential.
  • An action potential is an excitation that travels
    along the axon at a constant strength regardless
    of the distance it must travel.

The Neuron and Neural Impulse
Please choose the button below that corresponds
to the type of operating system you are using
Nervous System Cells
  • Action Potentials
  • The all-or-none law
  • An action potential is an all-or-nothing process
    its either happening or not theres no sort
    of action potential.
  • This allows the message to reach the brain at
    full strength, but does slow it down compared to
    regular electrical conduction.

Nervous System Cells
  • Action Potentials
  • How an action potential works
  • An unstimulated axon has resting potential.
  • Resting potential is an electrical polarization
    across the membrane covering the axon.
  • A polarized axon has an inside charge that is
    negative (-70 millivolts) relative to the outside.

Nervous System Cells
  • Action Potentials
  • How an action potential works
  • Resting potential is maintained by the mechanism
    called the sodium-potassium pump.
  • Sodium is mostly concentrated outside the neuron,
    and potassium mostly inside, and they are held in
    place by special gates while the polarization
    is maintained by the action of the pump.

  • Figure 3.17
  • The sodium and potassium gradients for a resting
    membrane Sodium ions are concentrated outside the
    neuron potassium ions are concentrated inside.
    However, because the body has far more sodium
    than potassium, the total number of positive
    charges is greater outside the cell than inside.
    Protein and chloride ions (not shown) bear
    negative charges inside the cell. At rest, very
    few sodium ions cross the membrane except by the
    sodium-potassium pump. Potassium tends to flow
    into the cell because of an electrical gradient,
    and tends to flow out because of the
    concentration gradient.

Nervous System Cells
  • Action Potentials
  • How an action potential works
  • The sodium-potassium pump sends positively
    charged (1) sodium ions out of the cell and
    brings in a smaller number positively charged
    (1) potassium ions.
  • The result is that the outside has more positive
    charges than the inside.

Nervous System Cells
  • Action Potentials
  • How an action potential works
  • When a message from a neighboring cell excites
    part of the axons membrane, some of the sodium
    gates are opened and sodium can enter the axon.
  • This makes the charge inside the cell positive.
    Depolarization has taken place.
  • The charge is now briefly the same inside and
    outside the cell. This is the action potential.

  • Figure 3.18
  • Ion movements conduct an action potential along
    an axon. At each point along the membrane, sodium
    ions enter the axon and alter the distribution of
    positive and negative charges. As each point
    along the membrane returns to its original state,
    the action potential flows to the next point.

  • Figure 3.19 
  • (a) During an action potential, sodium gates in
    the neuron membrane open, and sodium ions enter
    the axon, bringing a positive charge with them.
    (b) After an action potential occurs at one point
    along the axon, the sodium gates close at that
    point and open at the next point along the axon.
    When the sodium gates close, potassium gates
    open, and potassium ions flow out of the axon,
    carrying a positive charge with them. (Modified
    from Starr Taggart, 1992)

Nervous System Cells
  • Action Potentials
  • How an action potential works
  • The sodium gates shut very quickly and potassium
    gates open to allow potassium ions to leave the
  • These ions take positive charge out with them,
    and bring the axon back to a polarized state.
  • Eventually the action of the sodium-potassium
    pump removes the excess sodium ions and
    recaptures the exiled potassium ions.

Concept Check
  • If a hamster and a seven-foot-tall human step on
    a sharp object, which will respond faster? Why?

The hamster, because the action potential has a
shorter distance to travel.
Nervous System Cells
  • Synapses
  • Communication between neurons occurs at the
  • A synapse is a specialized junction between two
    neurons where chemical messages cross from one to
    the other.
  • The chemicals released by one will either excite
    or inhibit the other, making it either more or
    less likely to produce an action potential.
  • This activity at the synapses is crucial to
    everything the brain does.

