Title: Enterprise Risk Management For Insurers and Financial Institutions
1EnterpriseRisk ManagementFor Insurers and
Financial Institutions
- David Ingram
From the International Actuarial Association
2Course Outline
3Advanced ERM Topics
- 4.1 Governance And An Enterprise Risk Management
Framework - 4.2 Upside Risk Management
- 4.4 Performance Management And Reward Systems
- 4.4 Role Of Internal Audit
- 4.5 Dealing With New Activities
- 4.6 Risk Tolerance, Appetite Limits
- 4.6 Emerging Risks
- 4.7 Scenario Planning
- 4.8 Risk and Loss Diagnosis
- 4.9 Reporting and Monitoring
- 4.10 Risk Disclosure
44.1 Governance And An ERM Framework
- Board Committees ERM
- Risk Tolerance Board
- Communicating ERM with Board
5Board Committees ERM
- Existing Committees
- Executive Committee
- Investment Committee
- Audit Committee
6Risk Tolerance Board
7Turning Tolerances into Limits
- Question 1
- Is Top Management Board able to articulate
their Risk Tolerance? - Often the answer is no.
8Determining Risk Tolerance
- Survey Discussion
- Analysis of Past choices Risk Levels
- Review of Current Choices
- External Views of Risk Return
9Survey Discussion
- Brokerage Forms Mutual Fund Companies
Questionnaires for Individuals - Income Net Worth
- Knowledge of Investments
- Experience with Investments
- Investment Objectives
- Risk - Return Expectations
- Cash Flow Needs Investment Horizon
10Bank or Insurance Company
- Information needed is the same
- Income Net Worth
- Knowledge of Risks
- Experience with Risks
- Financial Objectives
- Risk - Return Expectations
- Capital Needs Financial Horizon
11Income Net Worth
- Level of Income
- Volatility of Income
- Level of Surplus
- Management attitudes about above
- Preferences for losses to bypass income? Or
dislike all losses equally? - Has income grown steadily? If not, is unsteady
path seen as normal or highly undesirable?
12Knowledge of Risks
- Can Board readily articulate the top risks of the
company? - Does Board have a feel for which risks are most
significant to - Company Earnings?
- Company Solvency?
13Difference between Knowledge Experience
- Knowledge Intellectual
- Experience Emotional
- Knowledge Read the Book
- Experience Didnt need to read the Book
- Knowledge Heard the News reports of Tsunami
- Experience Was here for the storm
14Difference between Knowledge Experience
- In 1999, it was often said in the US that
majority of investment management had no
experience with market downturn - Now they all do.
15Does the Board have Knowledge or Experience
- Credit Risk
- Interest Rate Risk
- Equity Risk
- Fx Risk
- Insurance Risk
- Operational Risk
16Experience with Risks
- What were the experiences of the company is
previous periods of industry difficulty? - What were the personal experiences of top
managers in those periods? - Which risks are management more likely to want to
avoid because of past experiences?
- In 1987, a US company had equity exposure of 50
of surplus beginning of 1987 - By end of 3rd Quarter, surplus had grown 15
- In 4th Quarter, Group Health Division reported
unexpected losses of 12 of Surplus - Equity market fell 23
- Surplus dropped 25
- Local newspaper reported 96 drop in Company
18Experience with Risks
- What kinds of losses has the company experienced?
- Macro Market problems
- Industry-wide problems
- Unique Company Problems
19Financial Objectives
- Earnings, ROE, Increase in Embedded Value
- Ratings Level, surplus ratio
- Sales Level, Assets under management, sales
growth - Risk Management
20Risk Return Expectations
- What are return expectations?
- Do they currently vary by product Line?
- What are seen as the drivers of the variances?
- Business Size Age
- Competitors Return or Prices
- Business Risk
- Do return expectations vary with market
conditions? - Or do they encourage additional risk taking under
unfavorable conditions?
