Campus Climate/Diversity Survey at Mississippi State University

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Campus Climate/Diversity Survey at Mississippi State University


Campus Climate/Diversity Survey measures: - Student, faculty, and staff perceptions regarding campus attitudes of prejudice and inclusion. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Campus Climate/Diversity Survey at Mississippi State University

Campus Climate/Diversity Surveyat Mississippi
State University
  • Linda Cox, Ph.D.
  • Kristine Jacquin, Ph.D.
  • Rosa Nigro, M.S.

Campus Climate/Diversity Survey measures -
Student, faculty, and staff perceptions regarding
campus attitudes of prejudice and inclusion. -
Consumer knowledge and use of various campus
  • Two self-administered questionnaires -Students
  • including four sections Demographic Section,
    Campus Atmosphere, Campus Experience, and
    Campus Service Section.
  • -Faculty and staff
  • composed of demographic, campus atmosphere, and
    campus service sections and administrated via
    the MSU web.
  • -Closed-ended questions were used in a
    Likert-type question format

Faculty and Staff / Students Survey Demographics
1. What is your gender? 2. What is your
ethnicity? 3. What is your affiliation to MSU? 4.
Did you live in Mississippi before you started
working at MSU? 5. What is your sexual
orientation? 6. What is your religious
affiliation, if any? 7. If you are Christian,
please indicate your denomination 8. How many
years of education have you completed?
  • Campus Atmosphere
  • 1. MSU has a diverse (e.g., different ethnic
    groups, genders, religions, etc.) group of
  • 2. It is important to me for MSU to have a
    diverse group of students.
  • 3. MSU has a diverse group of faculty.
  • 4. It is important to me for MSU to have a
    diverse group of faculty.
  • 5. MSU has a diverse group of staff members.
  • 6. It is important to me for MSU to have a
    diverse group of staff members.
  • 7. There are a lot of staff and faculty at MSU
    who are like me.
  • 8. I am comfortable spending time with people of
    other groups (e.g., different ethnicity,
    different religion, different sexual orientation,
  • 9. I spend social time with people of other
    groups (e.g., different ethnicity, different
    religions, different sexual orientation, etc.).
  • 10. At MSU, many people are prejudiced against
  • 11. At MSU, many people are prejudiced against
    people who are not Caucasian (white).

  • 12. At MSU, many people are prejudiced against
    people who are gay or bisexual.
  • 13. At MSU, many people are prejudiced against
    people who are not Christian.
  • 14. At MSU, non-Caucasian (non-white) people are
    accepted, respected, and appreciated by most
  • 15. At MSU, women are accepted, respected, and
    appreciated by most people.
  • 16. At MSU, non-Christians are accepted,
    respected, and appreciated by most people.
  • 17. At MSU, gay (homosexual) and bisexual people
    are accepted, respected, and appreciated by most
  • 18. At MSU, I feel accepted, respected, and
    appreciated by people who are different from me.

  • 19. The phrase minority group is used to refer
    to a racial, ethnic, religious, political,
    national, or other group regarded as different
    from the larger group of which it is part. For
    example, African-Americans (blacks) are
    considered to be part of a minority group. As
    another example, people who are gay or bisexual
    are considered to be part of a minority group.
    Are you a member of a minority group?
  • 20. I feel accepted, respected, and appreciated
    by most students at MSU.
  • 21. I feel accepted, respected, and appreciated
    by most of the faculty at MSU.
  • 22. I feel accepted, respected, and appreciated
    by most of the staff at MSU.

  • Campus Experience
  • 1. I am confident that I will graduate from MSU
    within four years of matriculating (starting
    school at MSU).
  • 2. I want to stay at MSU until I graduate because
    of the kinds of students who are here.
  • 3. I want to stay at MSU until I graduate because
    of the faculty here.
  • 4. I want to stay at MSU until I graduate because
    of the classes and majors offered here.
  • I want to stay at MSU until I graduate because of
    the services on campus (e.g., health center, gym,
    counseling center, student union).
  • 6. I want to stay at MSU until I graduate because
    it is more affordable than going someplace else.
  • I want to stay at MSU until I graduate because of
    the recreational sports program and other
    extracurricular activities (e.g., clubs, Greek
    life, etc.) here.
  • 8. How important are each of the following
    factors in determining whether you choose to stay
    at MSU until you graduate? Please rank each
    factor from 1 (most important reason to stay at
    MSU) to 6 (least important reason to stay at MSU).

  • 9. How important were each of the following
    factors in your choice to come to MSU? Please
    rank each factor from 1 (most important reason to
    choose MSU) to 6 (least important reason to
    choose MSU).
  • 10. When I have a question about which classes to
    take or other academic questions, I know who to
  • 11. When I am having problems with my roommate or
    another person and I want help, I know where I
    can get help at MSU.
  • When I am having trouble in a class, I ask for
    help from my professor or T.A.
  • 13. If I am having a personal problem, I am
    likely to seek help from the MSU counseling
  • 14. When I talk to a professor or staff member
    about a question I have, my questions are treated
    seriously and courteously.
  • 15. During my free time, I am likely to stay on
  • 16. During my free time, I am likely to go
    someplace in Starkville.
  • 17. During my free time, I am likely to go out of
  • How important are each of the following factors
    in determining whether you choose to stay at MSU
    until you graduate?

