Photogrammetry and Remote Sensin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Photogrammetry and Remote Sensin


Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Photogrammetry and Remote Sensin

Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
A measurement process of collecting spatial
information remotely
  • Our initial focus is on use of aerial photography

An aerial photo is not a map.A map has one
scale.An photos scale changes as the distance
from the exposure to the ground changes
  • Two football fields at two elevations will not
    have the same length on an aerial photo.
  • Similarly, a ground based exposure of two six
    foot tall people different distances from the
    exposure will be of different length

An aerial photo is not a map
  • A map is a projection of points to a defined
    elevation (often sea level).
  • A photo is a view from a single vantage point
    (the exposure).
  • A single vantage point does not allow projection
    of points to a defined elevation.

An aerial photo is not a map
  • A map is an orthographic view. You are always
    looking straight down at a feature.
  • A photo is a perspective view. It is what a part
    of the earth looks like from a unique position
    (the exposure).

A photograph is not a map.
  • A map cannot be tilted as it is in a defined
  • An aerial photo can contain tip, tilt, or crab
    which can cause distortion in an image.

A photograph is not a map.
  • A map contains a finite amount of detail
    points, lines, and text.
  • A photo contains an almost infinite amount of
    detail (to the pixel level)

A photograph is not a map.
  • Symbology is used to define what points and lines
    are on a map.
  • A human being defines what objects are on a photo.

A photo is not a map.
  • A map has a defined projection usually state
    plane or Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
  • A user must define a coordinate system for a

A photo is not a map
  • A map does not contain relief displacement as all
    points are projected to a defined elevation.
  • A photo contains relief displacement.

What is evidence of relief displacement?
  • On a map a vertical object (power pole, building
    corner, etc.) has only one position.
  • On an aerial photo it is often possible to see
    both the bottom and top of vertical objects. As
    if different points on a vertical object have
    different horizontal coordinates.

But regarding relief displacement
  • It exists at all points relative to a defined
  • But it is very apparent on vertical objects
    unless the object is directly below the center of
    the photo.

Typical metric film based aerial camera
  • 6 in. focal length (longer than hand held
    camera) sometimes 3.5 or 12 in.
  • 9 x 9 in. format (hand held has 35 mm format
    note a 11 contact print is 9 in. x 9 in. (no
  • Large film magazine (storage)
  • Vacuum film flattening minimal distortion due
    to film unflatness
  • All photogrammetric equations assume the negative
    is flat!

Typical metric film based aerial camera
  • Fiducial marks artificial marks in sides or
    corners of negative frame that appear in every
  • Fiducial marks are used to measure film shrinkage
    or expansion
  • Fiducial marks are used to define x,y
    photocoordinate axes

Typical metric film based aerial camera
  • The intersection of lines connecting opposite
    fiducial marks estimates the location of the
    principal point
  • The principal point is where a a line from the
    rear nodal point of the lens intersects the
    negative plane at a perpendicular angle.
  • Nodal point is where all light rays intersect in
    the lens

Typical metric film based aerial camera
  • Forward motion image compensation (FMC)
  • Since the airplane is moving quickly when
    exposures are being made, the negative can move
    slightly forward during exposure to account for
    the movement.

Focusing an aerial camera
  • Not important as at 100 ft. distance to an object
    a hand held camera is focused for infinity
  • Lens law is 1/(image distance) 1/(object
    distance) 1/(focal length)
  • Note image distance is the actual focusing
    distance negative to lens nodal point (where all
    light rays come together)
  • At 100 ft. object distance and 6 in. (0.5 ft.)
    aerial camera focal length lens law gives image
    distance of 6.03 in. (insignificant change)

Image products
  • Contact Print a 11 positive on paper
  • Diapositive a 11 positive on glass (old) or
    plastic for precise photogrammetric measurement
  • Scanned image A typical digital image where the
    negative or diapositive was processed with a
    precise scanner capable of preserving
    photogrammetric accuracy

Aerial camera calibration
  • Usually performed at a federal government
  • Calibrated focal length (6 in. is not a perfect
  • Lens distortion radial and tangential
  • Film unflatness
  • Image resolution
  • Shutter efficiency

Aerial camera calibration
  • Fiducial point coordinates
  • Principal point coordinates
  • 2 types of principal points
  • (1) autocollimation perpendicular from rear
    nodal point of lens
  • (2) symmetry the point radial lens distortion
    is symmetric about

Simple calculations
  • If an aerial photo can be assumed to be vertical
    (no tip or tilt) similar triangles can be used to
    solve for several important types of information
  • Note these equations are thus only
    approximations, but have important uses.

The scale equationab/AB f/H
The scale equation
  • ab f
  • S ----- -------
  • AB H'
  • where
  • S scale
  • ab photo distance
  • AB ground distance (horizontal)
  • f focal length (6 inches for most film based
    aerial cameras)
  • H' flying height above line AB

  • H H h
  • Where
  • H flying height above datum (usually sea level)
  • h elevation above datum

The scale equation can be rewritten many ways.
  • ab f
  • ----- -------
  • AB H
  • Can be AB H ab /f
  • Or ab AB f / H
  • Or H AB f / ab
  • Assume f 6 in. unless explicitly stated
    otherwise. (6 in. 152.4 mm.)

  • Let's assume a relatively flat area is on a
    photo. Measuring a photographic distance of a
    known ground horizontal distance allows
  • us to solve for flying height.
  • AB
  • H' f ----
  • ab

  • Once a flying height is determined other photo
    distances can be measured and one can solve for a
    ground distance.
  • H' ab
  • AB -------
  • f

  • A football field (goal line to goal line)
    measures 0.6 in. on an aerial photo. What is the
    flying height?
  • H AB f / ab 300 ft. 6 in. / 0.6 in.
  • H 3000 ft.

  • At a flying height of 1200 ft., a building edge
    measures 0.15 in. on an aerial photo. What is
    its ground length?
  • AB H ab /f 1200 ft. 0.15 in. / 6 in.
  • AB 30 ft.

