Title: Wilfried Karmaus
1Study designs
Wilfried Karmaus Reproductive Epidemiology EPI
2Five basic study designs
- Descriptive study
- Cross-sectional study
- Longitudinal study and intervention trial
- Case-control study
- Aggregative study (ecological study)
3Descriptive Studies (1)
- Descriptive studies examine the distribution of
disease in a defined population. - Based on existing mortality or morbidity
statistics, such as hospital discharge data. - Examine patterns of health outcome by age, gender
or ethnicity, for specified time period or
geographical areas. - Estimates the incidence or prevalence of the
disease - Life time prevalence
- Period prevalence
- Point prevalence
4Descriptive Studies (2)
- Do not formally evaluate the association between
exposure and health outcome, although they can be
helpful in assessing the possibility that an
association exists. - Descriptive data are used to examine patters of
health outcome by - Place
- Time
- Person
5(No Transcript)
6Flow of knowledge and its application
Assumptions knowledge about the appropriate time
window of exposure effect
randomized clinical or intervention trials
analytical observational studies
observational studies
7Cross-sectional study
Begin of the study
Measure/Classify and Compare
Risk/Factor ()
Free of Disease/Outcome
Risk/Factor (-)
Study population
Risk/Factor ()
Have Disease/Outcome
Risk/Factor (-)
8Sampling strategies for cross-sectional studies
9Longitudinal study intervention trials
Begin of the study
Measure/Classify the exposure
Free of Disease/Outcome
Risk/Factor ()
Have Disease/Outcome
Disease-free at the beginning
Study population
Free of Disease/Outcome
Risk/Factor (-)
Have Disease/Outcome
Change the exposurein an intervention trial
Measure and compare the disease frequency
10Case-control studies (case comparison, case
Caseness starting point of case-control studies
(medical care)Â
not exposed
Measure and compare the EXPOSURE frequency
not exposed
No estimates of incidence or prevalence
11Aggregative Study (ecological study)
Mean of a variable
Mean of a variable
aggregated data
aggregated data
12Imagine some hypothesis for reproductive health
outcomes (see below) and then develop some designs
- Plurality
- Pregnancy outcome stillbirth, live
birth, induced abortion, miscarriage,
ectopic pregnancy - Gender of the offspring
- Number of children
- Fetal growth (ultrasound)
- breech / cephalic delivery
- birth weight, size, head circumference
- placental markers
- malformations
- retinopathy of prematurity
- fibroids, neoplasm
- genital and breast development (Tanner
stages) - sperm count / motility
- AFP, etc.
- pregnancy test
- male and female hormone profiles
- age at menarche
- age at menopause
- age at first intercourse
- interval between menarche and first
intercourse - age at first marriage
- cycle length, duration of menstruation
- gestational age
- LMP (date of last menstrual period before
conception) - Time to pregnancy (TTP)
- Periods of unprotected intercourse not
leading to pregnancy (PUNP) - Contraceptive use
- Planning a baby
- Frequency of sexual intercourse
- Number and gender of partners
- Use of fertility services
- Gravidity, Parity
- Male or female infertility