  • Figure 3.21
  • The synapse is the junction of the presynaptic
    (message-sending) cell and the postsynaptic
    (message-receiving) cell. At the end of the
    presynaptic axon is the terminal bouton (or
    button), which contains many molecules of the
    neurotransmitter, ready for release.

Nervous System Cells
  • Synapses
  • Synaptic communication
  • Each axon has a bulge at the end called a
    presynaptic ending or a terminal bouton
    (alternately spelled button.)
  • When the action potential reaches the terminal
    bouton, molecules of a neurotransmitter are
  • A neurotransmitter is a chemical that is stored
    in the neuron. It activates special receptors of
    other neurons.

Synaptic Transmission
Please choose the button below that corresponds
to the type of operating system you are using
Nervous System Cells
  • Synapses
  • Synaptic communication
  • Neurons use a variety of neurotransmitters, but
    each individual neuron always uses a particular
    neurotransmitter or combination of them.
  • The neurotransmitter diffuses over the synapse to
    the surface of the receiving neuron (called the
    postsynaptic neuron.)
  • The neurotransmitter attaches to receptors on the
    dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron and
    either excites or inhibits it.

  • Figure 3.22
  • The complex process of neural communication
    actually takes only 12 milliseconds.

Nervous System Cells
  • Synapses
  • Synaptic communication
  • After the neurotransmitter has excited or
    inhibited the receiving cell, it detaches from
    the receptor site, ending the message.
  • The neurotransmitter may be reabsorbed by the
    axon that released (a process called reuptake) or
    diffuse away, be metabolized and removed from the
    body as a waste product, or remain the synapse
    and reattach to the receptor.

Concept Check
  • Learning and environmental challenges sometimes
    produce branching in axons and dendrites of an
    organisms neurons. How would that affect the
    number of synapses?

It would increase the number of synapses.
  • Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that excites
    postsynaptic neurons. If a drug were injected
    into an animal that blocked dopamine from
    attaching to its receptors, what would happen to
    the postsynaptic neurons?

They would be less likely to produce further
action potentials.
Neurotransmitters and Behavior
  • Our understanding of the role of
    neurotransmitters has revolutionized medicine,
    particularly psychiatry.
  • A drug that can be designed to act on a
    particular kind of receptor in the nervous system
    can also have specific effects on an organisms
    functioning and behavior.
  • It can be hypothesized that unusual behavior or
    problems in functioning may be due to lack or
    excess of a particular neurotransmitter.

Neurotransmitters and Behavior
  • Parkinsons Disease
  • Parkinsons Disease is a condition in which the
    individual has trouble executing voluntary
    movements, and has tremors, rigidity and a
    depressed mood.
  • This condition has been linked to a gradual decay
    in a system of axons that release the
    neurotransmitter dopamine.

  • Figure 3.24
  •  With Parkinsons disease, axons from the
    substantia nigra gradually die. (a) Normal brain.
    (b) Brain of person with Parkinsons disease.
    Green 5 excitatory path red 5 inhibitory.

Neurotransmitters and Behavior
  • Parkinsons Disease
  • Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that promotes
    activity levels and facilitated movement.
  • Symptoms of Parkinsons Disease can be managed in
    mild cases with a drug called L-dopa, which is
    synthesized into dopamine by the neurons.

Neurotransmitters and Behavior
  • The link is not always so clear though.
  • The symptoms of a disorder such as
    attention-deficit disorder or ADD include
    impulsive, agitated behavior and a short
    attention span.
  • These symptoms would suggest an oversupply of
  • But there doesnt seem to be any relationship

Concept Check
  • People suffering from schizophrenia are given
    haloperidol, a drug that blocks activity at
    dopamine synapses. How would haloperidol affect a
    person with Parkinsons Disease?

It would make the symptoms worse.
Neurotransmitters and Behavior
  • The neurotransmitter, whether it is in over,
    under or normal supply, is just one part of a
    complex system.
  • What alleviates the problem may not necessarily
    tell us what originally caused the problem.

