Title: Outreach to K16 Teachers: Engaging Digital Natives with Technology
1Outreach to K-16 Teachers Engaging Digital
Natives with Technology
- Rebecca André, Ph.D.
- Ohio State University
- Technology Enhanced Learning and Research
2Theories from Two Cases
- Ilknur Gonal Kelceoglu, Ph.D.
- Defended Dissertation Autumn 2006
3Factors Affecting First Year Elementary Teachers
Utilization of Technology
- Personal Factors
- Knowledge
- Lack of Meaningful Technology Integration
Knowledge - Lack of Grade Specific Technology Knowledge
- Beliefs
- Beliefs about First Grade
- Beliefs about Technology
- Beliefs about Technology Integration
- Beliefs about Technology Support
- Experience
- Lack of Macintosh Computer Experience
- Lack of Software Experience
- Lack of Grade Experience
4Other Factors
- Institutional Factors
- M.Ed. Program
- Inadequate Technology Experience
- Lack of Software and Hardware Experience
- Lack of Connections between Classroom Teaching
and E-Portfolio Experience - Inadequate Faculty Support for Technology
- School District
- Lack of Communication of District and School
Technology Vision - Lack of Professional Development Opportunities
- Lack of Proper Technology Support
- School
- Inadequate Technology Support
- Limited Equipment in the Classroom
- Overwhelming Responsibilities
5Discussion Points
- The personal and institutional factors affecting
utilization of technology were interrelated to
and affected each other. - First year teaching activities had varying
characteristics that are specific to first year
teachers personal histories and experiences. - Because of individual internalizations, first
year teachers hold different views about
technology, technology support, and technology
6A Case Study in Progress
- OSUs College of Education and Human Ecology
Outreach and Engagement - K-12 Teachers
- Encourage effective teaching with technology
- Encouraged participants to help shape
- Pre- and Post-Tests
- Two had previous exposure to Web 2.0
7Middle School30-Seat Computer Lab
8Seemed Fine for 23 Adults
9Oops - Too Small
10Too Noisy
11Distraction Too Easy
12(No Transcript)
13Luckily, Library Lab Available
14Took Turns with Camera
15Peer Discussions
16Invited Guest Explored Second Life
17Pondered Presentations
18SMART Board Technology
19Who is Next?
20Tiny Technology Troubles
21More Help Available
22Frustration? Engaged? Humor?
23Some Presentations Created BuzzLearntobehealthy.
24Questions Generated Discussion
25Wrapped-up with Examples
26Last, but not Least Voted to Explore
- Clickers
- RSS Feeds for K-12 Education
- OLN eTech Ohio
27Outcome Still Fuzzy Stay Focused
28Comments or Questions?
- To discuss more fully or for more information
contact me - andre.1_at_osu.edu