21Capital Needs Financial Horizon
- Growth Rates Capital Needs of New Sales
- Profitability of businesses
- Current Capital Level
- Planning Horizon
- 1 year, 3 year, 5 year
22Analysis of Past Choices Risk Levels
- Look at historical risk levels relative to today
- Must be careful to choose right metric for
comparison - Should try to choose time of most recent decision
on risk limit - Assume that management is comfortable with past
risk limits
23Example Retention Limit
- Retention limit was set at 1 M 10 years ago
- Reduced probability of one year fluctuation gt 10
M from 5 to 1 - 10 M was 50 of pre-tax income
- Now a retention limit of 3 M would produce a 1
probability of fluctuation of 50 of current
pre-tax income
24Review of Current Choices
- Show the risk characteristics of the current
proposal - For several alternate structures
- Variability of Returns
- Results of Stress test
25Review of Current Choices
26Communicating ERM with Board
- Quantity Quality of Risks Plan
- Regular updates
- Changes to Environment
- Changes to Plan
- Losses
- Management Responsibilities Reports
- Unpredictable Events
- Strategic Initiatives Risk Management
- Strategies Risk Management
27Risk Management The Board
- 1. An advance agreement with management
regarding - the quantity and quality of risks that the firm
is expected to take in the coming year and - how much variability management expects there to
be in what actually happens. - This will naturally lead to a discussion of how
far away from plan things can get before another
discussion between management and the board is in
28Risk Management the Board
- 2. Regular updates in the quantity and quality
of risks that are actually being taken by the
firm - as well as the quantity and quality of risks
retained. - One of the major issues that banks have faced in
the current crisis is that some of their risk
offset programs were not as effective as
management had expected and very large gross risk
positions that were thought to be transferred or
offset did become the responsibility of the bank
when the losses started to occur. - Board reporting had focused only on net retained
risks which put the board outside the discussions
of how much gross risk was acceptable.
29Risk Management The Board
- 3. Information about the changes in the
environment that might indicate that certain
risks might be increasing. - This information would be in the form of trending
of key risk indicators
30Risk Management The Board
- 4. Information about the continuous changes that
management is making to the plans in response to
the changing environment - as they relate to the quantity and quality of
risk. - Too often management appropriately changes course
and defers mentioning that to the board. The
lack of mention of course corrections should be
seen as a sign of potential trouble by the board.
- Management and the board should agree how far
things can drift from plan before management is
expected to both do something different and
mention that to the board.
31Risk Management The Board
- 5. An advance discussion of losses.
- Management and the board must recognize that the
word risk is short for risk of loss. - It is uncommon to have these advance discussions.
- When firms experiences losses, there is often a
period of uncertainty during which no one knows
whether this loss exceeds the tolerance of the
board and how the board might react. - While it does not make sense to expect there to
be an exact list of expected reactions, there is
much to be gained by having this discussion
before a real loss occurs.
32Risk Management The Board
- 6. Appointing members of top management to be
individually assigned personal responsibility - for each of the major risks and
- risk/loss aversion practices of the firm
- a risk management best practice that is
internationally recognized. - A regular update by the top management
individuals that have been given these
responsibilities, confirming that they have
sufficient resources, both in quantity and
quality, to achieve the objectives for loss
limitation and reporting on the status of
projects to improve capabilities.
33Risk Management The Board
- 7. A periodic discussion of the unusual and
adverse events that might unpredictably impact on
the firm and the ways in which management expects
to prepare for such events.
34Risk Management The Board
- 8. When a major corporate strategic initiative
comes to the board for notice or approval,
discussion of the ways that this action changes
the risk of the firm. - The board should know whether a headline action
further concentrates the risks of a firm or
whether is broadens the risk exposures. - If there are additional concentrations of risks,
then it would be important to hear more about the
additional diligence to the existing loss
aversion actions. - If it is a diversifying risk, then the board
should be hearing about the new risk/loss
aversion actions that are contemplated. - Too often, management diversifies into a new risk
and thinks that loss aversion is unnecessary
because of diversification. The term for that
type of risk management decision is
de_WORSE_ification. For new risks, risk/loss
aversion plans are particularly needed because of
managements lower experience wit the new risk.