  • 19. How important were each of the following
    factors in your choice to come to MSU?
  • 20. When I have a question about which classes to
    take or other academic questions, I know who to
  • 21. When I am having problems with my roommate or
    another person and I want help, I know where I
    can get help at MSU.
  • 22. When I am having trouble in a class, I ask
    for help from my professor or T.A.
  • 23. If I am having a personal problem, I am
    likely to seek help from the MSU counseling
  • 24. When I talk to a professor or staff member
    about a question I have, my questions are treated
    seriously and courteously.
  • 25. During my free time, I am likely to stay on
  • 26. During my free time, I am likely to go
    someplace in Starkville.
  • 27. I have financial problems that negatively
    impact my school performance.
  • 28. If I were having financial problems, I would
    know where to turn for help.

  • Campus Services
  • 1. Do you know the operating hours of the MSU
  • 2. How much do you know about the Media Center in
    the MSU Library?
  • 3. Do you know that students, faculty, and staff
    are able to rent VHS and DVD movies from the MSU
  • 4. Do you know that students, faculty, and staff
    can rent digital cameras from the MSU library?
  • 5. How much do you know about the MSU shuttle
  • 6. Do you know where to get a map of the MSU
    shuttle routes?
  • 7. Do you know the operating hours of the MSU
    shuttle service?
  • 8. Do you know that the MSU shuttle service
    offers trips to off campus areas?
  • 9. Do you know the locations of the blue light
    emergency call boxes?
  • How much do you know about the MSU Police
    Departments safety services?
  • 11. Do you know that the MSU Police Department
    offers a service to accompany members of the
    campus community to any on-campus location day or
    night, free of charge?

  • 12. Do you know where to go if you are
    temporarily disabled and you need a special
    parking pass?
  • 13. Do you know about the MSU Health Center
    located on campus?
  • 14. Do you know the operating hours of the MSU
    Health Center?
  • 15. Do you know the operating hours of the MSU
  • 16. Do you know about the Joe Frank Sanderson
  • 17. How much do you know about the Moneymate
  • 18. Do you know the location of the Moneymate
  • 19. Do you know that Moneymate can be used
    anywhere on campus?
  • 20. Do you know that some businesses in
    Starkville give discounts if you show them your
    MSU ID card?
  • 21. How much do you know about public access
    computers on the MSU campus?
  • 22. How much do you know about the MSU intranet
  • 23. Do you know how to access your personnel
    information on the MSU intranet system?

Theoretical Models
Campus Diversity and Service Issues
Perceptions, Attitudes, and Beliefs of Students
Sexual Orientation
Theoretical Models
Faculty and Staff
Campus Diversity and Service Issues
Perceptions, Attitudes, and Beliefs of Faculty
and Staff
Sexual Orientation
Educational Level
  • 875 Students
  • 49.3 Female
  • 50.7 Male
  • 366 Faculty and Staff

70Caucasian 24.1 African-American 2.9 Asian or
Asian American 1 Hispanic/Latinos .3 Native
American .9 Mixed ethnicity
92 Christian 3.3 None .8 Buddhist .6
Hindu .6 Muslim .2Jewish
97.8 Heterosexual .8 Homosexual 1 Bisexual
82.8 Christian 11.5 None 1.1 Buddhist .3
Jewish 2.7 Other
59.3 Female 39.9 Male
87.7 Caucasian 7.1 African-American 1.7 Asian
or Asian American .8 Hispanic/Latinos .5 Native
American .5 Mixed ethnicity
93.4 Heterosexual 2.7 Homosexual .5 Bisexual
  • Campus Atmosphere
  • Perception that Diversity exists on campus
  • Believe in the value of Diversity on campus
  • Perception of prejudice
  • Perception of inclusion
  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations

Perception that Diversity exists on campus
  • The majority of students perceive MSU student and
    faculty body as being diverse more than do
    faculty and staff.

Perception that Diversity exists on
campus Student Ethnicity
  • Awareness of diversity in student body varies
    significantly across ethnic groups.
  • The two largest ethnic groups on campus tend to
    perceive the campus as diverse more than the
    smaller ethnic groups.

Believe in the value of Diversity on campus
  • Less students than faculty and staff believe it
    is important to have a diverse group of students
    on campus.
  • In proportion, less students than faculty and
    staff believe that it is important to have a
    diverse group of faculty on campus.

Believe in the value of Diversity on
campus Student Ethnicity
  • Differences exist across ethnic groups in
    relation to perceptions of prejudice and
  • 92 of African American students believe it is
    important to have a diverse faculty, whereas 63
    of Caucasian students believe a diverse faculty
    to be important.
  • Similar between group differences emerge with the
    item pertaining to diversity in students, as well.