  • Let's use these simple equations to estimate how
    well you could derive ground distances on a
    vertical photograph taken at a H' 1000 ft. (low
    altitude) with a scale or digitizing tablet which
    will be assumed to have a measuring resolution of
    0.01 inch.
  • AB H ab /f 1000 ft. 0.01 in. / 6 in.
  • AB 1.67 ft.
  • Note at a flying height of 10000 ft. you could
    only measure to 16.67 ft.!
  • The most logical route to improving ground
    accuracy is improving photogrammetric measuring

  • Modern photogrammetric measurement has a
    resolution/least count of 0.001 mm (1 micron) and
    a measuring ability of 10 microns on distinct
    features. Change the previous problem to this
    measuring ability.
  • AB H ab /f
  • 1000 ft. 0.01 mm. / 152.4 mm
  • 0.07 ft.
  • Which approaches our accuracy achievable with
    ground based techniques!

Flying height limits
  • Fixed wing aircraft are limited to 1200 ft. in
    urban areas and 1000 ft. in rural areas.
  • A helicopter can be used to obtain lower flying
    heights for higher accuracy.
  • A helicopter is more expensive to use than a
    fixed wing aircraft.
  • Lower flying height means less coverage on one 9
    x 9 in. format exposure.

  • How many acres (1 acre 43560 sq. ft.) are on a
    photo at a flying height of 10000 ft.?
  • AB H ab /f 10000 ft. 9 in. / 6 in.
  • AB 15000 ft.
  • acres 15000 ft. 15000 ft. / 43560
  • acres 5200 acres

Measuring heights of object by relief displacement
  • Assuming vertical photography
  • Since both the top and bottom of a vertical
    object appear on an aerial photo, the height of
    the object can be estimated.
  • Note relief displacement is the photographic
    distance of a vertical object.
  • It will grow as the object is displaced further
    from the center of the photo.

Relief displacement side viewh height of
vertical object
Relief displacement on photor radial dist.
Prin. Pt. to top of objectd relief
displacement photo dist. Bottom to top of
objectNote relief displacement is along a radial
Relief displacement
  • By similar triangles
  • d/h r/H
  • Or
  • h dH/r
  • h actual height of object
  • H flying height above bottom of object
  • Note d 0 at principal point so relief disp.
    cannot be measured unless offset from it.

Relief displacement
  • h dH/r
  • Given flying height and the ability to measure d
    and r on a vertical photo
  • An objects height can be determined
  • Note the equation can also be written
  • d hr/H or rdH/h or Hhr/d

  • A building edges top is 3.5 in. from the center
    of a photo and its vertical edge measures 0.05
    in. on the photo. If the flying height of the
    photo is 3000 ft. what is the height of the
  • h dH/r 0.05 in. 3000 ft. / 3.5 in.
  • h 43 ft.
  • Note if the same dimensions existed except the
    top of the building was half the distance from
    the photo center, h would double in magnitude!

  • The flying height is 1200 ft. If ones measuring
    ability on a photo is 0.01 in., and once desires
    to measure vertical objects to a resolution of 5
    ft., how far does the top of the object need to
    be displaced from the center of the photo?
  • rdH/h 0.01 in. 1200 ft. / 5 ft.
  • r 2.4 in.

Error in horizontal location due to relief
  • Remember points on a photo need to be projected
    to a map projections datum that is usually sea
    level. This creates the orthographic projection
  • To perform the projection one needs to know the
    elevation of the point.
  • Error in elevation results in error in proper
    projection horizontal location

  • Example
  • . A 20 ft. error in elevation is located 4
    inches from the center of a photo whose flying
    height is 1200 ft.
  • The 20 ft. error can be considered relief
  • 4 in 20 ft.
  • d --------------- 0.07 in.
  • 1200 ft.
  • The 0.07 inches represents a horizontal distance
    error. Using the scale equation its horizontal
    ground distance would be
  • 1200 ft 0.07 in.
  • AB ------------------ 14 ft.
  • 6 in.
  • In other words a 14 ft. difference in ground
    position is attributable to a 20 ft. elevation
    difference! This shows why elevation difference
    must be accounted for.

  • Thoughts on the horizontal error due to elevation
    error example
  • Points nearer the principal point have less error
    as r (radial distance to top of object) is
  • Higher flying heights can relate to greater map
    positional error due to measuring error relating
    to larger ground distance
  • Error in the elevation model being used is very
    difficult to determine, and will change value for
    different points

  • Measurement of elevation difference by parallax
  • Photogrammetry is capable of measuring elevation
    differences through the use of parallax.
  • Parallax is defined as the apparent displacement
    of a point due to a change in view of the point.

  • Parallax human eye example
  • Hold your finger out in front of you and look at
    where it is relative to a wall in the background
    with your right eye.
  • Then look at it with your left eye and its
    appearance relative to the wall has changed.
  • The relative change in appearance is due to

  • Parallax in photogrammetry is the change in
    position of the same point on two overlapping
    photos due to the change in position of the
  • The change is along the flight line between the
    exposures of the overlapping photos which is
    roughly defined as the X axis for photocoordinate
  • Parallax x left photo coor. x right photo
    coor. (assuming x axis parallel to flight line)

  • Epipolar line any line on a photo parallel with
    the flight line axis parallax occurs along
    epipolar lines
  • Defining the flight line requires locating a
    conjugate principal point which is a principal
    point image transferred to its location on an
    overlapping photo.
  • The line between the principal point and a
    conjugate principal point is the flight line axis

  • Now think of a point close to the overlapping
    exposures and a point far away.
  • The closer point will "shift" more than the point
    further away.
  • In aerial photography points of higher of
    elevation will have larger parallaxes than points
    of lower elevation (further from the exposures).

  • Assuming vertical photography and exposures from
    the same flying height, elevation difference is
    determined by
  • dp H'
  • dh ha - hc -----------
  • pc
  • where
  • dh change in elevation between two points a
    and c
  • dp parallax point a - parallax point c
  • H' flying height
  • pc parallax of point c
  • where parallax of a point is the change in x
    coordinates where the x axis is parallel to the
    flight line.

