Title: Climate change adaptation: Land-based primary industry
1Climate change adaptationLand-based primary
- Robyn Dynes, Jeremy Bryant, Paul Newton, Val
Snow, Mark Lieffering (AgRresearch) - Hamish Brown, Derek Wilson (Plant Food)
- Tim Payn Peter Beets (Scion)
2Land-based industries
- Export earnings
- 25b
- Employment
- 156 000 people in Ag, forestry Fishing
- 75 000 in food beverage manufacture ?
- food exports to world
- NZ feeds 17 million people
Source INFOS series http//www.stats.govt.nz/pro
ducts-and-services/infos/ AgResearch analysis.
-market-statistics-2008.htm Food export
AgResearch analysis from MAF SONZAF (2008), ibid
year to 31 March 2008
3Land-based primary industry 25b
Source INFOS series http//www.stats.govt.nz/pro
ducts-and-services/infos/ AgResearch analysis)
4Our competitive advantage
- Temperate growing conditions
- relatively free of pests and diseases
- efficient production systems
- flexible and innovative producers
- farmers are consistently adapting
- Adverse weather events
- Commodity prices
- Labour shortage
6Planted Forests climate change impacts,
mitigation and adaptation
Impacts Productivity, weeds, pests and diseases,
fire, wind
Mitigation Carbon Forests Energy Forests Lower
GHG footprint
Adaptation Breeding strategies Siting and
silviculture New technologies
7Focus on fungal diseases
- Cyclaneusma and Dothistroma
- Needle cast fungi
- Prefers warm humid conditions
- Lower needle mass slower growth
- Sites with Cyclaneusma average 20 below maximum
productivity - Dothi can be treated (copper oxychloride)
- Up to 200,000ha sprayed annually
- No treatment for Cyclaneusma
- Adaptation responses
- Spraying
- Breed tolerant genotypes
- Plant different species
- Move the forests
8Possible impact of scenarios
- Scenarios suggest different impacts on the
forests - Regional differences are apparent
9Adaptation responses for fungal diseases
- Breed resistant genotypes
- Likely only to offset 25 of fungal impact
- Slow process
- Change species
- Other species do not get infected
- Only good if productivity as high as for current
species - Move the forests
- Focus on warmer sites where rainfall remains _at_
today's levels - Land price and infrastructure issues
- More chemicals
- Only works for dothistroma
- Added costs, lower profitability
10Adaptation Strategies for Planted Forests
- Improved understanding of climate effects on
forest processes - In depth scenario analysis to drive development
of adaptation strategies - National approach to development of adaptation
strategies - A portfolio of approaches will be needed and
will include - New genotypes, new forest systems, establishment
of forests on different sites
11Broad acre cropping the arable sector
- Grain
- Wheat, Barley, Oats, Maize, Peas
- Small seeds
- Grass, Clover, Vegetable, Forage
- Vegetable
- Potato, Sweet corn, Onions, Squash, Brassica
- Forages
- Cereal, Annual ryegrass, Brassica, Maize
- Pastoral Phase
- Grass/clover pastures
12Climate change the impact on cropping
- Increased production potential
- Doubling CO2 will increase growth 30
- Decreased duration
- Crops develop faster in higher temperature
- Crop growing areas shift
- Increased nutrient demand
- More N, P, K and S needed to exploit increased
production potential
13Potential production (fully irrigated)
High carbon
Rapidly decarbonising
14Water !!!
- East coast
- Hotter, windier, less rain, more variability
- Increased water demand in irrigated crops
- Decreased yield in dryland crops
- Greater chance of crop failure (multiple years)
- West coast
- More rain (on average), more variable (???)
15Water use and production
- Rain
- Irrig
- Rain
- Fertiliser
in areas getting dryer
with adequate water
- Irrigated
- Increased crop demand
- More efficient irrigation systems
- More efficient crop species
- Irrigation schemes
- Dryland
- Less rainfall
- Drought avoidance techniques
- More resilient crops
- Financial buffers
- Ensure nutrient supply
- Exploit higher yield potential
- Longer duration crops
- Opportunities for multiple crops per year
- Wider variety of suitable crops
17Fruit Crop Impacts Adaptations
- Poor flowering from inadequate winter chilling
- New varieties with lower chill requirements
- Increased vegetative vigour
- Pruning strategies, dwarfing root stock, chemical
flowering - Fruit damage from extreme events (eg hail
storms, sunburn) - Longer growing season giving higher quality and
yield - Southward movement of production
18Pastoral sector adaptation lambs tailed/marked
per ewe put to ram
- Adaptive strategies
- grazing systems
- pasture quality
- Nitrogen
- ultrasonic pregnancy scanning
- Hogget mating.
- Improved ewe prolificacy.
Source sheep numbers and lamb numbers
spreadsheets at http//www.maf.govt.nz/statistics/
pastoral/livestock-numbers/, AgResearch analysis.
Years are to 30 June
(Photo AgResearch)
19Pastoral farming case study
Dairy Farm
20High/low carbon vs case study
Dairy Farm
21Manawatu dairy farms
22Soil map of part of the Manawatu
Palmerston North
Manawatu River
Sandy soils
Clay soils
Tararua Ranges
15 km
Source http//gisportal.landcareresearch.co.nz
23Pasture production - increases in Manawatu
Annual production Tonnes dry matter 2000
10.7 2030 12.0 2080 12.4 2000
9.4 2030 10.6 2080 11.5
24Pasture quality declines
- change pasture composition
- invasion C4 grasses
25Pastoral farming case study
Dairy Farm
- Manawatu
- 128 hectares
- calve mid to late July
- 260 days in milk
- 340 kg milksolids/cow
- Conservation of hay and silage
- buy-in maize silage
- no nitrogen fertiliser
26Cows produce less milk
- despite growing more grass
- Less energy less milk
27Production and profitability decline
28Adaptation- the opportunities
- more grass
- lower quality
- cows must be allowed to eat more
- high risk further decline quality
Target matching pasture cover
29Adaptation- the opportunities
30Adaptation captures the benefits-more milk
Adaptation strategies
- Earlier calving date
- more milk in July/Aug
- Higher stocking rates
- more milk overall
- change with time
31Adaptation the bottom line
More cows
Cows eat more
Cows milk for longer
32(No Transcript)
33Adaptation Land-based industries
- unknown
- weeds, pests, diseases
- systems complexity
- unintended consequences
- community regulator impacts
- Adverse events high cost to business
community - storms
- flooding
- fire
34Adaptation Land-based industries
- adaptation incremental change business as
usual - enterprise resilience will depend on manager
responses - Perceived risk
- Tools and strategies to respond
- tools, technology and knowledge available in
many areas - More tools required
- Higher technical skills required for success
- adopting these tools within complex farming
systems farming within multiple pressures is the
real challenge. - unintended consequences
- GHG production
- Impact of regulation
- Community expectations
- Current strategies will only in-part meet
tomorrows issues
35Thank you
- Barbara Hock, Lucy Manning Geospatial analysis
- Lindsay Bulman background information on fungal
diseases - FRST for support through the Mitigation of
Climate Change and the Role of Forests Programme
37(No Transcript)
- Pasture production and quality simulated using
EcoMod - Dairy farm system impacts and adaptation explored
using Farmax Dairy Pro