Module 3.3
  • The Nervous System and Behavior

The Major Divisions of the Nervous System
  • The central nervous system and the peripheral
    nervous system
  • The central nervous system consists of the brain
    and the spinal cord.
  • The central nervous system communicates with the
    rest of the body via the peripheral nervous

  • Figure 3.25
  • The nervous system has two major divisions the
    central nervous system and the peripheral nervous
    system. Each of these has major subdivisions, as

The Major Divisions of the Nervous System
  • The central nervous system and the peripheral
    nervous system
  • The peripheral nervous system is composed of
    bundles of axons between the spinal cord and the
    rest of the body.
  • There are two sets of subdivisions of the
    peripheral nervous system.

The Peripheral Nervous System
  • The somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous
  • The somatic nervous system is made up of the
    peripheral nerves that communicate with the skin
    and muscles.
  • The autonomic nervous system controls the
    involuntary actions of the heart, stomach and
    other organs.

The Central Nervous System
  • Embryological development
  • During the embryonic stage, the vertebrate
    nervous system forms out of a simple tube with
    three lumps.
  • The forebrain that becomes the cerebral cortex
    and other higher structures.
  • The midbrain and hindbrain become the brainstem.
  • The forebrain is especially dominant in human

  • Figure 3.26 
  • The human brain begins development as three
    lumps. By birth the forebrain has grown much
    larger than either the midbrain or the hindbrain,
    although all three structures perform essential

The Central Nervous System
  • The Spinal Cord
  • The Spinal Cord
  • The spinal cord communicates with the body below
    the head by means of sensory and motor neurons.
  • The sensory neurons carry information received by
    the senses from the extremities of the body to
    the spinal cord.
  • The motor neurons transmit messages from the
    central nervous system to the muscles and glands.

  • Figure 3.27
  • The spinal cord receives sensory information from
    all parts of the body except the head. Motor
    nerves in the spinal cord send messages to
    control the muscles and glands.

The Central Nervous System
  • The Spinal Cord
  • The Spinal Cord
  • Both reflex and voluntary responses are conducted
    through the spinal cord.
  • A reflex is a rapid, automatic response to a
    stimulus. The spinal cord is usually the
    origination point of these responses.
  • A voluntary response originates in the brain and
    travels through the spinal cord to the muscles
    needed to carry out the movements.

The Peripheral Nervous System
  • The Autonomic Nervous System
  • The Autonomic Nervous System
  • A division of the peripheral nervous system that
    is closely associated with the spinal cord is the
    autonomic nervous system.
  • The individual has very little control over the
    responses in this division, thus the name,
  • The autonomic nervous system has two subdivisions.

The Peripheral Nervous System
  • The Autonomic Nervous System
  • The Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System
  • The sympathetic nervous system is the crisis
    management center.
  • It increases heart and respiration rate and
    prepares the body for fight or flight.
  • A chain of neurons lying just outside the spinal
    cord controls it.

  • Figure 3.28
  • The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body
    for brief bouts of vigorous activity the
    parasympathetic nervous system promotes digestion
    and other nonemergency functions. Although both
    systems are active at all times, the balance can
    shift from a predominance of one to a
    predominance of the other.

The Peripheral Nervous System
  • The Autonomic Nervous System
  • The Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System
  • The parasympathetic nervous system is in charge
    of long-term survival related functions,
    nutrition and energy conservation.
  • It decreases heart rate, increases digestive
    activities and promotes processes in the body
    that take place during rest.
  • It is controlled by neurons at the upper and
    lower levels of the spinal cord.

The Endocrine System
  • The Endocrine System is under the control of the
    nervous system.
  • The endocrine system is a system of glands that
    release hormones into the bloodstream.
  • Hormones are chemicals that affect mood, behavior
    and even anatomy.
  • Some neurotransmitters act as hormones when
    released into the bloodstream. An example of one
    of these is epinphrenine, which is called
    adrenaline when it is acting as a hormone.