  • Note any point being measured has to appear on
    both photos that overlap!!!
  • If point c has a known elevation (benchmark) and
    its parallax can be measured
  • Any point a whose parallax can be measured can
    have an elevation difference from c to a computed
    for it thus
  • Any point as elevation can be computed relative
    to point cs known elevation
  • Conclusion parallax measurement enables
    computation of an elevation model

  • Example
  • Benchmark c has an elevation of 1545.32 ft., x
    coor. on left photo of 74.12 mm and on right
    photo of -18.41 mm. Unknown point a has x coor.
    On left photo of 65.78 mm and on right photo of
    -24.38 mm. If flying height above average ground
    is 3000 ft. what is the elevation of point a?
  • Parallax is the change in x coordinates defined
    as parallel to the flight line.
  • Parallax c 74.12 (-18.41) 92.53 mm
  • Parallax a 65.78 (-24.38) 90.16 mm

  • dp H'
  • dh ha - hc -----------
  • pc
  • dp pa pc 90.16 92.53 -2.37 mm
  • dh (-2.37 mm) (3000 ft.) / 92.53 mm
  • dh -76.84 ft.
  • Elev a elev c dh 1545.32 (-76.84)
  • Elev a 1468.48 ft.
  • Note point a has less parallax so it is at a
    lower elevation than point c.

  • The standard format of an aerial photo is 9 in.
    by 9 in.
  • standard overlap between successive photos in a
    flight line is 60, which means an advance of 40
    of the format.
  • 40 of 9 in. is 3.6 in. and can be assumed to be
    the "average" parallax for points on a photo.
  • The ground distance related to the advance
    between photos is known as the air base (3.6 in.
    H / focal length)

  • Let's use this parallax of 3.6 in. as point c and
    assume a 1200 ft. flying height.
  • Assuming the accomplished stereoplotter operator
    can measure parallax differences pessimistically
    to 0.010 mm
  • 0.010 mm 1200 ft
  • dh --------------------------- 0.13 ft.
  • 3.6 in 25.4 mm/in

  • This same type of computation at the same flying
    height was performed for horizontal ground
    measuring resolution and resulted in 0.08 ft.
  • Thus photogrammetry is more capable of producing
    higher horizontal than vertical accuracies. This
    is offset in production by utilizing more
    vertical control points when compared to required
    horizontal control points.

Ground X,Y coordinates from parallax
  • (0,0) is the left exposure and X is in the
    flight line direction
  • X (B/p) x and Y (B/p) y
  • Where X,Y ground coor.
  • x,y photo coor. on left photo based on flight
    line axis being the x axis
  • p is the measured parallax of the point
  • B is the air base

Air Base calculation
  • Find a conjugate principal point as previously
  • Measure photo distance from principal point to
    conjugate principal point (o-o)
  • Multiple o-o by H/f as in the scale equation
  • Note now you have ground X,Y,Z coordinates from

  • Note it is very easy to enter different flying
    heights and measuring resolutions in the scale,
    relief displacement, and parallax equations.
  • Also realize since these equations make several
    assumptions they are only useful for rough
    computations, and not final map production.

  • The elevation difference accuracy of 0.13 ft.
    from 1200 ft. flying height illustrates the limit
    of fixed wing aircraft photogrammetry
  • If elevation accuracies of 0.10 ft. or less are
    required for a project, one has to consider
    helicopter photogrammetry as it allows lower
    flying heights
  • But lower flying height means more photos per
    project and thus higher costs

  • Elevation difference by parallax vs. relief
  • Relief displacement can only measure vertical
  • Parallax measures elevation difference between
    any two points in same overlap region between two
  • Relief displacement uses only one photo but needs
    the vertical object displaced from the center of
    the photo.
  • Both simplified equations assume vertical

  • Scale, relief displacement and parallax equations
  • All simple equations based on vertical
    photography and similar triangles
  • Have excellent use for rough measurements with
    a scale
  • Have excellent use in estimating accuracy of
    product by placing measuring error in photo
    distance, relief displacement photo distance, or
    parallax difference unknowns.

Stereo Viewing
  • 3-D movies the latest!
  • 2 cameras offset in position film the set
  • Both images are displayed on the movie screen or
    TV at different frequencies
  • Your glasses force the left eye to only see the
    left image, and the right eye only see the right
  • This creates a stereo image (3-D effect)

Stereo Viewing Aerial Photography
  • Camera axes are near vertical
  • Exposure stations are taken so two successive
    photos overlap approximately by 60
  • Forcing your left eye to view the left image and
    right eye view the same portion of the photo on
    the right image creates stereo viewing

Possible ways to view in stereo
  • Forced viewing in oculars 1 eye1
  • Color red vs. blue/green image glasses
  • Shutter Image Alternators SIA shutters move
    very quickly in sync so left open when right
    closed, and vice versa
  • Polarized viewing same polarized in left image
    left viewing and vice versa for right

Is stereo vision required to measure parallax?
  • If a point is monoscopically identifiable on both
    photos (manhole, end of paint stripe, sidewalk
    intersection, driveway corner, etc.) one can
    measure without stereo viewing
  • A monoscopically identifiable image can have
    coordinates measured for it on any photo,
    enabling a parallax computation

Is stereo vision required to measure parallax?
  • If a point is not monoscopically identifiable
    (point in grass or dirt, random point on
    pavement, etc.) its parallax measurement requires
  • The big question how can the same exact point
    on a grass lawn be identified on multiple photos?

General parallax measurement requires
  • Superimposition if an artificial mark is placed
    on one photo (an X in the grass) and that photo
    is viewed in stereo with an overlapping photo not
    containing the X
  • In stereo the X will appear to be in both
    photos. Therefore it can be located on the photo
    where it does not appear. An example would be
    placing a mark with a pencil in that location on
    the photo where it does not appear.