35Risk Management The Board
- 9. When management discusses the major
strategies of the firm with the board - discussions should include recognition of the
implications of the strategic plans on the firm's
risks and the risk/loss aversion plans. - The board should be sure that the plans for
growth of the firm reach for faster growth of
expected profits than the rate of growth of risks.
364.2 Upside Risk Management
37Strategic Risk Management
- View of risk across all risks to make decisions
about optimizing risk adjusted returns. - capability to assess trade-offs between different
risk types - assessment of risk adjusted returns.
- capital budgeting
- strategic investment allocation.
38Strategic Risk ManagementFor Life Inurers
- Strategic trade-offs between products with
- Credit Risk
- Interest Rate Risk
- Equity Risk
- Insurance Risks
- Based on long term view of risk adjusted
returns of products - Choosing which to write, how much to retain and
which to offset - Strategic trade-offs in Investment Selection
- based on risks embedded in products
- plus long term view of risk adjusted returns of
investment choices
39Strategic Risk Management For Non-Life (PC)
- Strategic Trade-offs between insurance coverages
AND investments - based on long term view of risk adjusted return
- Recognizing significance of investment risk to
total risk profile - Selecting which risks to write and which to
retain over the long term - Some Insurers have 40 or more of their total
capital tied to Investment risks - An Insurer with Strategic Risk Management will be
able to say why they chose to take that much
Investment risk - Including discussing relative risk reward of
Insurance choices and Investments - Average risk reward vs. marginal risk reward
- With consideration of diversification impact of
Insurance vs. Investments
40Tactical Risk Selection
- Reacting to short term market conditions to
choose which risks to take and which to retain in
the short term - May use Risk Reward analysis or just combined
ratio targets - Cycle Management
- Insurance Cycles
- Credit Cycles
- Interest Rate Cycles
- Equity Market Cycles
- Choices to vary from long term strategic choices
- Usually within a range
- Range of variation authority
41Strategic Risk Mgt
- Companies with Superior Risk Management
(Controls) will have low volatility of earnings
and low incidence of losses. - Companies with Superior ERM will have low
volatility of earnings, low incidence of losses
AND Steadily improving Returns. - Strategic Risk Management is the UPSIDE of Risk
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434.4 Performance Management And Reward Systems
444.4 Role Of Internal Audit
454.5 Dealing With New Activities
- New Products
- Acquisitions
- Other New Activities
46New Product Risk Review
- Multiple Layers of Sign-offs
- Plan for Product
- Go Ahead for Design
- Design of Product
- Go Ahead for implementation
- Implementation of Product
- And implementation of Measures, limits
47New Product Risk Management Review Questions
- What types of risk is the company assuming with
this product? - Market, Credit, Insurance, Operational Risks
- Short Term, Long Term
- Ruin, Volatility
- Specific, Systematic
- Accounting, Market Value, Liquidity
- Aggregation or Diversifying
48New Product Risk Review2. How will these risks
be measured and monitored?
- By whom and using what techniques and processes?
- Where/how will the risk exposures be reported?
- What will the risk reports look like?
49New Product Risk Review
- 3 What are the risk mitigants and plans for
managing those risks? - a. Product design, compensation design, control
processes, reinsurance, hedging - b. Who will be responsible for the risk
50New Product Risk Review
- 4 What are the daily, weekly or monthly risk
limits? a How are those limits determined and
policed? b What happens when a limit is
51New Product Risk Review
- Who in Senior Executive Team is personally
responsible for this product?? - 6 What is the procedure for determining the
Economic Capital/Risk Surplus required for this
product? a Has this been demonstrated to be
consistent with the Economic Capital/Risk Surplus
for other company products?
52New Product Risk Review
- What is the Risk Return profile of this product
and how consistent is it with the Risk return
profile of the other products? - How does the product pricing reflect the risks of
the product? a What adjustments have been made
to the pricing to achieve risk adjusted returns
that are appropriate as compared to the other
company products?