Believe in the value of Diversity on
campus Student and F/S Sexual Orientation
  • More homosexual students believe that it is
    important to have both a diverse group of
    students and faculty more than do f/s and
    students from other sexual orientation groups.

Believe in the value of Diversity on
campus Student Religious Affiliation
  • Proportionally, more Muslim, Hindu and other
    religious groups believe that it is important to
    have a diverse group of students than do
    Christian and Buddhist students.

Perception of Prejudice
  • Over 50 of students and faculty and staff
    believe that gay, lesbian and bisexual students
    deal with prejudice on campus.

Perception of Prejudice Students and F/S Sexual
  • A larger proportion of students and faculty and
    staff identifying as homosexual feel that
    prejudice is an issue with sexual orientation
    compared to the heterosexual sample surveyed.

Perception of Inclusion
  • The majority of students feel accepted,
    respected, and appreciated at MSU.
  • Faculty and Staff feel less accepted, respected,
    and appreciated by other faculty than they do by
    students and people different from them.

Perception of Inclusion Students Ethnicity
  • African American and Asian students feel less
    accepted, respected, or appreciated by people
    different from them and other students than do
    other ethnic groups.
  • Native American students feel less accepted,
    respected, or appreciated by faculty than do
    other groups.

Perception of Inclusion Students Ethnicity
  • Bisexual students feel accepted, respected, or
    appreciated by people different from them and
    other students less than do students from other
    sexual orientation groups.
  • Homosexuals reported feelings less respected by
    faculty compared to other sexual orientation

  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • 75 of students know who to speak with regarding
    academic questions.

  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • Most students know how to identify who is their
    academic advisor.

  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • 46.4 of students know how to access help in
    Residence Life.

  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • 66.2 of the students know about and have used
    the Student Health Center.

  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • 73 of students know the operating hours at the
    Joe Frank Sanderson Center.

  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • About 78 of the students are familiar with the
    MSU online billing system.

  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • Most students (93) know how to access their
    grades on the MSU Intranet.

  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • Most students (87) know where the Financial Aid
    office is located.

  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • Most students (95) know that they are required
    to obtain an MSU email.

  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • Most students (94) know that official MSU
    announcements are sent via their campus email

  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • Students know about the Counseling Center (42.2)
    but most also state that they are unlike to use
    the service if they are having a personal problem

  • Awareness of Campus Services
  • Most students (65) do NOT know where to go to
    register a complaint against a faculty member.

Awareness of Campus Services
  • Ethnic minorities reported a higher level of
    financial problems that are impacting their
    academic performance.

Awareness of Campus Services
  • Most of the students want to stay at MSU because
    of classes and majors offered, as well as MSU

  • The majority of students (59) believe diversity
    is important.
  • Minority groups endorse the value of diversity
    more strongly than do Caucasian groups.
  • Minority students perceive more prejudice and
    less inclusion than Caucasian students.
  • Minority faculty and staff perceive more
    problems with prejudice and lack of genuine
    acceptance than do students.

  • Female faculty and staff perceive or experience
    significantly higher levels of prejudice against
    women than do male faculty /staff or students.
  • The vast majority of students, faculty, and staff
    perceive that significant prejudice exists on
    campus against gays, lesbians, and bisexuals.
  • African-American and Asian American faculty/staff
    expressed more dissatisfaction with levels of
    inclusion on campus than other groups.

  • Minority students report more significant
    financial problems that impact their ability to
    perform well academically than do Caucasian
  • Students know about campus services and are
    utilizing them.
  • A large percentage (46) of students view the
    services as an important reason to attend MSU.

  • Share findings in a succinct report with campus
    constituents (the Presidents office, Directors,
    Deans, Department heads, faculty, student groups,
  • Conduct focus groups targeting ethnic minority
    and sexual orientation minority faculty, staff,
    and students in order to gather more qualitative
    information regarding the above data. Use the
    data obtained from these focus groups to inform
    program development and policy revisions.
  • Student Affairs, in conjunction with the Office
    for Diversity and Equity, should develop and
    implement a model for increasing dialogue between
    different groups on campus.

  • Explore the possibility of developing a First
    Year Diversity Module that is collaboratively
    developed and implemented by Academic and Student
    Affairs to entering freshmen and transfer
  • Follow through on policy recommendations made by
    President Lee to include Gay, Lesbian, and
    Bisexual students and faculty/staff in our AA/EEO
    policy and non-harassment policy. Inform the
    campus community (particularly these
    constituencies) that these supportive changes
    have been made in our campus policies.

  • Consider programming to ethnic minority students
    regarding financial management and making a
    successful transition to college. This idea can
    be further developed and refined following
    information gathered during focus groups. Holmes
    Cultural Diversity Center, in conjunction with
    the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships,
    could work together on this project.

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