General parallax measurement requires
  • Superimposition tricks our stereo perception
    ability into seeing the single mark on both
  • This allows the same undefined image location to
    be transferred to overlapping photos
  • If the mark on the overlapping photos is
    erroneously located, in stereo one will see both
    marks instead of the superimposition of both marks

Floating mark/half mark
  • Artificial marks are superimposed on a left and
    right image on an epipolar line
  • Holding the left mark fixed in position, the
    right mark is allowed to move along the epipolar
    line (or vice versa)
  • When the two marks are close to the same image
    location they will appear to merge and rise and
    fall relative to the stereo image

Floating mark/half mark
  • When the merged mark appears to be on the
    ground in the stereo image you are measuring the
    same image point in both photos.
  • This enables a parallax measurement.
  • Measuring using the floating mark is very
    difficult at first as we are not used to stereo
    measurement. An accomplished photogrammetrist
    performs this task with routine ease due to hours
    of practice.

Modern Photogrammetric Parallax Measuring Ability
  • Modern photogrammetric techniques allow
    photocoordinates, and therefore parallax, to be
    measured to 0.006 0.030 mm (or 6 30 microns
    as 1 micron 0.001 mm)
  • Measuring ability is affected by operator
    ability, image quality, and whether the image is
    distinctly monoscopically identifiable or
    measured through stereo viewing

Coordinate Transformations
  • Various parts of photogrammetry involve both 2-D
    and 3-D coordinate transformations.
  • Many measurements, and some interim calculations,
    are performed in assumed (arbitrary) coordinates
  • The assumed coordinates need to be scaled,
    rotated, and translated into coordinate systems
    with defined references.
  • If the same point has coordinates in both systems
    it can be used to determine the coefficients for
    the transformation

Photocoordinate measuring
  • Precise x,y coordinate measurement was performed
    on mechanical devices called comparators with
    detailed visual magnification for a user.
  • Monocomparators measured one photo,
    stereocomparators allowed measurement of
    photocoordinates on two overlapping photos.
  • Comparators are digitizing tablets on steroids,
    as their least count resolution was usually 1
    micron with actually coordinate measuring ability
    in the 3-30 micron range.

Comparator evolution
  • Comparators initially had dial type coordinate
  • Encoding the dials allowed the coordinate
    measurements to be stored on a computer
  • Stereoplotters combined coordinate measuring,
    orientation of stereo photos, stereo vision, and
    map compilation
  • Today an image (or images in stereo) on the
    computer screen is the comparator
  • Pixels on a computer screen are an arbitrary
    coordinate system

What does comparator mean?
  • Comparators, including digitizing tablets,
    actually measure coordinate differences.
  • The origin of the comparator system is very
    arbitrary as its location is not important to the
    ensuing measurement process.
  • It is similar to assumed coordinates in plane
    surveying. The location of the origin is not

2-D photocoordinate measurement
  • Fiducial marks have camera calibration derived
    photo coordinates relative to the principal
  • Inner orientation is the process of measuring
    fiducial marks in the comparator arbitrary
    coordinate system
  • These arbitrary coordinates are associated with
    the calibration fiducial coordinates.

2-D photocoordinate measurement
  • Film can shrink or expand example
  • Monocomparator measurement of two fiducials (in
  • x -0.246 y 114.921
  • x -114.303 y 3.034
  • And the equivalent calibration fiducial
    coordinates were
  • x 0.028 y 113.029
  • x -112.976 y -0.013

2-D photocoordinate measurement
  • A scale coefficient can be computed by
  • Scale fiducial dist. / comparator dist.
  • By Pythagoreum theorem
  • Fiducial dist. 159.839
  • Comparator dist. 159.774
  • Scale 159.839 / 159.774 1.00041
  • Greater than one means the photo has shrunk so it
    needs mathematical enlargement

2-D conformal transformation
  • 4 unknowns
  • (1) scale accounts for film shrinkage/expansion
  • (2) rotation
  • (3) x translation
  • (4) y translation
  • Conformal means a horizontal angle stays the same
    value before and after transformation as only one
    scale exists

2-D conformal transformation
  • xp sxcos(t)-sysin(t)Tx
  • yp sxsin(t)sycos(t)Ty
  • Where xp, yp photocoordinates
  • x,y comparator (assumed) coor.
  • s scale, t rotation angle, Tx x
    translation, and Ty y translation

2-D conformal transformation
  • Solving for the rotation angle mathematically
    turns the equation into non-linear form, which is
    harder to solve.
  • Fortunately we can substitute ascos(t) and
    bssin(t) to turn the equation into a linear
    form of
  • xp ax-byTx
  • yp bxayTy
  • which is linear and much easier to solve.

2-D conformal transformation
  • Each coordinate is a measurement.
  • To solve the transformation we need the number of
    measurements to be greater than or equal to the
    number of unknowns 4 in this case.
  • Thus two measured fiducial marks are 4 measured
    coordinates so the transformation can be solved

2-D conformal transformation
  • One measured fiducial mark can only solve for an
    estimate of x and y translation. No scale or
    rotation can be resolved as thos quantities
    require distance and direction both require two
  • Two measured fiducial marks generate 4 equations
    that can be uniquely solved for the 4 unknowns.
  • Once scale, rotation, and the two translations
    are solved for, any measured comparator
    coordinates can be converted to photo coordinates.

2-D conformal transformation
  • BUT!!!!
  • Two measured fiducial marks afford no check a
    blunder would be undetected mathematically
  • Three or more measured fiducial marks (note 4 or
    8 fiducial marks exist on metric film cameras)
    afford a redundant solution
  • Redundant solutions are generally solved by least
    squares, which minimizes the sum of the squares
    of the weighted residuals.

2-D conformal transformation
  • In our case all measurements are treated as
    equally weighted as measured with the same
    equipment on a unique photo.
  • Each fiducial coordinate will have a residual
    computed for it which is how it misfits the least
    squares best fit results.
  • Residuals are estimates of data quality.
  • With only 2 measured points residuals are zero as
    no redundancy exists.

