Title: Risk Diversification and Insurance
1Risk Diversification and Insurance
- Risk without pooling arrangement
- Risk with pooling arrangement
- Uncorrelated losses
- Correlated losses
- The role of insurance in risk diversification
2Pooling Arrangements
- Pooling arrangement -- every participant agrees
to share losses equally, each paying the average
loss. - How does pooling arrange reduce risk?
- Uncorrelated losses
- Correlated losses
3Expected Losses and Standard Deviation without
Pooling Arrangement
- Two people with same distribution
- Outcome Probability
- 10,000 0.05
- Loss
- 0 0.95
- Expected losses and standard deviation for each
person - Expected value
- Standard deviation
4Expected Losses and Standard Deviation with
Pooling Arrangement
- Pooling Arrangement changes distribution of
accident costs for each individual - Outcome Probability
- Cost
- Expected Cost
- Standard Deviation
5The Effect of Pooling Arrangement
- Effect on Expected Loss
- w/o pooling, expected loss _____
- with pooling, expected loss _____
- Effect on Standard Deviation
- w/o pooling, standard. deviation _____
- with pooling, standard. deviation _____
6Risk Pooling with 4 People
- Pooling Arrangement between 4 people
- Outcome Probability
- 10,000 0.000006
- 7,500 0.000475
- Loss 5,000 0.014
- 2,500 0.171
- 0 0.815
- Expected Loss ______
- Variance ______
7Risk Pooling with 20 People
8Effect of Risk Pooling of Uncorrelated Losses
- do not change expected loss
- reduce uncertainty (variance decreases, losses
become more predictable, maximum probable loss
declines) - distribution of costs becomes more symmetric
(less skewness)
9Effect of Risk Pooling of Correlated Losses
- Now allow correlation in losses
- Result uncertainty is not reduced as much
- Intuition
- What happens to one person happens to others
- One persons large loss does not tend to be
offset by others small losses - Therefore pooling does not reduce risk as much
10Effect of Positive Correlation on Risk Reduction
11Summary of Risk Pooling
- Pooling reduces each participants risk
- i.e., costs from loss exposure become more
predictable - Predictability increases with the number of
participants - Predictability decreases with correlation in
- Why do we need insurance companies to deal with
risk pooling?
13Pooling Arrangements is Costly
- Adding Participants
- Distribution cost
- Underwriting cost
- Verifying Losses
- Collecting Assessments
14Function of Insurance Companies
- Insurers are intermediaries that lower the cost
of pooling arrangements by - reducing the number of contracts
- employing people with expertise in
- marketing, underwriting, and claims processing
- Insurers also provide services needed by
businesses - loss control
- claims processing (third party administrators)
15More on Insurance Distribution
- Marketing in Insurance
- Exclusive agents
- Independent agents
- Brokers
- Direct marketing
- Internet
16Fixed Premiums Versus Assessments
- Why do insurers charge fixed premiums (as opposed
to having ex post assessments)? - Collecting assessments is costly
- With assessments, there might be a delay in
payments to those who have claims - Assessments impose greater uncertainty to
policyholders than fixed premiums
17Implications of Fixed Premiums
- Revenues may not match costs
- Someone must be the residual claimant
- i.e., someone must bear unexpectedly high losses
and receive profits when losses are lower than
expected - Insurers can fail (become insolvent)
- Examine the implications of these observations in
Ch. 5
18Other Diversification Methods
- stock market diversification
- diversification across lines of business within a