  • Figure 3.29 
  • Glands in the endocrine system produce hormones
    and release them into the bloodstream. This shows
    only some of the endocrine glands and some of
    their most abundant hormones.

Between the Spinal Cord and the Forebrain
  • The hindbrain
  • The medulla oblongata and the pons are two
    important structures in the hindbrain.
  • They contain the axons that control breathing and
    heart rate.
  • They are also in charge of relaying sensory
    information from the head and sending motor
    messages back to it.

Between the Spinal Cord and the Forebrain
  • The hindbrain
  • The cerebellum is important for coordination and
  • It is also in charge of tasks that requiring
    shifting of attention and discrimination between

  • Figure 3.30
  • (a) The major divisions of the human central
    nervous system, as seen from the midline.

  • Figure 3.30 Cont.
  • (b) A side view of the brain, showing internal
    structures as though the cerebral cortex were

Between the Spinal Cord and the Forebrain
  • The hindbrain midbrain
  • The medulla, pons and midbrain contain the
    reticular activating system (or reticular
  • This structure regulates levels of arousal in the

The Forebrain
  • The limbic system
  • The limbic system is comprised of three major
  • The hippocampus is crucial for memory
  • The hypothalamus, which drives the endocrine
    system and regulates hunger, thirst and sexual
  • The amygdala, which is important for generating
    emotional and motivated behaviors.

The Forebrain
  • General structure
  • The Forebrain
  • The forebrain has two separate hemispheres, left
    and right.
  • Each hemisphere controls sensation and motor
    functioning on the opposite side of the body.
  • The hemispheres of the brain communicate with
    each other through a thick bundle of axons
    crossing between them, called the corpus callosum.

The Forebrain
  • Cerebral Cortex
  • The cerebral cortex
  • The outer covering of the forebrain is known as
    the cerebral cortex.
  • It is made up of the gray matter, the cell bodies
    of the cortical neurons.
  • The interior of the forebrain is made up of white
    matter or axons of cortical neurons. It is white
    because of the myelin that coats axons.

The Forebrain
  • Cerebral Cortex
  • The four lobes of the cerebral cortex
  • Its customary to represent the areas of the
    cerebral cortex as four lobes occipital,
    parietal, temporal, and frontal.
  • The occipital lobe is at the rear of the head,
    and contains many specialized areas for
    interpreting visual sensory information.
  • There are areas both inside and outside the
    occipital lobes for shape, color and motion

  • Figure 3.33 
  • The four lobes of the human cerebral cortex, with
    indications of some of their major functions.

The Forebrain
  • Cerebral Cortex
  • The four lobes of the cerebral cortex
  • The parietal lobe is directly in front of the
    occipital lobe.
  • It contains the primary somatosensory cortex, the
    area of the brain that is specialized for body
    senses and awareness of the location of body

The Forebrain
  • Cerebral Cortex
  • The four lobes of the cerebral cortex
  • The temporal lobes are located on the sides of
    the head, near the ears.
  • They are the main processing areas for hearing
    and complex aspects of vision. The hippocampus
    and amygdala are deep inside the temporal lobes.
  • The left temporal lobe contains important
    language processing areas.

The Forebrain
  • Cerebral Cortex
  • The four lobes of the cerebral cortex
  • The frontal lobes are at the front of the brain.
  • They contain the primary motor cortex, and area
    that is important for control of fine movements.
  • The foremost part of the frontal lobes, the
    prefrontal cortex, is responsible for
    organization, planning of action, and aspects of

Concept Check
  • Which lobe is damaged if
  • A person is unable to feel or locate the left
    side of her body?

Right parietal lobe
  • Which lobe is damaged if
  • A person has difficulty with fine movements with
    the right hand?

Left frontal lobe
  • Which lobe is damaged if
  • A person has loss of vision in the right visual

Left occipital lobe
  • Which lobe is damaged if
  • A person has impaired emotional experience and
    some hearing loss?