Magnitude of residuals
  • Reasonable magnitudes become logical through many
  • Based on current measurement technologies, photo
    coordinate residuals should be in the 3 15
    micron range.
  • Residuals larger than normal are a product of
    measurement error, incorrect entry of fiducial
    calibration coordinates, or a problem with film
    processing or scanning (example film flattening
    mechanism was not functioning)

Unique properties of film
  • Film grain actually has a proven tendency to
    shrink/expand different amounts in the x and y
  • This means the assumption of one scale in the 2-D
    conformal transformation can be considered
    invalid for film.
  • Therefore the 2-D affine transformation can be
    considered more valid for inner orientation of a
    film derived image (scanned data is derived from

2-D affine transformation
  • 6 unknown transformation parameters
  • 2 scales
  • 2 rotations
  • 2 translations
  • Thus measurement of two fiducial marks does not
    afford a solution as 4 measurements cannot solve
    for 6 unknowns.

2-D affine transformation
  • 3 measured fiducial points results in 6 measured
    coordinates thus a unique solution (no
  • 4 or more fiducial points results in a redundant
    solution, a least squares best fit solution, and
    analysis of residuals
  • A horizontal angle may not be preserved
    before/after transformation as two scales are
    being utilized in the transformation

3-D coordinate transformation
  • Uses
  • (1) convert assumed ground coordinates (such as
    derived from parallax equation) into ground
    survey based coordinates (usually in a defined
    map projection system)
  • (2) Merge 2 arbitrary coordinates systems (2
    overlapping stereomodels) into one system
  • Arbitrary 3-D coordinates derived from a
    stereomodel as usually called model coordinates

3-D coordinate transformation
  • A 3-D coordinate system is defined by
  • (1) an origin (fixes 3 coordinates or 3
    coordinate translations)
  • (2) direction of the 3 coordinate axes (fixes 3
    rotations about each axis)
  • (3) Scale Photogrammetry does not use a EDM or
    tape which defines scale in ground surveying
  • 3 translations 3 rotations 1 scale the 7
    unknowns of the 3-D coordinate transformation

3-D coordinate transformation
  • 7 unknown transformation parameters require 7
    coordinate measurements to be made
  • 2 common 3-D points only yields 6 measured
    coordinates one measurement short of a unique
  • Two 3-D points does not define a vertical datum
    so the third point for a unique solution only
    requires an elevation

3-D coordinate transformation
  • 3 or more 3-D points measured in both systems
    enables a redundant solution.
  • Therefore a least squares solution yields
    residuals for each measured point with
    coordinates in both systems
  • Blunders in image identification, assigning
    coordinates to the wrong control point
    identifier, and errors in the field survey can
    all lead to residuals which indicate blunders

3-D coordinate transformation
  • Could a 3-D affine transformation exist?
  • Mathematically yes.
  • Logically no as 3-D coordinate transformations
    are not used for measurements of photo
  • The unique scale property of film thus does not
    apply to 3-D coordinate transformations in

Collinearity the reality of analytical
  • Collinearity the ground point, the nodal point
    of the lens, and the image point all lie in a
    straight line
  • The ground point is defined by 3 unknowns X, Y,
  • The image point is defined by 2 measurements
    x,y photocoordinates
  • The nodal point of the lens is called the
    exposure station. It has six unknowns 3
    coordinates X,Y,Z (in the same system as the
    ground point) and 3 rotations defining the
    direction of the camera axis relative to the
    ground coordinate system. The rotations are
    historically Greek letters omega phi kappa about
    X, Y, and Z respectively.
  • We will let W, P, K represent omega, phi, kappa
    respectively. Note kappa (about Z) relates
    mostly to the direction of flight relative to the
    ground coordinate system.

  • For a point a on a photo derived from exposure L
  • xa,ya as photocoordinates
  • XA,YA,ZA As ground coordinates
  • WL, PL, KL, XL, YL, ZL exposure Ls unknown
    camera angles and coordinates

The Collinearity condition
  • xa f (WL, PL, KL, XL, YL, ZL, XA,YA,ZA)
  • ya g (WL, PL, KL, XL, YL, ZL, XA,YA,ZA)
  • Where f and g represent mathematical functions
  • The measured photo coordinates are a function of
    the exposure station unknowns and the ground
    station unknowns.
  • This is an observation equation the measurement
    is described in terms of the unknowns.

Ground control and collinearity
  • Ground control is either
  • (1) targeted (a plastic, fabric, or painted cross
    or T) in an open location such as a road
    intersection or parking lot. This requires
    marking the control point before the flight.
  • (2) Photo ids or Picture points
    monoscopically identifiable points are located
    after the flight has occurred manholes,
    sidewalk intersections, end of paint stripes, etc.

Exposures and collinearity
  • Historically the exposure station unknowns had to
    be solved based on measured ground control
  • Today airborne GPS and IMU (Inertial Measuring
    Unit, i.e. gyroscopes) are used to measure the
    exposure station position and orientation.
    GPS-IMU has accuracy limitations and thus cannot
    be relied on for precise engineering product.

Collinearity solving it
  • Collinearity is what is called a non-linear
    solution which is difficult to solve.
  • An example of two linear equations are
  • X 2Y 5
  • X - Y -1
  • An example of two non-linear equations are
  • Sqrt (X) Sine (Y) .12
  • Cosine (X) - .2 Y -.17

Collinearity solving it
  • Linear equations have no powers or trig
    functions, and thus can be solved by adding
    multiples of equations to each other to eliminate
  • Non-linear equations due to powers and/or trig
    functions cannot be solved by adding multiples of
    equations to each other the unknown terms
    cannot be eliminated

Collinearity solving it
  • Non-linear equations are solved through a
    calculus process called linearization. To use
    this process
  • (1) approximations must exist for all unknown
    ground coordinates and exposure unknowns
  • (2) the solution solves for updates to the
    approximations, and iterates until the updates to
    the approximations become insignificant

Collinearity applications
  • (1) Relative orientation solving for the
    relative relationship of a right photo to an
    arbitrarily held fixed left photo
  • (2) Bundle adjustment simultaneous solve for
    all ground coordinates of all points with
    measured photocoordinates along with all exposure

Historical Aerotriangulation (AT)
  • Control densification by photogrammetry to
    minimize ground control requirements and validate
    harmony of ground control and photocoordinate
  • Today measured exposure station unknowns by
    GPS-IMU are included
  • Requiring multiple control points in every
    stereomodel would be cost and time ineffective if
    AT can provide bridged control between a
    sparser ground control network