53- What training is needed for the staff that will
be doing the risk measurement and the risk
management processes?a. What training is needed
for Senior Management to get a full understanding
level on these risks? - Will the companys internal and external
financial reporting processes capture the
appropriate risk adjusted returns for this
product consistently with existing
products?a Are there risks for this product
that have significantly different characteristics
that special consideration is needed? b Are
there any pending studies of financial reporting
for this product that might change the accounting
significantly when the studies are completed?
54Acquisition Risk
- Risk Profile
- Risk Management Processes
- Implementation Risk
55Other New Ventures
564.6 Risk Tolerance, Appetite Limits
- Covered Twice already
- Any Questions?
574.6 Emerging Risks
58Emerging Risks Management
- Primary Components
- Environmental Scanning To provide advance
signals of potential Crisis developments - Process for Anticipating Emerging Risks
Development of Emerging Risk Scenarios - Process for Envisioning Significance of Emerging
Risks Stress Testing Liquidity Risk Analysis - Process for Preparing Response to Emerging Risk
Solutions Contingency Planning - Execution of Insurer in Emerging Risk Solutions
Changes to company business and risk management
practices - Insurer learning process from Emerging Risk
Objective To anticipate the next big risk
59Emerging Risks Management
- Pocess for Anticipating Emerging Risks
- Development of Emerging Risk Scenarios
- Terrorism, Natural Disasters, Pandemic, Man-made
Disasters, IT Failures, Power Failures, Stock
Market Crash, Banking Crisis, Interest Rate
Spike, Systemic liquidity Crisis, hyperinflation,
negative interest rates, significant negative
economic growth, Stagflation, Price deflation,
currency exchange rate crash - To the extent these are not considered under
operational risk management. - To the extent that the risk are not core
(catastrophe risk coverage) - Process for Envisioning Significance of Emerging
Risks - Stress Testing
- Liquidity Risk Analysis
60Emerging Risks Management
- Process for Preparing Response to Emerging Risk
Situations - Liquidity Crisis planning
- Reputation Risk planning
- Crisis Response Rehearsal
- Contingency Planning
- 5. Execution of Company in Emerging Risk
Situation - Company learning process from Emerging Risk
Situation - Environmental Scanning
- to provide advance signals of potential Crisis
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624.7 Scenario Planning
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644.8 Risk and Loss Diagnosis
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664.9 Reporting and Monitoring
67Risk Management Constituencies
- Management
- Board of Directors
- Shareholders
- Securities Analysts
- Investment Firms
- Regulators
- Rating Agencies
- Distributors
External Auditors Creditors Reinsurers Business
Partners Parent Company Customers Employees
68Internal Risk Position Reports
- Asset
- Duration, Convexity, Greeks, Liquidity, VaR,
Performance Attribution, OAS - Liability
- A/E analysis, Embedded Value analysis
- Scenario Testing, Mismatch Risk, Transfer Pricing
- Operational Risks
694.10 Risk Disclosure
- Risk Management Discussion Disclosures in
Annual Report - Aegon (ND) 6 pages
- AIG (US) - 12 pages
- Swiss Re (SW) 5 pages
- Manulife (CA) 10 pages
- Nedcor (SA) 30 pages (Bank)
71Aegon Disclosures
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Fx
- Equity Return Assumptions
- Equity RE returns
- Interest Rates
- Exposure Limits
- Credit Name limits
- Derivative Exposure
- Other
- Bonds by Sector
72AIG Disclosures
- VaR
- Market Risk VaR by Major Business Segment for
Interest, Fx, Equity and Combined High, Low and
average for year - Fair Value sources
- Counterparty Credit Summary by quality by
industry - Note AIG operations include trading market
making in Fx, Commodities Metals. Much of
disclosures relate to that activity.
73Manulife Disclosures
- Discussion of
- RM Structure
- Policies Process
- Risk Measurement
- Risk Limits
- Sensitivity Tests
- Interest Rate
- Equity Market Value
- Fx
- Liquidity Stress
- Exposures
- Seg Fund Guarantees
- Credit
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