Temporal lobe
Imaging the brain
  • Methods for looking at and mapping the brain
  • Computerized axial tomography (CT or CAT
    scanning), passes x-ray through the head while
    dye is present in the blood stream. This allows
    viewing of anatomical structures.
  • CAT scans do not allow the viewing of brain

Imaging the brain
  • Methods for looking at and mapping the brain
  • Positron emission tomography (PET) provides a
    high-resolution picture of brain activity using
    radioactivity from chemicals injected into the
  • The color of the image indicates the level of
    activity, red areas are most active, followed by
    yellow, green and blue for the least active
  • PET scans provide fascinating information, but
    are expensive and can be risky to the subject.

Imaging the brain
  • Methods for looking at and mapping the brain
  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) uses
    magnetic detectors outside the head to measure
    the amounts of hemoglobin and oxygen in different
    areas of the brain.
  • Highly active areas of the brain appear to use
    more oxygen in fMRI images.

Experience and the brain
  • Learning changes the brain
  • We now know, because we can see the brain, and
    its activity that practicing behaviors (learning
    to play a musical instrument, for example) can
    change the structure of the brain by altering the
    cortical neurons.

Experience and the brain
  • The binding problem
  • We still dont understand precisely how all the
    different parts of the brain allow us to have a
    unified experience of objects or events, since
    the areas of the brain that help us analyze our
    experience are often not directly connected to
    each other.
  • It is amazing that people can lose just one
    aspect of vision, for example, color, motion, or
    the ability to recognize faces.

  • Figure 3.34
  • (a) Locations of the primary somatosensory cortex
    and the primary motor cortex.

  • Figure 3.34 Cont.
  • (b) The primary somatosensory cortex and...

  • Figure 3.34 Cont.
  • (c) the primary motor cortex, illustrating which
    part of the body each brain area controls. Larger
    areas of the cortex are devoted to body parts
    that need to be controlled with great precision,
    such as the face and hands. The figure shows the
    left primary somatosensory cortex, which receives
    information from the right side of the body, and
    the right primary motor cortex, which controls
    the muscles on the left side of the body. (b and
    c after Penfield Rasmussen, 1950)

Experience and the brain
  • The two halves of the brain
  • Work with individuals who have had the
    split-brain operation (severing the corpus
    callosum) to control seizures provides evidence
    that the two hemispheres are highly specialized.
  • The right hemisphere needs to communicate with
    the left in order to name the objects in its
    visual field.
  • The left hemisphere needs the right in order to
    synthesize details into a whole picture (the
    parts of a face into a whole recognizable image.)

  • Figure 3.42 
  • The corpus callosum is a large set of axons that
    convey information between the two hemispheres of
    the cerebral cortex. (a) A midline view showing
    the location of the corpus callosum. (b) A
    horizontal section showing how each axon of the
    corpus callosum links one spot in the left
    hemisphere to a corresponding spot in the right

  • Figure 3.43 
  • In the human visual system (viewed here from
    above), light from either half of the world
    crosses through the pupils to strike the opposite
    side of each retina. Axons from the left half of
    each retina travel to the left hemisphere of the
    brain axons from the right half of each retina
    travel to the right hemisphere of the brain.

  • Figure 3.44
  • (a) A woman with a severed corpus callosum cannot
    name something she sees in her left visual field
    but can find the corresponding object with her
    right hand.

  • Figure 3.44 Cont.
  • (b) When the word hatband is flashed on a screen,
    a woman with a split brain can report only what
    her left hemisphere saw, band. However, with her
    left hand she can point to a hat, which is what
    the right hemisphere saw.

Right Brain Left Brain
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The brain and the self
  • We are still learning about the brain, but we now
    understand that your brain is composed of many
    separate areas with separate abilities.

The brain and the self
  • If you lose part of the brain, you lose part of
    your unique experience.
  • Brain activity and mind are inseparable, one is
    the other.
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