Historical Aerotriangulation (AT)
  • Consisted of 3 primary mathematical steps after
    all photocoordinates were measured
  • (1) relative orientation create unique assumed
    3-D model coordinates for each stereomodel
  • (2) (a) strip/block adjustment combine all
    unique model coordinates systems into one
    combined unique coor. system using common points
    between stereomodels and flight lines
  • Strip combines models along a flight line
  • Block combines flight lines after joined by Strip
  • (2) (b) strip/block adjustment convert the
    common assumed system into the ground coor.
    system using measured ground control points

Historical Aerotriangulation (AT)step 3
  • Bundle adjustment the simultaneous least
    squares best fit of all photo coordinates,
    measured ground control coordinates , and
    measured exposure station coordinates solving for
    any remaining unknown parameters
  • The bundle adjustment was too mathematically
    intense till main frame computers existed, and is
    of course routine on todays personal computers
  • Relative orientation and the strip/block
    adjustment provide the initial approximations for
    all unknown parameters in the bundle adjustment

Historical Aerotriangulation (AT)
  • Three unknown points are selected near the middle
    of a photo, one each near the top, middle, and
    bottom of the photo called pass points as they
    pass control
  • These three points could be distinct images, or
    could be artificially marked by a small drill
    into the photo called a pug as the instrument
    is called a pug machine
  • Due to 60 overlap, these three points will
    appear in the photo immediately left or right
    along the flight line (end photo only overlaps in
    one direction)
  • If multiple flight lines the top and bottom
    points usually appear in the overlap between
    flight lines (20 overlap is common across flight
    lines) these pass points are also tie points as
    they tie across flight lines

Historical Aerotriangulation (AT)
  • A point in the overlap region across flight lines
    could potentially be on 6 photos, 3 photos on
    each line, due to 60 endlap along the flight
    lines and 20 sidelap across flight lines
  • Along a flight line points in the middle of a
    photo can be viewed in 2 stereomodels as it is a
    right photo in one stereomodel and a left photo
    in the second stereomodel
  • It is imperative these points in the middle of
    the photo are not too far left or right to not be
    in two consecutive stereomodels

Historical Aerotriangulation (AT)
  • A pug (artificial) mark takes advantage of
  • When viewed in stereo, the pug mark appears to
    be in the photo in which it is not marked, and
    thus in stereo can be measured on the un-marked
  • If the point is monoscopically identifiable
    measurement does not require stereo viewing
  • In addition to pass points, ground control points
    are also measured when viewable

Historical Aerotriangulation (AT)
  • Thus a stereomodel has six pass points in it,
    plus possibly some control points.
  • The left three points overlap into the next
    stereomodel to the left.
  • The right three points overlap into the next
    stereomodel to the right.
  • A unique point is assigned the same point
    name/identifier no matter what photo it is
    measured on. Usually the point name is derived
    from what photos center the point is on.
    Control points usually use the point name
    assigned by the surveyor who put ground
    coordinates on it.

Relative Orientation
  • Involves only one stereomodel (2 photos)
  • The six exposure unknowns of the left photo are
    all held fixed at zero. In addition the X
    coordinate of the right photo is held fixed at an
    arbitrary distance to define scale.
  • Note we have fixed 7 parameters six on the left
    exposure and one on the right exposure 7
    parameters uniquely describe a 3-D coordinate

Relative Orientation
  • Each measured point has three unknowns in
    collinearity ground X,Y,Z though in relative
    orientation it is called model X,Y,Z as the
    ground control coordinates are not used
  • Each measured point generates 4 collinearity
    measurements photo x, photo y on the left
    photo and photo x, photo y on the right photo

Relative Orientation
  • n unknowns 5 unknowns for the right
    exposure 3 of measured points
  • m measurements 4 points
  • points 1 m 4 1 4 n 5 3 1 8
  • 8 unknowns and 4 measurements cannot be solved as
    measurements be equal to or greater than

Relative Orientation
  • 2 measured points m 8 n 11
  • 3 measured points m 12 n 14
  • 4 measured points m 16 n 17
  • 5 measured points m 20 n 20 so uniquely
    solved (not redundant)
  • 6 measured points m 24 n 23 redundant so
    residuals can be calculated!
  • Note 6 points are measured in each stereomodel

Relative Orientation
  • Thus after relative orientation is completed each
    stereomodel has X,Y,Z model coordinates for each
    measured point
  • Unfortunately each stereomodel is its own unique
    arbitrary coordinate system
  • Fortunately overlapping stereomodels have 3
    common points between them (the 3 points down the
    center of the common photo)

Strip Adjustment
  • A series of 3-D conformal coordinate
    transformations to produce one common arbitrary
    coordinate system
  • Three common points to overlapping stereomodels
    create 9 measurements (3X, 3Y, 3Z coordinates).
    The 3-D conformal transformation has 7 unknowns
    so a redundant solution enables the
    transformation to occur and residuals calculated
    to assess data quality

Strip Adjustment
  • Sequentially all stereomodels are converted into
    one arbitrary coordinate system by one 3-D
    conformal transformation after another.
  • The block adjustment uses tie points across
    flight lines and the 3-D conformal transformation
    to put all flight lines/all stereomodels into one
    common arbitrary coordinate system. Redundancy
    allows calculation of residuals in every

Strip/Block Adjustment to Ground
  • Note control was also measured during the
    relative orientation/aerotriangulation collection
    process so these points have model X,Y,Z
    coordinates for them.
  • These control points also have ground X,Y,Z
    coordinates. They thus allow a 3-D coordinate
    transformation of the arbitrary coordinate system
    into the ground coordinate system. Hopefully
    redundant control stations (3 or more) enable
    calculation of residuals that test the
    consistency of the ground control. At this point
    all measured AT points have ground X,Y,Z
    coordinates and exposure stations can all have
    values calculated for their unknown parameters.
  • The initial approximations for the bundle
    adjustment have thus been calculated!

