Title: 21st Century Digital Storytelling
121st Century Digital Storytelling
- Sue Summerford
- Lenawee Intermediate School District
- Educational Technology Consultant
- June 29, 2009
2What is your favorite story?
- Introduce yourself
- Name
- Where/who you teach
- What is your favorite story?
3What is Digital Storytelling?
- What do kids really learn?
Interesting Book The Director in the Classroom
by Nikos Theodosakis - talks about how
filmmaking engages children in the
classroom. http//www.thedirectorintheclassroom.co
4Digital Storytelling
- Develops visual and multimedia literacy in
students. - Provides students with a competitive and
compelling voice - Permits students to recapture creativity, develop
it and intensify it, apply it, extend it
. . .
5Digital Storytelling
- Helps students write more effectively by
permitting the visualization of the writing - Provides an authentic personal learning
experience - Teaches technology and information literacy
6What makes up a digital story?
- Voice
- Still frame imagery
- Video
- Music
7Additional Elements
- Black space
- Text
- Transitions
- Title Slides
8Digital Storytelling Process
- Write
- Write some more
- Storyboard
- Locate Resources
- Create
- Share
9or, the Beginning!
Ready for Viewing
10Storytelling As Old As Time
- 77 of the population are visual learners
- We will all respond have different favorites
at the end of the workshop
11Why Digital Stories?
- Students today are different
- Disconnect between the way students live and the
way they are being taught - Todays students are no longer the people our
educational system was designed to
teach. Marc Prensky
12Digital Natives
13Digital Immigrants the rest of us
14Why Digital Storytelling?
- Develops visual and multimedia literacy in
students. - Provides students with a competitive and
compelling voice - Permits students to recapture creativity, develop
it and intensify it, apply it, extend
it . . .
15Why Digital Storytelling?
- Helps students write more effectively by
permitting the visualization of the writing - Provides an authentic personal learning
experience - Teaches technology and information literacy
16Dealing With Todays Students
- Succinct, not PowerPoint generation story
- The narration is the story
- Seven elements or story will sink
- Ask permission to share some are private.
- Personal Conference with me first.
- The Kiva, Sacred Story Circle
- Renee
17Writing Is Key
- Do writing first, then voice track, then bring in
pictures - Students need to write facts because they may
not have lived long enough to have personal
narrative - Buffalo by Josiah
- Have student teams Cropping, Audio, Web,
Scanning, Music
18What Is The Writer Trying To Say?
- Cover eyes, listen to narrative.
- Do these stories fit qualifications for highly
proficient according to Michigan Holistic Scoring
Guide? - Bring in pictures last!
- Nugget
19The Writing Process
- I wrote you a long letter. I would have written
you a short letter but I didnt have the time. - Mark Twain
20Process or Product?
- Writing vs. Technology Component
- Pull out one nugget or one idea
- Carolina Dreaming 236
21Other Forms
- Farther removed from the life of the storyteller
- documenting history and lives of others
- community and culture
- taking a stand, making a point
- classrooms and education
- teach or explain
22Its the Process, not the Product
- What do you want your audience to take with them?
23Seven Elements of Storytelling
- Point of View
- Dramatic Question
- Emotional Content
- Gift of Their Voice
- Power of the Soundtrack
- Economy
- Pacing
24Seven Elements
1-3 Construction - Story Content Point of
View Dramatic Question Emotional Content 4-7
Technical Elements Gift of Their Voice Power of
the Soundtrack Economy Pacing
Identified by Center for Digital Storytelling
25Tone, Effect
- Picture Me Black - Tenth Grader, California
- Voice?
- Tone?
- Effect?
26The Closet by Penny Harris Pacita Luckey
- Observe the seven elements
- What do you notice?
Story Content Point of View Dramatic
Question Emotional Content Technical
Elements Gift of Their Voice Power of the
Soundtrack Economy Pacing
27Rubric on Rubistar
- Revise for elementary
- Use writing rubric for the writing
- All in a nutshell
28Use What You Have
- Premiere expensive Photoshop ELE less expensive
go with whats free (picasa.google.com
picnik.com) - Need good piece of writing work at beginning or
movie will sink - We need lots of examples personal narrative,
what did you notice? - The Art Room
- Teachers need to experience the struggle of the
writing process again
- Writing Process double-spaced
- Storyboarding (Atomic Learning Storyboard free
download) use stick figures, other free online
storyboard sites (i.e. graphic organizers -
Inspiration, Kidspiration gliffy.com bubbl.us) - Voiceover
- Bring in images
- Sequential
- Music
30Write the Narrative
- defining moment
- mentor, hero
- scared
- a first
- embarrassing moment
- pet
- in trouble
- trip
- kindness
- home
- dream
- family folklore
- family names
- pride, strength
- determination
- something lost or found
- heirlooms
- tradition
- map of neighborhood
- special item
- mystery
- Blueprint or map of finished product
- Very important to plan before sitting at computer
- Poster board and post-its
- Paper template
- Software AtomicLearning, Inspiration
32Organize Folders
- Create folder with subfolders
- soundtrack
- video
- images-raw
- images-edit
- voiceover
- project
33Create Voiceover
- Can be very time-consuming
- Need quiet room and stable microphone
- Save each sentence/paragraph as separate
file(use naming convention)
34Hands-on Activity Storyboard Alexs Script
- 9 boxes on chart paper
- Hint 1st one title, last one credits
- Can be complex or simplistic
- Everyone has copy of script
- Report out
- Story Arc, Dramatic Question about Nurturing
- Aunt Angies Video
When the digital storytelling is finished, you
want your story to be remembered for its soul,
not the bells and whistles.
Bernajean Porter