Strip/Block Adjustment to GroundHistorical
  • Polynomial correction were often added during the
    adjustment of model coordinates to ground to
    attempt to correct the sequential error build-up
    of multiple 3-D conformal transformations
  • The polynomial corrections were used because the
    bundle adjustment was too computationally intense
    before modern computers
  • Today the bundle adjustment occurs next,
    eliminating any sequential error build-up of the
    multiple coordinate transformations. Thus
    polynomials are not required to simply generate
    initial approximations for the bundle adjustment.

Bundle adjustment
  • The relative orientation and strip/block
    adjustment help find blunders and set up the
    bundle adjustment with initial approximations
  • Possible input to bundle adjustment
  • Photo coordinates collinearity
  • Ground Control coordinates
  • Exposure station coor. and angles (if airborne
    GPS-IMU is used)

Bundle adjustment
  • Output of bundle adjustment
  • Ground X,Y,Z of any points with measured photo
  • W,P,K,X,Y,Z of all exposure stations
  • It is a simultaneous least squares solution so
    does not contain the problem of systematic error
    buildup as in rel. or., strip, block adjustment

Bundle adjustment
  • Least squares is enhanced by proper user defined
    error estimation
  • Photo coordinates error est. of 3 -20 microns
    depending on quality of imagery and abilities of
  • Ground control error estimates are desired to be
    fixed (0.001 ft. is mathematically the same as
    fixed) but in reality no survey product is
    perfect, and no photogrammetrist can measure
    exactly the same point the surveyor measured as
    images have to be visually interpreted
  • Exposure station coordinates and angles are
    derived from the GPS-IMU processing that is
    measurement based and thus is not perfect

Bundle adjustment
  • Ground control error estimation
  • Larger error estimates could be place on picture
    points than targeted control as a target is
    better defined both in a ground survey and in
    measuring an image on a photograph
  • Larger error estimates would be placed on
    traverse derived coordinates vs. fixed ambiguity
    GPS coordinates
  • Larger error estimates would be placed on trig.
    Leveling derived elevations vs. those derived
    from differential leveling

Bundle adjustment
  • Least squares minimizes the sum of the squares of
    (weight residual)
  • Where weight 1 / error estimate
  • Note residual / error estimate is unitless.
  • This allows the proper mixing of different types
    of measurements (photo coordinates, ground
    control coor., exposure measurements) properly in
    one simultaneous analysis

Bundle adjustmentcontrol requirements -
  • Pre airborne GPS-IMU
  • Mathematically 2 X,Y,Z control points and 1 Z
    only control point define a 3-D coordinate system
    and will allow the bundle adjustment to function
  • Unfortunately no check in the quality of the
    control coordinates would exist
  • Errors would propagate significantly on a large
    job where the control is separated by significant
    amounts of photos

Bundle adjustmentcontrol requirements -
  • Pre airborne GPS/IMU
  • Mathematically bundle adjustment is weaker in
    vertical than horizontal because the triangles
    created by collinearity are longer and skinnier
    in the vertical dimension
  • Thus rule of thumb realistic to prevent
    significant error propagation horizontal
    control every 4-6 photos, vertical control every
    3-4 photos. More vertical control attempts to
    tighten up the weaker vertical geometry of
  • Realistically using GPS all control is 3-D so
    concept of a 2-D or a 1-D only control point goes

Bundle adjustmentcontrol requirements using
airborne GPS-IMU
  • Mathematically no ground control is required as
    the exposure unknowns have been determined
  • Realistically control should be placed in the 4
    corners of the job to provide a realistic check
    on the GPS-IMU solutions
  • Note GPS-IMU is not yet accurate enough to serve
    as control for precise engineering design
    photogrammetric projects

Bundle adjustmentcontrol requirements using
airborne GPS-IMU
  • Note one of the reasons for relative orientation
    and strip adjustment was to generate
    approximations for exposure station unknowns
  • If GPS-IMU is used, the exposure unknowns become
    measured. They can be used to solve for any
    ground coordinate approximations using
    collinearity, and thus the need for relative or.
    and strip adjustment prior to the bundle
    adjustment is eliminated.

Using error estimation in the bundle adjustment
to find blunder
  • Robustness is this procedure
  • (1) adjustment runs with user defined error
  • (2) new error estimate (old error estimate plus
    abs. value (residual)) /2
  • Old error estimate and residual are averaged to
    create new error estimate
  • Strong measurements are held tighter, weak
    measurements are held weaker, and the poorer
    measurements are filtered out as potential
    blunders. Larger error estimates allow larger
    residuals to exist on the weaker measurements.

Bundle adjustment
  • Residual rule of thumb (all adjustments)
  • If a residual is more than three times its
    corresponding error estimate you are 95
    confident something is suspect
  • Residuals will be larger than its corresponding
    error estimate approximately 33 of the time in
    other words at one standard deviation residuals
    will be less than their error estimates 67 of
    the time
  • So do not worry if a residual is larger than an
    error estimate start worry when it starts to
    get near three times the size of the error

Bundle adjustment
  • But be careful Example
  • Unusually large photo coordinate residuals exist
    on a ground control point
  • Re-measuring the photo coordinates on that point
    produced no different results
  • If the control points ground coordinates were
    held fixed, it is very possible that is the
    source of the problem. By fixing the control it
    cannot adjust residuals are zero- so the misfit
    is converted into the photo coordinates as those
    were assigned reasonable error estimates.

Absolute orientation
  • Before map compilation one additional
    mathematical step is required called absolute
  • It is a one stereo model coordinate conversion to
    ground thus a 3-D conformal transformation
  • All bundle adjustment points will have model
    coordinates from relative or. and ground coor.
    from the bundle adjustment
  • Thus at least six points from the bundle
    adjustment will exist in each stereomodel so
    absolute orientation is very redundant.

Absolute orientation
  • Absolute orientation validates how the model
    coordinates fit the final bundle adjusted ground
    coordinates with a 3-D conformal transformation
    without polynomials
  • Residuals are an indicator of how good mapped
    positions will be both horizontally and
  • More importantly it shows how mapped positions in
    successive stereomodel overlap regions, or in
    flight line overlap regions, fit each other.

Absolute orientation
  • Fit across models example
  • Vertical
  • Point 121 in model 1-2 has a vertical residual of
    -0.20 ft.
  • Point 121 in model 2-3 has a vertical residual of
    0.31 ft.
  • Rule of thumb is control should fit to better
    than ½ the desired contour interval

Absolute orientation
  • -0.20 and 0.31 residuals are less than ½ the
    contour interval BUT!!
  • The difference in residuals on the same point
    (note one is negative and one is positive)
    indicate a misfit across stereomodels of 0.51 ft.
    in the region around that point!
  • The ½ contour interval rule has been exceeded!

Absolute orientation
  • Horizontal equivalent of overlap model misfit
  • In model 1-2 point 121 has ground X and Y
    residuals of -0.23 and 0.27 ft.
  • In model 2-3 point 121 has ground X and Y
    residuals of -0.02 and -0.31 ft.
  • Horizontal misfit across stereomodels is the
    distance based on Pythagoreum Theorem
  • Sqrt (-0.02 (-0.23))2(-0.31-(0.27))2
  • 0.62 ft.
  • Thus the difference in position between models is
    significantly more than the individual residuals.

Absolute Orientation
  • If at least 2 X,Y,Z and 1 Z only control points
    exist in an stereomodel absolute orientation can
    be performed without prior aerotriangulation (the
    control in the model has to satisfy the 3-D
    conformal transformation)
  • This is called a full fielded stereomodel.

Stereoplotter Orientation without
  • (1) Inner Orientation measure fiducials to
    convert comparator coordinates to photo x,y coor.
  • (2) Relative Orientation measure at least 6
    common identifiable points across the entire
    stereomodel produces model x,y,z coordinates
  • (3) Absolute Orientation measure control points
    3-D conformal of model x,y,z to ground X,Y,Z
  • Control points can be measured as part of (2)
    combining (2) and (3) into what is called
    Exterior Orientation

What happens in map collection
  • A point on the right photo can only be measured
    along an epipolar line given a left photo x,y
    (the original parallax concept)
  • Comparator coordinates convert to photo
    coordinates. Left and right photo coordinates
    convert to model coordinates. Model coordinates
    convert to ground coordinates via the resolved

Vector (Map) compilation
  • Vector (points, lines, and text) is one form of
    map product derived from photogrammetry
  • A user digitizes vector information in stereo
    viewing at recognizing the feature code/attribute
    of an image
  • Points (manholes, trees, light poles, power
    poles, hydrants, etc.) are point feature codes
    represented by a user defined symbology at a user
    defined scale.
  • In computer aided drafting points normally are
    stored in a layer/level associated with the
    feature code name, and the symbol is a defined

Vector (Map) compilation
  • Lines (centerlines, pavement edges, curbs,
    sidewalks, power lines, etc.) are line feature
    codes that are associated with symbology of
    color, line width, line style, straight/curve,
  • Lines are segregated in computer-aided drafting
    by a feature code being assigned with a

Vector (Map) compilationTricks in software to
enhance mapping
  • (1) close a line obvious use is buildings
    after digitizing last point automatically close
    the building (back to the first point)
  • (2) make angles 90 degrees for certain features
    (buildings are a great example) if a corner is
    within a user defined angle of 90 degrees make it
    a 90 degree angle
  • (3) parallel line offset great on roadways for
    centerline, pavement edge, curbs, sidewalks,
    ditches, etc, that are parallel should include
    option for a vertical offset (such as on curbs)
  • This can include how certain features (sidewalks)
    intersect other features (driveways)

Vector (Map) compilationTricks in software to
enhance mapping
  • (4) Extend undershoots and trim overshoots This
    is also usually associated with how certain
    feature codes interact with other feature codes
  • Example a driveway should intersect the edge of
    a building but when digitizing the driveway will
    be short or past it. Automated software can fix
    these while collecting the data

Vector (Map) compilationTricks in software to
enhance mapping
  • (5) Connect end points near each other - snap
    (near defined by user defined distance input)
  • Example Two sidewalk edges were digitized but
    connect at a common point collected on two
    different lines If these two endpoints are
    within the user defined tolerance it should be
    snapped together
  • Many line joins occur when features continue
    across distinct stereomodels or flight lines

The other superimposition
  • The display of vector information superimposed on
    the raster stereomodel is the perfect way to see
    if all information has been digitized
  • Superimposition is also used in map updating a
    new flight is viewed with an old digital map
    superimposed on it. Changes due to construction,
    etc. can be seen and updates made to the existing
    digital map information
  • Prior to computerization the display of vector
    information overlaid on raster information was
    very impractical.

The traditional work flow
  • (1) large format calibrated aerial cameras with
    a specific mount in an airplane
  • Today this could be a digital camera.
  • Today a film based or digital camera could have
    GPS-IMU also in the ariplane to solve for
    exposure station position and orientation

The traditional work flow
  • (2) processing of photogrammetry in one-to-one
    production of images on film or glass
    diapositives specifically designed for
    minimization of distortion during production and
    due to temperature, pressure, and humidity
  • Today film imagery uses a high precision scanner
    to convert to a digital format
  • Image from a digital camera are already in a
    computer format (usually Mr. Sid, JPEG, TIFF,

The traditional work flow
  • (3) a realistic amount of ground control which is
    either targeted or photo identifiable
  • Control accuracy requirements are a function of
    flying height and desired product accuracy
  • Ground control requirements can be minimized in
    higher altitude lower accuracy jobs by airborne

The traditional work flow
  • (4) a measurement and ensuing least squares
    analysis process called aerotriangulation which
    validates the ground control and densifies it to
    a suitable point for use in stereoplotter
    orientation and map compilation,
  • Small jobs may be full fielded with control and
    aerotriangulation can be by-passed
  • GPS-IMU may eliminate the need for
    aerotriangulation in lower accuracy jobs

The traditional work flow
  • (5) stereoplotter orientation based on the
    densified ground control which resolves the
    relation of the photos to each other and the
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